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15856144 No.15856144 [Reply] [Original]

Should I read Carl Jung or psychology is a meme and I shouldn't waste my time?

>> No.15856150

schizo shit. stick to math/physics/computer science

>> No.15856178

yep, it's a hylic moment

>> No.15857867

Yes, but he's exist tier so he could fuck up your entire appreciation of philosophy if you read him too early or apply his framework to philosophy.

>> No.15857895
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Here's the chart OP. Anyway I never read anything about him but I'd like to read "man and his simbols", I love all of this symbolism/esoteric stuff. Have you guys read it? How is it?

>> No.15857909

Jewish science.

Study something real like Math

>> No.15857914

Just replace man and his symbols with modern man in search for a soul; only people who haven't read Jung advise reading man. But it wouldn't hurt to read the first chapter.

Other than that it's missing quite a few other works and is lacking in extra information, but apart from these it's fine.

>> No.15857919

Is Heidegger's phenomenology jewish as well?

>> No.15857927

>no synchronicity
Shit chart

>> No.15857937

have an another one? im hanging out with a bunch of "gnostics" and they are quite annoying to be around. I wanna know there core beliefs so i can fuck with them a bit

>> No.15857954

Were you insulting my reply as well?

>> No.15857959


>> No.15857963


Read Heidegger.

>> No.15857967

They're complementary.

>> No.15858025

What's the problem with man and his symbols? Reading it rn, seems like a decent shallow take till now. Never read Jung before.

>> No.15858068

You should read him for the tsundere Freud Jung relationship

>> No.15858073

being very bluntly honest, both.

>> No.15858080

Would've made a good fiction writer if he could actually write clearly.

>> No.15858144

>man and his symbols
It's very simplistic and doesn't go into any of the actual philosophical foregrounding or direction of Jung, it's trying to be scientific.

As I said, you should read the first chapter but everything after that is optional, but I guess it may help.

>> No.15858174

you know those posters on /lit/ that display an extremely broad and wide array of knowledge but lack any sort of insight to meaningfully connect those ideas so you get gems such as "This is like the Nietzschean Will to Power gleamed through the eyes of the Hegelian Dialectic in the ideal Platonic Form"? Jung is sort of like that.

>> No.15858183

Reading Jung will not be a waste of time whether you like it or not.

>> No.15858189

I don't think Jung is like that, I just think it's the result of one operating within the given psychological framework of Jung that isn't actually talking about the ideas, hence so many people that read Jung end up talking like this. But Jung himself understood the grounding to his psychology, and the phenomenological reality, whereas most don't and just get lost in the symbols everywhere ignoring any actual phenomenology.

>> No.15858443

>Should I read Carl Jung or psychology is a meme
Why frame it along this false binary? Psychology is much more than Jung, or Freud, or Skinner for that matter.

>> No.15858489

Psychology is a meme but Jung was a doctor of the soul.

>> No.15859477

All right I pulled the trigger and bought it right now, I hope it's good. I want to read that one from Fromm too, seems interesting.

>> No.15859494

why is the red book last?

>> No.15860486
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if you think psychology is a meme than it is you who is a meme

>> No.15860517
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Read philosophy.
Any philosophy which was released post 1860 is shit and you should ignore it.