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15872768 No.15872768 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15872778

This isn't funny. Hank Hill isn't a criminal.

>> No.15872796

this. committing an injustice even towards an injustice is not right

>> No.15872799


>> No.15872801

can you scream in amniotic fluid?

>> No.15872805

Can you scream with my hands around your neck?

>> No.15872811

Margaret Atwood

>> No.15872814


>> No.15872822

Not the heckin science! Where else will it get its ethically sourced fetal and embryonic tissue?

>> No.15872831

is this a reddit thing?

>> No.15872833
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>> No.15872879

Yeah, science-worship is pure reddit

>> No.15872907

Big van of semtex

>> No.15872970

I still need book recommendations.

>> No.15873048
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Not a book per se, but otherwise exactly what you axed for I believe

>> No.15874067

Except for that one time he accidentally plotted to blow up a car dealership.

>> No.15874687

Harassment Architecture is literally an entire book of this

>> No.15874845

e. michael jones wrote a novel exactly about this similar to something done in the 80's and justifies their actions. It is called Protectors of the Code: The Christmas Day Abortion Clinic Bombing

>> No.15874854

Anti-abortion tards and anti-eugenics tards should all be gassed.

>> No.15875355

The Turner Diaries and Hunter.

>> No.15875420

Harassment Architecture - Mike Ma

>> No.15876768

Read Padraic Pearse

>> No.15878005
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Umm Hank, someone is calling you

>> No.15878018

her body her choice right? female empowerment is so amazing!

>> No.15878127


>> No.15878424

A Burglar's Guide to the City is somwhat similar, though less violent.

>> No.15878469

What's injustice anon?

>> No.15878523

wow how edgy

>> No.15878535

The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey. Vastly different politics, but a general air of sabotage and taking on a system of sorts is present. After that, Hayduke Lives.

>> No.15878540

All abortion clinics need to be incinerated, destroyed, with no individuals inside as most normies are ignorant about the intrinsic value of a Zygote, and hence not as culpable as knowing murderers.

Is there any argument for terrorist against planned parenthood, if embryos are considered equal in dignity to a human person (they are)

>> No.15878550

*any argument against terrorism of planned parenthood facilities

>> No.15878583

Daily reminder that the demons presiding over our dystopia only have power because of abortions and like rituals, especially in the US and China

>> No.15878653

Check out Post Office by Charles Bukowski

>> No.15879266


>> No.15879588

Very based

>> No.15880363

are you one of the old people from the trump sub-reddit, or a very clever troll?