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/lit/ - Literature

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15870903 No.15870903[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who is /lit/'s favorite book reviewer on youtube?

>> No.15870909

the one who whores herself out nowadays because of what we did to her

>> No.15870914


>> No.15870921

God that’s so hot— mind break is the most patrician of all fetishes.

>> No.15870924


>> No.15870933
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Kat, obviously

>> No.15870948

lurk the threads and you'll see, newfag

>> No.15871085

Sorry, I don't read f*ction

>> No.15871181

Kat mogs her sister

>> No.15871332

She is actually ugly but, she has e-girl vibes. Also her feet are really beautiful.

>> No.15871340
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>> No.15871353

Myself because I don't need bugpeople to form an opinion of a piece of literature for me after high school.

>> No.15871357

I hope so

>> No.15871358


>> No.15871360
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Kat is so kind and beautiful. I love her.

>> No.15871361
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You like??

>> No.15871365

I’m partial to Better Than Food. Good taste.

>> No.15871369

>kat reads Dubliners?!

>> No.15871370

I hate you faggots so much

>> No.15871397

Those are some long fingers

>> No.15871420

this photo should be lit's new CHECK 'EM

>> No.15871435

>book reviewer
Are you incapable of reading a book and forming your own opinions about it?

>> No.15871451

How do you decide what books to read? Read every book on earth?

>> No.15871463

Certainly not by listening to some dumb w*man with a problem hair cut.

>> No.15871615

You're a dumb fuck. Go back to /pol/.

>> No.15871632
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retard, you don't watch booktubers for opinions on books, you watch them so you can COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

>> No.15871711

"Booktubing" is a detestable revolting word and an even more blasphemous concept. It basically boils down to "o you think I'm hot? Read this book." It does nothing to advance the books themselves. All this does is prosecute video culture's relentless effort to destroy printed culture, to replace it with the plastic veneer adorable e-thots.

>> No.15872360


>> No.15872368

for me, its cliff

>> No.15872379

Imagine her nibbling on your dick with those rat teeth.

>> No.15872409

In my most somber moments I fantasize about taking her to dinner. Her father answers the door and gives me a wink. Arm and arm we leave and he pats my ass as I step out the door. We hop on a bus and on the way there she lays her head upon my shoulder. From time to time her pointed nose pricks my neck and a warmth comes over me. Upon our dismount I slip but she catches me. She comments on the beauty of my rotundity. We hold hands as we approach Little Caesar's pizzeria. The softness of her palm calms me. She orders the 'za upon our entry but she forgets to order the cheesy bread, a fine delicacy and one of my favorites. I chastise her for this and we get into a tussle. She storms out, such tumultuous steps from such tiny feet. The sound of her marching stays with me. I can not go after her without the 'za and I begin pacing back forth with a great violence. She knows I can not go after her and still she left. The warmth has gone and still there is no 'za. I begin arguing with the clerk and depute the legitimacy of their "Hot N Ready" claim. He breaks once I mention my lawyer and I leave the pizzeria with the Hot N Ready and the cheesy bread. The beat of my heart echos the rapidity of her steps. The sweat has drenched my form. I begin to speedwalk and control my breathing with the Wim Hoff method. One foot in front of the other, I am atop Everest, I am in the Serengeti, I am in the Sahara, I am, I am, I am. I stand before her. She was still waiting at the bus stop. Our eyes meet. The warmth returns. On the way back we nourish our souls with the cheesy bread. A homeless man walked over and told me about his dying mother. He told me that two dollars and fifty cents could save her life. I told him all I had was the cheesy bread. He said that would do. We reached her home shortly after. Father at the door. I gave him the leftovers. He was appreciative. She hugged me and I skipped home.

>> No.15872444

Why do white women hate whiteness so much?

>> No.15872454
File: 138 KB, 1125x1064, 109741700_10159806928244688_5505181671334463667_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically because their dads didn't beat them enough.

>> No.15872456

someone post it

>> No.15872497

Your comment alone proves that white fragility is in fact real

>> No.15872521

your comment proves that you're a faggot lol

>> No.15872586

not mutually exclusive

>> No.15872736


>> No.15872792

lmfao there's literally 1 (one) black person in the whole pic

>> No.15872821

Unironically, anons. Why do you bother watching those things instead of reading some review on goodreads or amazon? I would accompany a channel like that mainly to get recommendations otherwise I wouldn't bother.

>> No.15872828

unironically theyd get cancelled and all their social presence and friendships would go in the gutter unless they plan on being cast as an alt right model forever

>> No.15872835

I doubt this would happen. They seem quite convinced of these ideas they're protesting for.
We're witnessing a revival of the civil rights movement in the late 60's.

>> No.15872866

i love this pasta

>> No.15872935

I had that jpg, but I no longer have it. Could any of you gentlemen post it?

>> No.15872993

Quentin no Tarantino

>> No.15873128

Katy or Kathy or Caitlyn or whatever her name is, is nothing more than a washed up hooer. Please do not denigrate this Kat thread with that garbage.

>> No.15873130
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there you have it.

>> No.15873139

no you dont need an account to post you keyboard rattling microsoft intern wannabe

>> No.15873248

>it's another leftypol episode of "this stuff that is happening en masse in front of you is not actually happening"
ok gaslighter

>> No.15873467

Kill yourself yourself-loathing cuck

>> No.15873514

where can I see her whoring herself out?

>> No.15873658

K i l l y o u r s e l f

>> No.15873692
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i like that french canadian chick, emily fox or whatver. i just put her in the background while i play vidya. reminds me of the girl who took my virginity. thats not really a good thing tho. idk, sometimes its just nice to here women talk like they actually want to talk to you which is kinda nice about youtube i guess. though idrc what she says im not listening or looking

>> No.15873698

women screaming in pain and agony is like a symphony to my ears

>> No.15873736

who hurt you

>> No.15873754

>idk, sometimes its just nice to here women talk like they actually want to talk to you which is kinda nice about youtube i guess. though idrc what she says im not listening or looking
This is why 99% of people watch youtube videos, twitch streams or listen to podcasts. They're essentially just friend simulators.

>> No.15873774

does anyone else ever get violent thoughts when they see a woman
like whenever i see some fucking thot sticking her ass out wearing almost nothing obviously vying for attention and wanting to be desired, i find it hard to stop myself from daydreaming about bashing her smug fucking whore face in with a fucking golf club, watching her expression go from that fake "trying to be cute" face they all make to fear and then horror as she starts screaming and pleading with me before i hit her again and knock the wind out of her disgusting whore body, her screaming turns to frantic gurgling as i keep bashing her stupid fucking face in over and over until even that subsides, she's unrecognizable her head is a bloody bubbling pulp, all shades of red speckled with bright white and soggy grey littering her crushed cranium alongside tufts of her stupid fucking dyed hair jesus fucking christ i hate these people so god damned much i don't even want pussy from them i don't want their attention i don't want to be liked by these vile people they're disgusting, if one of them touched me i'd cut my fucking hand off i just want them to fucking DIE

>> No.15873842

what u mean

p-pls respond

>> No.15873871
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>> No.15873915

Quentin obviously you tard...

>> No.15873945

She reminds me of band kids, I hated those fuckers.

>> No.15874082
File: 189 KB, 1024x1821, 1571707814476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) guys are totally responsable for this! I didnt even kek just feel

>> No.15874145

how does she whore herself out nowadays

>> No.15874157

damm she's only beautiful on the inside

>> No.15874456

This isn't even whorish, it's completely sensual and artistic

>> No.15874461

Uhhhhghh, oh no.

>> No.15874640

How exactly did she get like this.
How gradual was it, how did it progress over time.

>> No.15874714

hillary vibes

>> No.15874727


>> No.15874796


>tattoos, which she's probably had since before she started making videos

meh. the innocence was an illusion from the start. no big deal then

>> No.15874937

None. Left-Wing people are inherently inferior to Right-Wing people, and there are no right-wing booktubers. Ergo, nobody on Booktube has or can possibly have anything valuable to say.

My one foray into the embarrassing swamp of cringe that is youtube book reviewers validated my prejudice in all regards. If I wanted to listen to people less intelligent than me discuss children's literature I'd just search a harry potter hashtag.

>> No.15874975
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>> No.15874989
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It's nice to see what other people thought about stuff I've read and I don't have read-y friends IRL to talk about stuff to. I generally search for specific books on youtube but also spend hours trawling for thicc latina booktubers.

10/10 would wife hard.

>> No.15874990

Do these narcissists think that reviewing books on youtube means they are intelligent?

>> No.15875029

why you don't just jerk off and relax?