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15882443 No.15882443[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Culture of Critique alone definitely proves the jewish people are working together in a conspiracy to destroy western civilization and all European peoples.
There is overwhelming evidence everywhere.

How can you possibly deny this truth?
Are you really just a braindead retard drone with all your human instincts totally demoralized?
All you do is ignore the evidence and ignore your opponents' arguments and then narrate over all the proceedings to delude yourself of victory.
Why shouldn't you be slaughtered like the beast you are?

>> No.15882450

>11/15 senior treasury department positions filled with jews
>unprecedented corruption in the financial system with the federal reserve overstepping its legal boundaries like never before, entirely enabled by the treasury department
>like directly monetizing treasury bonds wasn't insane enough (just printing cash)
>they directly monetize securities (just printing cash directly into the corporate coffers)

>retard jewish conspiracy denialists can't acknowledge this, and myriad other financial crimes, have only ever happened under jewish control of institutions
it's not just the jews that are the problem
modern industry has created a vast underclass of soulless retarded subhumans that have to be destroyed
if it wasn't the jews using them against us, it would be some one else

Chapter 1: Jews and the Radical Critique of Gentile Culture: Introduction and Theory

p. 8: Jews are always negative about gentile cultures.

p. 13: The goal of socialism was not social leveling, but the destruction of the gentile power structure.

>gentile power structure

Fink was born on November 2, 1952.[8][9] He grew up in a Jewish family[10]
>give free money to certain corporations arbitrarily (always ones key to jewish business)
>it's a free market goy, pull yourself up by the bootstraps, everything is fair, no such thing as conspiracy theories

>> No.15882460

Chapter 1: Jews and the Radical Critique of Gentile Culture: Introduction and Theory

p. 8: Jews are always negative about gentile cultures.

p. 13: The goal of socialism was not social leveling, but the destruction of the gentile power structure.

Chapter 2: The Boasian School of Anthropology and the Decline of Darwinism in the Social Sciences

pp. 20-23: The great assault on the Darwinian evolutionary approach to human societies means that now all cultures are regarded as equal. The concept of race is now said to be meaningless. We are no longer allowed to speak of three stages: savagery, barbarism, and civilization.

p. 25: Franz Boas dominated US anthropology for 40 years. He had many influential students, all of whom were Jews except Alfred Kroeber, Ruth Benedict, and Margaret Mead.

pp. 29-30: Boas and others claimed Americans were too sexually repressed and should study romantic primitivism, as shown in Mead’s Coming of Age in Samoa. H. Turner-High, J. Keegan, and L. H. Keeley, on the other hand, claimed that earlier times were not quite so idyllic, and that warfare was very common in primitive societies.

Beyond Boas: Recent Examples of Jewish Political Agendas Influencing Social Science Research

pp. 30-38: Stephen Jay Gould (Jewish) is a famous “propagandist and ethnic activist” who insists that human intelligence is environmental, not genetic.

Chapter 3: Jews and the Left

p. 50: Judaism and Marxism are quite incompatible, mainly because Marxism is a universalist ideology, although many people have claimed loyalty to both.

Communism and Jewish Identification in Poland

p. 66: “When the anti-Zionist-anti-Semitic movement in the Soviet Union filtered down to Poland . . . there was another crisis of identity resulting from the belief that anti-Semitism and communism were incompatible.”

p. 67: “There was massive self-deception and rationalization” by Jewish Poles who supported communism.

Radicalism and Jewish Identification in the United States and England

pp. 74-76: Jewish-Communist espionage in the US included giving atomic-bomb secrets to the USSR.

p. 76: Wealthy young Jews were the founders of the student protest movement.

>> No.15882473
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>> No.15882488
File: 2.64 MB, 2250x2301, jews0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15882496

The "refutations" of the left consist of avoiding the evidence and arbitrarily taking up a default hypothesis with no reasoning, all while loudly announcing a list of arbitrary unjustified burdens placed on the "antisemites".

After presenting how overrepresented jews are in positions of power in a civilization they are not native to, the burden of proof shifts heavily against the "it's all just a coincidence" position.
They have to explain why the native population would give up its businesses willingly and how that would be in their interest or be guilty of the above.

>> No.15882545
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>> No.15882588
File: 255 KB, 622x1970, kiketards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15882680
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