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15869064 No.15869064 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about his latest book, Charter Schools?

>> No.15869101

is this fucker worth reading?

>> No.15869127

What does he have to say about Finland being exclusively run via public schools yet being consistently rated at or near the top spot with regards to education quality?
Does he say anything about how charter school teachers only make about 35K a year? What will he do when less people want to be teachers?

>> No.15869166

Don't know about charters, but from people I've talked to even though Catholic schools pay less, they are a better job since the students are significantly less disrespectful and violent than in public schools.

>> No.15869169

Yes, but don't read his Economics book. Intellectuals and Society is a good start.

>> No.15869187


>Does he say anything about how charter school teachers only make about 35K a year? What will he do when less people want to be teachers?
That's kind of the point. If schools get worse people will just home school... of course most American families are dysfunctional so that'd basically exacerbate everything bad since parents won't or can't have oversight most of the day or in the best case kids just become NEET aliterate gamers. Really whatever the schooling system is doesn't matter as much since it has to deal with those highly dysfunctional products.

Yes because the government doesn't pay those kids to go to Catholic schools dummy.

>> No.15869213

Sounds to me like you're just worried the wrong kind of people might use their charter school vouchers to enroll in the same schools as your kids.

>> No.15869250

I don't even have kids. I'm claiming private schools can only ever do better because of lack of choice for most people. Paying bad students to go to better schools won't make them do better but make those schools worse.

>> No.15869259

Well at least you admit it's the students that are bad not the schools. Personally I think we should defund the schools. If defunding can make bad police departments better then maybe it can make bad schools better too.

>> No.15869261

stop posting this uncle tom

>> No.15869287

Who's spamming this shit?

>> No.15869309
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>stop posting this uncle tom

>> No.15869374

Like I said it's the students not spending per se. If you're not going to segregate actual retards it doesn't matter since you're spending at the wrong point and dealing with issues to late. If you don't get kids away from dysfunctional homes and doing positive things they're going to end up how their parents raise them and the state of the family isn't good today.

>> No.15869402

Bill Blass.

>> No.15869421

Given that he's a pretty consistent libertarian I'm pretty sure I can predict what the book says.

>> No.15869466

>That's kind of the point. If schools get worse people will just home school... of course most American families are dysfunctional so that'd basically exacerbate everything bad since parents won't or can't have oversight most of the day or in the best case kids just become NEET aliterate gamers.
Holy shit, the results would be terrible with both parents working. I can't believe anyone thinks this is a good idea.

>> No.15869484

"no" doesnt tell me much, you could be saying that simply because you disagree with him. Tell me WHY i shouldnt read him.
>inb4 he's a facist goo goo gaa gaa

>> No.15869498

because I disagree with him

>> No.15869510

Because he's a pop author. Even if you agree with him you're not going to convince anyone by citing anything by him

>> No.15869656

>reading to directly cite others rather then using their insight to strengthen your individual opinion
thats gonna be a yikes from me sis

>> No.15870699

Wow you’re dumb

>> No.15870755

Is Malcolm X an uncle Tom too?

>> No.15870784

>Don't read him because he's popular!

You must be fun at parties

>> No.15870827

what is this a sowell for ant

>> No.15870863

Finland, like the US has some areas where public schools absolutely fail, not to say that charter schools are the answer, but acting like public schools are the solution is as bad as acting like charter schools are. In some places charters do great, in others not so well, just like public schools, don't damn the good ones to push politcal agenda. Schooling starts at home, the parent(s) interest and involvement in their childs education largely determines how well the kid does, parents who treat the public schools as free daycare and blame the school when their child is failing tend to end up with poorly educated children regardless of the what sort of school it is. Schools can only do some much.

>> No.15871084


>> No.15871095


>> No.15871106

Seething racists

>> No.15871156

If you want some context on libertarian thought. He's a shill for the jewish status quo, though.

>> No.15871725

Why would racists spam niggernomics?

>> No.15872803

Charter schools are businesses, subject to competition. They must market themselves to parents as corporations to customers. "The customer is always right" is a tongue in cheek claim, because customers must ultimately be catered to in order to make the sale, but they absolutely do not know more than an expert.
They not create competition with public schools and improve standards, but create a race to the bottom with other charters in their marketing, which as we can see from trends in advertising, optimizes toward sensationalism, subliminal messaging, and outright fabrications. Their job becomes to appeal to what the average parent thinks the object of their kids' education should be. We have that system, it's called homeschooling.
'But muh hippy dippy freeschool! It's more natural for kids!!!' <- that's marketing, that's a regurgitation of a sales pitch. That's some copywriting that charters can grasp on to and mold themselves as, the 'best school for budding freethinkers' or something. Nevermind what it turns the kid into.

>> No.15872868

As an actual educator, charter schools suck.

There are two things that need to be done in order to improve schooling in the US, and I doubt that anyone in power is willing to or even able to make these changes:
1. Create a culture of valuing education. The value of education in our society now is seen as two things primarily. The first is it’s simply looked at as something that should give job training and practical skills (think of how many people complain about school not teaching them how to do their taxes, where if they know how to learn and think they can easily figure it out for themselves with a little research). The second is looking at it as something you need to get good grades in to make your GPA look good, so you can go to a good college, to make your resume look good. You need create a culture that actually values learning for the sake of learning, not as a stepping stone towards getting a high paying job.
2. Destroy the apartheid that has been created in the educational system by delinking school funding to property taxes and instead equally fund all schools.
Again these are big asks that are either impossible for one person to push through on their own, or will be resisted by those in power. People come up with all these shitty band-aids like charter schools because they don’t want to address the roots of the issue in American culture and society.

>> No.15873601

My main concern with things like charter schools and their promotion is the consequential decrease in teacher pay. The more we promote them and the more teachers have to work in one, the less incentive there is to be a teacher. We should keep to as low a student to teacher ratio as is practicable. That said, I have no doubt that there's no such a thing as a system without flaws. At the very least, charter schools definitely aren't the magic bullet people make them out to be.

>> No.15873654

>Destroy the apartheid that has been created in the educational system by delinking school funding to property taxes and instead equally fund all schools.
i don't think you understand how much time and energy gets wasted in having to deal with niggers nigging, if you did this everyone would suffer to the point that the next generation would be genuinely technically incapable of keeping the lights on
i don't even say that out of racism (even though i am quite racist), i mean literally there's nobody who "values education" less than them
you can complain all you want about how there's not enough token niggers in whatever field you care about but you can't escape the fact that they have to want to be there in the first place

>> No.15874011
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>> No.15874028

>My competitors suck.

I fully agree with your second point however adding only that we should use a grammer school style system in the us of a

>> No.15874096

You are just throwing out more party lines. Cost of living is not fixed, in some areas you can live very nicely on 32k a year, 1k shy of what I make and I have a house on the lake, nice yard and garden, pension, 401k, and a nice savings account. Theteachers union completely fucked life in this area because most of the communities can not afford to pay big city wages required by the union, so in the past few decades all of the rural schools closed and kids having to bus 30 or 40 miles to a school is fairly common. This is part of what is great about the charter setup, it makes schools once again affordable for small rural communities. Seriously, look into this shit more before you start parroting what you hear, you come accross sounding like a moron.

>> No.15874632

Charter Schools/Academies are an insidious evil

It's literally a scam to take public money and give it to middle managers and execs of a charity board.

>> No.15874649

He's the Charlie Kirk or Ben Shapiro of economics, and his works should be treated with similar "respect".

>> No.15874680
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>Finland [...] has some areas where public schools absolutely fail
I'm a Finn, and while there has been discussions about some variation in educational quality between schools, the seriousness of that variation has never been described as the "absolute failure" of some. The discussion on the topic, which hasn't really been active in half a decade or so, had its focus mostly on the question of providing educational equality and equal opportunity for students. Within such a sphere the small and medium-sized differences and variations have been the central theme, with a huge front-page scandal such as "absolute failure" seemingly never having materialized.

>> No.15876653

people are avoiding this or just attempting to discredit it by saying they’re racist (???) for a reason

>> No.15876686

Intellectuals and Society
The Vision of the Anointed
A Conflict of Visions.
The Quest for Cosmic Justice.
These are all worth reading.