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/lit/ - Literature

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15862869 No.15862869 [Reply] [Original]

What is the solution to /lit/'s Judenfrage?

>> No.15862895

Ban newfags whether they're starting ten threads about Marx or ten threads about Hitler. Please don't clutter the board.

>> No.15862909

Based. Banning users who don't use proper grammar and syntax would greatly improve /lit/ as well.

>> No.15862923

I would add a ban on "books for this feel" thread. Would considerably slow the board down as well.

>> No.15862924


>> No.15862932

This but also make the board explicitly philosophical as well to keep the speed up but lower the filler

>> No.15862940

Add hiragana captchas to the entire website.

>> No.15862941

Also if you lose a debate in a thread you can't shill your ideology for a week

>> No.15862943

No. Philosophy is based but literally every Nazi, incel, commie, chapofag, and reddit atheist thread uses philosophy as a beard to hide their attempts into making this board into /pol2/.

>> No.15862947

Marxists aren't gonna like this...

>> No.15862948
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Ban frog/anime/jezebel posters.
It's a price i'm willing to pay

>> No.15862952
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Read the book and they'll stop

>> No.15862956

Sure they can ban anything politically based unless it refers to a polph or metaphysics or some other

>> No.15862972

It's trash. You lost the debate. I'm not interested in your conspiracies based on statistics. Use a better system. Start with Plato

>> No.15862975

That seems fine. To make it cleaner, I'd suggest a general for such topics, and maybe generals for people like Nietzsche and Hegel, who get about five threads a day regardless.

>> No.15862980

Every week there's one stickied ideology general and ppl can come in and debate it. Winner gets to get the new sticky

>> No.15862981

This is a meta-thread retards, go discuss the book itself in one of the schizo's many threads

>> No.15862991

It's trash you've lost the debate in several threads. You're just looking unhinged.

>> No.15862997
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>make /lit/ a text only board
Why not just posting a flower instead of book covers and other stuff?
You still can write the title of the book in the subject.

>> No.15863008

>you win a debate by calling everyone a kike

>> No.15863405

Won't work, I read it and my conclusions still make the spergs mad

>> No.15863465

The jannies got it, though I wish they would delete them sooner. Posting the CoC cover should be considered a spam post

>> No.15863517

Glad to see that you're losing your mind from seeing something you disagree with

Hope this thread gives you the moral support you need and you don't have to take any more drugs than usual

Maybe stop trying to debate about who won debates because you lost the debate, that's just a little too insane.

>> No.15863549

>you win a debate by refusing to state a position, justify it, engage with evidence, or your opponent's arguments
your only concept of winning is refusing to alter your own bias unless authority forces you to

>> No.15863605

A small percentage of the board is philosophy bros and yet we are almost always the ones shitting up the board, by debating with eachother and then spamming the place with bait threads of our respective ideologies because 80% of us can't let a debate die at bump limit. To be honest I go to fiction threads to get away from most of the philosophy tryhards. Nothing good comes from philosophy threads not even good recommendations.

>> No.15863619

That sounds like a very Schopenhauerian way to engage in debate which is, dare I say, based.

>> No.15863681

Zoomers are too stupid to capitalize sentences. I support this.

>> No.15864814

no one used to capitalize things to indicate sentence structure and punctuation was much more freestyle, and spelling was not at all standardized across the map and hardly so by dialect
until the industrial revolution and turbokike anglos and jews themselves started flattening out culture
nothing good was written in english until the Lord of the Rings since 1750

basically you couldn't more clearly show what a fake retard goblin you are, clinging on to a culture you have no place in, by bitching about such things as you do
you subhuman niggers

>> No.15864855

ESL users btfo!