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15885098 No.15885098 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not sure I get this picture, but I think it is important to be measured in critiques of psychiatry. Of course, there are a lot of things that are problematic, and medication isn't all there is to it, but an absolute anti-psychiatry, the anti-medication view can potentially result in otherwise avoidable self-harm in some cases (I won't use the word I mean). I think we need to encourage everyone (including ourselves) to seek out support from various sources (medical, social, environmental, even spiritual) and use all of these, at least until a point where we are stable enough to proceed cautiously with trial-and-error if we want to explore further.

>> No.15885172
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>> No.15885180

That (((face)))

>> No.15885183

stupid pederast, medication is what makes you vegetable. all neo fascist governments want is that neo jews and neo slavs take meds and die silently. otherwise they will go outside and you will have to teach them mantra like "black lives matter". children are born normal, alive, crazy, you make them stupid vegetables by socializing, moralising, normalizing into NPC. all modern psychiatry is a hoax. truth will make all those neo nazi doctors jobless. but on the other side children of stupid natalists must take meds and die, useless.

>> No.15885211

Ya, what this Romanian said

>> No.15885216
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>no real friends
>no father figure
>shit diet
>extremely sedentary lifestyle
>below average results at school
>insecure about body
>never go outside
>hundreds of other small, bad habits that add up to make a man depressed and sad
>get put on anti depressants without even being inquired by the psychiatrist about my lifestyle
must have been on Lovan for almost 2 years before i just decided to drop it and i went from sad to neutral pretty quickly

>> No.15885229

Remold your brain to not care.
Change your normal. Traumatic childhood does this, but killing your ego can also do this. And no you don't need drugs for it.

>> No.15885246

Take an eighth of shrooms in the woods while a sober friend sticks by to keep you from running off a cliff, and have your soul get it’s ass kicked into eternity. You’ll come out going “oh, I’m a faggot and my problems are so unimportant they may as well not exist.” BAM, you’re now free to start finding out what you truly value and what will actually make you despair, with good reason

>> No.15885265

Great advice KING

>> No.15885384

No problem, just remember that it’s going to be hell. But what good things don’t crawl out from hell?

>> No.15885400

>do drugs bro
Great advice!

>> No.15885435

Universally recommending psychedelic drugs as a miracle cure for any mental health issues is very irresponsible. In a lot of cases, particularly when the subject has a family history of and a predisposition for psychosis/schizophrenia, psychedelics can make the situation significantly worse instead of remedying it.

>> No.15885449

>Sort yourself out or take meds.

There, I saved you years of wasted time and expenses.

>> No.15885451

I agree, it’s not for everyone. And that’s def a fair warning.

Be that as it may, I’m not a schizo, so it doesn’t apply to me

>> No.15885467

Not even exclusively with a predisposition.
Brain plasticity is a misguided meme, it has its uses to break out of behavioral patterns sure, but what they do not understand is that "brain plasticity" is really "brain disintegration". The "rewiring of existing" paths is not just a positive. Give anyone psychedelics, amphetamines or weed for years and sooner or later they will trouble with perceptions. They will invent a cause to a problem they missattributed or invented and clinged to as being truth, their belief in something starts to dictate and influence their perceptions more and more, they devolve into circular reasoning, rationalizing sentiment, twisting their thoughts around their feelings.

You will see when you are 30-40.
For that matter, how many do you know who persist in these habits in behaviors in those age brackets that are doing well?

>> No.15885471
File: 614 KB, 1404x1125, psychotherapy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental illness is a complex problem and pharmacology is just one approach, based on trying to reduce everything to neurochemistry. I haven't seen any empirical evidence that supports this view beyond just some statistics, that a certain amount of people get "better" but I don't think you can rule out placebo or other factors. Actually, the entire field of psychotherapy, no matter which modality your therapist practices, statistically has about the same modest effect size (see Dodo bird verdict) which pretty much means that none of these approaches do anything beyond some common factors shit like the therapeutic relationship. It's all placebo at best.

I'm not personally anti-psychiatry, but I'm pretty anti-pharma, since at least these other approaches are likely do little damage while messing with brain chemistry is bound to fuck you up eventually.

There really isn't any solution out there for people dealing with anxiety and depression. You either get better randomly or it just gets worse and worse while you cope with "meditation" or buying more stuff or hoping to get to some arbitrary goal post that will make everything better.

>> No.15885481

Enjoy your cognitive abilities getting shat on until you have trouble forming sentences, stumbling over words, having trouble keeping your train of thought in order and memory problems.

>> No.15885497

>neo slavs
Imagine being so disenfranchised that your conspiracy put fucking SLAVS into evil "other" position

>> No.15885516


I would be cautious to label mental health disorder as chemical imbalances. Though chemical imbalance can play a part. Trauma in of itself is not something to take lightly either, even without a professional practitioner, the individual suffering from trauma requires right support group.

People also deal with trauma differently, this ultimately depends on the severity of trauma and age at which it was received among other factors. In severe cases, I don't think merely having a support group is enough, even if people don't have major 'chemical imbalances' in their brain, their psyche is still fractured.

In such cases, combination of right psychotherapist and right psychiatrist is actually useful and needed.

I think, forming radicalized views against helping profession, specially those professions about which many a masses are misinformed about, should generally be avoided. As such practices doesn't help the people who are suffering.

>> No.15885519

>all modern psychiatry is a hoax
No. It’s merely always presented as an objective medicine when its function often differs from medicine’s historical conceptualisation. If, say, a person’s brain cannot produce serotonin because of some structural aberration (an arbitrarily chosen example), and a psychiatrist prescribes a drug which restores normal serotonin levels, the psychiatrist has acted as have doctors traditionally: namely, to alleviate the undesirable effects of harmful physiological abnormalities. If, however, the same psychiatrist prescribes amphetamines to a child, with a view to pacifying him, so the child will be able to sit still through hours of unengaging public schooling, or perhaps antidepressants to a wage-slave to make his daily toil bearable, or merely to prevent him from killing himself , then he has broken quite substantially with the traditional conceptualisation of medicine, as the appearance of disease or disorder in each of these examples is only apparent in the context of an unnatural world, and psychiatry does not so much ‘cure’ as adapt individuals to it. Most modern instances do fall closer to the second, anti-medicinal characterization, but it’s stupid to dogmatically shout that “all psychiatry is jewish Nazi witchcraft” when you can actually offer a reasoned teleological critique of psychiatric practice.

>> No.15885521

medication and psychotherapy on their own are about the same effectiveness. medication + therapy together is the most effective treatment.

>> No.15885527

>if you change the way you look at It everything will get better

>> No.15885528

It's effective in the same way that the birthpill control can be effective by dropping the libido to zero.

In other words, not a satisfactory solution.
It basically boils down to this, the patient will either re-emit himself or not.

>> No.15885536

>pedophile wojak as template

>> No.15885566

Books and literature.

>> No.15885671


Join this discord server, we are talking about the field of psychiatry. /Lit/'s very own psychiatry discord server. Join in.

>> No.15885751


I think it is an important distinction to make that severe psychological disorders are not always dependent upon severe chemical imbalances.

From my experience, different psychotherapy techniques are applied to different types of client. So, e.g., a client with depression may respond positively to Rogerian therapy while others may react positively to ACT. I haven't read the researches concerning the Dodo bird verdict, so I don't know the extent of detail and rigour applied in conducting such researches. The various factor may include a client's deposition towards a certain type of therapy, including belief system, personality, medical history, past experiences etc.
So even though they may produce an equivalent outcome, on the whole, I do not know if the subjective nature of clients reacting to different therapies was taken into account.

Each therapy technique also has an obvious idea of what the end goal from the therapy would look like. In most cases, it is not arbitrary, but it is based on the client's own capability to cope with the world and understand themselves.

I also think that when talking about psychology, we have to take into consideration the stigma surrounded psychological disorder in the world as a whole. Especially in third world villages where psychiatric institute, however misguided they may be, are the only line of defence between a person getting mob lynched, made an outcast, married (in order to make the person more 'worldly'), thrown to jail, dishonoured from family (which in Asian countries is an excellent source of shame) or any n number of creative cruelties that people could devise.

I do agree that misguided prescription of drugs is a problem faced by psychiatry. For it, psychiatry and even psychology, should be criticized but not disavowed.

>> No.15885767

OP pic is a fair and reasonable rebuke of modern approaches to "mental health" "treatment" in the West. Shit's 90% meme and 40% population control.

>> No.15885784

Imagine going through life and actually believing this like this

>> No.15885824

Here's a list of research on the Dodo bird verdict. It seems pretty compelling.

See above. Medication + therapy was also shown to have the same efficacy.

>> No.15885831


Forgot link.

>> No.15885838

Psychiatry needs a holistic approach and sometimes be combined with psychotherapy, but there are real, factual problems that have an organic caude that can only be treated with drugs.
Depression can be caused by distressing situations in life, or by an imbalance in serotonin that can only be treated with ssris.

All people are describing in this thread are bad psychiatrists, not debunking an entire field of modern medicine. Don't fall for this meme.

>> No.15886323

>by an imbalance in serotonin that can only be treated with ssris.
See the link above you that includes research showing that SSRI’s achieve the same results as placebos