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File: 108 KB, 750x574, 5eac05ce91710932b2b35c766e8e2d2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15876209 No.15876209[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is fascism so based?

>> No.15876211

because you're born too late

>> No.15876216

Unironically, aesthetics.

>> No.15876217

It isn't. Probably a bit better than an absolute monarchy. 4chan wouldn't exist in a fascist regime, anon.

>> No.15876222

Because it speaks directly to people like you. Disenfranchised, sexless, possibly closet homosexual neets. Obviously its gonna seem based to you. Its like asking why do niggers love weed so much.

>> No.15876228

Based? Based on what?

>> No.15876233

>4chan wouldn't exist in a fascist regime, anon.

>> No.15876234

>4chan wouldn't exist in a fascist regime, anon.
Best argument for fascism I've ever heard

>> No.15876235
File: 74 KB, 848x917, far right extremist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan wouldn't exist in a fascist regime, anon.

>> No.15876238
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Based on me
Good, the internet shouldn't exist either

>> No.15876246

This is meme bs propaganda, anon. Seriously, this kind of child is probably the rad fem mom wet dream.

>> No.15876258

4chan is a poor substitute for beer halls and pubs where the average man would go after work and socialize with his neighbors who are of like mind.

>> No.15876261

>4chan wouldn't exist in a fascist regime, anon.
wtf I love fascism now

>> No.15876265

Like mind? Are you blind, anon? Unironically?

>> No.15876266

It's kinda cringe, tbqh.
Liberal "democracies" are fine. Just don't be retarded.

>> No.15876269

It would still exist, anon. But we would have to pay for VPNs or some other bs. Don't be fucking stupid, anons aren't exactly normies that have no clue of how the internet works.

>> No.15876272

It's not, fascists get BTFO at every turn.

>> No.15876282

Until somebody takes your joke the wrong way and you end up getting beaten to death

>> No.15876289

I’d smash the fasch to the left if you know what I mean

>> No.15876291

>4chan wouldn't exist in a fascist regime, anon.
i am a communist but this is unironically based

>> No.15876308
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Based on faggotry

>> No.15876311
File: 125 KB, 886x1322, Fascism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's actually have something to discuss.

>> No.15876318

So it's not just communists that have "but that's not real communism" people

>> No.15876321

>fascism is form of government and social system which authentically serves the interests of the people
Entirely subjective, this is a meme infographic, do not bother reading it.

>> No.15876323
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It isn't, don't fall the larping memes

>> No.15876324
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au contraire, "absolute" monarchies typically gravitate towards uneasy and shifting demarcation lines between different societal interests which the hegemon tries to satisfy best he can to preserve wealth and legacy to his progeny. Fascism in contrast, demands absolute power and fuhrer principes, being fundamentally revolutionaries. It is monarchy robbed of all forms of compromise, sanity and predictability.

>> No.15876333



>> No.15876334
File: 43 KB, 1023x719, DdfhKr4VwAESwFs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of butthurt in this thread.

>> No.15876372
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>> No.15876385

>Entirely subjective
Is it? What people would agree to mass immigration to their country? What people would agree to a foreign tribe dictating their society from the top down? What people would agree to debt slavery if offered a choice?

>> No.15876390

It gives you a false sense of tribal identity which you subconsciously need. It is a modernist movement, and like any modernist movement it sells you a pretty facade which hides a rotten house.

>> No.15876396
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>> No.15876403

>Why is fascism so based?
Because you're a brainlet.

>> No.15876407
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>> No.15876414

Are you retarded? The third Reich was real fascism and after ten years the weimarer shithole went to a prosperous nation

>> No.15876415

I'm a Marxist, I couldn't give a flying fuck about the Torah getting trashed lmao.

>> No.15876416
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>> No.15876422

>robbed of all forms of compromise, sanity and predictability
So that is why fascism is so based

>> No.15876423
File: 400 KB, 764x960, 1594816664959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolute monarchy bad

>> No.15876424

because it is a total rejection of this gay modern world

>> No.15876425

'authentically serving the interests of the people' is a claim made by communism, liberalism, and fascism. It's not an objective claim about fascism as a political phenomenon, it's a subjective value statement.

>> No.15876429

Dunno, anon. Absolute monarchs tend to be alienated from people's demands due to indulgence on whatever.


Mussolini dealt with crime organizations in Sicily which consequently started a mobster diaspora and a mass migration to America fertile grounds for crime. Monarchs usually govern a country based solely on their on interests as you said before. He couldn't do that. If he started behaving like Louis XIV, his subordinates would end up killing him and putting someone else in his place.

>> No.15876439
File: 957 KB, 1000x1744, national transhumanism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

National Transhumanism is even more based

>> No.15876450

It isn't. It's a literal mental disease like transgenderism instead of an actual political ideology.

Fascism is basically: Great Leader good, everything else bad, if disagree we kill you. It's the NPC ideology to the extreme. Just a faceless crowd worshipping a mediocre man with delusions of grandeur.

>> No.15876456

The Third Reich banked on conquering all of Europe to maintain their newfound prosperity. It wasn't some brilliantly orchestrated sustainable recovery.

>> No.15876460

You're wrong tough.
Communism claim to represent the interests of the proletariat, while liberalism claim to represent the interests of the individual citizen.
Neither of them claim to represent the population as a whole.

>> No.15876470

>American education

>> No.15876471

Communism is literally about creating a single class of people with the same interests. Its not about getting back at the borgeoisie or whatever you are implying

>> No.15876474

>Implying bars and pubs don't exist

>> No.15876477

Look up the nemo bills

>> No.15876478
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>> No.15876484

The Weimar Republic was a shit hole due to the extreme economic crises it suffered. Or do you actually believe 1920's rural white men were tolerant toward gays and transgenders?

>> No.15876485

The proletariat are the universal class, liberalism did claim to represent the interests of whole nations at one point. Fascism does exclude a number of peoples from the population it claims to represent. I'm not saying it's more or less valid, I'm simply saying it's subjective.

>> No.15876488

>Pornography corrupts people
It does? In what way is it more corrupting than any other media?
>Because sex is bad and looking at porn makes you want to have sex!
Is it? Why? Does that mean that looking at action films make you want to commit violence?
>Hurr durr degeneracy kike SHILL tranny dilate!

I had the discussion without you. Don't even pretend it wasn't going to go this way.

>> No.15876493

>a badly formatted .jpg file to prove his point
Oh boy, I am sure this is completely reliable and trustworthy. Thanks, anon!

>> No.15876501

Why does this meme persist? The 3rd Reich's economic recovery solely sat on raising real world production via government spending of sovereign fiat currency, the same shit every single government does today. Basic ass Keynesian economics. Who did they need to pay back? Themselves? The invasions happened for ideological and strategic reasons, not economic ones. It's the dumbest thing to criticize the Nazis for.

>> No.15876511

b-b-b-but only commies dislike capitalism

>> No.15876514

It's only fun and games until you are at the other end of it.

>> No.15876515

They do exist, but they're not what they were, and they're not frequented by who they were. Atomization of communities, and regulations, as well as social consequences inflicted by potential media storms have made the old hang outs where fascist revolutions might develop from face to face contact with your brothers a thing of the past. Don't try to pretend it's the same.

>> No.15876517

You either haven’t read fascist literature or you didn’t understand it.

>> No.15876519

They stole the Jews, anon.

>> No.15876520

Fuck the free market, it doesn't work. Humans are not rational beings.

>> No.15876523


>> No.15876525


>> No.15876528

The 3rd Reich was capitalist, it was simply Keynesian capitalism with a little bit of a corporatist twist.