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15875654 No.15875654[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>woman takes a nap on twitch
>makes 6 figures
>capitalcucks mental gymnastics on the edge to defend this

Show me where Hegel predicted this hegelfags

>> No.15875664


He didn't. But Kaczynski did.

>> No.15875667

That is frightening

>> No.15875675

Wtf is wrong with the viewers and supporters of that stream

>> No.15875684

where my t/acc bros at? always remember, the revolution will be televised

>> No.15875689

what's t/acc i googled it and nothing came out

>> No.15875704

sorry, it's quite the esoteric teaching, my discord server invites sells at high price over on the dark web

>> No.15875712

>do people that believe objects and services have a subjective value to them have a problem with a service being subjectively valued?
I don’t know, do they OP?

>> No.15875714

at this point, i hate men even more than women.

>> No.15875721

so its a tranny thing, yikes

>> No.15875729

if it was muted, she could fart and they wouldn't of known

>> No.15875741

>1991 + 29
>don't have sex
>be transphobic

>> No.15875756

Based and /thread

>> No.15875759

kek you're far off tranny

>> No.15875806

There's no need to defend this. Capitalism is a system where the efficiency of the market allows it to meet their needs and desires. As to what those are, that is completely a matter of ideology. In a non-capitalist economy, the government could completely obstruct access to this stuff. Deal with the moral implications of that, if you want.

>> No.15875835
File: 110 KB, 600x494, Chyna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why shouldn't sleep over parties be commodified?

>> No.15875872

I see no problem with this.
They gave their money up voluntarily for a service they valued.

If you can't provide something that someone else values enough to give you money for it, that's on you, not on capitalism.

>> No.15875889

Trans acceleration, it's all a cope

>> No.15875897

>>makes 6 figures

>> No.15875904

People have the freedom to pay for what they want. I dont watch sports but im not against people paying money to see them

>> No.15875912
File: 164 KB, 1080x1266, 1576039779264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am because it's degenerate and they should all be killed.

>> No.15875914

Still better than video game streams or speedrunning

>> No.15875919

which is why you're not a capitalist you retarded motherfucker

>> No.15875925
File: 111 KB, 1360x765, Stalin smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely based

>> No.15875931

>defend this
Defend? What's wrong with it? I just donated 100 bits because this is hot as fuck. She should do one session where she live streams her feet 24/7

>> No.15875945

capitalism is more repressive and restrictive than i could ever be.

>> No.15875949
File: 40 KB, 327x388, Screenshot 2020-07-16 at 11.42.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure she made 6 figures from a bunch of NEETs donating $20

>> No.15875953
File: 236 KB, 720x720, it checks out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to assume this is bait, partner.

>> No.15875963

Unironically - how does labour theory of value solve this? Is her labour socially necessary?

>> No.15875964

Yeah it's necessary for my dick

>> No.15875973

I can respect that

>> No.15875976

>Is her labour socially necessary?
No, which is why this was not allowed in the Soviet Union.

>> No.15875977

>t. shit at math

>> No.15875979

Why is this surprising to you? The internet has replaced all actual social relationships with parasocial ones. All the people donating cash to her probably actually believe she'll fall in love with them some day, it's quite sad and pathetic but it really isn't any individual person's fault.

>> No.15875991

That's not the point, read Marx.
>A commodity is, in the first place, an object outside us, a thing that by its properties satisfies human wants of some sort or another. The nature of such wants, whether, for instance, they spring from the stomach or from fancy, makes no difference.

>> No.15875994

Not an argument

>> No.15875995

>All the people donating cash to her probably actually believe she'll fall in love with them some day,
No they don't you fucking retard

>> No.15875999

Boomers paying for cable was no different.