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15854497 No.15854497 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't I ever remember what a priori means I've searched the definition 10 times

>> No.15854510

Write it down, anon. Unironically. I usually do that when something like that happens to a point of starting bothering me.

>> No.15854547
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>can't remember how to spell "bureaucracy"
>looked it up like a hundred times
>Have to look it up Everytime I spell it
>Just resort to misspelling it and not giving a fuck

>> No.15854565

How the fuck do I spell recommend aaaaaaaa

>> No.15854599
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>> No.15854614

nigga how can you spell wednesday incorrectly

>> No.15854627

Just remember Wednesday as


>> No.15854630

Yeah i often have the same issue, its really annoying and im not sure why i cant get it into my head.

>> No.15854631

English is a stupid language. Name one other word with a silent d before an n.

>> No.15854636

anal is a priori dirty

>> No.15854637


If you're a brainlet, just accept it and move on.

Be like normie pepe dancing in a club with the backwards baseball cap. Such life is enjoyable requiring little commitment. Stop setting yourself up with expectations that you cannot possibly live up to

>> No.15854640
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>> No.15854644

It’s pronounced wed’n’sday

>> No.15854645

The definition is literally in the word though 'prior'.

>> No.15854646

we do not eat snails day

>> No.15854673
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Oh shit. Kind of makes sense now.

>> No.15854897

Already tried it and wanted to kms

>> No.15854981

It means you know something independent of experience. It's in the name ('prior' to experience, vs. 'posterior' in a posteriori). That connection is not completely accurate but it's an easy way to remember which is which.

>> No.15855010
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>see anons having trouble with daunting philosophical buzzwords like phenomenology, dialectic, or a priori
>remember when they were daunting to me too
>now use them reflexively
>tfw channeling my energy so a new generation of anons can learn these difficult but useful ideas

You're all going to make it friends

>> No.15855139

"eau" - ew
"cracy" - crazy
My structuring of the word is literally founded on my contempt for the subject.

I've done this in my head for years.

>> No.15855147

People like Nabokov don’t have problems like this. U mad?

>> No.15855149

It's Woden's day, anon. The D has always been first.

>> No.15855151

Why don't people say it like that it would make more sense

>> No.15855201


>> No.15855206

retard or am I biting bait?

>> No.15855214

Finding the definition for a priori isn't the hardest part, anon. Properly understanding what it means is.

>> No.15855902
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Same but unironically.
Many anons have to improve with the "their" and "they're" too.

>> No.15856010

eau = o in french

>> No.15856031

>literally has "prior" in it

>> No.15856033


>> No.15856159

The one post that actually explained the meaning

>> No.15856212
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>> No.15856236
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based frens

>> No.15856285

Fuck I thought this only happened to me.

>> No.15856335

Define the "dialectics" then

>> No.15856351

Autocorrect is making us all retarded. I constantly forget how to spell words because the computer does it for me these days.

>> No.15856511

Don't just learn the meaning of the word whenever it comes up, learn to use the word. You don't know a word until you can use it.

>> No.15856754
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>> No.15856780

bro literally how the fuck do you not know what a priori means, it's such a basic term!

>> No.15856806
File: 7 KB, 286x176, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a priori means "before"

>> No.15857097

This. Your right.

>> No.15857099

>people not installing LanguageTool in their browser

>> No.15857106

I'm fine with bureaucracy but it's bourgeoisie that gets me no matter how many fucking times I write it

>> No.15857114

Yeah it's literally the first 'difficult' word you learn to spell

>> No.15857117

The biggest problem I have is where a vowel might be an "a" or an "e", because it's pronounced indeterminate, schwa sound.

e.g. seperate or separate

>> No.15857126
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>Installing browser plug-ins other than adblockers.
>having to rely on uncheckable tools for forming orthographically correct sentences

>> No.15857133

bourge- oi -sie
french isn't rocket science

>> No.15857149

wi ʃʊd ɔl ləːn tu rʌJt Jn ʌJ pi eJ

>> No.15857152

i always say it like that in my head as well

>> No.15857160

well 4chins butchered this, the J should be the w/i/th sound.

>> No.15857162


>> No.15857172

Cringe hedonist.

>> No.15857178

wɒt dJd ˈhi: miːn ˈbaJ ðJs

>> No.15857181

>ITT brainlets who cant spell

>> No.15857188


>> No.15857197

Know that Wednesday is derived from Wodan's Day

>> No.15857221

Do britoids really speak like that?

>> No.15857247

have fun being tracked by virtually every website mr. too-cool-to-care-about-internet-privacy.
also you're gonna look up those words anyway, so what's the difference using a tool that doesn't take up as much time and space?

>> No.15857277


>> No.15857320


>> No.15857342

Men who couldn't spell are responsible for the develpoment of the human language. How do you think most derivative words and compounds came to exist? Somebody out there couldn't remember how to spell, or the proper term for a thing.

>> No.15857358


>> No.15857369

>no reading comprehension
Am I on /sci/ here? Thought this was /lit/?
No, I learn correct orthography of words by looking up their etymology. It has the advantage that it's also fun and interesting.

You have fun being tracked by plug-in providers. Do you also use a VPN to "protect your privacy"?

>> No.15857373
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>hie bothers to spell properly
English teachers just want to scruff out your creativity bro.

>> No.15857423

A Priori is easy - just remember that it's the type of probablity that legitimately justified racism.

>> No.15857435

*meant to say justifies, not justified. A person is still more likely to rob you if he's black.

>> No.15857455

>english language is void of conjugated or declined forms of words
>mutts still manage to fail at correct spelling

>> No.15857497

I only do it when I forget that bureaucracy is obviously spelt the same way as bureau, and who can't spell 'bureau'?

Just understand how fucking languages are built up and improve your ability to intuit the meaning of new words instead of learning some faggoty mnemonic for everything you can't spell.
Mnemonics are cringe.

>> No.15857499

When have you ever seen the prefix "rec" in English? It doesn't exist. It's re. RE-commend.

>> No.15857526

Omg, that word I have to look up how to spell every single time

>> No.15857550

Best spelling is burgeroise

>> No.15857574
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>I went to the librairie

>> No.15857590

librarie or librairy?

>> No.15857597
File: 462 KB, 1081x650, Screen Shot 2020-06-23 at 12.15.06 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's how I've come to finally remember it:

you're RE - commending something. just think of "commend" and then there's a reeeeee now I don't type two cs as often anymore

>> No.15857598

those looks painfully cringe to your average frenchman, just so you know

>> No.15857599


>> No.15857607

Ar' yer daft?

>> No.15857652
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>> No.15857663

That's not engliesh.

>> No.15857681

>it's fun and interesting to look up words
what a cope. stop lying faggot.
>you have fun being tracked by plug-in providers. Do you also use VPN to "protect your privacy"?
there are lots of plug-in providers that don't collect your private data. To almost every proprietary software there is a free alternative. Ofc you would know that if you actually looked into it, but since you're a bugman you don't concern yourself with privacy and corruption. keep sucking google's cock and stop talking about things you obviously know nothing about

>> No.15857693 [DELETED] 

bureau = french for table
cracy = greek for a system of government or some shit

>> No.15857717

renaissance always fucks me up and the Apple spell checker is stupid and never recommends me the right shit, always takes two tries to remember theres only one n, which should be obvious since beginning a word with "re" doesn't double the first consonant

>> No.15857723
File: 1.30 MB, 1900x2500, OED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it is

>> No.15857745

nice dictionary what is it called?

>> No.15857754

Oxford English Dictionnary (1888)

>> No.15857781

Actually it's Canaanite

>> No.15857802
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>what a cope. stop lying faggot.
*What a cope. Stop lying, faggot!
>there are lots of plug-in providers that don't collect your private data
Pffffrrrrt lololol
>free alternative
>free means someone checked the source code and they don't collect data
>Ofc you would know that if you actually looked into it, but since you're a bugman you don't concern yourself with privacy and corruption
Try to read my original post again, imbecile. I do security assessments for browser plug-ins as a side job. My real job involves producing and rolling out machine learning models. I know exactly what data is capable of.
You're just a massive projecting faggot being angry at something I never said.

>> No.15858263

>oi -sie
Oy you in Finnish, very easy to remember.

>> No.15858332

I'm just too stupid for this word desu.

>> No.15858358

But the mind is experience and doesn't necessarily say anything about underlying reality no matter how much you reduce something, because it's still mind. A priori would be more like the building blocks of empiricism/experience than something separate.

>> No.15858365

The why, not just how and what.

>> No.15858388
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You don't find these in nature.

>> No.15858450

Do you think I can read?

>> No.15858540

wetness day

>> No.15858797

this is what you get for having a barbarous germanic language as your native tongue

>> No.15858837

based on what?