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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.49 MB, 1080x1068, 1594615011967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15859582 No.15859582 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche compared modern man's task to a tightrope walk. He is close to godhood, yet almost certain to fatally err before he gets there.

I was once at a zoo. The pongo exhibit had two enclosures connected by ropes like telephone wires. The orangs could climb between them, right over the human visitors. I asked the zookeeper
>what if they fall??
and she said
>they never fall.

If we want to cross the rope to the übermensch, we cannot walk on it like a man. We must swing from it like monky.

>> No.15859597

>He is close to godhood
imagine believing this

>> No.15859651

beautiful and inspiring

>> No.15859665

Holy based

>> No.15859716
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absolutely based op, monky is the pure personification of the dionisian wild man

>> No.15859747

monky together strong

>> No.15859915
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>> No.15859937 [DELETED] 

Based and monkypilled

>> No.15860030

Based, what zoo?

>> No.15860107
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>> No.15860169

Man is already God. Neville Goddard proved it

>> No.15860283
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Why is this such a common feeling? Seems every guy I know now wants to be monkey. It isn't even getting memed that much. It's primal. I just want to go back.

>> No.15860342

Based and monkepilled. I’ve been feeling this for a few years now and I’m ecstatic that it’s becoming memed. Just hope it doesn’t get co opted

>> No.15860360

Anyone else just wanna swing around trees in the jungle flinging shit at people?

>> No.15860422

I'm kinda mad it's getting memed because it's inevitably going to get co opted and will die off. It will lead to people believing that we're just memeing and don't legitimately feel this way.

>> No.15860460

Nice meta meme referencing the mixed kids and falling birth rates of white peepoles. Anons are actually sick of predictable /pol/ tricks.

>> No.15860475

Yeah true. I doubt it will stay on the fringe but I hope it does

>> No.15860511
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schizopost fuck off

>> No.15860564

We're beginning to realise modern society is a complete lie

>> No.15860570

Everything as it is now is the complete opposite of what it should be.

>> No.15860631

If I was a monkey I'd masturbate all day, every day

>> No.15860640

If I was a monkey I'd brick you upside the head.

>> No.15860647

that's what bonobos do

>> No.15860688

I remember an anon here once got extremely offended at me because I made a post noting that animals rape each other. He swore up and down that it wasn't true, and that i was a disgusting person for saying it. I can't remember but I think i posted a gif of a seal raping a penguin and he became enraged and just started swearing at me.

>> No.15860745


>> No.15860778

I recently learned that chimps will stick frogs on their dicks, like force the frogs' mouths open and force them to suck. Pretty sure the frogs didn't consent.

>> No.15861068

monky is awakening, a new era unfolds

>> No.15861088
File: 2.44 MB, 1920x1080, penguin raped.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15861181

I remember what this was from and the researchers said this isn't common behavior for sea lions.

>> No.15861198
File: 1.06 MB, 640x352, 1592690541932.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, since when can we post webms on /lit/? Is there something that I missed?

>> No.15861217

You can post webms on all boards, just /gif/ has sound. Also you might want to be careful about what webms you post cause jannies are picky about that shit.

>> No.15861227

>expert on sea lion rape
science is such a meme these fags don't even know what they're doing. i bet the retards blamed the rape on global warming or something

>> No.15861236
File: 2.21 MB, 1600x1200, 9ABE05F5-BEB0-4BE4-9D80-C206BA3B74F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ has already taken the monkypill.
next, /lit/, then, /pol/

>> No.15861242

They blamed it on lack of mates and low activity. This is usually the cause with this kind of behavior in most species.

>> No.15861262

That's fucking eerie, once I tried making a thread with a webm, but it gave me an 'unsupported file' or something. So I guess it's only for replies? Fucking bonkers, I've been browsing this board for almost 4 years and I swear that this is the first time I've seen a webm here, considering I frequent this place almost every day

>> No.15861275
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>> No.15861278

your webm may have been too large

>> No.15861287

Based thread. Might go knuckle dragging whilst hollering down the street later

>> No.15861304

No, it wasn't, otherwise it would have shown the 'too large size' message

>> No.15861330

Might have been an mp4 and you thought it was a webm

>> No.15861367

No, I'm 100% positive it was a webm. But whatever, it's still strange that I've never seen webms posted here before

>> No.15861439
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cringe post I made earlier in a Discord about this very topic:

Sucks man, 4chan should have never existed. Nor the internet. We would have no reason not to conform then. The internet is just a fuel for pathological contrarianism. Being correct about something isn't very important if the truth isn't of immediate social use. Vying for status is the only thing that matters in life. Winning at the game of sex and violence.

Low IQ nigs are literally more wise about the nature of existence than midwit and high IQ whites.The niggers were right about everything all along. You are nature's prodigal son, fulfilling your most primitive and base desires is the ultimate aim of existence. Come back home

>> No.15861524
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Good video

>> No.15861700
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>> No.15861729

Lmao @ pic
this entire site will be monky in a week

in a year, the world

>> No.15861908


>> No.15862220

i was banging rock yesterday and i truly became monky

>> No.15862232

Retarded post, OP.

Just follow Christ and stop making your life unnecessarily complicated.

>> No.15862388
File: 334 KB, 1176x1917, julius reviewbrah evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats OP, you're on the path to Traditionalism.

>> No.15862395

the entire point of the embrace monkey shit is that life has become too complicated

>> No.15862411
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This. Repent for your sins. Christ has dominion over all of nature and without him it is the violence of Satan.

>> No.15862417
File: 160 KB, 1920x1080, then die stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was once at a zoo. The pongo exhibit had two enclosures connected by ropes like telephone wires. The orangs could climb between them, right over the human visitors. I asked the zookeeper
>>what if they fall??
>and she said
>>they never fall.

Someone with shooping skills make an image out of this

>> No.15862420

Truth is, we were never monky

>> No.15862429
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>If we want to cross the rope to the übermensch, we cannot walk on it like a man. We must swing from it like monky.


>> No.15862460
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>A zoologist who observed gorillas in their native habitat was amazed by the uniformity of their life and their vast idleness. Hours and hours without doing anything. Was boredom unknown to them? This is indeed a question raised by a human, a busy ape. Far from fleeing monotony, animals crave it, and what they most dread is to see it end. For it ends, only to be replaced by fear, the cause of all activity. Inaction is divine; yet it is against inaction that man has rebelled. Man alone, in nature, is incapable of enduring monotony, man alone wants something to happen at all costs — something, anything.... Thereby he shows himself unworthy of his ancestor: the need for novelty is the characteristic of an alienated gorilla

>> No.15862477
File: 50 KB, 500x333, image_2_1189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15862488


>> No.15862499

Science is evil. They're enslaving, killing, and torturing our ancestors. Anyone with a shred of respect for their origins needs to revolt against big science

>> No.15862512

>Be sea lion, be surrounded by walking onahole penguins all fucking day.

>> No.15863614

any researcher/scientist with half a brain is against animal suffering. The sad thing is they are in short supply, we're taught to not ask questions, consume evidence and get excited for next piece of evidence

>> No.15863777

I fucking hate science

I love only monke

>> No.15863813
File: 3.86 MB, 5600x4200, DSCF0045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling things are going to become absolutely dreadful by the end of this century and all of the next.

Right now we exist in a state of denial, more or less. We convince ourselves that so-called Humanism (secular Christianity more-or-less) is sufficient to give our lives some sort of meaning.

This believe is inevitably going to collapse as it diverges farther and farther from reality. At some point the inherent inequality of reality is going to shear away all pretenses of 'Egalitarianism' and 'Equality'. We will be reduced to flailing animals armed with weapons of mass destruction. In such a barbaric environment, sans all morality, sans all meaning, only the strongest and the fittest shall survive.

Think Bronze Age Collapse. Think a reduction of world population by at least 30%. The current world order is at an end, and only the Strong shall survive.

>> No.15863817

Cool, even God is on the side of monke and monke-kind

>> No.15863903

Cioran is based af

>> No.15864024

>they never fall.
>Bridge to the Overman
Time and bodies filling the chasm
>'man's nature is yet undetermined'
>'decadence must be pushed through; kick what is falling/tilted'
>end of history, last man
Building aircraft is always an option. Either utopian materialism in open air smart city gulags, or wild west space cowboys. The choice is clear.

>> No.15864166

I liked your book The Synthesis of the Subjective and the Objective but the only choice is monke

>> No.15865158

Some far-off small animal began to whimper meekly in its hiding place; no one was doing it any harm there, but it was trembling from the fear of its own existence, not daring to surrender to its own heart’s joy in the loveliness of the world, afraid to make use of the rare and brief chance of inadvertent life, because it might be discovered and eaten. But then the animal should not really even have been whimpering: predators might notice and devour it.

The whistle of a locomotive, thin, distant, shredded by the whirlwind of speed, sounded through the forest and the mist, like the plaintive voice of an exhausted running man. “The Polar Arrow!” the hunter said to himself. “What a distance it runs! There’s music playing in the coaches. Clever people are travelling in them. They drink pink water from bottles, and they talk in conversations.”

The hunter began to feel bored in the forest. He sat down beside a tree stump and held his rifle between his legs, ready to hand; he wanted to kill some animal or bird, whatever appeared. It enraged him that he didn’t know science, that he didn’t travel in trains with electricity, that he hadn’t seen Lenin’s mausoleum and had only once smelled a whiff of perfume, from a bottle that belonged to the wife of his boss, the director of Section 10. It was his lot to wander about in a misty forest, among insects, plants, and a general absence of culture, while luxurious trains hurtled into the distance. “Animal or bird—whatever shows up, I’ll kill it!” the hunter resolved. But, as before, there was nothing around—only the rustle and hum of petty, frail creatures that weren’t worth a battle. Beneath the hunter crawled diligent ants, burdened like respectable little people with heavy loads for their households. They are vile creatures, he thought, with the character of kulaks. They spend all their lives dragging goods into their kingdom; they exploit every solitary animal, big and small, that they can dominate; they know nothing of the universal common interest and live only for their own greedy, concentrated well-being. Once, the hunter had happened to see two ants dragging an iron filing from the railway line: it seems that ants even need iron. The hunter stamped on some of the nearest ants, then moved away, so as not to enrage himself further. He was like his father: his father also got angry whenever he went out hunting, waging war on the birds and the beasts as if they were ferocious enemies, expending every last bit of malice in his heart while he was in the forest, and then returning home a kind, sensitive family man. Other hunters weren’t like this at all; they wandered tenderheartedly through the grass, killing animals with love and caressing flowers and trees with trembling pleasure, while at home, among people, they lived lives of irritation, longing to be back in nature, where they could feel that they were the ones in charge, thanks to their rifles.

>> No.15865165

“A man hunts, Ivan Alekseyevich, either out of stupidity or out of poverty!” his father would say to him. (When Fyodorov reached the age of eighteen, his father had begun to call him by his name and patronymic.) “You know—a man sits by a lake with a rod, all on his own. The bastard hooks a worm onto a line and deceives some mindless creature that lives in the water, while another man takes his rifle and goes off into the forest. ‘I don’t need anyone,’ he says. ‘You carry on without me—I’ll fend for myself. I’m all right on my own, thank you very much.’ That man’s friend is his dog, not you or me.”

Fyodorov picked up his rifle. Something had stirred in the short grass nearby. He walked a little way in that direction and found a small hare—still a baby. He was sitting there almost humanly, rapidly chewing a blade of grass and using his tiny front paws to steady it. Then he wiped his face and began to take quick breaths of the clean, healthy air. Most likely, he was exhausted from having to find nourishment for himself; probably his parents were dead and he was living alone, an orphan. The hare did not notice the hunter, or did not understand his significance. He urinated, leaped up, and disappeared. Fyodorov didn’t kill him; the hare was too small, almost useless as food, and it would have been a shame, because the hare was only a child, yet already a true worker. Let him go on breathing.

Soon afterward, Fyodorov came out into a clearing. The same chubby little baby hare was burrowing in the earth with his paws, trying to dig up some rootlets or a cabbage leaf that had been dropped on the ground last year. The hare’s concern for his own life was inexhaustible, and his desire for food was constant. After eating whatever was there in the ground, the hare defecated a little and played with his tail. He then began to bat one of his paws with the other three; after that he played with the remains of some dead bark, with bits of his own droppings, and even with empty air, trying to catch it between his front paws. Finding a puddle, the hare had a good drink, looked all around with moist, conscious eyes, then lay down in a little pit to one side, curled up into the warmth of his own body, and dozed off. He had already tasted all the delights of life: he had eaten, drunk, breathed, inspected the locality, felt pleasure, played a bit, and fallen asleep. Sleep was good, too: animals nearly always have happy dreams. Fyodorov still remembered the surprise he had felt when, as a child, he had cautiously watched sleeping dogs, cats, and chickens. They had made chewing motions with their mouths and produced blissful sounds, sometimes half opening eyes blind with sleep and then closing them again, stirring a little, and moaning because of the sweetness of their own existence.

>> No.15865175

god I wish thhat were me

>> No.15865273

If I was a turkey, with my priorities straight,
I'd peck out his eyes and shred up his face,
he wouldn't turn me into a crispy crumb steak,
mixed up with sawdust and shit from my crate.

But I'm not a turkey and you make me sick,
I might only speak softly, but I carry a big stick,
and a can full of petrol to set you alight,
a 12stone Bernie-Burger, that bootiful alright!

I wrote you a letter, but you didn't reply,
was that cos, I asked you to fuck off and die?

>> No.15865703

The seal or the penguin?

>> No.15865720

Penguin isn't even feeling it.

>> No.15866246

The prehensile thumb and it's consequences have been a disaster for the monky race.

>> No.15866283
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>> No.15866294


damn...that’s me...

>> No.15866321

hmm monke

>> No.15867187
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>> No.15867222

any monkepilled books?

>> No.15867259

Gorilla Mindset
You Are Your Own Gym
Finnegans Wake

>> No.15867269

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.15868413

too much text

>> No.15868512

Those aren't monke

>> No.15868521

move aside for Stone Age Mindset

>> No.15869692

Stick Age Mindset

>> No.15870028

Yeah everyone

>> No.15870873

O Garden of Animals!

Where steel bars seem like a father who stops a bloody fight to remind his sons they are brothers.

Where Germans come to drink beer.

And easy women sell their bodies.

Where eagles perch like an eternity figured by the present day, as yet unfinished by evening.

Where the camel, its great hump riderless, knows the secret of Buddhism and suppresses a smile of China.

Where a deer is fear itself beneath its branching stone.

Where people's outfits astonish.

Where people stroll with mindless frowns, while the Germans glow with health.


Where we clench our fist as if it held a sword, and whisper an oath: to defend the race of Russians at the cost of life, of death, of everything.

Where the monkeys are variously angry and display their variegated bottoms, and seem, except for the sad ones and shy ones, eternally irritated by the presence of man.


Where bats hang upside down, like the heart of a present-day Russian.

Where the falcon's breast recalls ragged clouds before a storm.

Where a little ground bird drags behind it a golden sunset full of embers on fire.


Where we begin to think that religions are the subsiding surge of waves whose dispersion formed the species.

And that therefore the earth contains as many animals as they find different ways of witnessing God.

Where the animals, tired of roaring, stand and look up at the sky.

Where a caged seal is a vivid reminder of the sufferings of sinners, hurtling back and forth and wailing.


O Garden of animals, where the stare of a beast has more meaning than stacks of reread books.

O Garden.

Where an eagle broods over something, like a child grown tired of complaining.

Where an Eskimo husky vents its Siberian aggression in a hostile ritual born in the blood, at the sight of a kitten washing its face.


>> No.15871888

>If we want to cross the rope to the übermensch, we cannot walk on it like a man. We must swing from it like monky.
Wise words.

>> No.15871918
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>> No.15871932

Menschaffewaffen when?

>> No.15871947

is monke antinatalist?

>> No.15871965

It's anti whatever the fuck originates from this pissearth hellscape.

>> No.15871975
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>Pongo women > European "women"

>> No.15871987


>> No.15872003

This doesn't make sense. Would probably be better as Menschaffejugend or the like. Just pointing it out.