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15880418 No.15880418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>He's a writer
What did Bolaño mean by this?

>> No.15880506

>holden caulfield
>protagonist is holden onto his youth


>> No.15880537

Is that in 2666? I just started it and I'm still on the part about the critics

>> No.15880624

who's the whore in op's pic? she cute

>> No.15880653

Natsume Soseki

>> No.15880746

I hate you

>> No.15880984

Why did he hate chapters?

>> No.15880998

>Hitler writes a diary
>He's a racist
>Some dumb jew slut writes a diary
>She's a hero
bookinos for this feel?

>> No.15881112

what is she drinking? milk? chugging down some milk after a work out?

>> No.15881138

So it seems

>> No.15881150
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>> No.15881185

>The Great Gatsby
>it's just an ok book
Great my ass

>> No.15881204
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>He goes on an odyssey

>> No.15881214

reiter = sebald
prove me wrong

>> No.15881245

> Call me Ishmael
> Because I'm an outcast and an orphan lol


>> No.15881288

>crime & punishment
>commits a crime and receives punishment

>> No.15881481

This, what the fuck Homer

>> No.15881504

>To Kill A Mockingbird
>main character is Finch
Fuck you Harper One Book Lee

>> No.15881510

>8th grade english teacher thinks this is deep

>> No.15881517

Anne Frank's diary

>> No.15881531

>of mice and men
>not even one mouse in it
Go to hell Steinbeck

>> No.15881538

w-what is she drinking?

>> No.15881551

She is Japanese so its obviously octopus semen.

>> No.15881616

>Darkness Dementia Raven
>Nor a black nor a raven
>Doesn't have dementia

>> No.15881625

Can't find any fucking sauce on this omfg HELP

>> No.15881636

Google cum chalice

>> No.15881675

Reiter served in the Wehrmacht
Sebald was 1 year old when the war ended
Reiter is clearly Ernst Junger

>> No.15881683

He said to only call him Ishmael because of the connection, it’s obviously not his actual name. Or else the first line would be “My name is Ishmael.”

>> No.15881742

the tard kept a dead mouse in his pocket

>> No.15881760

>Hans Reiter
>the book is about hands and writers
What a fucking hack

>> No.15881830

>a little piggish

>> No.15881865
File: 54 KB, 400x400, 1594946230244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it, FB-19 Aya Miyazaki
>Michel Houellebecq
>Is a character in a book by Michel Houellebecq

>> No.15882500

Doesn't old and forgotten Junger appear at one point? Or was that Savage Detectives?
Anyway, Junger published Storm of Steel in 1920, the same year Reiter was born.
His publisher was a man named Bubis (Boobies).

>> No.15882560
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>novel coronavirus
>can't even read it

>> No.15882580

>he actually googled cum chalice
>it worked
kek kinda impressive but you're still gonna get targeted ads for cum chalices now faggot

>> No.15882624

How is that a bad thing again?

>> No.15882654

wait, I didn't think this prank thru...

>> No.15882767

I am a cat.

>> No.15883902

except reiter means rider

>> No.15884011
File: 97 KB, 600x600, 728490EA-BC1C-4B02-98FB-5A7E48A22740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Male character but “Could almost be queequeg’s wife”
>he’s male-ish

>> No.15884030

>Don Quixote
>is quixotic
I get naming characters symbolically but that’s too much, Cervantes

>> No.15884214

its the other way around you literal retard; "quixotic" comes after the character, like kafkaesque comes from kafka's writing

>> No.15884226

Queequeg had a tiny asian dick though, making him the woman in that role.

>> No.15884280

That wasn’t even meant to be bait and yet you still managed to fall for it. I thought it was obviously facetious.

>> No.15884328

It’s a based directly on a line in the book
> Upon waking next morning about daylight, I found Queequeg’s arm thrown over me in the most loving and affectionate manner. You had almost thought I had been his wife.
Ishmael is described as being queequegs wife

>> No.15884485

Yandexed that motherfucker
Holy shit that's actually cum.
I knew there was something off about that pic.

>> No.15884492

It was said in jest.

>> No.15884538


>> No.15884682

I used saucenao