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/lit/ - Literature

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15859755 No.15859755 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in my final year at Cambridge and I want to take on masters, possibly abroad. Which other universities are certified based and /lit/pilled?

>> No.15859781


>> No.15859825

>worst college

How's Trinity College these days? Try San Francisco State University, they love homos there.

>> No.15859836

which collage lad?
law fag here.
fancy a meet up and a kiss? x

>> No.15859883
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Sidney Sussex

>> No.15859930

>Sidney Sussex

So where exactly is Cromwell's head anyways? Are the fat women at Sainsbury's still anal about checking IDs for alcohol? Are the pubs all closed?

>> No.15859952
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Lick my dick and my balls.

>> No.15859987

I'm away from the city till michaelmas but I was in one the last day before lockdown. Our master doesn't actually trust the chaplain with the head's location either so only he knows, but he's been kicked out by the construction workers doing up the college. It's definitely the most surreal college imo in a Roal Dahl kind of way.

>> No.15860019

>paying £9000 pounds a year for your learning loicense
ngmi. Although the dinners at cambridge are nice, real fuckin fancy eggs.

>> No.15860099

lots of fit slags, i'm working class so they all thought I was "hard" and it was easy as fuck to pull the posh cunts, just tell them "I love socalism" or some shite.

still gunna vote for the most right wing party lel

>> No.15860105

>Although the dinners at cambridge are nice, real fuckin fancy eggs.

Not OP, but the dinners are some of my fondest memories. If only everything in life could be so nice. Cambridge was also probably the last (and perhaps only) place where my peers seemed as interested in reading, literature, and history as I am.

>> No.15860128
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>cambridge university
>fit slags
Ask me how I know you're larping

>> No.15860171

It's cool they still have a fleur-de-lis on the coat of arms.

>> No.15860172

Maybe he's talking about non-English women.

>> No.15860194

If you haven't gone to Balliol, you might as well commit suicide.

>> No.15860544

OP is a LIAR, you are automatically conferred a Masters degree after a period of time if you do your undergrad at Oxbridge, so there's no need to do a separate Masters. If he actually went there he'd know that.

>> No.15860590


>> No.15860945

Anyone else find it funny that it has a white rose despite Henry VI being a Lancaster?

>> No.15860954

I didn't get accepted at Oxford so I'm going Bristol. Still coping

>> No.15860960

You will NEVER EVER dine at Balliol College, Oxford before quietly sneaking off with your privately educated (£36,000 per year plus expenses and netball tour fees) English rose girlfriend. Every night for 8 weeks per term, 3 terms an academic year, for 3 to 4 years of your intensive, 3 essay a week, tutorial (maximum of 3 people, including you and a world leading expert who probably wrote the textbook ("Ignore that part Anon, just padding for the slower students at inferior universities! Now lets enjoy the weather and spend the hour outside, discussing my conception of Neoplatonism through the lens of Rawls."), 3 of them a week) filled life changing, world class experience.

No need for job interviews. The finest employers in the Western hemisphere come from London to advertise. Though that doesn't adequately convey the personalised nature of it. No presentations to halls filled with 300+ people followed by awkward business card shuffling. Personalised dinners with your college's alumni. Dinner with Amal Clooney, where she discusses her international human rights work in the Hague on Monday, prosecuting the last of the Eastern European holdouts, and then her work in the backwaters of Mugazumbabwete where she represented a blind, deaf, and disabled, 88 year old in a meeting with a tribal chief. Extremely rewarding, I trust you guys not to publicise it.

Brunch with Tony Blair and other members of the Lacrosse team, including your rival for your English rose, Uppingham-Mannheim III, who you have come to a frosty respect. Tony was dreadfully gauche but he did raise some chuckles when he talked about the calibre of the current Labour leadership. To this we day we still discuss whether Birckbeck and Brunel on a resume are more embarrassing than 2 failed A levels. Aah.. The high-minded discussions of the men of Oxford...

>> No.15860979

This pasta was never funny

>> No.15861003


The most /lit/ thing to do would be to get onto the writing course at UEA, which is the best in the country and one of the best in Europe. You actually have to possess creative talent to go there, though, so no one on /lit/ ever will.

>> No.15861035
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>go to god tier university
>dine with amal clooney

>> No.15861060

My cousin's fiance went there. It sounds absolutely kino. He did screenwriting and was pretty quickly snapped up by a production company based in London, a mate of his had his first novel published imminently after graduating. Apparently like 40% of students go on to be career writers, with the rest going into journalism/teaching writing etc. Although someone else he went there with got onto the civil service fast stream after, which is also kinda cool. Artists involved in civil service remind me of Goethe. Anyway as you can tell by this rambling ass post I am never fucking getting in there or published at all lol

>> No.15861096

thems Indian birds can be right good looking

>> No.15861110

How do Indian women's pussies/asses smell? They seem attractive but I always worry they will have the infamous south asian stink

>> No.15861112

UEA isn't that hard to get into

>> No.15861159

UEA is middling as a whole, but their creative writing program is notoriously selective and genuinely world-class. That's perhaps an exception on comparison to their other courses. UEA is famed for its writing program just as Cambridge is for mathematics, Loughborough is for sports science, LSE is for economics, etc. Alumni include Kazuo Ishiguro and Ian McEwan.

>> No.15861245

I've been reading all these recent Oxbridge topics, along with that Oxford copypasta, with some bemusement. I went to Oxford and did a PPE degree. I have also read a lot of bitter posts about poshness but I did see a grain of truth: that the public school upbringing shielded you from feeling offence. It's true. It's always jarring when I come across a /lit/ type in real life, one of those fiercely attempting to climb the class ladder through erudition and intellect alone. It is embarrassing on both sides.

On the one hand, this person, so used to being the towering intellect in their Durham-LSE-UCL (oh spare me about English Literature rankings!)-Warwick social circle (Bristol, Edinburgh, and St. Andrews seem to produce only jolly clowns, not these types), is visibly mortified while realising how much the Oxbridge natural brilliance shines through. What's funny is that they are invariably better read than me. Tolstoy's lesser known works and so on. But they are still visibly insecure, in many cases shaking. Sometimes I use my 3-to-1 tutorial hewn bullshitting technique to pretend that I have read as much as them but I always reveal that I am joking and this terrifies them, as if realising I have been boxing with both hands behind my back. Please, you guys, DON'T come across so try hard.

I now float in and out of fashionable South Kensington, Russel Square, and, when I feel like knobbing that hipsterish girl you cooed over in your 30 person English tutorials as a Chinese teaching assistant failed to draw ANY original thoughts from the class, Camden mileus on these autumnal and winter Friday and Saturday nights. It's quite funny really, my friends and I were academically brilliant, on many occasions being invited for individual wine sessions with multiple tutors from Economics, Law, and English Literature, and being begged to continue on with further study- on one occasion my tutor postponed his meeting with the Presidents of the World Bank and IMF where he would advise them of the Venezuela situation, in order to plead with me to develop a Hegelian line of attack on the similarities of English common law and Constantinople law that I had mentioned in a throwaway comment- and yet, in these fashionable parties, the most easily brilliant and witty people were the Oxbridge colleagues among us who had done so academically badly. Lowly Atillas, lazy Desmonds, narcoleptic Douglases: who knew they were so brilliant? But I guess that's Oxbridge for you!

>> No.15861371

The Cambridge MA is only eligable no earlier than 6 years after you complete a BA, and does not count as a post graduate qualification- it only confers additional voting rights within University conduct.

>> No.15861404
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>30 replies
>no one answered my question, except an anon who spelt Oxford wrong
cheers /lit/

>> No.15861527


>> No.15861560

The topics that we've decided to discuss here are more interesting than trying to brainstorm ideas for where you should go to graduate school.

>> No.15861749


>> No.15861941

I'm really considering applying there actually. Can you expand on it though? I felt Switzerland calling me from North Italy.

>> No.15861967

Bonus of Joyce being buried behind the campus.

>> No.15861975


>> No.15862385

i would add LMU, Tübingen and Münster.
No particular order

>> No.15862410

retard here, did you guys really actually get A*AA on your A levels? Fucking how? What subjects did you even do?
I knew I should've taken fucking Philosophy instead of Maths or Economics, why the fuck didn't I think it was a "real" subject

>> No.15862431

Is london school of economics /lit/? What are my chances of getting in as a burger with an econ degree?

>> No.15862437
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I don't know anon. retard here too, no one from my 6th form even applied to Oxford or Cambridge I do English lit at a mid tier uni which is still good desu but its not Oxford :(

>> No.15862989

>Not getting your undergrad at a comfy state school in the Midwest because you realized life is more important than burning through your 20s for name recognition on a degree that still probably wont land you 6 figures.

>> No.15864068
File: 632 KB, 1152x768, uvic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went here. Kinda cozy, kinda full of retards. Should have gone to a smaller, cheaper school.

>> No.15864123

le ebin iowa writing workshop
working part time as an earth science lab assistant at Harvard while doing nothing else but reading and writing in a dingy shithole massachusettes suburban apt or sublet house

>> No.15864516

Fuck the clones.

>> No.15864827
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yeah I thought so too, although I had never talked to that group before. maybe the boys at the clubBallast - 20mm - Natural
Opens in a new window

Size: 20mmApplication/Uses: Concrete Floors Foundations for building Bases Concrete paths.Packing: 850kg bulk bag 25kg Pre packed bags

>> No.15865003

hello, Jonathan

>> No.15865540

Either of the big two Singaporean universities so you can get your ass kicked

>> No.15865693

Want to try true lit MA program? Try Masters at St.John's college, Annapolis. https://www.sjc.edu/academic-programs/graduate/masters-liberal-arts

>> No.15865872

It's good, difficult but good. Bit expensive though and Zurich might be boring if you're a party type of person but given you're here I assume you're not.

>> No.15865912
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Universidad de Salamanca. Basically the top tier Uni in Spain.

>> No.15865927

imagine getting a scholarship for the Tübinger Stift and getting to smell the ground that Hölderlin, Schelling and Hegel stepped on with bare feet :3

>> No.15865947

Heya fellas, a Russian here.
Is it true that Oxford is considered leet while Cambridge is like a knock-off of Oxford reserved for second tier applicants? My tutors always said me to pirate and read everything Oxford, because Cambridge is, uh... country fair tier, if I translate that word right.

>> No.15865988

bait tier advice desu. Most of the time Cambridge is ranked higher than Oxford for most of its subjects, and it has a smaller student pool. Oxford is just more well known in America and hence, the rest of the world.
That said, when I went over there to play varsity, Oxford's money and facilities were much better than Cambridge's.

>> No.15865995

I got 3 A*s at A level. I arrived in sixth at 6AM every day to get a few more hours of revision in on everyone else, but that said I took Business, Classics and History- which are a lot easier than STEM obviously.

>> No.15866008

Oh OK then, might be a case of Oxford-booism here. Gonna pirate everything Cambridge's then too.