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/lit/ - Literature

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15867851 No.15867851 [Reply] [Original]

I'm planning on learning japanese, mainly to read (light)novels, and I would therefore appreciate any good recommendations /lit/ has to offer.

>> No.15867867

Read classical chinese instead of ya tranny fantasies

>> No.15867887

Gay and not /lit/. Go back to your gutter weeb board.

>> No.15867899
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Anyway, go to the threads on /jp/ or /int/

>> No.15867964

I've read Mishima's sound of waves and it might be a simple novel. Its prose and plot seemed pretty linear tho. Try look it up. Also
>tfw no japanese ama (pearl collector) gf

>> No.15868215

Thanks, I will check it out.

>> No.15868236
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murakami haruki desu

>> No.15868255

why dont you learn korean instead? it's a better language, korea is a more technologically advanced country with better job opportunities, and on top of that nobody will think you're the fag weeb that you are

>> No.15868310
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Murakami is okay when learning. Light novels are weird because they usually employ a limited but uncommon vocabulary - tho I'd recommend reading Gekkou and Monogatari. You can read visual novels as well - although they usually do the same as LNs described above.

>> No.15868346

The only reason why I(as the asocial fag that I am) would even bother learning another language is to read literature in it and I don't know of any literature I would be willing to learn korean for.
Btw why am I a weeb for enjoying japanese media? It's not like I believe their culture to be better than my own and I don't even own any merch besides a movie poster which I got for free. I literally haven't even watched any anime in years.

>> No.15868382

I've heared of the vocabulary in this type of media being rather uncommon; I will check them out.

>> No.15868510

do you mind expounding on that? If I were to learn japanese through light novels, what would I end up sounding like?

>> No.15869081

Many light/visual novels have a vocabulary which consists of a mix of a lot of common words and then some very niche, rarely used ones. The type that you probably won't get the chance to use very often, or rather quite rarely. You'd probably wind up sounding quite weird.

>> No.15869149

Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria Is the only light novel you need

>> No.15869245

have you considered this a phase and that the euphoria will pass

>> No.15869256

Coming from someone who used to be a weeb back in 2014

>> No.15869282

desu, japans liturary scene is not ghe greatests outside some like Mishima.

>> No.15869307

Not OP, but so what? Even if he does stop being interested in LNs/anime/manga etc. someday, he'll still have learned a new language that could possibly come in handy in various situations, for example work-related maybe.

>> No.15869329

I learned Japanese and it was the best decision of my life. Though unlike OP I love all kinds of Japanese media, including "normal" literature.

>> No.15869395

Will that look into it.
I'm also into "normal" literature. Just to make things clear: I'm not solely interested in light novels; I made this thread on /lit/ for a reason.

>> No.15869406

Graded readers for kids.

>> No.15869417

>would even bother learning another language is to read literature in it
ok, well then you're obviously in the wrong continent for that.
>Btw why am I a weeb for enjoying japanese media?
because that's the requirement for being a weeb. "japanese media" caters to either children or the lowest common denominator. constant fan service, almost exclusively catering to a demographic you are either too old for, or will be in 2 years. the i've-never-touched-a-woman-but-what's-wrong-with-dating-a-12-year-old incessant no-self-confidence-yet-i'm-the-main-character Sealioning personality that these shows breed. moreover, we are lucky to get one anime per half decade that can be even remotely considered /lit/.

>he'll still have learned a new language that could possibly come in handy in various situations, for example work-related maybe.
there is absolutely no chance that learning japanese will ever be profitable. it is a very oversaturated language if you even ever manage to learn it, and let's be honest, you won't because it requires thousands of hours of work for zero reward, and once you learn it you still won't be able to have a non-NPC conversation with any native speakers without having lived there (did I mention that living in Japan is absolutely miserable? they have one of the most soul crushing work ethics out of any industrialized nation)

>> No.15869433
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>would even bother learning another language is to read literature in it
>why yes, I am learning Japanese

>> No.15869455

I learned jap on my own, and it's had a positive effect on my job interviews because it shows I'm more flexible and can be relied on for more international matters. You're talking out of your ass.

>> No.15869526

>Many light/visual novels have a vocabulary which consists of a mix of a lot of common words and then some very niche, rarely used ones
That's the same with every piece of written media retard. You think people in real life go around speaking like Pynchon characters?

>> No.15869617

That's not really what I mean. It's odd, but their vocabulary is not really that advanced and actually rather limited in comparison to actual novels, but each author generally uses some words that you're never going to see used anywhere else - as in, no other author uses them. Or maybe they'll often use a set of expressions that is rarely used otherwise. Or maybe they'll write common words in alternative, uncommon forms. It's a bit hard to explain.

>> No.15869625

I saw some poster posting about Coun Locker Babies but everywhere I look for it it’s super expensive
Anybody have any tips of where to go or what to do?

>> No.15869662

read some of the classic stuff they make japs read in high school. tanizaki, soseki, dazai, akutagwa

>> No.15869724
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>korea is a more technologically advanced country with better job opportunities, and on top of that nobody will think you're the fag weeb that you are
Everyone would think that you are either an effeminate faggot lusting after asian boys or an effeminate faggot lusting after plastic dolls.

Go learn Classic Chinese if you want to be patrician you stupid kpop doublenigger.