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15881682 No.15881682[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

clean your room

>> No.15881688

Find benzos like nickels in a couch.

>> No.15881695

You have no idea how unclean my whole apartment is. I have garbage piles stacked in both my bedroom and the kitchen taking up at least a fourth up to a third of the space and I have not cleaned the floor in months. Even my shower is leaking but I know I can't let anyone see this mess so I've just been living with it.

>> No.15881698

Shut up, jewish old fart.

>> No.15881748

take your hillbilly heroin

>> No.15881796

please post pics

>> No.15881815

I wanna be at your house

>> No.15882284

Can we have pictures, Anon?

>> No.15882310
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Got my hair cut, cooked dinner, cleaned my room. Now onto dabs until I'm on Uranus.

>> No.15882436

No, my description of it is truthful enough and the shame is already too great. I have to clean out this mess.

>> No.15882454

Are you cooking with hoarders?

>> No.15882468
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I installed a bidet, my butt is so clean.

>> No.15882530

yeah but we don't know who you are, your face won't be assigned to it, show us your art

>> No.15882568
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Everyone post rooms

>> No.15882586

You're on an anonymous Mandarin underwater basket weaving forum, Anon. No one knows who you are.

>> No.15882607
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>> No.15882616
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stop taking benzos

>> No.15882658
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I clean rigorously but we still have a fucking cockroach infestation.

>> No.15882890

Ironically Zizek's room is far cleaner than Peterson's.

>> No.15882920

My room is already clean, thank you very much.

>> No.15883028

how about you reread jung and actually properly understand him instead of giving him a bad name

>> No.15883043

That's because Zizek is habituated to the regimented lifestyle assigned to him by Slovenia's erstwhile communist regime. I'm quite sure he still lives in the apartment assigned to him.

>> No.15883060

Post pic

>> No.15883084

He was also in the Yugoslav Army, though I wish I could find pictures of that

>> No.15883091


>> No.15883111

based bidetchad

>> No.15883118

how does he misunderstand jung

>> No.15883143

He fails to consider how archetypes can be influenced in their manifestation and how we as a society understand them by culture. He’s so rigid in his opinion that they have to manifest in traditional gender roles and that without them there is imbalance in life. He doesn’t allow for any wiggle room, nor does he not think about how we’ve outgrown the traditional manifestations of these archetypes as we are no longer a hunter and gatherer society, therefore there is room for how they manifest and become interpreted in today’s society. He’s too much of a traditionalist.

>> No.15883235
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"Box of tissues"

>> No.15883252

I cry alot

>> No.15883260

ay, I agree. Human behavior is a lot more malleable than what he proposes.

>> No.15883267
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Reading King Lear bros. Don't mind me

>> No.15883275

looks comfy enough (comfier than mine...)

>> No.15883305

Do you have an example of what you are talking about the Peterson has neglected?

>> No.15883332
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If you can't describe in words how you have personally outgrown the spirit of your father and your culture then you shouldn't really be running your mouth.

>> No.15883425
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>> No.15883561
File: 24 KB, 661x492, 128F6D91-9C10-498C-B44D-5D647EA57B98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we’ve moved beyond a just-in-time system of sustainability

>> No.15883631

>He fails to consider how archetypes can be influenced in their manifestation and how we as a society understand them by culture

He doesn't.

>> No.15883705
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What am I gonna do, coom on my sheets?
Thanks q

>> No.15884325

Take the old sock pill

>> No.15884417

Remove any moisture and food from the area. Use sticky traps like Roach Motel and poison with Harris Famous Roach Tablets. Good luck.

>> No.15884431

if it is yours, and if you are your own.

>> No.15884453

In manufacturing, we call the "Just in Time" model the "Almost in Time" model. When managers kick and scream about materials not arriving on time I just repeatedly tell them that if we had ordered the materials ahead of time (like we used to do) that everything would have worked - but they refuse to listen.

>> No.15884648

You have the roaches you deserve anon