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15886484 No.15886484 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a Hesse thread.

I've recently read Narcissus and Goldmund, Gertrud, and Siddharta. Each one of them moved me deeply and even made me tear up by the end.

What other works by him should I read? Are there any other authors like him?

>> No.15886510


>> No.15886511
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This book dragged me out of depression and filled me with desire to live.

>> No.15886914

steppenwolf was pretty good, the ending felt a bit unfinished and unsatisfying but it was still enjoyable.

>> No.15886930


>> No.15886979

Demian is one of my favorite books ever (I'm really interested in Gnosticism) and Siddhartha was great, too. But I have to say, I really didn't care for Steppenwolf at all. The prose and story was extremely dry compared to his other books, and it doesn't really bring any themes that aren't better represented by Mann or Camus.

Anyone agree?? Or did I get filtered?

>> No.15886999

You got filtered.

Steppenwolf is one of my favorite novels of all time.

Siddhartha was useless. My friend is studying to be a Buddhist monk and tells me it’s a gross misinterpretation of the tenets it’s trying to describe. I saw it in so many dorm rooms during college, never understood the appeal.

>> No.15887017

I agree, I'm reading Narcissus and Goldmund now and the difference is like Herzog vs Henderson. The themes are the same but Goldmund is written much more clearly, like an actual story instead of a depressing self insert tale.

>> No.15887058

So, in a few sentences, what makes Steppenwolf a great novel?

>> No.15887060

Read Jung. Steppenwolf is about man’s alienation from the modern world as it existed when Hesse was writing. Camus rejects the idea that there is any cosmic meaning in human existence or suffering, whereas Hesse believes that there is.

IMO Camus is hugely overrated.

>> No.15887151

You need to be in or at least experience a dark place to truly appreciate Steppenwolf. It is about loneliness, alienation and being able to have a fresh look at things around. What I truly appreciated is that it was very gradual and pragmatic dragging out of muddy waters into a better frame of mind.

>> No.15887212

Kind of responded in >>15887060, but it’s one of the great modernist novels. It explores the alienation experienced by many living in the post-WWI order, and the quixotic search for cosmic meaning in a radically transformed industrial civilization. The book develops these themes, and they are eventually manifested in a Jungian dream sequence that culminates in Steppenwolf’s self-actualization, where Hesse reconciles the antagonisms between Steppenwolf and himself and the post-WWI social order. It foreshadows absurdism and the later writing of Camus. But it addresses these ideas more artfully, and more fully explores their relationship to the human psyche in industrial society.

Siddhartha is just Hesse’s lame take on le epic oriental ideas he doesn’t fully understand. It’s dull, ponderous, vapid, and doesn’t come close to Steppenwolf imo.

>> No.15887276

This sounds interesting, you sold me on Steppenwolf.

t. different anon

>> No.15887329

definitely recommend, it’s probably my favorite :)

it’s a great novel, but it also really does hold up so well at a time when we’re experiencing a similar spiritual crisis.

>> No.15887455

Hesse wasn't exactly known for great endings. I think the short stories at the end of The Glass Bead Game were his way of saying sorry ...

>> No.15887463

>Read Jung
Worth repeating. You can't understand Steppenwolf without it. It's a story of the individuation process.

>> No.15887492

Who here >Klingsors letzter Sommer<?
Anyway, you'd probably like Unterm Rad (Under the Wheel) just as well.

I'm personally quite impressed by how untaintable his soul was - very few men came out of WW1 and WW2 with as much faith and compassion towards mankind as he did. He's kind of a holy fool in that regard.

>> No.15887657

Siddhartha is overrated. I don't know why /lit/ likes it so much.

>> No.15887686

Based. I read Steppenwolf before I was familiar with Jung. Still loved it, but reading Jung gave me a much deeper appreciation for it.

>> No.15887703

Well, you could read Jung or eat mushrooms to warm yourself up for Steppenwolff.

>> No.15888015

Just like life I guess

>> No.15888042

What's the best place to start with Jung? The red book?

>> No.15888107

Probably Man and His Symbols. Then Psychology of the Unconscious or Modern Man in Search of a Soul.

He has written a LOT, some of it batshit.

>> No.15888434

I really like demian and the short story the prodigy.
Hesse is probably one of my favorite authors, but his endings (like in siddhartha and demian) always throw me off a bit.

>> No.15888437

Siddhartha isn't about Buddhism. The main character just has the same name. He explicitly rejects Buddhism in the story as being for plebs. The philosophy is Hindu.

>> No.15888443

whatever bro i still thought it was boring and pseud-tier

>> No.15888449

what is some recommended jung reading that informs steppenwolf?

>> No.15888498

Heck no. Save that till last.
A good intro would be The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, which introduce his most fundamental ideas.

>> No.15889227

Same here.

>> No.15889258

The worst part is that Steppenwolf is one of his better endings.

>> No.15889473

Well you are wrong

>> No.15889579
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>whatever bro i still thought it was boring and pseud-tier

>> No.15889590

glass bead game seemed to me to be everything he had to say summed up in one big wonderful book

>> No.15889638

siddartha was really cringe anon