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15852725 No.15852725 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good western books bros? This is a setting that I feel would be ripe for a good novel but none come to mind for me

>> No.15852740

Dude, please.

>> No.15853836

Steel Ball Run

>> No.15853997

We have a thread about Blood Meridian at LEAST every other day on this board. What are you talking about?

>> No.15854003

Just finished Lonesome Dove and it was very enjoyable

>> No.15854016

Sometimes two :3
But actually read Warlock.

>> No.15854025

Joe R. Lansdale has some good novels in the western genre. I can recommend THE THICKET and PARADISE SKY.

>> No.15854033

If you want a proper one then The Garfield Honour is a nice, solidly generic one.

>> No.15854293

The Virginian by Owen Wister

>> No.15854314
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>> No.15854979

Anything by Loyis L'amour is usually good.

He writes mass market paperbacks but a lot of them are good reads that you can knock out in a week or two of casual reading.

>> No.15857007

Warlock by Oakley Hall

>> No.15857061

This was pretty good. As far as I remember, the narrative itself is rather short (young Bostonian travels to a rural town, pays for a crew to skin buffalo hides, travels to some isolated valley, skins buffalos, travels home to find railways have ruined his the buffalo hide economy), but the book itself is like 400 pages.

>> No.15857068


>> No.15857469
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Look into a fellow named Louis L'Amour, among science and historical fiction, he wrote a whole myriad of novels about the wild west. Most of it all pre-1950s; the real, manly, white-hat/black-hat sort, my Dad told me about him.

Another, more specific suggestion is 'Shane', by Jack Schaefer. Later adapted into a film staring Alan Ladd, considered to be among the greatest cowboy films ever made.

A final suggestion is 'The Rebel Outlaw: Josey Wales' by Forrest Carter. Also adapted into a famous film, starring Clint Eastwood. What's most interesting about this book was the conflict of its fictional content and the real man who wrote it; as the story entails the life of a ex-Confederate Civil War veteran, whose family is murdered by Union troops after the surrender of the South is made clear and apparent. Though later, after attaining vengeance, settles down with a diverse surrogate family of escaped-slaves, Cheyenne warriors and a few Mexicans to start a farm. Though the man who simultaneously wrote this piece, had hidden his real name of Asa Earl Carter under pseudonym, because in real life, he was a leading figure in a Alabaman chapter of the KKK and wrote many pro-segregationist speeches, even co-writing George Wallace's infamous phrase: "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever",

>> No.15858052

I'm so fascinated by the setup of this Part that I can't bear to read any of it past the initial chapters where Avdol eats shit off this camel right after the race begins.