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/lit/ - Literature

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15880978 No.15880978[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>you will never hold butterfly's hand
what books do you read to cope with this bros? sometimes i just burst out crying thinking about it. earlier today i was in a store and had to leave because i started tearing up. it consumes me daily.

>> No.15880985

I wonder what she thinks about threads like this. Weirded out? Flattered?

>> No.15880999

cant be that bad, she does get to be remembered by cherry picked photos from like 10 years ago. also this is the "punishment" for namefaggery

>> No.15881123

Does anyone have her feet pics still

>> No.15881137
File: 16 KB, 500x375, « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » !mxvabIoSIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off tranny faggot, everyone knows you make threads about yourself

>> No.15881524

She reminds me a lot of Bjork. Very cute.

>> No.15881536

Really unattractive

I'd much rather have sex with my hand

>> No.15881544

Jesus Christ,

She’s(male) is not even the good type of tranny. No thank you haha.

>> No.15881789

I want to lick the pit behind her knees

>> No.15882979

Why do you think they go out of their way to have an identity on what is supposed to be an anonymous forum, you don't think this is exactly the type of shit they want? Guarantee they get a little kick of dopamine from the recognition every time some degenerate makes a post about them, really quite sad.

>> No.15883037 [DELETED] 
File: 518 KB, 750x1198, 1594154164961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lick this

>> No.15883072

>Oh I know! I'll just accuse the terf of being a tranny herself. That'll work!
Fuck off, tranny.

>> No.15883189

Isn't she lesbian?
I'd be her friend and fuck her.
I can see her on my cock right now

>> No.15883199
File: 187 KB, 954x876, stimulatingdiscourse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15883216

I was in that thread kek
still torn on whether that was our butterfly or not

>> No.15883243

It was.

>> No.15883257

How many pants does he ruin a week?

>> No.15883265

It's not her trip, idiots.

>> No.15883266

Wouldn't be surprised if Buttershit has anal incontinence from all the dildos he's been taking

>> No.15883277


>> No.15883309

hard to tell...
either a masculine female or a feminine male...
either way, still a butterfly :)

>> No.15883324

He used to be in /lgbt/ group calls on skype. Was always quite quiet. Always had a big stack of books behind him (at this point it was him, it was a couple of years ago). Didn't speak much.

>> No.15883358

What's the story of butterfly? Has anyone been here long enough to know? Also is butterfly actually a tranny?

>> No.15883368

Read >>15883324
I knew him pre-tranny. He still used butterfly as his name.

>> No.15883387
File: 160 KB, 1500x1383, Vol. 1974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big book of reddit

>> No.15883396

Are you trans or terf?

>> No.15883399

I could have sworn you had a copy of Thus spoke Zarathustra with a white cover/sleeve.

>> No.15883431

What exactly is butterfly's whole thing? Why is butterfly so talked about on this board? I understand the tranny part, but butts doesn't seem anymore retarded than other lit posters.

What's the big deal with this nigga?

Also I asked butts if he was a tranny and he said no. What's up with that?

>> No.15883446

Canonically, I believe transsexuals are mentally ill and they will be shot on sight in my anarchist commune

>> No.15883469

^ Discord tranny raid. Imagine the self-loathing.

>> No.15883557

do you proof? he in any archives...

>> No.15883596

>What exactly is butterfly's whole thing? Why is butterfly so talked about on this board? I understand the tranny part, but butts doesn't seem anymore retarded than other lit posters.
I couldn't tell you about that obsession. I haven't used /lit/ for long, but I recognised them. I wanna say they used the name monochrome at some point, but I could be wrong. We're talking 5 years ago.

>What's the big deal with this nigga?
When it went as a he, he was still very quiet. Didn't really say much. But he was in an lgbt group that included someone who got sent down for literal terror charges; trannies got bullied to shit. They didn't trip on /lgbt/ either.

>Also I asked butts if he was a tranny and he said no. What's up with that?

>> No.15883701

I am not trans.
I did not shit my pants much less post them to a literature board
Anyone pretending otherwise is a damn troll fool.

>> No.15883878

holy shit terror charges. Do you know where I can find out about this story?

>> No.15883897

you think lambasting tranny tripfags is uncharacteristic for 4chan?

>> No.15883904


>> No.15883924

>and he said no
I said no because there is no “he” to me.
Of course they hate me for one or more of a couple of reasons, all of which is that I’m different from them. Difference scares them for some reason.

From his own butt. He made all that up.

>> No.15883928

Original butterfly was a namefag. It claimed it was not a butterfly symbol, would never trip, was a lesbian, and had read Yourcenar. We bullied it and it repeated those four things. Eventually, we decided to try a different tactic. Anons started to declare their undying love for it, instead of their undying need to correctively rape it to death for muddying Yourcenar's name by association. Anons even wrote it poetry. It still kept saying the same things. Anons all this time had imitated it, and at some point it posted pics. [Btw there are very cute pics of a cat with that girl which are underrated]
Here's where it gets weird:
Original butterfly at some point got a gf, and told us she was leaving never to return because she was going to be a lesbian and read Yourcenar with a gf instead of being a namefag with a symbol that was not, though looks suspiciously like, a butterfly.
But butterfly imitators did not go away, with many nights being flooded with butterfly impersonation rings like the Egyptian army trying to follow Moses. And lurking in the background this whole time were the dead and re-anonymised tripfags, who had responded to bullying about being stupid when it came to books by going away. Particularly, one LARPer who pretended to be several trips and his own gf, best known as feminister who claimed to be female. Feminister was outed on advice when he forgot to take off his trip while pretending to be his own bf. Just before this, butterfly had started showing support of feminister being a grill, and despite the screenshots of him larping as his own bf/gf with his trip still on, new butters kept insisting feminister must be female.
The feminister trip died but, in its wake, the butterfly trip was born, and again spawned a thousand more butterfly trip impersonators as the namefag once had upon her death.
In short, original butterfly is in lesbian heaven, and we're stuck in the postmodern simulacrum where all of us are complicit in fractal insolubility of a (probably dead) tranny's infinite need for attention.

>> No.15883936

I want to believe you.
post your book stacks, or yourself...

>> No.15883942

Butterfly has the deepest lore

>> No.15883960

>[Btw there are very cute pics of a cat with that girl which are underrated]
post all pics you have now!

>> No.15883977

My computer died in 2018. They should be in the archives/anon's butterfly stalking folder.

>> No.15883978

>I said no because there is no “he” to me.


>> No.15883992

The trannies are pissed at butterfly because she's a terf. 90% of the attacks on her are from seething batshit insane trannies.

>> No.15884001
File: 59 KB, 641x482, Butterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15884008

hes a TERF

>> No.15884020

You left out the parts where we started rumors she was a janny and how the original night of a thousand butterflies didn't work cuz you could still tell who the real butterfly was cuz she only said the same shit over and over.

>> No.15884031

butterfly has been doxxed and for one (1) bitcoin, her home address is yours

>> No.15884034

Damn, I wouldn't mind being butterfly's lesbian gf so we can read together and laugh at anon's salty shitposts.

Recommend me a book for the weekend? Something comfy. I believe you were the one to recommend a travel book to me many moons back and that was enjoyable.

>> No.15884051

She is beautiful :)

It was only this >>15881137 pic that gave me pause, but she must just have a masculine look to her

>> No.15884060
File: 1.91 MB, 2433x3389, D6040C55-1561-430F-A7E0-F03F324FDD58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t want to adopt a trip. Lit was nicer back then and one could go without for quite a while. I just cut and pasted a random section of some old Zalgo thread and that was the nothing in my name field. No one was supposed to say anything to refer to me. I never said what my sex was. Old anonymous habit. Someone (or more?) started hitting on me trying to get me to confess. That’s when I had to explain I was lesbian. My old cat’s name was Odysseus or Ody.
I never said why I was leaving. Did get some while I was gone though. You seem caught up with Yourcenar. Imitators don’t last very long. Like wearing a scratchy turtleneck sweater to them. Feminister was well before I left. She was trolling /adv/ with the whole bf thing. Stopped posting and nothing conclusive ever came of it. People see what they want to see through probability I guess.
I am not in heaven, no one is. I am on a declining shitty board that used to be about literature.
Any questions?

>> No.15884067
File: 150 KB, 634x786, big floyd, i'm lane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15884078

it's her old trip, newfag

>> No.15884079

anons are free to check the archives, butterfly was definitely contemporaneous with feminister

>> No.15884086

Hi feminister.

>> No.15884087
File: 46 KB, 642x482, 70078EC8-5AFA-4F88-A90D-0D7FF675C845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I of course have them

Clearly a shoop. You can even tell by this >>15883387



>> No.15884122
File: 298 KB, 1004x1600, F0DFBDA2-7895-49E3-A6B6-78EEB73BD7D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a travel book to me many moons back and that was enjoyable.
Was it The Snow Leopard?
Here’s another travel book. Haven’t read it but it sounds just as comfy

Bad shop job from a hater.

>> No.15884137

It was compromised, tranny. Anyone can post with it.