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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 30 KB, 400x548, 1298656394080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1587156 No.1587156 [Reply] [Original]

Just a question- why are there so many tripfags on this board, and why do you use pictures and caption yourselves with them?

Just seems like self-important elitism bullshit, yo.

Just wondering. No offence meant, really.

Pic kinda related.

>> No.1587159

>like 9 active tripfags

>> No.1587162
File: 39 KB, 350x375, putinwut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, yeah. But that's obvious.

>>mfw "Interesting"

>> No.1587166

if it bothers you, use the 4chan filter

>> No.1587168

you're realizing that you are ungrateful of the tripfags?

>> No.1587169
File: 9 KB, 250x333, 6a00d8341c9cc153ef0115706461b5970b-500wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw >>>/book/ has forced anonymity

>> No.1587171
File: 32 KB, 700x576, deepandedgy-quote-of-the-year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1587174


Like, no.

I literally just started browsing this board, and immediately see tripfags everywhere. This in itself I'm not really bothered by, I could care less.

It's just the pictures with captions on that I find peculiar.

But hey, keep on going, if that's what you need to do to help yourself feel like you are of any importance to anything on this world then no one is stopping you. I was just curious, wasn't sure if it was just unwarranted arrogance or not. Now that you've replied, you've answered my question.

>> No.1587177

it's arrogance

i wouldn't call it unwarranted

>> No.1587181

>C+ undergraduates disparaging 'the cattle'
>warranted arrogance

OP, I don't know what's up with the images. It's probably the tripfags posting as anon.

>> No.1587182

Don't mind Fab, he's just desperate for attention. Give him some to make him happy, or ignore him and he'll go try and find another thread to seem important in.

>> No.1587183


That's cool with me, yo.

Care to explain what you have done that causes it to be warranted, then?

>> No.1587184
File: 77 KB, 1125x681, tripfagsinanutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haters gonna bitch and moan

>> No.1587188

>tripfags participating in discussion, not attention whoring and derailing

I giggled.

>> No.1587189
File: 8 KB, 189x267, Wilde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glittering conversation all day erry day
>emotional support and great counsel
>provides a model of style for visiting anons who wish to be interesting

I spoil you

>> No.1587195


That pic only works when the trips actually add something to the board instead of being douchebags and attention whores.

And you're the worst perpetrator of all.

How self-righteous of you, sheesh.

>> No.1587199


Alright, thanks, answered my question. All I need to know.

Have fun with your lives.
Oh wait.

>> No.1587201


Alright then, I'll meet you halfway:

what other reason do you have for using a tripcode than vanity?

>> No.1587202

that was campy as fuck

try having something to say

>> No.1587204


>> No.1587210

It's because there are like no mods here, and its the slowest board, so the tripfags shitpsot fucking everywhere, then act like they were gods gift to mankind. only on a board as slow as lit could they be so well known.
And for the record, all arrogance is inherently unwarranted.

>> No.1587212

I use a tripcode because this way people recognize me and say oh hey that's stag what's up stag? It's the same reason my parents gave me a name after my mom gave birth to me

>> No.1587213

1. Tripcodes facilitate communication. If everyone is anonymous then its hard to have a discussion, since you can never be sure whether the person you replied to has replied to your reply.
2. Adding a name is just facilitates that concept further, expanding it into other threads, since the name attached to the code facilitates conversations in different threads over time.

Please stop assuming its about arrogance. There are perfectly legitimate reasons for having tripcodes and names attached to them. If the person is a tripfag because they want attention, then you will know this by what they say.

>> No.1587214
File: 29 KB, 400x400, durutti column.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1587216


>> No.1587222

sup fag

>> No.1587223


OP here, if you're referring to me- like I said, it's not necessarily the trips I'm talking about. Just the general attitude that I've noticed from the majority of them since being here.

>> No.1587225


>> No.1587227

there's a simple explanation

/lit/ trips are exceptional

>> No.1587236


Just a question,

do you actually discuss things, or just blankly ignore other's opinions, whilst shitting your own out everywhere?

Once again, just a question. I understand your reply will be soiled with arrogance but I honestly want to know. If you actually discuss shit then it wouldn't be as bad.

>> No.1587239

yeah i discuss things when i want to

which is like 50% of the time

not in threads like this

>> No.1587240

Is op's pic D&E ?

Also, fuck the trips. Just ignore them and they will go away.

>> No.1587243

that's when we start giving attention to one another

that is until a new batch of anons arrive (hopefully quite tasteful anons) and renew the palace culture

>> No.1587249
File: 190 KB, 1000x1000, tripfags block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no fucking idea why there are so many tripfags on /lit/.

It's a worse epidemic than /tv/ before moot implemented captcha to 4chan.

the only thing worse than the tripfags on /lit/ are the number of Anons who keep falling for the same god damn shitty trolls over and over again.

>> No.1587253

>i'm both boring and envious

>> No.1587262

I usually don't participate in these kinds of metadiscussions about tripfags, etc. Because I think tripfags would be in a better position if they didn't adress and also because I plainly just don't like to adress it - I like to discuss literature/philosophy/whatever else comes up while I'm here that I'm interested in. But d&e's comic has it about right. Anons, please get over our presence, and ignore us when we're faggots (like you would for any other troll), and actually discuss literature instead of engaging in this devolution, lest /lit/ suffer the same fate as /r9k/

That is all. love u guise

>> No.1587275

>i'm boring so i'll play friendsies with everyone!

>> No.1587277


You really believe this don't you? If you honestly think that you're "glittering" posting style is anything other than annoying you are seriously demented.

And sage for trip attention non /lit/ thread.

>> No.1587281

K I was totally saying something different where you're was correct and then edited it.

But whatev's

>> No.1587282

well i can't post at full ability all the time

it's like how goku hides his power level so he doesn't hurt his friends

>> No.1587285



Another word you don't understand. You don't need to tell everyone how interesting you are constantly to be interesting.

>> No.1587284

whatever dumbass

try not making basic grammatical errors

>> No.1587286

I make no claim to be interesting

yet i know you all are terribly boring

>> No.1587292


Your full posting ability is nothing but a bunch of flowery words you don't know how to use; and random insults thrown at people without reason, which ends up driving the thread off topic.

>> No.1587293
File: 408 KB, 1346x531, tripfagss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do not shitpost and troll in every thread on /lit/ 24 hours a day while maintaining a false persona of intelligence and superiority.

fixed that for you

>> No.1587296

Fabulous, stop posting because now you just look like a fool.

You have been told so move on.

>> No.1587299


100% accurate. Thank you.

>> No.1587302

>nothing legitimate to be said

>> No.1587306


Are you even trying anymore? What do you get out of this?

>> No.1587311

> doesn't get that he has lost

Your stupidity is astounding.

>> No.1587315

i dunno

i guess i just trust my judgements

>> No.1587324

You've never been to /mu/
Although on /mu/ trips and anons for the most part peacefully coexist