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/lit/ - Literature

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15867903 No.15867903 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good book?

>> No.15868076

If you can read it objectively and not get triggered, then yeah

>> No.15868091

so you agree or disagree with her argument?

>> No.15868187


I don't understand how people can take this kind of material seriously. The anti-racists claim that white people are afraid to have an "honest conversation about race", but they themselves refuse to talk honestly about black crime and the massive IQ differential between blacks and everyone else.

>> No.15868198

It's the white version of the protocols of zion.

>> No.15868209

Does talking about black-on-black crime make black people uncomfortable? Does talking about rampant gang violence and the glorification thereof make black people uncomfortable? Does talking about the ubiquitous homophobia, transphobia, sexism, and racism in black communities make black people uncomfortable? Does talking about blacks' vilification of their peers for trying to break the mold and escape their community's own vicious cycle of poverty and self-destruction make black people uncomfortable? Does addressing the culture's anti-intellectualism, decadent consumerism, and shameless indulgence make black people uncomfortable?

It's not about being uncomfortable, it's about sweeping real problems under the rug and ignoring the elephants in the room. Performative white discomfort and self-flagellation has reached a fever pitch in the US. You're willfully blind to ignore this.

>> No.15868220

I don't necessarily see anything controversial in the book. All of the following points are commonsense:

Yes, white people deflect to avoid talking about racism.
Yes, systemic racism exists
Yes, racism means a system of oppression, meaning only white people can be racist
Yes, everyone had implicit biases towards their own race
Yes, race was invented to justify the oppression of POC
Yes, white people need anti racism training to confront their racism and biases

>> No.15868232

No, but that doesn't justify your racism.

>> No.15868234

>Does talking about black-on-black crime make black people uncomfortable?

Depends on the black person. Some are willing to call it out, others placate it elsewhere. Whatever the case, mass media does not want to bring it up.

>> No.15868247

If you stopped oppressing POC all of these would go away because they are a result of oppression.

>> No.15868260

Reading the Talmud and learning about all the people the Israelites genocided (Amorites, Amalakites, Canaanites, etc etc) made me a racist.

>> No.15868294

I know a girl who has books like this on her bookshelf. She is a self-hating white lefty who spends a lot of time on twitter, but never empties her trashcans or washes the dishes until they’re full to the brim. She’s also fat and has framed posters of pithy quotes all over the apartment. I honestly feel bad for her that her life is so shallow, maybe it’s the birth control pills, or maybe it’s her lack of religiosity, or maybe it’s living in Los Angeles. My cousin is also similar, a shaved-headed, Filipinx, nonbinary Brooklyn-dwelling, hate-spewing Twitter fiend. Both these girls are resentful and buying into these safe, socially acceptable revolutionary ideas. Real bummer, but it drives me to run further, invest more money, and build my own life instead of tearing down others.

>> No.15868300

You almost had me there

>> No.15868302

no they're just dumb lol. chinks don't commit more crime and many of them came to the West poor as fuck and discriminated against

>> No.15868323

She just routinely overstates “institutional racism” in the United States. Perhaps because she’s so fucking old
She claims, for instance, that it’s easy and even likely to get all the way through Grad School or Law School without discussing racism.
I don’t even think I got through 1st grade without discussing racism and that was in the 90’s.

It’s like when some smartguy redditor loves to complain how everybody in America believes Columbus was a great guy and nobody knows about the crimes against the indians he committed.
In reality, nobody has been taught that for decades and just because it makes you feel smart to think Americans mostly live in ignorance on the issue, it doesn’t make it true.

Which basically means she’s criticizing the absolute bottom rung of white society. These just so happen to be the people with an actual grievance since they’re excluded from diversity quotas and affirmative action.

>> No.15868325

Yas queen slay em with that narrative honey

>> No.15868360

this is easily one of the most combative titles i've ever read
i'm not even white and I can tell that this title is there to attack people even if the contents of the book might be fine

>> No.15868373

Unironically, as an SJW libtard cuck, no.

>> No.15868396

Fuck! You’ve worked out the formula of sensationalism! How did you do it anon?! We can be rich!

>> No.15868401

Can we just start banning discussions of this book. Every fucking day.

>> No.15868412

just hide the thread bro

>> No.15868418

sure and i actually got the idea for the next title:
"blacks commit more crimes than any other race"

but it actually gets into details about how theres a great divide in wealth due tosystematic racism, etc.

>> No.15868456

Sounds zazzy. We’ll print 100000 copies

>> No.15868473


>White Fragility also reinforces the belief that the responsibility for racism lies with individual workers’ attitudes and invisible phenomena including implicit bias rather than the policies and practices authorized by employers. If I were an employer, why wouldn’t I want to hire a specialist to train workers to believe that their own identities and unconscious biases are the main sources of inequality, instead of exploitative workplace practices? Simply put, DiAngelo continues to be paid by schools and firms across the country for the same reason that employers pay any professional or manager: it advances their material interests as opposed to the interests of their personnel.
>There’s a more essential problem at play here: White Fragility actually reinforces racist beliefs. Sociologists generally agree with the notion that ethnicity can refer to an identity that individuals or communities assert, but races are labels that are ascribed to individuals. As scholars like Barbara E. Fields, Adolph Reed Jr., and, amusingly, DiAngelo’s fellow-traveler Ibram Kendi, have repeatedly noted, racist beliefs and practices presume and reify the belief that nature produced different types of humans with unique, inborn attributes. DiAngelo doesn’t talk about supposed “racial” differences in skulls or intellectual capacity, but the book is filled with associations of race with physiological differences. Terms such as racial stress, racial [dis]comfort, racial control, racial knowledge, the unavoidable dynamics of racism, racial relaxation, and racial manipulation disturbingly resemble inverted beliefs communicated by white nationalists and commodified by the Armitage family in the film “Get Out.”

>> No.15868503

Fuck off with these shit threads

don't you get tired of talking about the same fucking thing day after day?

>> No.15868526

>biggest nonfiction seller in the country? Not on my literature board!

>> No.15868591

There are fucking 40 of these threads every day, too much

>> No.15868826


>> No.15868888
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>> No.15868914
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>TFW when it takes an entire book to prove white fragility but you can prove black fragility with one word.

>> No.15868942
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>It's the daily ironic thread about some sjw trash.

>> No.15869006

Yeah let's also discuss random young adult trash about gay vampires and some airhead "discovering herself", that gets top rated on good reads and nyt best seller lists as well.

>> No.15869016

>tribalistic americans whining about race
do i need to explain it to you OP?

>> No.15869018


I always find it hilarious when redditors don’t know how to sage, lol

>> No.15869029
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>> No.15869049

Except the PotLEoZ is true

>> No.15869066
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>> No.15869068
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>> No.15869115

Despite making up only 13%...

>> No.15869125

Get Out was fucking terrible. Gues who's coming to skeleton key.

>> No.15869140
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Shit be lit af in the projects yo

>> No.15869144
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Nah, just antiWhite propaganda, ignores the facts. Don't bother

>> No.15869145

They amount they are majority of athletes.

>> No.15869152
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It's a one-sided hit piece against White Identity with the continued concept to destroy community identity and replace it with a muttified mindless herd that will be forever enslaved to centralization and globalism until the time comes that the herd is no longer needed and will be culled and/or left behind to wither away into obscurity while the rest merge into the immortality of the Singularity. This book is just another tool in that arsenal. Resistance to that is paramount for the survival of humanity. It's GOOD to be what they consider "racist" (for they have no real clear definition of what that even means to begin with), do not let the herd that uses mob mentality violence of suppression work against you. They call it "fragility" for resistance against them, yet when their own lackeys sperg out it's called "an act of defiance" etc etc. It's all loaded ideologue lies. Marxism is dead, neo-capitalism = marxism in the end as a synthesis of its reality. Without going much further, these people only seek one thing and that is your death or indoctrination.

>> No.15869173
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>> No.15869272

>Does talking about white-on-white crime make white people uncomfortable? Does talking about rampant gang violence and the glorification thereof make white people uncomfortable? Does talking about the ubiquitous homophobia, transphobia, sexism, and racism in white communities make white people uncomfortable? Does talking about whites' vilification of their peers for trying to break the mold and escape their community's own vicious cycle of poverty and self-destruction make white people uncomfortable? Does addressing the culture's anti-intellectualism, decadent consumerism, and shameless indulgence make white people uncomfortable?

>> No.15869279

read settlers instead

>> No.15869301

Indian, gook and chink immigrants usually come from poor families and yet they aren't disproportionately overrepresented in crime rates.
What a weird kind of white supremacy that only focuses on African Americans.

>> No.15869365

yes pee pee
yes poo poo
yes ooga booga nigga
yes my wifes boyfriend fucks me in the ass

>> No.15869366

They usually come to support their families back home and escape neptistic jobs. They actually try to assimilate and be friendly.

>> No.15869425

i don't think any black person is as self-hating as diangelo. she depicts white people basically as orcs who derive an immense amount of power and satisfaction from oppressing black people.

>> No.15869431

Not this shit again

>> No.15869440

What is the author’s solution?

>> No.15869442

>white people are evil and oppress us
also leftists:
>lol white people are fragile snowlfakes and sensitive

>> No.15869444

I haven't read the book yet; it is on my list after a guilty pleasure read. That being said, I'll assume you have read the book and simply address your assertions.

>Yes, white people deflect to avoid talking about racism.
Not intended in a 'what about-ism' way, but all people deflect to avoid talking about their racism. This is a great topic, and a wonderful teaching moment. Unfortunately, once you attempt to focus on one demographic it becomes moot. Most people, regardless of their demographic, turtle because they feel attacked.

>Yes, systemic racism exists
In law in America? Only in attempts to help under served demographics that I am aware of. Look at California's recent repeal of Prop 209 or SCOTUS's ruling regarding Grutter v. Bollinger where the majority opinion opined that "race-conscious admissions policies would no longer be necessary in 25 years". This is a clear indication that racial preference in law is unethical but deemed desirable in some instances. Do I agree with it personally? Not particularly. Unfortunately I do not have a better alternative at the moment. So I will very tentatively state it is undesirable, but it may be the best of the worst solutions available to us at the moment. In non-legal terms? I’ll save that response for your next assertion.

>> No.15869446

Her solution? Pay her a couple of grand so that she can teach you how to be more mentally diverse at your next corporate meeting

>> No.15869452

>Yes, racism means a system of oppression, meaning only white people can be racist
I have already shown legal systems of discrimination exist in America but favor poc. In this regard the statement is patently false. In non-legal systems? Yes, but that assertion is messy and without end. There is no end to the number of systems we partake in at any given moment. Just right now in this conversation we're partaking in: societal norms and conventions of grammar, terms of service with 4channel, the social norms governing moral action by whatever subcultures we ascribe to and those subcultures the audience may ascribe to, and (back to legal systems) the laws governing speech in our countries. The assertion that people of color necessarily suffer under this umbrella of unstated social systems is ridiculous. In any given scenario you can likely find various norms that are antagonistic towards them and various norms that are beneficial towards them. In fact, the very assertion that these anonymous systems are always antagonistic removes agency from poc entirely. It asserts that existence is something done TO them rather than something they partake in. The act of placing a demographic in a perpetual position of victim hood enforces a social norm that one demographic (poc) innately requires/deserves special privilege or consideration by the other demographic (white). And once you create a subculture with this societal norm (which is one of those systems we partake in) you are propagating the very initial premise you claim to abhor.

Talking about systemic racism in terms of written law is doable. Attempting to talk about systemic racism in a blanket term of social norms is a self defeating argument. It is simply too broad a topic to so liberally apply such a designation.

>Yes, everyone had implicit biases towards their own race
I’m sure there are exceptions, but I agree with you generally. I would argue the best course of action to fight this is to present the argument towards all people rather than one demographic. The focus on white people ignores every other race that fails this same test of character. We all need to grow here. Also, implicit bias can be overridden. Ever met someone who claims they only date someone of another race? Ever met someone who gives charity to a racial demographic that is not their own? The entire subculture White Fragility ascribes to and attempt to perpetuate propagates this very phenomenon of white people over ridding their bias in favor of poc. I’m not knocking it or endorsing it. But I will point out it only exists as a one way street.

>> No.15869461
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How come there's no "Early Life" section on the author's wikipedia page?

>> No.15869464

More free shit

>> No.15869470

>Yes, race was invented to justify the oppression of POC
Ben Franklin’s antagonism towards German immigrants, the Third Reich’s antagonism towards Jewish people, and British/British descended Americans' antagonism towards the Irish or Irish descended American’s seems to show this is a patently false statement. This is attempting to not only take first place in the Victim Olympics, but it attempts to bar other demographics from even contending. Rather than making it a contest, why not simply acknowledge that tribalism is bad and something we should all attempt to grow past?

>Yes, white people need anti racism training to confront their racism and biases
Because we all need the training. Because we all should confront these issues that we propagate. Because by making the assertion apply only to white people it fails to assert others need to do the same. Because if you genuinely believe only white people need to work on this (no matter your reasoning), you are asserting it is acceptable for non-white people to partake in racism and bias. If the only argument against racism and bias is that it is done to one demographic (rather than that they are inherently unethical or immoral norms at face value) then you are making a value statement of one racial demographic over another. That is racist, and it becomes a self-defeating argument.

>> No.15869511

how does not being racist benefit me? If a world where whites had complete control and we actually oppressed (not just not giving them free shit) poc then why would I contest it? It is a net benefit to me in the long run.

>> No.15869514
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American society is in the preparatory phase of an organized campaign of racial violence against whites.

Recently I’ve decided that I will no longer sit idle while whites get harassed, jumped or beaten by feral joggers. I will not only go out of my way to stick up for whites, but also go out of my way to help them when the opportunity presents itself. I am not looking for trouble, and I will not start anything, but if I see a fellow white in trouble being jumped by a pack of joggers, I’m grabbing my bat and I’m fucking up some knee caps. No questions asked. If the nigger was in the right (and I doubt it) then it’s just not his lucky day. I don’t care if the whites were calling the joggers dead mother a nigger, I’m sticking up for them from now on. We need no questions asked white unity and we need it fucking now. I for one will try doing my part by defending whites whenever and wherever it’s needed if I can.

For too long I’ve allowed myself to say things like:
>Well what happened
>What did the white guy do
>Maybe he deserved it

From now on (FUCK THAT). I am changing that habit right fucking NOW.
It doesn’t matter what happened, fuck joggers. It doesn’t matter if the white guy stole the joggers wallet, I’m still helping the white guy. No whites deserve to be left alone to deal with packs of joggers anymore, regardless of the reason.

Here is my new philosophy: if I see anyone in trouble that does not have black skin, I’m involving myself from now on.

If I see any niggers harassing, abusing, or hurting
>Elderly Whites
>White men or women (that aren’t cucks)
>White kids or Teeangers
I’m fucking shit up.

>> No.15869519
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Imagine constructing and adhering to an extraordinarily intricate system of delusions to explain why black people don't succeed in western society when every aspect of their failures is explained by their lower intelligence.

>> No.15869562
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Thats not what they look like lol, this is more the mark

>> No.15869595

this is why white women should abort as much as possible

>> No.15869609

That guy should have grabbed his legs, took him down, and choked him to death.

>> No.15869610

Wish that particular woman had aborted her kid.

>> No.15869648
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Based black man issues a startling take down of White Memeility in The Atlantic of all places.
I find it aligns with my own take on it. DiAngelo is a pseudointellectual fraudster profiting from from the creation of a fake area of racial expertise. It's chock full of heavy-handed moralism and sparse on scholarly sophistication. It patronizingly treats African Americans as helpless victims. It's planted on a philosophically shallow founding in which racism is an unanalyzable, primordial evil that attaches itself to white people through an ambiguous yet ever-present attribute of whiteness. The books primary ideological function is to make a certain class of educated whites feel good about themselves through ritualized acts of self-effacement.


>> No.15869680

>make a certain class of educated whites feel good about themselves through ritualized acts of self-effacement
It all comes back down to class warfare instead of this race war bullshit liberal elites want.
"White fragility" will end once the jewish menace is obliterated from society.

>> No.15869710

Wasn't this book about how the white woman that wrote it scared to be around crowds of black people and instead of admitting she is just a terrible person passed it off as her "natural white bias" and assumed that this is a problem with whites as a whole and not herself?

>> No.15869906

>Yes, systemic racism exists
stopped reading there

>> No.15869927

>good as in prose
i doubt it
>good as in making money
>good as in effective
no doubt about that
>good as in sound logic and reasonable premises
havent read, couldnt tell you
>good as in morally good
depends on your perspective
>good for board discussion
sure seems to be

>> No.15869928
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>if we lifted them up, they'd change!

>> No.15870135
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Based my white brother

>> No.15870168
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How much of /lit/ actually believes in systemic racism, white privilege, etc.?

Gotta be <10%

>> No.15870298

For that exact combo maybe. I believe in systemic racism and privilege, but not in the framing of those topics that Diangelo would use. This probably describes many more litizens

>> No.15870303

checked factually

>> No.15870311
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noooooo it's just because blacks get profiled as criminals moooore this supports the narrative

>> No.15870321

>I believe in systemic racism and privilege
Like how whites and Asians are net tax payers and blacks and Hispanics net tax receivers?
The Morlocks are in charge and the Eloi are the slaves

>> No.15870332

Dammit how do I use the fucking spoiler

>> No.15870387

Sure but I had in mind far more obvious examples like scholarships to elite universities that only exist for nonwhites or nonmen, preferential hiring treatment, things like that. Actual codified objective rules that privilege categories of people.

>> No.15870405

That's just the thing. Literally to say "it's about class" is considered to be an example of white fragility. That's one of the verboten responses listed in the book.
The elites have clung to racial division as the last defense against a materialist consciousness as the basis for revolt. They exploit the animus and high inference language loaded into this topic to keep people from focusing on the true problems. Bourgeois reactionaries such as DiAngelo must be held accountable.

>> No.15870420

That's a system all right. The one that favors Whites however has yet to be found.

I often fantasize of going back to school and starting a paper thusly
>Systemic racism is notable among racisms for its lack of a system.

>> No.15870432


>> No.15870447

The invisible system they refer to is a necessary mental construct for them to reconcile the material reality of brown failure coinciding with the most liberal time and place in American history. However, this isn't an indictment of systems thinking generally, or even the concept of privilege. They just apply it wrong. This always happens when strong ideas leak out to the public. Frankly, most books should be burned.

>> No.15870457

meant *world history, had a brain spasm

>> No.15870470


>> No.15870492

>Literally to say "it's about class" is considered to be an example of white fragility. That's one of the verboten responses listed in the book.
lmao PERFECT for a society transferring wealth upward while keeping the proles in petty squabbles

ffs "social justice" is just letting chimps bully you at the most basic interpersonal level. accomplishes nothing

>> No.15870511

>jewish menace
This phrase escaped my notice. This is just another form of racial division. Blaming Jews is just another racial diversion as blaming whites. The only way that truth can be perceived in the matter is by abandoning this effort to offload culpability on a simple an unanalyzable category such as race and viewing it in terms of structure, organization, policy, law, ideology, informed by a materialist understanding of history.

>> No.15870533

>Blaming Jews is just another racial diversion as blaming whites.
Hello rabbi

>> No.15870538

Looks like this book's infallibility is starting to burn out, even The Atlantic is shitting on it now.

>> No.15870541

Your language is a bit crude but I disagree. These BLM protests coincide after a pandemic and another round of capital extraction on the part of the ruling classes. The primary goal of this misdirection is to divert attention away from a more complete uprising the closest approximation of which was the Occupy Wallstreet demonstrations. Having plundered the economy to completion they are now throwing it to the dogs, permitting the most backward lumpenproles to rampage in the streets with full justification for seeking social justice.

>> No.15870545

>the material reality of brown failure

Is this the new way racists cloak their racism, by sounding like materialists?

>> No.15870556

Imagine how fucking awful your pop-sociology has to be to get shit on by the Atlantic

>> No.15870577

Literally nobody in society today disagrees that browns are materially FAILED in society - it is the substance of both the race riots and the reaction - grow up

>> No.15870592


>> No.15870596

Not him, but you're wrong tbqh. Even protests and riots are just useful shit to capital, especially when they burn down fucking retail stores and shit like that, guaranteeing that all these major corporations will get huge insurance payouts(which is capital that was previously frozen in place in the building now liquidated), which they can reinvest in China, furthering the economic inequality of the entire U.S but also the places that the rioters destroy in particular.

>> No.15870617

The whole concept of an entire group failing or not failing is just another liberal ideological trick to justify the current economic hierarchy.

>> No.15870635

Yes, and it's effective because that economic hierarchy actually does materially fail brown people (or "brown people fail within it" as reactionaries prefer)

>> No.15870643
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Why would I, as a white woman, read a book written by a white woman to learn about racism? Especially a white woman who repeatedly insists she is racist and that racism is an incurable ill tantamount to but more enduring than original sin?

How about I just read books by black authors about their lives?

>> No.15870691

Yeah, but using the words failing or not failing implies it's their fault when it reality they are simply the subjects of a system where a very small number of people take decisions that have ramifications for millions of people.

The idea that this system uniquely does this to brown people is wrong, it literally does this to everybody constantly.

>> No.15870717

Thank you anon, missed that.

You misunderstand me. The relations of power being such as they are to the elite there is no way they can be defeated without an aggressive overthrow similar to other revolutions of the past. The cards are stacked in their favor. There is no way you have a handful of people be drastically wealthier than 80% of the population without that causing fundamental disturbances to how society functions.
Insurance is just another tool of capital, it's a racket and source of exploitation for the "chronically unfortunate".

>> No.15870732

I agree with you here - assuming you're the same anon we started off with you saying this was racism cloaked in materialism - it isn't, this is materialism being used as the substance of argument for both "in-system" sides of a current dialectic. As far as the argument itself is moot because the system is about capital and not race, we are agreed, anon

>> No.15870745

You both see BLM as a high-low alliance, like all based men

>> No.15870757

>The whole concept of an entire group failing or not failing is just another liberal ideological trick to justify the current economic hierarchy.
No it isn't, demographic trends are used as evidence for racism or human biodiversity, depending on your side. This new trend of two faced marxists pretending to oppose ID-politics is annoying, we can read you other replies were you yield the premises to the woke political figures

>> No.15870811
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If the claims made by the authors do not match the material reality, or the well founded statistical evidence, you should ignore them whether black, white, or any race. The only purpose of reading such books is to learn the ambitions of factions.

For example, in these kind of books whites tend to emphasize the guilt and evil of whites (it always become original sin), black author tend to be either very resentful or narcissistic, jews however have nearly always the goals of demonizing collective action of behalf of whites. A good example of the last one is the fictional story of "The Wave", a story presented as truth, where the point is simply that whites who engage in collective action on their own behalf are evil nazis

>> No.15870825

>evidence for racism or human biodiversity, depending on your side.

Uh, no it's not. Liberals say the reason blacks are poor and overwhelmingly working class is because of the history of white supremacy and liberal race hucksters produce books like DiAngelo's to further this fraud, and right-wingers either say it's because blacks have a bad culture that doesn't make them want to succeed in a capitalist society, or they say it's just because they're low IQ animals.

Regardless of which of those narratives you like and want to believe is true, the hierarchy persists forever. And the reason is that the hierarchy isn't produced by ideas, it's produced by capitalism and its relations of production.

>> No.15870839

wow, what a kike. we all know that poor whites in Appalachia don't refute #WhitePrivilege. also nice magic connotation because everyone Jwoke is a schizo

>> No.15870859

>high-low alliance
I don't view it as an alliance, but the record of donations to BLM shows that capitalists are willing to paw off some bribes to keep fueling it. I'm reminded of the classic 1976 movie The Network. At first, many different interest groups attack the renegade TV personality for breaking with the script when he goes off on a diatribe against it. One group, a black radical group, then shows itself to be complicit in it, with it heavily implied that they are just in it for the bribes without actually caring for advancing the causes they presume to support. I forget the detail but it's a very relevant movie, watch it.

>> No.15870869

It's not enough that I don't see it. I don't want other people to experience it either.

>> No.15870894

weak leftist cope

>> No.15870938

>paw off some bribes

Interesting phrase for an organization that has gotten over a billion dollars in donations. BLM is literally just a wealth redistribution program for out of work humanities graduates.

>> No.15870986

I wish I could track the money trail but I bet it goes taxpayer > gov > lucrative gov contract > random (((NGO))) > BLM. It’s all just theft from the middle class and crumbs thrown to the underclass

>> No.15871006

Just Network, seen it, good stuff. Capital absorbs discontent and makes it work for it. I just don't think BLM ever really opposed capitalism, it opposed the "capitalism" of empty headed SJWs, which is just normal White people honoring non-monetary, pre-capitalistic values like law and order, politeness, high trust communities, the family, etc.

The low doesn't know it's allied to the high. BLM, and SJWism generally, is capital identifying what threatens it--Middle American populism--and telling the proles "it's capitalism! Go smash it!"

>> No.15871125
File: 180 KB, 1200x900, DHDS-92V0AELjx4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just go to ashleigh the lion's workshop instead. don't forget to paypal her

>> No.15871232

>redistribution program for out of work humanities graduates
Which is exactly the demographic which stands to benefit from the invention of a meaningless pseudoscience where nothing but moral accusation has credence. If they act against so called scientific racism they have done nothing but create a scientific anti-racism.
Right. The critique goes far beyond BLM and implicates the women's pussy hat marches that have been seen in recent years and LGBT stuff too. These are all instantly coopted by major corporations, who are eager to divert attention to side-effects of the main problem.
>"it's capitalism! Go smash it!"
That's precisely what isn't named, I'm surprised that you got so far and made that mistake. All of this is an attempt to depict identitarian pseudo-classes as primary and to make a materialist analysis untenable.

>> No.15871240

Guaranteed replies.jpg

>> No.15871305 [DELETED] 

Is it just me or do you guys find niggers ugly inside and out? While I do despise nigger culture, dark brown/black skin just seems unattractive, very plain and dark, lacking features, they all look very similar ironically and lack diversity. On the other hand white people come with different hair/eye colour combinations, it is creative and diverse, and white skin is plainly beautiful, it glistens in the sun and turns a red hue in winter. Why would you ever want to breed with a nigger and throw all of that away? I don't think I could ever see myself with a nigger, they're just not for me.

>> No.15871362


>> No.15871430

>racism means a system of oppression, meaning only white people can be racist
What if a non-white person is places over another type of non-white person in a hierarchy. E.g. Indian domestic workers in Arab countries

>race was invented to justify the oppression of POC
Do you suppose before European colonisation, an Arab and a sub-saharan African just looked at each other unable to register any difference in their ethnicities, and further that there was no racial element to the unequal power dynamic?

>> No.15871454 [DELETED] 
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From her website, you can't make this shit up kek
>Hunter Ashleigh Shackelford (she/ they) is a Black fat cultural producer, multidisciplinary artist, nonbinary shapeshifter, hood feminist, and data futurist

>> No.15871455

>The interlinked systems of white supremacy, imperialism, _capitalism_ and patriarchy shape the violence we face. As oppressed people living in the US, the belly of global empire, we are in a critical position to build the necessary connections for a global liberation movement. Until we are able to overturn US imperialism, _capitalism_ and white supremacy, our brothers and sisters around the world will continue to live in chains.
t. Movement for Black Lives platform

I certainly agree that class struggle is deemphasized here, and distracted from. But these people totally think they're on the anti-capitalist side.

>> No.15871467 [DELETED] 
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>nonbinary shapeshifter
>hood feminist

>> No.15871470
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>> No.15871560

>decolonizing antiblack body violence
Can someone translate?

>> No.15871572

Corona is gonna smite that bitch.

>> No.15871592

white people did this
women tend to be landwhales
is that of a landwhale
when people think she looks bad

>> No.15871634


>> No.15871641 [DELETED] 

Lmao, is that like, technology only made by niggers? Love to see how that works out.

>> No.15871671
File: 345 KB, 1920x1080, 2018-12-11-Robin-DiAngelo-White-Fragility-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that DiAngelo makes $12k per lecture to tell white people that "We must recognize and be aware of our collective racial experience."

>> No.15871686

Frantz Fanon was on the CIA payroll

>> No.15871693

y does she look jewish?

>> No.15871702

She's Italian and most Ashkenazis have substantial Italian admixture. I think she also had a Jewish dad or grandparent (which doesn't make you a Jew).

>> No.15871718

thank you for displaying your ability to reason and debate on a literature board. Now light yourself on fire you fucking monkey.

>> No.15871734

>Rather than making it a contest, why not simply acknowledge that tribalism is bad and something we should all attempt to grow past?
If they applied tribalism successfully they wouldn't need to worry about "other groups wanting to contend" at all...

>> No.15871759

>y does she look jewish?

Because that's probably what she is and she's trying to hide it, which is why there isn't much background information about her on her wiki page.

>> No.15871846

If they truly were they would reject the money. Those are just the donations that have been made public, which establishes the assumption that it's all that should be made public. Already there are surely members who claim to be influencers of the movement who are working out pecunious arrangements in order to fit and constrain the revolutionary potential of the movement to the boundaries accepted by the media. Otherwise it will just continue to devolve into undirected and displaced violence, to be met with an increasingly authoritarian response. Maybe useful idiots think that BLM carries genuine revolutionary potential, but it's definitionally limited by its basic premises. You can't found a sustained revolutionary movement on the premise "we are the 13.4%!" Many involved hope to just cash out when they can and leave things to the general course of events.

>> No.15872011

Donations to BLM basically go to the Biden campaign war chest kek

>You can't found a sustained revolutionary movement on the premise "we are the 13.4%!"
Blacks think they're like 40%+ of the US.

>> No.15872070


>> No.15872282

I haven't read this thread yet. The book is a kafka trap written by a highly feminine autistic woman with over socialization tendencies.

>> No.15873060

Like, Wakanda, but real.

>> No.15873129

Wasn't Fanon a sodomite?

>> No.15873230

i believe it is my white privilege to make octoroon children with that sweet sweet caramel beauty

>> No.15874227

He was a CIA asset.

>> No.15874530

I would prefer to read Noel Ignatiev and Ted Allen instead when it comes to whiteness studies.

>> No.15874952

Okay Johannas Schlomobergstein

>> No.15874979
