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15870197 No.15870197 [Reply] [Original]

>My penis feels the call of austerity measures.
Why are his books so based and genderfutured?

>> No.15870608

I've just finished reading Moldbug and I'm now going to read Neuromancer to get myself ready for Land's penis :)

>> No.15870763

what books? The man was basically an abstract drugged up entity before moving to china

>> No.15871007

All of them.

So based.

>> No.15871019

so, just the one he has written? "The Thirst for Annihilation"?

>> No.15871042

As someone reading fanged noumena with no context around nick land or who he is, or the blogosphere of the 2000s - what is going on with the C7//APT3r%_W97T43N_[7Ke_t2His?

>> No.15871045

He's written a tonne of books anon try catching up.

>> No.15871051

Hypertextual HRT.

>> No.15871090

What others?

>> No.15871097

Meaning it's written that way to make you put more work into understanding it, thus making you stronger?

>> No.15871350
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What is wrong with his skull?

>> No.15871364

Occam's razor suggests cutting off your penis. Very true.

>> No.15871368

Equating fiscal policy with libidinal response is the most based you can get

>> No.15871703

Deterritorialization. Homer Simpson Syndrome for weak faggots.

>> No.15871966

holy based

>> No.15871983

>Bitcoin solves the problem of spacetime.
>It's perfectly safe and has none of the shortcomings of fake currency.

>> No.15872034

sooooo, twitter is the problem. I don't get your post nigga. Plus, the adresses will be tracked down

>> No.15872062

hi retard stop spamming the board with twitter garbage then.

>> No.15872074

nigga what? I've been spamin the destiny thread

>> No.15872085

try reading him anon.

>> No.15872095

and the difference?

>> No.15872109

try reading him anon.

>> No.15872120

Damn he's ugly.

>> No.15872123

I havent spamed anything related to twitter

>> No.15872131

>not twitter
okay anon

>> No.15872152

I have, I still don't understand how the post or the article change the Ctirique connection to Bitcoin

>> No.15872173

>perfectly safe
>keeps disappearing or getting stolen
ok hodlnigger

>> No.15872194

yeah, Land's point is not that it's perfectly safe or that it will keep anything from disappearing

>> No.15872211

>argue on here countless times about how it is perfectly safe
>that wasn't Land's point

>> No.15872227

Land is trying to say that Critique (in terms of what Kant develops in the CRP) can be developed and is being done outside of the frameworks of philosophy, and as such he poses the example of Bitcoin. Nothing to do with safety

>> No.15872253

Why hasn't he killed himself?

>> No.15872265


>> No.15872275

>hurr durr retuurd
make a valid point already asshole

>> No.15872285

try reading Land for once.

>> No.15872308

try reading him.

>> No.15872331

He's a pseud trying to come up with a hook so that he appears new and clever.

>> No.15872344

seems you got stuck in FN bud

>> No.15872345

try reading him

>> No.15872353

you need to read the blackpaper. probably his best work.

>> No.15872380

wasn't that written by some trans teenager programmer?

>> No.15872386


>> No.15872394

go back to twitter.

>> No.15872408

what's wrong with twitter?

>> No.15872414
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 38249AE9-A27A-4284-92A5-1DAD80FF7657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the fuck did you just say incel freak?

>> No.15872417

nothing, just go back to it. I'm sure a lot of interesting discourse happens there

>> No.15872425

based Hyper-Racism is where it's at.

>> No.15872432

>can't even basic photoshop

>> No.15872446

Why does he jerk off Moldbug so much?

>> No.15872452

because he's based? you'd know this if you'd read him.

>> No.15872591

strangely potent bitterness.

>> No.15872784

someone didn't understand a writer, so they tell everyone to go and read him. It happens

>> No.15872819

holy based

>> No.15872978

Where do I start?

>> No.15873078

That neither Nick nor Ayn have gotten the noble price is a travesty and shows the culturally marxism bias of that institution

>> No.15873869

Not a marxoid but Ayn Rand does not deserve any prizes.

>> No.15874052

what is a good reading order for Land? I just ordered FN, about to dive in blind. I was under the assumption that FN was a collection of all his work.

>> No.15874406

If Nick is vindicated to the point of receiving a prize, then the Nobel prizes will no longer exist. Or they will exist, but transformed into a chemical reward system delivered by a blockchain on the 87G network that joins all the brains together into a hive-mind.

>> No.15874610

will land even transition? sounds like peak acc to me
go to bed nyx

>> No.15875639

He literally had psychosis when he was writing that book

>> No.15876536

holy based

>> No.15876897

I mean, FN isn't a bad place to start, but it's a shitty place to stay in. If yo do plan on reading it, pay close atention to the last essay. It will tell you that you did that whole reading for nothing. It does have some good insights here and there tho. After it I would consider reading his blogs, first http://www.xenosystems.net/ and then go full into Crypto-Current http://www.uf-blog.net/
If you are interested in some of the faggy things that his followers develop, you should read about accelerationism. The faggotiest one (for obvious reasons) being Gender accelerationism (https://vastabrupt.com/2018/10/31/gender-acceleration/))
The other one that's still alive is U/acc (https://xenogothic.com/2019/03/04/a-u-acc-primer/))
you can check the other ones too https://conflatedautomatons.wordpress.com/2019/03/15/accelerationism-a-brief-taxonomy/
If you are too lazy to read about it, here is a brief explenation of preety much everything up to Crypto-Current https://cybertrophic.wordpress.com/2020/07/09/waves-spirals-lemurs-nick-land-on-time/

>> No.15876907

Thanks Horia

>> No.15876920

reminder that all postmodernists are queer theorists and pedohypnotists

>> No.15876925


>> No.15876930

>xenogothic advertising his blog to himself again

>> No.15876945

Land is more related to Kant now a days.
But yes, they were a bunch of pedophiles
a victim of one of these fuckers just wrote a book, Vanessa Springora's "Le consentement", on it she talks about how Gabriel Matzneff (the pedo every one of those fuckers supported) abused her

>> No.15876958

so why do you read queer theory?

>> No.15876964
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nah, fuck that basedboy, after knowing what he looks like and after taking pic related I couldn't bring myself to take him or his writing in a serious manner

>> No.15876970

Read Horia Belcea before and after Land.

>> No.15876987


Diamond Age would complement that nicely.

>> No.15876988

Why do I read Kant with his clear hate for the niggers? Why do I read Aristotle with his clear position in front of natural slaves and women? Why do I read heidegger with his clear anti-semitic beliefs? Why do I read the french authors with their clear pedophilic ties? not to create the world they desired, to learn and to know where they deeply fucked up. Plus, Land is not queer theory, he's more into Critique as in Kant

>> No.15877002

but don't buy that shitty satire book. Insted use the link the author gave us while self promoting like a faggot https://files.catbox.moe/enkzck.pdf

>> No.15877003

>postmodernism isn't queer theory
>land isn't a faggot theorist
nice cope.

>> No.15877012

postmodernism is queer theory, fully. Land is into Kant, not postmodernism. Atleas the contemporary one, the one that wrote the texts in FN is fully into that whole queer theory shit

>> No.15877022

try reading sometime accfag.

>> No.15877026

Try getting over FN faggot, and stop whearing those tranny programming socks

>> No.15877039

postmodernism is queer theory twitter is queer praxis.

>> No.15877055

truly, that's why it should be burned down

>> No.15877090

lmao accfags btfo.

>> No.15877095

Nothing of worth is being written by thos acc people, much less the tranny fags of g/acc (fucking twitter faggots, nyx the biggest fag of them all). Land is worth reading after the China no drugs move. before that it's just a bunch of postmodern pedo shit.

>> No.15877127

>Land is worth reading

>> No.15877166

his insight of critique being done outside of philosophy is good, the rest is shit

>> No.15877193

which means what? and what's good about it?

>> No.15877203

ok transphobe

>> No.15877232

everything the CCRU produced is just LARPing. doesn't make any less interesting desu

>> No.15877248

yes it does. nice cope though.

>> No.15877264


>> No.15877303
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in summary, Fichte was right when stating "vor Kant kein Heil" the whole tradition of philosophers trying to break away from Kant and what he developed whit the Critique are doomed to fail, this is now the case in double because there are systems that are now doing Critique in a much more efficient and practical way, taking it outside of the books. Land (after leaving the whole CCRU and FN bullshit) uses Bitcoin as an example of this, Critique (the job of many philosophers) can and is being done outside of philosophy. The whole postmodernist shtick, basically a bunch of fags running away from Kant, is doomed to fail and be replaced by systems that do what they failed to scape from. as Land states, "To philosophize on any subject over recent centuries, as still today, has been to criticize, in the positive acceptation of this term, by differentiating the transcendental format from the empirical datum, and then resolving – or, stated more realistically, negotiating – the boundary conflicts between the two." this 'negotiation' is formally solved by systems that don't need to do that negotiation, they just do it. I don't personally think it renders all philosophy useless, only the one that tries to do Critique.

>> No.15877329

Sounds like pseud bullshit

>> No.15877344

might be

>> No.15877365

I've heard him state that Capital is radically employing Kantian critique in the way that critique is turning objects into objectivity itself. I understand why this is the Kantian notion of critique, I don't understand what this has to do with Capital.

Any insight?

>> No.15877397

>Bitcoin seizes philosophical attention because it is already doing philosophy – or what philosophy is still (on ever rarer occasions) expected to do – and at multiple levels. It tells the truth. Bitcoin is not only a recognizable philosophical statement, but also, and more importantly, a philosophical automatism, a synthetic philosophical machine.** It not only philosophizes in the manner of a man – although this is its certain prospect – but also finally in the way of an angel, or a lesser god. The ‘intellectual intuition’ (Intellektuelle Anschauung) that is for Kant a mortal impossibility, is for Bitcoin an operational principle. It is destined to close upon itself, and thus know itself. By becoming time, Bitcoin promises an exhibition of unleashed thought, in a way no introspective anthropology ever can.

>> No.15877431

well, in the now disavowed FN essay "Kant, Capital and the Prohibition of Incest" there are a few sections that touch on the subject of Kant's relation to Capital (from page 63 to the beginning of page 68, -the rest is pretty much bullshit-). In those sections Land states that Capital finds it's formal way of functioning in the way Kant manages to represent it, "to open itself to the other and to consolidate itself from within, to expand indefinitely whilst reproducing itself as the same" (pg.63). you might find something in those pages, either that or in Crypto-Current

>> No.15877441

is this good for bitcoin?

>> No.15877447

pretty much, yeah

>> No.15877455

>Began this thing to make an ebook for the company I was then working for
what company wanted pseud shit about bitcoin being God?

>> No.15877458

Everything's good for bitcoin

>> No.15877461

then why isn't the line going up anymore?

>> No.15877466

He is in China, Bitcoin and blockchain is boomin over there. But he is a fucking schitzo, so they probably dropped the whole thing

>> No.15877468

If Bitcoin tells the truth why does all its marketing show it as a gold coin?

>> No.15877475

There are trends, the ones that want to make quick $$$ dolla, and the ones that want to use bitcoin for itself, not as a money making scheme.

>> No.15877479

even the most rearded hodlers aren't this retarded and out of touch.

>> No.15877486


>> No.15877496

gold coin = good $$$

>> No.15877515

lol who falls for this commissioned bullshit?

>> No.15877634


>> No.15877726


>> No.15877767

It's not about bitcoin being god, learn to read

>> No.15877823
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>but also finally in the way of an angel, or a lesser god
imagine listening to economic erotica and telling anyone to learn to read.

>> No.15877851
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>gabbidull dead biggoin lib

>> No.15877872

Did he only read the Neetch wiki or something?

>> No.15877930

exactly it's an ultraintelligent hyperAI from the future who radiocontrols godlike beings like Nick Land to bring itself into being.

read Nick or gtfo.

>> No.15877951


>> No.15877976

It's a collection of writing from 20 years, isn't it? Outside of the small few chapters written with that affect the rest of it is coherent.

>> No.15877998

Coherently drug fueled

>> No.15878038
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Capital is Sentient

>> No.15878086


>> No.15878164

So he's doing the same sort of thing as Deleuze just far less interesting.

>> No.15878219

Yeah, kind of

>> No.15878545

Man this makes no sense, is he drawing a parallel between Kant's transcendental idealism and Capital? I actually read that essay in FN, is the whole point "dude kantian epistemology is parasitic upon the other (thing-in-itself?), just as capital is upon the non-capital"?

>> No.15878598

Basically, see >>15878038 for further reference

>> No.15878702
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At what point do we reach noumenal velocity?

>> No.15878748
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once we make all philosophy a big machine whose function is to play nightcore and junglecore all the time whilst doing incomprehensible Critique. (this is canon btw)

>> No.15878937
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he was so handsome in the 90s bros he must've fucked alot of students in warwick

>> No.15878956

Fucked them while selling drugs to them while failing them and not allowing them to go on to academia for ignoring Kant

>> No.15878965

he was a loser

>> No.15879684

So you spend all your time reading a philosophy ironically?