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15855133 No.15855133 [Reply] [Original]

any books for a 25-year-old virgin?

>> No.15855166

The Bible

>> No.15855186

All of them, because vicariously is the only way you're gettin' any.

>> No.15855304
File: 305 KB, 1040x946, childless and accursed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corpus Hermetic Book 2 Section 17
Now you shouldn't panic, this must not be read entirely literally, while the begetting and raising of children is one with the highest virtue, the artist who creates beauty is still father and midwife of ideas in the mind's of other's. The same with the Philosopher who's works and teaching saves and improves the lives of millions.
I believe Proclus was mistaken for rejecting Aedesia in place of chastity, in her beauty and intelligence he could through his offspring much more easily preserve the living tradition. But instead the poly beautiful Aedesia gave us Ammonius, though a genius and preserver of the exoteric institution still dominant today, he betrayed true Philosophy.
Likewise Plotinus didn't have children of his own but raised a great number as his own.

>> No.15855318

Also this is why there are so any lgbtq abominations today

>> No.15855324

I honestly wish I never had sex

>> No.15855391

25 virgin here. some 93% of people have lost virginity by now, that includes literal cretins.

Very demoralized. Certain that woman are incapable of Agape (love of the soul) and moreover do not want to be loved (as desiring one signals to their hypergamous instincts that you are not out of their league, woman only date up and enjoy the "chase") Men have a noble instinct to discard their natural right to pursue and impregnate as many woman as possible to instead focus everything irrationally on an individual soul. This is an anathema to the feminine, whoremongering allows them to chase you as their is competition for you, but this same whoremongering causes your passion to wane. You become feminized, losing your ability to love the atomized soul
as every person instead becomes an interchangeable archetype only distinct as a member of their caste. ( I personally recognized this instinctually in 8th grade, the only time in my life where I was actively pursuing and being pursued by woman. I knew that the particular girl fawning over me did not love me in the same way I loved my "onitis" It was clear histrionics and social signaling)

It is only possible to have a relationship between two people who do not love each other. The idea of a man losing his virginity to the discarded concubine of some other whoremonger is thoroughly emasculating.

If you didn't find a wife in highschool there is little sense to bothering unless you have some pathological need for sex as something closer to a bowel movement than a transcendental act. Even then, what are the chances that you are able to acquire your "onitis" and are so far out of her league that your love of her is tolerated? What neuroticisms are to come about the the impossibility for the feminine to reciprocate it?

I am told that since the raison d'être is wasted on woman (though how easily it comes) these passions are instead to be redirected onto a deity worthy of it. I struggle to do this with sincerity. What I know to be true I have not fully internalized. The visceral experience of the higher realms are shut off to me, I am enough of a product of my environment for God to be dead. My spirit wanes. To be ill suited for the world as it is, is no indication that one would therefore be perfectly suited for the world as it ought to be, but the dread that what ought to be could never be and has never been...is hollowing. As love wanes so too does the hatred that contrasts it, yet there is no temptation for the fruits of vice in me. The loss of the covenant to moral obligations does not generate any excitement to live carnally.

This disillusionment is the symbolic castrating spear of the masculine hero. We have become widows in waiting, waiting for our king to return and save us from despair.

I recommend Evola's mystery of the holy grail.

>> No.15855401

25 yo virgin here
you're obsessed with romance pham, have you tried, y'know, starting off from reality
what do you believe in and do you actually know what you believe in or desire what you believe in?

>> No.15855468

>have you tried, y'know, starting off from reality
I am cursed to my trapping of reality. As noted I am closed off from viscerally entering the realms. I can not get away from overwhelming mundaneness of material reality, Yet It is not my natural disposition, I am not motivated to go through these mating dances I have interacted normally with woman who are nothing to me and come off as quite normal and successful in sociopathic flirting. It has never crystallized into anything more, which leads me to believe I am not mistaken. I hate fun. It is better to be a man dissatisfied than a pig satisfied. But now that I am no longer I man, I find that attempting to live as a pig brings me no joy.

>> No.15855528

To put it more simply, it is impractical to be preoccupied with all this all the time. The vast majority of my life is spent living normally and materially. Acting "normally" thinking about "normal things" of everyday life. If the temptations of reality motivated me I would have just naturally lost my virginity is some passionless relationship by now like everyone else, or I would be neurotically obsessed with female validation and sex from having been a failed normalfag and desperately tried to have such a relationship while failing to do so.

>> No.15857787

Man, just go fuck something. Pretend to be normal for a month on tinder and have sex with a 4/10. Just check the box

>> No.15858139

No. I don't want to have sex.

>> No.15858160

I'm 30khv, i'm like 0.3% or something.

Probably going to hire a sex worker once covid calm down a bit more or something. Should calm my mind down a bit.

>> No.15858175

26 and never fucked a girl, feelsgoodman
Although I exclusively fucked men. Got too lazy to bother continuing the hedonistic charade though.

>> No.15858210

Be a lot easier if I was in to men, but alas i'm stuck being a working class guy in this fucking world.

>> No.15858363
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why is male virginity on the rise? why are so many young guys not having sex? how could this be? what will be the long term repercussions of this?

>> No.15858433

The economy. It's only the lowest income and unemployed men that are experiencing it. With the rise of apps and online dating womens hypergamy is out of control due to the vastly increased dating pool so they never have to bother with working class men anymore.

>> No.15858438

the wests' transition to pioneer bull and subordinates model
age differences were common for virgin relationships, the older man and young woman, the young man and the older mistress, this opened the playing field to many, and many then had been given the know how from former previous experienced partners
then an adoption of the idea that a young man must only go with a young woman, to conquer, to take forcefully, and then move on to the next conquest. a successful bachelor then goes on to be desirable until settling, leaving the others who missed out in the dust. over time this leads to the situation of today where a mild taboo is placed on age differences(some more than others) and a success story can reach far and wide through reputation and dedicated sex social mediums

>> No.15858549

Most of them

>> No.15858562

are you a girl?

>> No.15858624

Got laid for the first time at 27. Before that, I would always discard my friend's advice to just fuck a girl, any girl, and be done with it.
I would discard it in the name of this, or that, because some part of me wanted these abnormal virgin years to mean something.
They didn't mean shit, that's the secret. I was just afraid, in silly way. Go for it anon, get that weight out, you'll feel liberated, and you'll be amazed by how little your life changes after you've finally done it.

>> No.15859089

>Go for it anon, get that weight out, you'll feel liberated, and you'll be amazed by how little your life changes after you've finally done it.

Seems contradictory. Shamelessness is a coping mechanism for shame.

>> No.15859115

I know it sounds like a contradiction, but it isn't.

It can be such a weight to be a late virgin that you feel your life, your person, would be something completely different if finally you'd have sex. But you'll actually wake up the same guy in the same world. That parasiting weight constantly clouding a corner of your mind will be gone, though, and that is indeed a liberation.

>> No.15859199

Why does the amount of time as a virgin bother you? Virginity is only valuble in the exchange, it has no value in itself, who it is given to is eaither empowering and fostering of love or degrading, regardless of if it is given at 13 or 30. Why were you bothered with being a virgin? The age only matters in it being harder to exchange it with someone in your age range fruitfully. Sounds like you were an insecure incel who never got the point. You secretly wanted to have empty fornication with 4/10s or something? Obviously the value of your virginity depends on how you structure your sexuality. If you arent a monogomist it serves little purpose

>> No.15859235

Even if you lose it at a normal age, if you have autism and don't get laid on the reg as an adult, ppl will eventually begin to suspect that you are a chronic masturbator or homosexual, that's why ppl end up getting married to anyone they can after a certain age, just so you don't look weird

>> No.15859331

I wasn't so much bothered by virginity in itself, but more by the fact I was avoiding intimacy and love, that I was passing through this part of my life without living it, that I would actively waste every chance that crossed my path. And no, I'm not talking about meaningless one-night stands. Virginity, with time, became in my mind the symbol of that avoidance, its uncrossable bridge, and finally losing it was important to me in that regard.

Maybe to some, but it will not feel as important to you. If you live through people's expectations and judgments, that's another matter entirely.

>> No.15859909

>the fact I was avoiding intimacy and love
You never found it, you were avoiding it but waiting for it, you just abondoned the idea and the fruits it offered out of frustration and demoralization

Unless again it was literally just an incel thing of wanting to fornicate for its own sake but not being able to attract pretty enough whores to date

>> No.15859932

I haven’t fucked since 2013 have I regrown my virginity

>> No.15859938

>If you live through people's expectations and judgments, that's another matter entirely.

Other people's expectations and judgements are precisely what decides the success or failure of your career. If people think you are a weird chronic masturbator, or some guy so uptight that he's still closeted in 2020, they're not going to trust you with any responsibility.

>> No.15859994

success and failure are subjective

>> No.15859998

We live in a society, fuckhead.

>> No.15860017

>that I was passing through this part of my life without living it

going through all the sorrows of young Werther is 100x better than the bullshit others will confront you with

I swear to God, what people fling at me when they talk about their career or their life or the classic speeches about society and politics, I rather have the worst romantic breakup imaginable, and the same people will tell you things like "be careful about choosing a PARTNER", fuck off, just give me a whore and let her cheat on me ten times, I rather have that than experiencing another conversation with them

yes this is a rant, and I am mad, you can't calm me down now, I will leave by myself

>> No.15860038


>> No.15860049

read SIEGE

>> No.15860064

>posting cross-thread quad gets in /lit/
fucking pseud leave my board

>> No.15860085

Everything is beaurocratic procedualism and they dont have a choice. Credentials and experence advance your carrear, nepotism just gets you an in. Being closeted is good for social capital now anyway.

>> No.15860113

>not appreciating the aesthetic apex that is such a glorious get
you know what they say: people who live in glass houses shouldn't be whinging cunts

>> No.15860137

sorry newfag, the anon is right, quads doesn't warrant it. quints and up only. lurk for another year.

>> No.15860156

>Everything is beaurocratic procedualism and they dont have a choice.

You think Sundar Pichai got to be CEO of Google by bureaucratic proceduralism? It was because he took credit for the work of the Chrome team, and all the Hindoos backed him. Also, he's married and has kids and isn't a chronic masturbator.

>> No.15860167

But I did find it, dear anon, although not with the woman I lost my virginity to, obviously, blinded and burdened with idealization that I was at the time.
I can't really identify with incels; I've never felt any kind of hatred or resentment towards women, and attracting pretty ladies was never what I struggled with.

I never encountered that problem. People gossiped at times, for sure, but it never amounted to anything as concrete as what you say here.

>> No.15860179

>It was because he took credit for the work of the Chrome team
and Drive, Maps, Gmail

>> No.15860234

>But I did find it, dear anon
Enjoy your turn basedboy

>> No.15860246


>> No.15860256

>just be the ceo of google bro all you need to do is have sex
Actual carrear advancement you can expect is procedural.

>> No.15860286

i wish i were a newfag. i have been here since 2008 and the fact that i can leave at any time is the worst part.

>> No.15860381
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25 virgin here too, never bothered with women because they're typically really boring and much alike the lowest of men but at the same time I recognize the importance of family and flourishing so I'm a bit conflicted. Am I really to be saddled with some dumb bitch for the rest of my life? If I have children I refuse to have them raised by a single mother but I genuinely can't stand being around women.


>> No.15860479

Man just fuck a woman and get out of your head, you're deifying romance without even having a point of reference.

>> No.15860988

Synthesis of the Subjective and the Objective

>> No.15861048
File: 106 KB, 633x758, 1446226354060.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How? I'm almost 27 but have no friends so don't go out so have no chance to meet women. Apps/online is also a waste of time because i'm like a 3/10 who isn't pulling anyone that way. Honestly i just want friends at this point.

>> No.15861074

>you'll be amazed by how little your life changes after you've finally done it.
Then why?

>> No.15861841

>I am told that since the raison d'être is wasted on woman (though how easily it comes) these passions are instead to be redirected onto a deity worthy of it. I struggle to do this with sincerity. What I know to be true I have not fully internalized. The visceral experience of the higher realms are shut off to me, I am enough of a product of my environment for God to be dead. My spirit wanes.
Do you meditate and pray? If not, start doing it; if yes, do it more. Practice is necessary, you won't come to the love of God through reason alone.

>> No.15862111

Why wouldn't I have a point of reference? Because I didn't > have sex?


>> No.15862123
File: 294 KB, 799x377, 1572685730915.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25 virgin here. some 93% of people have lost virginity by now, that includes literal cretins.
>Very demoralized. Certain that woman are incapable of Agape (love of the soul) and moreover do not want to be loved (as desiring one signals to their hypergamous instincts that you are not out of their league, woman only date up and enjoy the "chase") Men have a noble instinct to discard their natural right to pursue and impregnate as many woman as possible to instead focus everything irrationally on an individual soul. This is an anathema to the feminine, whoremongering allows them to chase you as their is competition for you, but this same whoremongering causes your passion to wane. You become feminized, losing your ability to love the atomized soul
>as every person instead becomes an interchangeable archetype only distinct as a member of their caste. ( I personally recognized this instinctually in 8th grade, the only time in my life where I was actively pursuing and being pursued by woman. I knew that the particular girl fawning over me did not love me in the same way I loved my "onitis" It was clear histrionics and social signaling)
>It is only possible to have a relationship between two people who do not love each other. The idea of a man losing his virginity to the discarded concubine of some other whoremonger is thoroughly emasculating.
>If you didn't find a wife in highschool there is little sense to bothering unless you have some pathological need for sex as something closer to a bowel movement than a transcendental act. Even then, what are the chances that you are able to acquire your "onitis" and are so far out of her league that your love of her is tolerated? What neuroticisms are to come about the the impossibility for the feminine to reciprocate it?
>I am told that since the raison d'être is wasted on woman (though how easily it comes) these passions are instead to be redirected onto a deity worthy of it. I struggle to do this with sincerity. What I know to be true I have not fully internalized. The visceral experience of the higher realms are shut off to me, I am enough of a product of my environment for God to be dead. My spirit wanes. To be ill suited for the world as it is, is no indication that one would therefore be perfectly suited for the world as it ought to be, but the dread that what ought to be could never be and has never been...is hollowing. As love wanes so too does the hatred that contrasts it, yet there is no temptation for the fruits of vice in me. The loss of the covenant to moral obligations does not generate any excitement to live carnally.
>This disillusionment is the symbolic castrating spear of the masculine hero. We have become widows in waiting, waiting for our king to return and save us from despair.
>I recommend Evola's mystery of the holy grail.

>> No.15862151

to stop being a virgin right?

Neil Strauss The Game
Mark Manson Models

virgins shouldn't be giving book recommendations and you shouldn't be reading book recommendations by virgins unless you wish to remain a virgin

read what guys who get layed actually read, and get /fit/

>> No.15862156

"meditation and prayer" are not proper intiatic foundations.

>> No.15862170

Non-virgins are crabs the bucket.

>> No.15862181
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>> No.15862214

almost had me until "I struggle to do this with sincerity."

go read Kierkegaard

>> No.15862224

thanks Ozymandias

>> No.15862239

Already have. He was clearly larping. There is no faking it until you make it for faith.

>> No.15862248

What is according to you?

>> No.15862266

any books for a born-again virgin?

>> No.15862282

The ladder of divine ascent soured any resonance christianity had with my spirit anyway, even in its paganzied form.

>> No.15862329

Don't feel like I'm entitled to give you any specific advice, as I just don't know you, and I'm no life-coach to try and feed one secret tips on how to woo the ladies or such bs.

Being social, as you mentioned, definitely helps though, probably start with that. Also, enough with the x/10 crap please: dating isn't reserved to models only, you're not applying to play in some dental commercial here.

Answered that already.

>> No.15862355

Your prose exposes you.

>> No.15862374

I'm the same as you. The "pleasures of the flesh" don't matter to me anymore, but I can't seem to get a single hint of the transcendental, so I'm trapped in the most mundane and boring aspects of material reality.

>> No.15862381

Late Tolstoy in general

>> No.15862408

But they mattered to you at some point before? You never felt anything beyond them?

If so you are most likely burnt out and need to up the dosage. idk ask the homosexual community for tips if you want to enjoy carnal pleasure again.

>> No.15862453

I know you're trolling but are you implying that there's nothing else in life apart from the transcendental and sex?

>> No.15862559

I regret losing my virginity

>> No.15862568

If it happens - it happens, if it doesnt - it doesnt.
t. 28 kv

>> No.15862646

Did you tell her you were inexperienced?

>> No.15862672


Gave up a while ago, at this age women just write you off and assume something is wrong with you, some even fabricate a past for you and project it on to you to justify their feelings of you.

>> No.15862737

I'm 28, almost 29. Genuinely don't mind dying a virgin. There is so much suffering in this world, and better people than me are enduring far worse living conditions. It doesn't matter if I don't experience love or intimacy.

>> No.15862759

meme trilogy since you got nothin else to do

>> No.15862798

>sex is meaningless
>have sex
how about no

>> No.15862983


>> No.15863000

The Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.15863028

Glad to see so many fellow wizards, I thought the board was entirely overrun by normalniggers. Don't let any thirsty succubus tempt you frens.

>> No.15863034

Yeah, and she knew anyway as that was no secret to our common friends. She didn't give a shit about it; in fact she handled it with a patience I didn't expect from her. I was lucky in that regard.

You can give it whatever meaning you want beyond the obvious ones, I was merely saying that the first time isn't a life-changing experience that will suddenly transform you, and hence implying that feeling you are somewhat less for not having done it is a misguided preconception.

>> No.15863084

Theres a nonzero amount of women out there pretending to be ditsy idiots precisely because to many men like that shit.

Look to involve yourself in places where women generally don't behave that way.