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File: 1.38 MB, 2200x3037, 1443312504029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15853779 No.15853779 [Reply] [Original]

In Joshua Cohen's review of Pynchon's Bleeding Edge, he says that

>Only ten images of Pynchon are publicly available, including a video captured by CNN in 1997

Ten... I haven't been able to find that many. Let's see if, between us, we have them all.

<- That's #1.

>> No.15853791
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>> No.15853798
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>> No.15853809
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>> No.15853816
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>> No.15853862
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>> No.15853884

No dingus. That’s the journalist who wrote the article

>> No.15853885
File: 412 KB, 360x965, PynchonEvolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's three more.

>> No.15853889

What a stud, wish I had a honeycomb of boipucci back there to offer up

>> No.15853895
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>> No.15853904

That middle picture is genuinely frightening.

>> No.15853921


>> No.15853922
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>> No.15853926

#7. #8 is CNN.

>> No.15853928
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>> No.15853936


What an ugly bastard

>> No.15853948
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>> No.15853959

Friendly reminder: some Nord took a bunch of photos of old Tommy Ruggles before the National Enquirer got a hold of him.

>> No.15853966

What the fuck is his problem?

>> No.15853969
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>> No.15853977

Also his current physical address is in the archives, corresponding to this same Norwegian article

>> No.15853982


>> No.15853986
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>> No.15853999
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>> No.15854007
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>> No.15854027

>Also his current physical address is in the archives, corresponding to this same Norwegian article
Share it fellow

>> No.15854061

Trying to look it up now. It’s been awhile. But if you read the translated Norwegian article and compound that with the Variety article you can find the address yourself pretty fast. There’s only so many prewar classic six apartments right up the street from that rare book store.

>> No.15854093
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>> No.15854099

Building: 203 West 81st Street

203 West 81st Street, New York, NY, 10024

>> No.15854118
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>> No.15854141
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The National Inquirer got this. He`s not a literal recluse, only a media recluse. He has a family and walks around and stuff. Anyone with some effort can track him down and stalk him and snap some photos, like what happened here >>15853999 (the story goes that the photographer wanted to shake Pynchon`s hand but Pynchon got mad and said something like, get your fucking hand away from me, I don`t like getting my picture taken).

>> No.15854163

Yeah me had dinner with Michael Chabon, I imagine there are plenty of people in his wife’s inner circle (Lorrie Moore, notably) who have met and simply thought to never disclose anything about Pynchmeister.

>> No.15854170


>> No.15854172


And then there`s the band Lotion who said they met him but just made up a fake meme story (Pinecone probably did actually write the liner notes to their album though).

>> No.15854194

Why can't I find Melanie Jackson in here?

>> No.15854197

You wish you were Thomas Pynchon.

>> No.15854201
File: 764 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200713-224609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get it together, Maxine

>> No.15854205

perhaps there is no such person

>> No.15854213

What was his reading routine like early in life after the Navy?

>> No.15854251

In his Charlie Rose interview he claims to read everything aloud.

>> No.15854261

interesting suppository

>> No.15854289

do you think he strategically applied echoes, perhaps orating into the percussive rafters of acoustically enriched homes?

>> No.15854306

huh? he lives in manhattan

>> No.15854329

a treasure

>> No.15854339 [DELETED] 

I took pictures of an old guy yesterday that I’m feeling made to think is Pynchon, this old dude with a long space between his upper lip and nose who noticed me somehow, he was making the exact same facial expression as in >>15853999, not posting anything though. Prove me wrong? I’m an excitable boy, so don’t hold your breath.
It wasn’t in New York also, no reason I would’ve seen him where I was other than for no reason like everything else that happens.

>> No.15854348

One of the best Rose interviews.

Huh? No one cares, not funny, not pynchie. Grab a banana and go screw.

>> No.15854352

I still swear his arms were prosthetic or he'd tucked his real arms into slyly lengthening sleeves that then enabled Pynchon to "rule the table" as Rose crossly put it, with such grandiosely gestured pauses, ponderings, pontificatings etc

>> No.15854353

I’m not posting my post I was going to but I’m entirely interested here

>> No.15854358

hey Algernon, you forgot your flowers?

>> No.15854370
File: 31 KB, 290x348, camus-book-news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this not Pynchon?

>> No.15854373

we're all pynchon

>> No.15854375

Holy shit I didn't notice the arm stuff

>> No.15854385

his accent :3

>> No.15854424

I didn't realize Donald Duck's half perturbed half exasperated "Hey, what's the big idea here?" was an obvious allusion to Pynchon to those scholarly enough to be in the know

>> No.15854440

still the record for most verifiably accidental shatterings of prop mugs

>> No.15854445

That’s Mitch Cumstein, famed inventor.

>> No.15854515

Where can I watch this?

>> No.15854557

i saw it on ytmnd once, but i think rose doesn’t want it seen.

>> No.15854594


>> No.15854618

Why doesn't he want it seen? I searched that side and it wasnt found.
Not sure what this is, my friend.

>> No.15854641

pynch kept making insinuations.

>> No.15854659

invite only section of ytmnd forum, someone still owns the rights to it and all that

>> No.15854689

How does one get an invite? This interview is really intriguing me.

>> No.15854709

make popular ytmnds I guess

>> No.15854735

Is that the only way? Fuck. Guess i wont be seeing the interview.

Thanks anyway anon.

>> No.15854815
File: 29 KB, 330x458, EDC63462-283A-4DFF-BE52-17F7A0AAE4E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Gary Snyder, but Pynchon is supposedly cropped out of the photo. Maybe we’ll see the full picture after he goes

>> No.15854828
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>> No.15854829

oh shoot, I can feel the giggles about to drown me, why, consarn it
>I've been Pynched

>> No.15854878

They met him, he interviewed them for Esquire. The drummers mom is his accountant as well.

>> No.15854891

When i read his books, yes perhaps. But when I look at his light 4/10 subhuman face and skinny build i am like ''No thanks''.

>> No.15854983

I bet you’re a regular Rock Hudson.

>> No.15854992

Your pedantry eclipses your vanity.

>> No.15855059

just cuz he doesn’t like pynchon doesn’t mean he fucks kids, dude.

>> No.15855219

he's a typical hippie liberal and his books aren't that good, who cares

>> No.15855227

post taste faget

>> No.15855365


>> No.15855921

>typical hippie liberal
Did not know typical hippie liberals were devout roman catholics. Always learn new things on this board.

>> No.15855931

Pynchon’s a devout Roman Catholic? Proof?

>> No.15855984

He grew up going to episcopal servies with his father and roman catholic services with his mother and continued on the roman catholic. A longtime friend (Speigal? something like that, another writer) who has known him since Cornell talks about it in an article he wrote and there is another such article that is escaping me at the moment, it is 3AM and hot. Apparently ol Tommy never msises mass. I think the Speigal guy also said that that Pynchon was best man at his wedding and later on had an affair with his wife. The article is interesting if you can find it, don't recall if it was all about Pynchon or just an aside in an article about Spiegal, I mainly remember that Spiegal came across as downright fond of the fella despite the whole wife fucking thing.

Perhaps some other anon can provide the other article or source. Maybe he mentions it in the preface to Slow Learner?

>> No.15855997

US Catholics are often hippie liberals, you stupid pseud

>> No.15856032

Hippies are almost as a rule against western religions.

>> No.15856036

not the catholic ones

>> No.15856045

You use “are” as if to imply hippies still exist.

>> No.15856072

that is because 'hippie liberal' is pretty much anyone that does not agree with him.

>> No.15856085

?? what interview?

>> No.15856089

You are an actual pleb if you think Pynchon is anything but far-left. Even if he is Catholic.

>> No.15856091

the one with Pynchon.

>> No.15856092

Read the thread, dude.

>> No.15856100

why do you suck Chabon's dick so much? Even on youtube you're like Chabon has the best cock...c'mon Gianni

>> No.15856110

I never said anything regarding his political standings, thats just the /pol/ rot setting in, you can't see past it.

I do not recall ever seeing anything written regarding his standings, going off his writings and what we know, I would expect he would be far left by late 80s/early 90s standard, so fairly moderate these day.

>> No.15856112

Michael Chabon (allegedly) has a roughly triangular penis when erect. Wide at the base and comes to a point. Stands a proud four inches out of his large, dark bush. Thing also smells like chicken gone bad.

>> No.15856257
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I have this one as a mouse pad. I bet the Pynch would hate it

>> No.15856300

I always imagine him young because of the pictures I've seen so it's weird seeing him look his actual age.

>> No.15856369

T. 3/10 subhumans

>> No.15856384

How tall is he? He looks like a manlet.

>> No.15856613

You just wanted to use the word 'pedantry' didn't you? Heh.

>> No.15856960


>> No.15857203

what does the phrase pynch-drunk mean

>> No.15857299

Just like true 4chan

>> No.15857304

That's a big word for you

>> No.15857348

try it, anon.

>> No.15857355

No. But you don't understand it seems.

>> No.15857361

Lies. There is no way he is that tall, look at him next to his 7 yr old son.

>> No.15857363

Must we imagine Pynchon happy?

>> No.15857374

Pynch is self conscious about his height and wears shoes that actually reduce his tallness

>> No.15857379

he just had a footlong turkey bacon ranch, why wouldn't he smile?

>> No.15857389

So, are all manlets secretly tall and self conscious?

>> No.15857538

what if he's a secret Tump voter ? Is that his dark secret ? He worked in defense once

>> No.15857547

Yes, although perhaps not on Opposite Day

>> No.15857604

ctrl f pyncho corpus: six million

>> No.15857619

Well that's ten, if you include the newest "scoop" of him as an old man.

>> No.15857644

Won't he be a woman that day? Amazon probably.

>> No.15857822
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>> No.15857881

>Amazon probably
you wanna answer a question I haven't even asked yet, you smarty pants Pinker-haired Manhattanite recluse? You think I'm some PBS capuchin in a suit you can mince around with your iambic deflections and Canterbury jokes?

>> No.15858353

this poster thinks he gets pynchon cringe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15858362

I was watching a doc on his work and some academics said that one of Pynchon's aims was to take a shit on academics and their industry by leading them through a maze of references. Is this true?

>> No.15858370

That would be Jim Joyce, not Pynch-o

>> No.15858471

Big if true

>> No.15858494

>gonna go pynch a loaf, Mel

>> No.15858544
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do you think he pinches people or do they pinch him? what's the ratio? was he pinching WAVES girl butts saying "I bet you need some TP, heh?"

Are his pinches sting like? Or cheek grabby?

Has he ever said "the ol' Pynchon pinion" when concluding a well-crafted argument? Has it been said to him?

Does "pinch" even occur in his corpus? Is there a list of words that Pynchon has never used?

>> No.15859026

Well what are you guys waiting for? Someone who's from the area stake out that building and get us a picture of him.

>> No.15859225

I’m gonna cum

>> No.15859380

I wish it was possible to become a successful author today while being a recluse and not using social media.

>> No.15859393

if you think otherwise you've been bamboozled by charlatans

>> No.15859399

NYfags are pussies

>> No.15859499 [DELETED] 
File: 2.30 MB, 2143x3000, thomaspynchon_0517_0489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

203 West 81st Street, New York, NY, 10024. Find him.

>> No.15859542


>> No.15859543
File: 438 KB, 791x639, .eJwFwUsSgyAMANC7cABCCOLnIF24YxDBjgpD0m46vbvv_dSnn2pRRaTxArAdHGvfNEvtISeda81nCu1gHesFQSTEcqVbGCySQZwRjbET-gEJyEw0O09Ezg9uHNHCyt_3_iq63Vn9H_-tIoA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb Jew book.
what were these niggers thinking when they got off the boat. should have taken more than one step before patting yourself on the back.

>> No.15859586

wrong thread

>> No.15859609
File: 514 KB, 1500x2000, thomaspynchon_0517_0460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15859620


>> No.15859627


>> No.15859641
File: 1.64 MB, 2250x3000, thomaspynchon_0517_0454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15859650

Seeing Pynchon as an old man makes me deeply depressed.

>> No.15859701

How come?

>> No.15859721


>> No.15859847

Call me a fanboy faggot, but he's always seemed bigger than life to me.
I just hope we get one more book before he joins the counterforce forever.

>> No.15860522

he is tho

>> No.15861045

this is a troll right? i can find zero evidence that charlie rose ever had pynchon as a guest

>> No.15861296


>> No.15861310

u just got PYNCHED

>> No.15861334

Ahahaha another victim to the timeless gag. I bet you feel like a FOOL! #PYNCHED

>> No.15861344

it's on wikipedia

>> No.15861514

dummy, the journalist was Pynchon himself

>> No.15861530

Pynchon is so based

>> No.15861583

They took it off the page at his request, you can still find the link burried in the talk along with a rather ridiculous debate regarding removing the link.

>> No.15861668

I’m so old I remember watching the Charlie Rose segment when it aired. Not a very good talk, since Rose is one of the dumbest fuckers alive. I also remember Ruggles’ shirt being very ’new age.’ Was it around Vineland or M+D? I’d say the latter since it was a Big Book and the ’proper return’ but I can’t recall.

I think they kept Martin Amis in a little cage in the studio, he seemed to be on every episode at one point. And always hawking a shitty new novel. Same with BEE.

>> No.15861703

didn't know Pynchon was a dozen of pixels

>> No.15861726
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>> No.15861742
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>> No.15862666

okay now enhance