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15880465 No.15880465 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do if you wrote a great fantasy epic, but some Polack ripped it off and turned it into a more successful franchise?


>> No.15880486

I don't know that he ripped it off. Polacks just happen to be very good at writing fantasy. They are the best at it. Idk why.

>> No.15880512

Rip it off and turn it into even more successful franchise.

>> No.15880520
File: 132 KB, 1500x830, diary-of-a-country-priest-1500x830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 hour long video essay on mainstream genre fiction

>> No.15880536


>> No.15880556


>> No.15880843

Razor brought up some fair points but i'm bound to ask, is reading the witcher the same experience as reading elric?

I've only read some of both, but honestly elric is way grittier and trippy where the witcher comes off as more witty and easily digestible eastern euro fantasy.

>> No.15880877

Yeah. There's a lot of visual similarities and similarities in the lore and cosmology, but the Witcher is a different experience in tone and overall. They have different personalities imo.

>> No.15880977

All art is working with already existing elements and all artists learn by imitating their betters. If you do something different enough and you do it well then it's fine; I think the Witcher falls within the acceptable range. There's nothing wrong with remixing and sampling, as long as you don't claim to have created everything by yourself. Sapkowski seems to refuse to acknowledge that he lifted all those things from Elric, but that only speaks about him as a person – it shouldn't detract anyone from enjoying the story.

>> No.15881016

he's also a bitter old fuck who can't cope with the fact that the video games are what made his stories popular outside of poland.

This polish nigger literally seethes over the fact that he was dumb enough to not accept royalties on the games, the same games that are responsible for the netflix show and anyone outside of poland knowing what the word "witcher" means.

>> No.15881649

Anon, these books were translated into majority of the european languages around the year 2005. I agree that Sapkowski is old bitter beetroot, but you are underestimating his works slightly.

>> No.15881681

i remember Pat from tbfp saying how he tried reading the books after the first game came out in 2007 but that half of them weren't in English by that point and his only option was to read fan translations being shared in google docs.

>> No.15881889

Whst is tbfp? But I checked and you are right, english translation were really late, german, russian, french and spanish are from early 2000s.

>> No.15881946

The visual side of the comparison is irrelevant, considering how strongly derivative fantasy is in that regard. If that's the basis of it, you might as well add Drizzt to the conversation...

As for content, really, the two books are not a similiar read at all...

>> No.15882106

it was just an old gaming channel on youtube made up of a few leafs. they had a podcast for a while and then they disbanded about a year or two ago.

>> No.15882169
File: 78 KB, 1024x574, 1594760701232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skinny metalhead

>> No.15883201

>short sleeves
>leather gloves

>> No.15884929


Monster hunting books have been around since before Elric and Geralt.

Oh wait, Google/Wikipedia says that the Elric books began in the 1960's and I was thinking Vampire Hunter D began before the both of them.

>> No.15884971 [DELETED] 



Okay, reading some of what's on wikipedia and there are differences between Geralt and Elric. Elric isn't human, Geralt is human even if he is a mutant. Elric is frail and sickly and needs special herbs and potions to be healthy whereas Geralt went through years of being given mutagens and dangerous chemicals like poisons and venoms to make him immune to such things. Geralt did take some schooling, I think he studied at the same school that he sent Ciri to in the Blood of Elves novel and wikipedia says that Elric has studied many of the books in his empire grand library. Wikipedia says Elric has a sword that gives him powers and immediately grants him swordfighting prowess while Geralt was given combat training by the Witcher school he grew up in. Geralt has signs and other low level magic using abilities but Elric can call up or summon powerful entities and make pacts with them. Geralt uses a steel or iron sword to fight humans and a silver sword to kill monsters while the sword of Elric keeps him strong but needs to be fed the souls of intelligent beings. Anyway, the similarities seem to be on the surface and there are other ways in which Geralt and Elric are different.

That Stormbringer sword kind of reminds me of the Soul Reaver energy sword from Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, the sword that used to belong to Kain but after it was broken, the energy of the sword became attached to Raziel and he uses it to absorb the souls of vampire after he defeats them by throwing them into water, staking them with a spear, setting them on fire, or placing them into sunlight. Raziel has to absorb the vampire souls otherwise they can return to life and if he doesn't the vampire souls could turn into wraiths which are a pain to fight when you shift into that other world.

>> No.15884990



Okay, after reading some of what's on wikipedia, there are differences between Geralt and Elric. Elric isn't human, Geralt is human even if he is a mutant. Elric is frail and sickly and needs special herbs and potions to be healthy whereas Geralt went through years of being given mutagens and dangerous chemicals like poisons and venoms to make him immune to such things. Geralt did take some schooling, I think he studied at the same school that he sent Ciri to in the Blood of Elves novel and wikipedia says that Elric has studied many of the books in his empire grand library. Wikipedia says Elric has a sword that gives him powers and immediately grants him swordfighting prowess while Geralt was given combat training by the Witcher school he grew up in. Geralt has signs and other low level magic using abilities but Elric can call up or summon powerful entities and make pacts with them. Geralt uses a steel or iron sword to fight humans and a silver sword to kill monsters while the sword of Elric keeps him strong but needs to be fed the souls of intelligent beings. Anyway, the similarities seem to be on the surface and there are other ways in which Geralt and Elric are different.

That Stormbringer sword kind of reminds me of the Soul Reaver energy sword from Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, the sword that used to belong to Kain but after it was broken, the energy of the sword became attached to Raziel and he uses it to absorb the souls of vampire after he defeats them by throwing them into water, staking them with a spear, setting them on fire, or placing them into sunlight. Raziel has to absorb the vampire souls otherwise they can return to life and if he doesn't the vampire souls could turn into wraiths which are a pain to fight when you shift into that other world.

>> No.15886505


>> No.15886894


I only read Sapkowski's The Last Wish, Sword of Destiny, Blood of Elves and Time of Contempt. I haven't read any of the Elric books.

I made a mistake about Raziel. Raziel can absorb the vampire souls just by manually opening his mouth and the Soul Reaver makes it easier for him to kill vampires, the vampire souls and the wraiths.

>> No.15888335

welp, I finally got around to reading my copy of The Last Wish, I'm at like page 130, to do with the Shriker storyline. Honestly, this book is like reading anime. Dunno. Feels liek a manga to me.

Anyway, how does the TV show compare? I hate netflix, but Wildhunt, and TLW is making me want more Witcher. Does the TV show incorporate more of the other books, or is it safe to just watch it after having only read The Last Wish? I also have Blood of Elves.

>> No.15888347

Considering my work would be farther right than anything a polack would write, I don’t think I’d have a problem with them. It’s the trannies that I’d be afraid of

>> No.15888384

I know nothing about either of these characters, but I know this guy is a gargantuan faggot whose entire personality is based around being a smug contrarian, and he's been doing it for at least 10 years now. I would disregard anything he has to say.

>> No.15888628

There are big differences , but the albino warrior called the White wolf and the whole conjunction of spheres thing in the lore shows Sapkowski was doing some copying.

>> No.15889444

It follows (not very faithfully) Last Wish and Sword of Destiny. It's pretty shit apart from earcatching tune, Geralt and Dandelion. It isn't terrible, it's mostly disappointing. You see scene, you think "it could be good" and then you watch and it's medicore to bad. If you are looking for cheap entertainment it can work but don't expect much.

>> No.15889500

What is wrong with this guy? Why is he so obsessed with pop fiction?