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File: 338 KB, 1500x2000, the jews did this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15881399 No.15881399 [Reply] [Original]

This is the dumpster behind a Minnesota school where they were ordered to get rid of nonfiction books that include US history, Founding Fathers, the fight against Communism and more! Hitler is this you...?

>> No.15881406


>> No.15881414

There's a book about Libya in there, that's not any of your things

>> No.15881425

Do you have any proof? Because Libya and Inuit aren't US history, founding fathers or fight against communism.

>> No.15881487

nice quality pic poltard

>> No.15881545
File: 79 KB, 720x731, Ecvp8GBWAAA3nyP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all world history is american history because america is the most culturally and racial diverse nation in all of recorded human history

>> No.15881609

OP is false but i am still angry

>> No.15881630

It doesn't matter whether that pic is real of not, the fact is that you can easily imagine this happening in the current political situation, and that is the problem.

>> No.15881632

America is a joke

>> No.15881654

It might be to get over it and have Biden win. I'd bet all of this lunacy will magically disappear overnight, as if it was being pushed by someone.

>> No.15881669

conservatives have no fucking media literacy it's ridiculous

>> No.15881708

>The beatings stop when we get our way

Yea for sure, just give in to the literal terrorists.

>> No.15881721

you mean, israel

>> No.15881722

You think it will end when they get what they want? They'll invent something new to be upset about, all with the aim of obtaining more power.

>> No.15881730

Must suck being a reactionary. Im almost getting tired of winning

>> No.15881740

Genuinely want Trump to win at this point.

>> No.15881759
File: 92 KB, 800x600, horseler_youth_burning_books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they're being recycled instead of burned. The nazis would've burned them.

>> No.15881761

This. Trump is the accelerationist candidate that stirs up the left and gets them to act

>> No.15881857

Take them all out of the dumpster and put them back on the shelves. Then, take off all the communist, intersectional, feminist, black history, and LGBT literature off the shelves and throw them in the dumpster.

>> No.15881874

Burning is recycling.

>> No.15881883

Didn’t this all start under Obama? It’s just moved faster under Trump.

>> No.15881910

Libraries throw out books all the time because they need room for new books. Nothing political about it. If you wanted us to keep them you should have borrowed them when you had the chance. As long as one person borrowed it in the past year we would have kept them.

t. work at a library

>> No.15881916

It started in the 60s and has been progressing inexorably since

>> No.15881977

You sound like a fucking leftist roach. They pull out the exact same rhetoric when a hoax is exposed as a hoax. It's almost like you're all the same kike/Russian shills, reading from the same god damn script.

>> No.15882347
File: 111 KB, 1433x499, Ecf119RXQAEnOa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posts an easily verifiably false image
>"B-bro I know it was fake but posted it to prove a point!"

Fuck off retard, these are books they probably put out for free and couldn't offload

>> No.15882371



>> No.15882487
File: 864 KB, 883x500, jNujTGQ2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15882567 [DELETED] 

Hitler only ordered degenerate jewish books to be burned, such as those normalizing gender swapping and pedophilia

>> No.15882636

Interesting point!

Still voting Trump.

>> No.15882684
File: 2.55 MB, 2475x1489, book burning on campus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15882700 [DELETED] 


>> No.15882719


>> No.15882725

The wrong side won WW2.

>> No.15882768
File: 69 KB, 370x960, FOR FAG MARRIAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

da fuc u tawkin bowt nigga? dis da gratest wurl on erf

>> No.15883608
File: 1.17 MB, 1032x1000, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are probably just library books that are unreadable because some idiots tore pages out or put spaghetti in them or scrawled over them or something
on the right there is a book with a picture of prince charles and his dead harlot ex wife diana. it's a famous picture by lord snowdon, the original is in the national portrait gallery. the book is probably from the 1980s

>> No.15883619
File: 405 KB, 1536x2048, rupi1591160610184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, i resurrected a zombie thread. oh well, here's a picture of rupi showing her feet

>> No.15883630

No shit

>> No.15883998

Yes Hitler is definitely tossing out books that fight communism

>> No.15884007

fuck off poltard. we are finally moving out of the stone ages and you retards just want to bitch. i wish you would all be banned so normal people can talk about literature.

>> No.15884102

The NSDAP was engineered by powerful Jews to create a cultural demon to manifest over the next century. Deaths of many poor jews allowed the generation of sympathy for rich ones with substantial power despite deserving none. The axis loss was assured by the election of FDR in the USA, the success of Stalin over Trotsky, and the leadership of the third reich by a group of mentally ill drug addicts. Thus the nazis formed a memetic monster to attribute all enemies of the (((agenda))) to

>> No.15884116


Salt Mine 2020: Hindsight edition.

>> No.15884117

>it’s not equivocal because the books aren’t literally the same books
This is a shit thread and OP is a baiting retard but arguing semantics doesn’t change that destroying knowledge because you don’t like it is wrong no matter what that knowledge is

>> No.15884341

This is the least of their problems.
This is a state that locked up a vietnam vet because he "lured" 2 dope addicts into breaking into his house and then shot them. If that's not victim blaming at it's finest, i dont know what is. It's as if he is at fault for moving his car out the driveway for a day and instantly having his home burglarized. Prior to him shooting them, the junkies broke into his house numerous times, stole even his war medals and the old geezer is at fault because he took matters into his hands when the police didn't do shit.
Probably the most terrifiying place to live in the US. Libtard country.

>> No.15884870

It's a particularly warm summer in Russia, it must be very sad to be forced to stay inside, shitposting for work

>> No.15884881

A lot of non-fiction books get dated really quickly too. I remember seeing a book blog years ago that featured culled library books, and most were badly dated non-fiction.