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15856912 No.15856912 [Reply] [Original]

>*rapes his students then lectures them about living sincere lives*

>> No.15856915

Did he really?

>> No.15856923

Its true. All of it.

>> No.15856941

Based NY smarmy intellectual.

>> No.15856961
File: 37 KB, 249x291, 062a_-_The_Lost_Mattress_(591).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking dammit, why do female acolytes of Modern #Woke Journalism expect a literary talented person to be a saint? He is a writer, not a moralist. None of what is written here, largely on a basis of unreliable testimony, seems to be particularly egregious on worthy of serious condemnation. Wow, sleeping with a 17 years old and being so mad at somebody you throw coffee at them, woe is me, time to burn all his books and exclude him from the canon of modern greats.

>> No.15856974

if you're fine with DFW having sex with 17 year olds then you can't get mad at Epstein having sex with 17 year olds.

>> No.15856994

He had problems but those are pretty tame. That's some blogger sacrificing something out of guilt or extreme brainwashing. Throwing a table at a woman is hardly sexist. He was a bit of a predator, not sexual, but it was to one female. He should've been locked up or something but to call him sexist or something is very odd interpreting

>> No.15856999
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Anybody who blames anyone who has had consensual sex with a 17 years old is out of his mind, setting up an absurdly high threshold as to when people generally are capable of being autonomous. I myself have lost my virginity when I was 17, in fact.

>> No.15857000

Not him but Seinfeld screwed a 17 yo. It wasn't like it was predatory or aimed at young ppl.

>> No.15857005

To a 30 yo man?

>> No.15857014

>sets up an elite prostitution/blackmail ring of 17 year old's and younger varying from forced slave trade to the first few weeks of willing pay
>has sex with a willing 17 year old
Yes, very much the same.

>> No.15857018

A 17 yo walking in talking about dfw is probably going to come off as a college student. I just don't screw ppl who look young

>> No.15857028
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apparently everyone knows exactly how to fuck properly and whom. in sex science everyone is guru and ph.d. everyone is teacher.

>> No.15857029
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Nah, she was 21, but even if it was it - so what? Two autonomous people decided to have a sexual experience, why would in this pair one of them be blameworthy simply in virtue of being older? Conventional mores aside, this makes no sense.

>> No.15857056

I think the issue is predators who solely aim for younger ppl because that comes w a lot of baggage.
If dfw ever gets canceled it won't be for that. That blogger was projecting something because nobody but a nutjob reads that and thinks he's a sexist.

>> No.15857079
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I think it's because it was a breach of relations between student and teacher.

>> No.15857122

>and younger
I mean this is one of the key points to remember. A lot of them were really young.

>> No.15857142

Really? It's not just frowned upon?

>> No.15857210

Yes but the subject was Epstein and 17 yr olds, but you're right, it only makes the comparison even stupider.

You watch friends>


>> No.15857226

can somebody summarize? I'm not gonna read this pile of shit. I don't wanna waste my time reading what the journalist felt when she found out about this stuff. just give me the fucking facts dumb ass bitch

>> No.15857288

Please leave this board.

>> No.15857400
File: 66 KB, 934x701, 5d32065136e03c298f1064c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, yes, Epstein and Prince Andrew were so horrible! They raped those (16+ btw) girls! Just look at this picture! Look at the sorrow, the heartbreak, the pain, the sheer TRAUMA this girl is experiencing! Look at her bright eyes and cheery, enthusiastic smile! She must be in so much pain! No, no, this is not some prostitute whore who was happy and willing to please His Royal Highness in exchange for money, and who is now making these accusations for simple monetary gain; this is a poor, tortured, wounded soul!
When the fuck will you realise that Epstein and His Royal Highness did nothing too abhorrent. Yes, it is not befitting a prince to go out carousing and having sex with young girls, but to say that he RAPED them or TRAFFICKED them is beyond ludicrous. These women were simply young whores who were happy to go along with it because they wanted to GET PAID. They were dirty prostitutes. That's literally it. But because we are in a #metoo era, they all saw the opportunity to get paid even more by dishing out lawsuits and accusations, and that's what they did.
Don't kid yourself: to stand against Epstein is not to stand against Jewry. It is to stand firmly in line with the Jewish narrative of misandry and feminism that is being pushed upon the West. These women were whores. Epstein was a rich pimp. That's all there is to it.

>> No.15857410
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I'm just saying dating students wasn't considered a terrible taboo at the time. It's a more recent development as, rightly or wrongly, people are somewhat infantilised up to their 20s now. I mean Mark even fucked a school girl in Peep Show and that was in the last decade I think.

>> No.15857412

r/ing the copypasta about him wearing a tracksuit for picking up girls

>> No.15857432

>They raped those (16+ btw) girls!
The one that might be being prosecuted as a higher up in his organisation was brought over from Slovakia at 14 or 15 dude. A lot of the victims were 12.

>> No.15857443

Look at the picture. Is that the face of a """"VICTIM"""" or simply a willing and cheerful prostitute? This same woman is now all over interviews crying and claiming she was trafficked and raped by Prince Andrew. THEY ARE LIARS.

>> No.15857446

Oh no, the doo-rag hippy who wrote nonsensical doorstoppers before killing himself wasn't a model citizen?

>> No.15857450

>Is that the face of a """"VICTIM"""" or simply a willing and cheerful prostitute?
The first one.

>> No.15857462

Yeah you're a delusional, credulous moron then mate. She is smiling cheerfully and enthusiastically. Victims don't do that.

>> No.15857468


Dating your students and then killing yourself is unironically one of the most sincere ways a man can possibly live his life when you think about it
In this way he's also been posthumously proven right that sincerity is truly one of the most taboo things in our society

>> No.15857472
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That rape scene he wrote in "brief interviews with hideous men" was coming from experience. Dave was the rapist, think about it.

>> No.15857481

>yes 12 year olds can be willing prostitutes, after all I didn't force them and they even accepted their payment in barbie dolls.

>> No.15857485

>Yeah you're a delusional
You asked the question, I answered. Don't ask a question in this way if you're not sure what the answer will be, a lot of the time you won't like it.

>> No.15857490

W-what rape scene? Brief interviews is the only one of his books I read. The only thing I really remember is that drug dealer explaining to her customer the 3 types of men.

>> No.15857519

The one where he rapes the girl and she says she says it's okay and that she loves him.

>> No.15857546

Gotta give it a re-read I guess. How tf do I not remember that. I remember the endless footnotes about that depressed girl and how her anxiety stems from the fact her parents fought over who would buy her braces and how yaddayadda support network but yaddayadda she'd feel ashamed because she didn't want to weigh down her friends or bore them and yaddayadda her psychiatriast says it's okay but she struggles because blablablablabla.

I paraphrase, it was actually quite good. The actual guys who were interviewed I barely remember

>> No.15857557

I only remember it because it was kind of hot desu.
it's not in the abridged version because I was disappointed when I got it on audio book and wasn't there.

>> No.15857573

yes but did he rape them ironically?
rape is the ultimate expression of sincerity when you really think about it

>> No.15857585

Just remembered it's in the movie too.

>> No.15857615

Your're mom raped my cock with her lips and tongue if you catch my drift.

>> No.15857618
File: 58 KB, 888x500, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't answer the evidence in front of you so you resort to diversions. The photo above clearly shows that Virginia Roberts, one of the main accusers and financial beneficiaries in this case, was not, as she claims, abused, raped, or trafficked, but was a WILLING prostitute who wanted to fuck powerful men for money.
As to your diversion, the vast, vast majority of the prostitutes employed by Epstein were 16+. As to the few that were not, I suspect they were precocious girls such as pic related (11 years old), who were already sexually developed, and knew very well how to use their nubility to titillate men; and not, as you probably imagine, undeveloped, naive, starry-eyed girls who were lured into Epstein's jet with the promises of Barbie Dolls. So long as the parents and the girls made no objections, there was no "rape, abuse, trafficking, etc." involved, and there was nothing wrong with it except insofar as there is something wrong with prostitution and promiscuity in general.

>> No.15857685

Oooh yes, that story lol. Can't believe I forgot it, especially considering how I remember it turning me off of spirituality at the time.

>> No.15857741

10 adrenochrome credits have been deposited in your account.

No but seriously. Fucking 17 year olds is in most cases alright, especially if they agree to it. And yes, that photo and the affair have been blown out of proportion, but that doesn't change the fact that 11 year olds are 11 fucking year old and both the parents and the one having sex with them should be deeply ashamed.

>> No.15857884

a lot of his allure disappear for me when i found out he was a shit person. kind of insincere to preach what he did when his nonfiction has a bunch of lies and he abused his girlfriend.
this is your brain on right wing propaganda. not your post but the language it's made with. it's sad, no one is suggesting we burn his books or stop acknowledging that he's a great author. he threw a table at this girl and threatened throw her out of a moving vehicle.

>> No.15857896

Mary Karr is a temptress and DFW's raw physicality probably saved her life.

>> No.15857923

kek i bet he had an average penis he was really insecure about

>> No.15857952

>no one is suggesting we...
How come every time leftists say this about something it always inevitably comes to exactly that?

>> No.15858050

it has not and will not. one two year old article does not actually make a campaign to have this man removed from the western cannon. i can't speak for leftists but usually "no one is suggesting" it's a reasonable thing to say in the face of ridiculous slippery slope arguments or strawmen.

>> No.15858323

>one two year old article does not actually make a campaign to have this man removed from the western cannon.

>> No.15858411

Pretty cool, ngl.

>> No.15858427

There is literally nothing wrong with rape.

>> No.15858436

It contributes to monocultures and is a shitty grain.

>> No.15858464

The moment your penis unconsensually enters a vagina, all your art loses its merit.

>> No.15858484

>17 is legal in that state
Not rape.

>> No.15858493

>implying rape isn't an act of sincere instincts

>> No.15858495

>exclude him from the canon of modern greats.
He doesn't belong there to begin with

>> No.15858550

I mean it's wrong, but you can't really say it wasn't sincere.

>> No.15859645

A guy who wrote a 1000 page book about mental illness then killed himself was mentally ill? Wtf I thought he was a really good and normal guy

>> No.15859842

i guess you could say it was a thing of boundless mirth, if you were a colossal queefsnort

>> No.15860541

The only people that should be having sex with 17 year olds are other 17 year olds. They're basically still children.

>> No.15860565

You need to be 18 to post on this site faggot

>> No.15860592
File: 98 KB, 571x518, 19238070-A7DB-434A-A756-BB676FC505EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neo-Marxist cultural relativists are unwilling to apply their rationalizations to their own cultures or the cultures of the past.

>> No.15860815

that girl is an emulation of pop culture, not a grown up human being making choices. to say that she knew what she was doing is to be a retard. you deserve the rope desu

>> No.15861107
File: 298 KB, 1200x674, bojack horseman finale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Junot Diaz get sympathy for being a victim of child molestation but nobody is sympathetic for DFW having long-term depression and drug addiction? It's not like DFW became abusive out of nowhere, he literally suffered from a disease.
Throwing Mary Karr out of a moving car is pretty bad and DFW probably should have gotten charges for that.

In terms of fucking students and a 17 year old, to me that's similar to Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski. A lot of people say it was wrong because of the power imbalance, but Lewinski has repeatedly said that it was consensual and that she's not a victim. I have no idea what DFW's students thought about the encounters, but I think it's entirely possible that it's a Lewinski style situation. Unless one his students comes out and says otherwise, there's no reason to think it's more sinister than a breach of professionalism.

The main issue I have with that article is the whole idea of admitting you loved Infinite Jest and then changed your opinion when finding out about his personal life. DFW still wrote something that resonated with her and resonated with people like Zadie Smith. One should have to confront the fact that DFW simultaneously wrote books that appealed to feminists while also doing all the things that he did.

>> No.15861113

There's nothing more sincere than rape, though. Think about it logically.

>> No.15861203

lmao nigga what the fuck is wrong with you
like, why would you EVER defend Epstein?
Didn't they take your phone away, Maxwell?

>> No.15861249

David Foster Rapist

>> No.15861254

Most people don't understand or sympathize with depression.

>> No.15861394

>he lied in his writing and stole from other people
name one (ONE [uno {1}]) writer that didn't do this. just one is all i ask.

why would she even waste time mentioning this? this is the sign of an article that finds even its own claims tenuous, that it has to resort to lame accusations like this

>he pushed someone out of a speeding vehicle
did he? earlier in this article it states, very clearly, that he "tried" to. did he or did he not? make up your mind dipshit

>he threw a coffee table at someone and then wanted to pay for it
what does this mean, exactly? did it hit someone? in any case, if nobody pressed charges then he didn't even allegedly commit any crime.

>had sex with a 17 year old
which is legal in very literally every country in the world other than the USA

the rest of this article is more complaints about his writing. is that all? literally who cares?

>> No.15861406

save it for reddit retard

>> No.15861813

Immanuel Kant

As for writers of fiction:Franz Kafka, Marcel Proust.

>> No.15861854

Let’s not forget that not everyone sets their watches by the average person’s morning routine.

>> No.15861912
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>Kant, Kafka, Proust
To be clear, you're claiming that these writers did not lie or steal from others? Prove it, then. The burden of proof is on anybody making a claim, positive or negative. You must now prove it. I'll wait here buddy, until you finally see the absurdity in claiming that someone "stole" someone else's ideas, or "lied" in writing.

>> No.15862005

Um no sweaty. You're going to have to trust me desu.

>> No.15862012

Also, I am not the anon you responded to in 15861394. Just a friendly saboteur.

>> No.15862219

Anon... Kant was lying through the entirety of the KdPV...

>> No.15862475

I believe he openly dated a 17 year old, which is much classier.

>> No.15863005

I'm just mad because I can't do it

>> No.15863346

There's this increasingly common undercurrent of culture where you aren't allowed to view people as having complex personalities with both good and bad traits. You are only allowed to view people as either champions of all that is good and just or absolute villains undeserving of recognition. Just look at the treatments that Columbus and Gandhi are getting now. The former especially gets blamed for a ton of shit that his successor's did though he was by no means completely innocent, but people are too goddamn stupid to actually acknowledge nuanced views of cultural icons.

>> No.15863351

Rape is one of the most sincere things you can do

>> No.15863485

I have to keep reminding myself that this guy was an autist.

>> No.15863528
File: 527 KB, 1600x1600, 77AE541A-21A1-43BF-91E3-F095FE9D55D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autism shoes
>black socks
>sperg shorts
>Harry Potter glasses
>that fucking bandanna
One look is all it takes

>> No.15863531

I’m 24 and I’ve been having sex with 16, 17, 18 yr olds and through tinder and tic tock. It’s chill brah

>> No.15863833

If he was an autist he was an intelligent one at least

>> No.15864039


That Karr woman is a hobo free riding in the David Foster Wallace car. Her life is "David Foster Wallace once threw a coffee table me." Time to give her the boot.

>> No.15864047

>Columbus and Gandhi
>tfw Knowing Better guy had to come out and apologize for his Columbus video

>> No.15864052

>white male harassers like Charlie Rose and Harvey Weinstein can disappear briefly, receive some therapy, then come back to opine about what they’ve learned.
>(((Harvey Weinstein)))

>> No.15864649

the point is that "children" are incapable of making rationale decisions. The real problem is that there is a hard number on the age of consent. It simply does not make sense, I don't suddenly become fully rationale adult the midnight of my birthday
there should be something like an exponential decay to the severity of the punishment as a function of the 2 age

>> No.15864664

itt: LARPing about having sex with teenagers

>> No.15864673

Nothing insincere about rape.

>> No.15864699
File: 1.36 MB, 1177x1708, 6D9A1D92-2132-4779-96EE-82D9DE3CEFE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mill yourself

>> No.15864706

You need to get some more life experience if you think This you myopic mongoloid

>> No.15864797
File: 1.40 MB, 400x400, oops.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe he sincerely raped them?

>> No.15865169

are you jacked?

>> No.15866061
File: 1.19 MB, 1660x1398, damn nibba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15866764

>your honor, the whore was 12 years old, therefore she could not be raped

>> No.15866789

That's a stress smile

>> No.15866797

>there should be something like an exponential decay to the severity of the punishment as a function of the 2 age
you realise that requires either punishing all sexual acts, or still having an arbitrary AoC

>> No.15866839

6’2, cut, white, 7/10 face...

>> No.15867056

I'm doing the same at 30+ and I'm fat.

>> No.15867085

>taking advantage of retarded teenagers as a sad fat 30 year old
unless you consult and get the consent of every single ones parents you should be killed.

>> No.15867097

>Throwing Mary Karr out of a moving car is pretty bad and DFW probably should have gotten charges for that.
She kept him in her world, like she actively made sure he had contact with her, and it's clear from her relationships since she likes things toxic. Doesn't exonerate DFW (although it might do, some people abuse others and exaggerate and make a big deal over when they blow to make it look the other way), but Karr is a real pos.

>> No.15867108

Over 30, and I'm happy. I think that's part of the attraction, I'm fun to talk to and be around.

I get the consent of their daddy for sure, don't worry about it bro ;^)

>> No.15867218

fucking BASED

>> No.15867230

>bragging on the internet
You know they're gonna shame you in 2-5 years, saying they "didn't know how to consent yet" and that you "took advantage of their naivety"

>> No.15867473

You're cute anon ;^)

>> No.15867623

>12 year olds are comparable sexually to 16 year olds
You’re the pedo here

>> No.15868766

How credible are these accusations, or are we dealing with a Professor Bloom situation where the accuser is clearly lying, and is actually continuing to pursue the accused teacher for attention, rather than the other way around?

>> No.15868828

>drug addiction
He was literally addicted to TV.