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15856423 No.15856423[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who are some Latinx intellectuals?

>> No.15856432


>> No.15856446
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Junot Diaz

>> No.15856456

What does it even mean to "put" a sentence. I'm lost.

>> No.15856464 [DELETED] 

putting them in a different lenguege

>> No.15856500

He writes English novels but throws in some Spanish here and there as well.

>> No.15856543


Nicolás Gómez Dávila, Leonardo Castellani and Julio Meinvielle.

>> No.15856559

Ricardo Flores Magón.

>> No.15856561

This guy is such a blowhard. Poetic justice that he got cancelled.

>> No.15856564

bitch got the grand canyon between her tits lmaooo

>> No.15856578

Damn this girl reminded me one qt I picked up in Germany in 2012. I went to a trip across Europe with my buddy. Together we came up with strategy how to pick up girls. Basically, we would approach a girl/girls as if one of us wants to ask something, then the other guy would compliment or say smth funny and we would take turns to escalate and eventually pick them up. We had a journal with compliments/jokes/comments/observations and would give them performance ratings on how they work and when should be applied. By the end of trip we had hundreds of them. Even though our English was shit at that time, it worked like charm everywhere, except Spain and Italy. In Spain we got laid just once in four days and we had no success in Italy. Easiest was UK and it wasn't even close. My friend took notebook, because he wanted to publish a book about that trip. We lost touch years later, wonder if he still has it.

>> No.15856587

What happened?

>> No.15856619
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Are there any Hispanic artists that are based and redpilled?

>> No.15856624

He was forcing himself on women I believe. Don't remember the details. Of course before he was all over the place giving leftist/feminist talking points about men - as well as white people, by the way, who are the majority of the audience at his talks at universities. Fuck him. Fraud.

>> No.15856641

Who is more insufferable? That bug-like mexcrement and alleged author? Or the people who think this quote is meaningful and repost it on social media?

>> No.15856680

No one asked.

>> No.15856693

Hey ESL.

>> No.15856698

He’s actually one of the few people who survived a #metoo cancelling. MIT didn’t fire him, all of the magazines continued publishing his work and pretty much every institution he works with did an independent investigation and cleared him of all wrongdoing.

>> No.15856709

This hor was almost the next belle delphine. Any literature on how not to fuck up being the next egirl? It works both ways, simps mature seeing the mechanism and we can steer their development

>> No.15856716

He was violacion himself. Dios mio. These fucking white goonyos don't understand el trauma.


>> No.15856720

ok chad

>> No.15856732

Use the verb "put" idiomatically in an English sentence in which an English sentence is the object.

>> No.15856763

He put the sentence down on the page.

>> No.15856767

Is this one person or many?

>> No.15856784
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>> No.15856801

Don't want to embarrass you, but no.

>> No.15856807

Is the "x" in latinx like Malcolm X?

>> No.15856814

I'm embarrassed anon

>> No.15856821
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>> No.15856826

Don't lie. I know it is.

>> No.15856827

The fact that most Latinos are unbelievably opposed to being called Latinx, much like how a soft majority of Native Americans want to be called Indians.... bruh I hate progressives, just shut up. Fire these people, discriminate against their fake degrees, unfriend and isolate them, it's gone on for too long and they need to be shoved out.

>> No.15856836

As an actual beaner I came to say this.
People who use 'latinx' should be fucking shot.

But I would recommend Octavio Paz.

>> No.15856842
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Sergio Pitol

>> No.15856845

If you start calling the native America Indians then what do you call the actual Indians?

>> No.15856849

Actual Indians.

>> No.15856852

Native Americans

>> No.15856897

'Pajeets' is the formal nomenclature.

>> No.15856908

"East Indians" retart

>> No.15856910


>> No.15857125

Miguel Serrano

>> No.15857157

What in the ever fuck is a latinx?

>> No.15857310

a latinx (pronounced: la-TINKS) is just a gender neutral term for latinos and latinas

>> No.15857314

He's cute

>> No.15857357

what's the hell is a latinx?

>> No.15857368

Thats only used by white people. It's tantamount to a racial slur at this point and should be avoided at all costs if you're not trying to be racist.

>> No.15857371

Based Italy

>> No.15857372

Are the people who unironically use tra la "la teenks" aware of how flamingly homosexual and feminine it sounds?

>> No.15857403

Spanish already has a gender neutral form for latinos and latinas: latinos.

Americans should kill themselves.

>> No.15857434

That’s 100% idiomatic moron

>> No.15857457


>> No.15857460

natives dont like "native american"

>> No.15857461

When I wrote my book I put two sentences in Spanish

>> No.15857463


>> No.15857470

No del todo amigo.

>> No.15857476

labyrinth of solitude is unironically basado

>> No.15857543

Yes it is faggot fuck off

>> No.15857595

Call both of them Indians, and then when needed to differentiate you just ask someone "Dot or feather?"

>> No.15857620

>cancel culture in a nutshell

>> No.15857627


>> No.15857662

>Are there any spic intellectuals
Fuck no, intelligent spic is an oxymoron. Every other race, even niggers, has intellectuals though.

>> No.15857749


>> No.15857947


God I hate the word. I am begrudgingly ok with the following:

>Latino and Latina are so sexist, they have a gender in them
>OMG we need to fix this immediately!
>No word for an ethnicity should imply a gender!
>Let's drop the O and the A!

I think it's silly to get so offended by gendered words (especially when half of the world's language have gendered words and grammar). But whatever, fine, I'm not going to get worked up over it.

But what gets my jimmies rustled is the next part:

>Now that we've dropped the O and the A, let's put an X in their place!!!!

Why? You could have just left it at 'Latin!' Why add on a letter that doesn't fucking work for any kind of phonetic pronunciation? Why do you need to make the word sound ugly?!?

Just... ugh. Fuck. I do not like the direction the English language is heading (cue leftists saying that language grammar are racist and imperialist).

>> No.15857951

I remember seeing an article about how a bunch of people dropped her when she revealed she had a boyfriend. The article said it was because her followers found out she had a boyfriend.
But the full quote was, after someone accused her of wearing a push-up bra, she said something like “I don’t wear those, my boyfriend didn’t pay good money for a boob job so I could wear a pushup bra”
She really got dropped because of the fake boobs imo

>> No.15857955

>language and* grammar

>> No.15857991

Oh, I've always said 'the Latin people'. Everyone understands what I mean

>> No.15858194
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I'm from Texas and I would kick your ass if I ever heard you seriously use the term Latinx.

>> No.15858215

it's one person, Spanish names can be very long

>> No.15858281

I just say hombre, why you guys make it so difficult?

>> No.15858321


>> No.15858342

one of the many gifts white women have bestowed upon the western world

>> No.15858425

Este chico FOLLA

>> No.15858502

Mayne they don´t use "Latin" as not to be confusend by the language. Allthough that is too reasonable for them lmao. I'd say there's a deeper reason. I believe the x itself is also a statement. The x shows that they don't want to be no gender, but any gender. So you could be any gender you want, which i guess is part of their ideology. Also the x leaves a mark saying that they did something and should be commended for it.

I think it's also fucked up that if they were so "woke" and culturally aware or whatever, they would know that most languages have genders and that is a pretty normal thing that really doesn't express patriarchy or sexism. They are trying to impose their rules of language to a foreign one just because they think theirs is the right one. Isn't that kinda racist?

>> No.15858688

They should accept the name ''sore losers'' and stfu

>> No.15858728

id put my pp in her gina if u no wut i mean!!!