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/lit/ - Literature

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15852339 No.15852339 [Reply] [Original]

>riverrante, passando Eva y Adan, de curva riberena a codo de bahia, nos trae por un comodioso vicus de recirculacion de vuelta a Howth Castle y Environs

>> No.15852401
File: 129 KB, 867x1390, man-holding-forehead-head-and-shoulders-portrait-ABEHNR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Пo тeчeнию peки, мимo цepкви Aдaмa и Eвы, oт yклoнa бepeгa дo изгибa зaливa нeceт нac yдoбный, кaк кoмoд, зaмкнyтый кpyг вoдoвopoтa дepeвeнcкoй жизни, oпиcaнный филocoфoм Bикo, oбpaтнo к зaмкy Хoyт и oкpecтнocтям.

>> No.15853029

if anyone can find other versions I would appreciate it

>> No.15853438

found german, had to transcribe from a video

...Flußflaufs, vorbei an Adam und Eva, von KüstenKurven zur BuchtBiegung,führt uns durch einen kommodien Quikuß der Rezierkuhlation zurüch nach Haus Castell und Emccebung.

>> No.15853526

alright article here with a French translator

Doesn't have the first sentence but here is the next
>Sir Tristram, violer d’amores, transpirate la mer courte, était passencore réarrivé d’Armorique du Nord sur ce côté de l’isthme efflanqué d’Europe Mineure wieldrefatailler sa guerre pénisolée ; ni ne s’étaient les rochers de topsawyer sur le cours de l’Oconee exaggéré autreux-mêmes aux gorgioses du Comté de Laurens tandis qu’ils allaient doublinnant leur pompe mandite en permernance…

'permernance' lel.
I wonder if French would be the easiest language to translate it into given English's French influence, or if other Germanic languages would be easier. German itself seems a hard fit because of the cases and rules for verb order. The French excerpt here really does not get across the vernacular playful tone of the English Joyce is using

>> No.15854181

bros do none of you care about the Wake translations

>> No.15855370

this has to be the saddest 4chan thread i have ever created