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/lit/ - Literature

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15888659 No.15888659 [Reply] [Original]

>start reading pic rel
>first few pages are not so bad
>then everything is fucking sex
>keep on reading some pages
>another fucking sex scene
>muh dick scene
>another sex scene
Why the fuck do people read shit like this? I might as well watch a fucking porno or pay a prostitute than read a degenerate like bolaño telling me how "una vieja le ofrece unos guagüis"

>> No.15888716

Lmao have sex

>> No.15888733

have sex incel

>> No.15888738

Fuck you

>> No.15888756

have sex retard

>> No.15888797

Agreed. Bologna is for women and neckbeards. If I'm reading a book and there's a sex scene I usually drop it.

>> No.15888844

>t. hasn't read Gilgamesh or The Red and the Black

>> No.15889042

Sthendal is gay

>> No.15889126

I enjoyed part of of Los detives salvajes... It was like a /lit/ version of that movie Dazed and Confused. That's only part 1—the rest is different + focuses on Ulises & Arturo.

>> No.15889327


>> No.15889368


If you find the amount of sex in the book as a whole (~600 pages) excessive you are categorically either an ideologue prude or an incel

>> No.15889437

the firs part is a diary of a 17 year old, what do you expect?

>> No.15889449
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The amount of sex is ridiculous though

>> No.15889468
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Look! Look at the homo sperg out at the young poet's sexual awakening!

>> No.15889521
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>Para entonces estaba húmeda y gimiendo y la verga de Arturo enhiesta como un palo, así que me volví, me abrí de piernas y le dije que me la metiera, pero que sólo hiciera eso, que no se moviera hasta que yo se lo dijera. Fue rico sentirlo dentro de mí. Abofetéame, le dije. En la cara, en las mejillas. Méteme los dedos en la boca. Él me abofeteó. ¡Más fuerte!, le dije. Él me abofeteó más fuerte. Ahora, empieza a moverte, le dije. Durante unos segundos en la habitación sólo se escucharon mis gemidos y los golpes. Después él también se puso a gemir.
How is this shit any good

>> No.15889531
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>it's another incel triggered by sex in a book thread

>> No.15889568
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>> No.15889585

>sex bad
have sex

>> No.15889594

maybe you should ask yourself why does the writing of a completely normal human experience trigger such extreme reaction from you, going as far as "not being able to take the book seriously". get a grip on reality, lad

>> No.15889606
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>have sex
I will never have sex, my dick is too tiny and everytime I'm around a woman for more than 5 minutes I get incredibly tired until she asks what is wrong and I tell her I have to go to the fucking bathroom and then I leave

>> No.15889619
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Lad, I just want to read a good story, I don't mind a little bit of sex, I just don't like that every 20 PAGES there is a sex scene, I feel cheated and I wanted to seethe about that

>> No.15889641

Are you already on the second part? That's when it gets good.

>> No.15889642

There was sex in 2666 but not at the same density as OP is describing in Savage Detectives. What gives?

>> No.15889649


>> No.15889651

There is more in 2666. OP is a sick, sick kisslessli g.

>> No.15889676

Ok then, I will keep on reading about Mr. Bolaño Incredible sex adventures

>> No.15889706

There's a lot of sex in part two though, to the point where there's even a joke about him having slept with every woman in the world. It's just that none of it's directly described anymore. Anyway, I feel like OP is missing the humour in the book

>> No.15889722

>there's even a joke about him having slept with every woman in the world.
I don't remember this

>> No.15889730

It's when he's living with the female bodybuilder

>> No.15890918


>> No.15890943

Nice save, anon.

>> No.15890963

Thank u

>> No.15892148

Yea, it was pretty cringe that Bolaño made his alter ego to be a chad that every woman wants to fuck. It's very lame and pathetic.

>> No.15892956

not op but sex gets the same reaction from me. it makes my blood boil with rage. whenever I need some motivation to exercise I just remind myself that people have sex like it's nothing and I get angry enough to lift. if I see it in a book/movie or hear it in a song I immediately dislike it. how to fix that? having sex isn't really an option

>> No.15892977

It's merely a matter of personal preference. Don't let people calling you an 'incel' or 'prude' sway you from your opinions. If you're opinions on sex aren't merely revengeful/envious (not that either is inherently a bad thing) you shouldn't attempt to 'fix' them.

>> No.15893071

They are merely revengeful/envious though. I wish it was a religious thing but I'm just a loser.

>> No.15893138

if you can't have sex you can't enjoy literature, simple as

>> No.15893155

what is "fucking sex"?

>> No.15893159

Read a different book then, special boi.

>> No.15893168

How do the sex scenes impact the overall quality for you?

>> No.15893399

Leftist twats like reading it because they imagine they're living that kind of life, having sex (being trannies and getting pozzed by their grindr daddies), doing drugs and being generally worthless while writing stupid poetry and acting like pretentious losers.

I though the book sucked and I will never again read anything by that hack known as Bolano. What a fucking waste of my time and money.

>> No.15893422

so this is the intellectual prowess of the right

>> No.15893561

Don't you have a dick to suck while taking artsy-fartsy photos of it in black and white?

>> No.15893767

OP, I can see what you mean, but you should've probably presented your problem with the book in a more intelligent and thoughtful manner. If you had done so, you might have gotten some serious replies. As it stands, you've given people little material to work with and invited troll responses from retards like >>15888716 >>15888733. Maybe you should try making this thread again and writing out your thoughts more thoroughly.

>> No.15893772

it’s wild how there are so many people who hate literature on a literature board

>> No.15893802

>not liking one particular book means you hate literature
So this is the power of the left... Powerful!

>> No.15893963

Not really, some girl describes him as he not even being able to get his dick up and there are some homoerotic undertones implied with Lima

>> No.15894184


At first I thought it was stupid wish fulfillment, but the more ridiculous it got further the better fun it was. Then he goes off fighting duels and rescuing small children and exploring Africa and it's obvious that the dude's just joking around with the whole alter-ego thing.

We had another thread on this where an anon mentioned how in real life Bolano missed the whole overthrow of the government in Chile and regretted it forever. The Belano character is like him without the failure.

>> No.15894203

Why would your dislike of the lifestyle of the characters make you dislike the book? Why not read it as an anatomy of failure. Especially given that a major theme is the total failure of their poetic movement and their descent into misery.

>> No.15894299

Because it was boring, repetitive and pretentious, not to mention and writing itself wasn't anything special.

>> No.15894698
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That's what you get for reading boliche

>> No.15894734

>no fun allowed
posting "have sex" is funny to me because I'm a friendless KHHV myself

>> No.15894763

That's literally South. American literature bro. They live in shitholes with no future prospects to fix their terrible and meaningless life so they just fuck and party all day and that is mirrored in their books.
I remember I read 100 years of solitude once and made a thread on /lit/ on how shit it was because all it was was sex and incest

>> No.15894774

The girl I liked told me 100 años de soledad was good
Now I know why she told me that, degenerate bitch ;_; she probably fantasizes about getting fucked in every hole

>> No.15894805

Hot, send me her number

>> No.15894838

Never, i'm gonna plow her first

>> No.15894860

I loved 100 years of solitude, but I agree that the sex parts were just meh.

>> No.15895284

A tastefully done sex scene is fine, and almost every book references sex in some way. It's a very common part of human life, and it would be strange to outright avoid it. But pornographic sex scenes are usually pointless, cringy, and poorly written. Passages that go into too much detail are hard to read.

I have cum to erotica but it reads like shit and it's hard for me to get off to poorly written dreck. Any anons know of some well written erotica? I can't get off if the author abuses adjectives.

>> No.15895732

shit opinion. 100 years is great.

>> No.15895928


>> No.15895964


>> No.15896025

Man, Bolaño triggers this board so hard what gives. Second only to butterfree

>> No.15896058

Not really. It's only a based minority that shits on bolANO. Most pseuds suck his dick here.

>> No.15896176


>> No.15896225

Yes, probably because only a bunch of retards like to discuss about his cheap ass literature in the first place

>> No.15896278

suck a dick little faggot

>> No.15896291

Ok show me your dick, lil niglet, maybe after reading 300 pages of bolaño shit I can finally know how to properly suck a dick, that's all I can get out of his shitty novel

>> No.15896299

>Noooo it has secks
>It's cheap
>It's for pseuds!!
>Don't like him!!!
Perhaps this is what passes for "solid criticism" among you teenage thirdworlders, but stop being so contrarian and get the fuck out to hispachan or wherever.

>> No.15896325
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Shut the fuck up you dirty sex haver
I'm not a contrarian, but bolaño novel would be fucking better without him fucking like a rabbit every 20 PAGES

>> No.15896363

>he comes to /lit/ for literary criticism
lmao @ your life

>> No.15896727

I'm pretty sure not liking The Savages Detectives is an indication that you're unable to appreciate literature. It's equivalent to liking Harry Potter or your run-of-the-mill YA fiction.

>> No.15896754
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>if u don't like muh sex realism novel you're stupid
Fuck you nigger

>> No.15896804

He didn't miss it though, he was in Chile at the moment. The thing is, he wanted to fight, but Allende said, basically, "please don't fight", saving Bolaño's life and the lives of so many other young Chileans. At the moment Bolaño was angry, but later, much older, he realized Allende's greatness.

>> No.15896871

why are anagrama editions so fucking expensive

>> No.15896873

not in print anymore

>> No.15896906

Facts don't care about your feelings. TSD is good literature. If you don't like it, it's because there's something you're missing. Simple as.

>> No.15896992
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>good literature
Says who?
I'm not shitting on all of the book, I never said I fucking hate the way bolaño writes, I just hate the fucking plot
>inb4 reads for the plot
>If you find bolaño's novel a good work of literature then you don't know jackshit about literature

>> No.15896997

I don't know how people other than Mexicans can like this book. There's lots of Mexican culture references in the book. Same goes for 2666. Not complaining just found it interesting.