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15866269 No.15866269 [Reply] [Original]

>filtered by Lenin's elementary level vocabulary
Are BLMers literally brainlets?

>> No.15866274

>water is wet

>> No.15866334

>there were sisters and brothers in the class whose public school education had not even allowed them to learn how to read
AHAHAHA. Do Americans really?

>> No.15866356

Where is this from?

>> No.15866359

Yes. And this happens not only in black areas, but more generally, poor areas.

>> No.15866366

>allowed them to learn to read
>on a far more elemental level

>> No.15866370

>They had understood Lenin on a far more elemental level than any professor of social science.
Seriously? A bunch of retards who can hardly discern the meaning of words can outperform professors? Is this intended to be sarcasm? Vaguely sardonic?

>> No.15866429

is this a black panther book?

>> No.15867544

Seems to have struck a nerve.
Yes people who experience being working class understand class struggle better than rich people who go to university and argue about books. It's very straightforward that the experience is deterritorialised and understood better than white saviours and intellectuals.

>> No.15867564

Not sure but Huey P Newton couldn't read much until he finished the Republic. Kinda based they taught themselves to read.

To be fair, he uses very archaic language like "organ" in its political sense

>> No.15868119

'I won't go to the theatre,' answered Sharikov nonchalantly and made the sign of the cross over his mouth.

'Hiccuping at table takes other people's appetites away,' said Bormenthal automatically. 'If you don't mind my mentioning it... Incidentally, why don't you like the theatre?' Sharikov held his empty glass up to his eye and looked through it as though it were an opera glass. After some thought he pouted and said:

'Hell, it's just rot . . . talk, talk. Pure counter-revolution.'

Philip Philipovich leaned against his high, carved gothic chairback and laughed so hard that he displayed what looked like two rows of gold fence-posts. Bormenthal merely shook his head.

'You should do some reading,' he suggested, 'and then, perhaps . . .'

'But I read a lot . . .' answered Sharikov, quickly and surreptitiously pouring himself half a glass of vodka.

'Zina!' cried Philip Philipovich anxiously. 'Clear away the vodka, my dear. We don't need it any more . . . What have you been reading?'

He suddenly had a mental picture of a desert island, palm trees, and a man dressed in goatskins. 'I'll bet he says Robinson Crusoe . . .'he thought.

'That guy . . . what's his name . . . Engels' correspondence with . . . hell, what d'you call him ... oh - Kautsky.'

Bormenthal's forkful of turkey meat stopped in mid-air and Philip Philipovich choked on his wine. Sharikov seized this moment to gulp down his vodka.

Philip Philipovich put his elbows on the table, stared at Sharikov and asked:

'What comment can you make on what you've read?'

Sharikov shrugged. 'I don't agree.'

'With whom - Engels or Kautsky?'

'With neither of 'em,' replied Sharikov.

'That is most remarkable. Anybody who says that . . . Well, what would you suggest instead?'

'Suggest? I dunno . . . They just write and write all that rot ... all about some congress and some Germans . . . makes my head reel. Take everything away from the bosses, then divide it up . . .'

>> No.15868265

>it’s not my fault I’m literally clinically retarded, it’s the schools fault for not “letting” me read

>> No.15868375

Yes, academic cucks in humanities can't read a text without projecting onto it their retarded inventions dervied from bourgeois ideology, and as a result a common retard is capable of a better understanding than them.

>> No.15868398

Its a well established fact that teachers, mostly Democrat voting women, hate niggers and conspire to keep them illiterate.

>> No.15868406
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>American education

>> No.15868662


It's Angela Davis, from her autobiography I believe.

>> No.15868716

>Niggers are so stupid they can't even buy into ideology properly
Not even surprised, Marx would have hated these Lumpenproletariat.

>> No.15869756

I think I've read this thread before

>> No.15869765
File: 123 KB, 900x593, lassalle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
