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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 422 KB, 970x1507, tolstoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15850959 No.15850959 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you postmodernists think aesthetics is subjective and any categorization of literature or art is pointless if we all agree Tolstoy and JK Rowling are in different categories?

>> No.15851201

Respond :(

>> No.15851399

I don't know, do we?

>> No.15851432

I like that book cover

>> No.15851433

Because once you remove God, what is the arbiter?

>> No.15851436

>postmodernists think aesthetics is subjective

Only meme post-modernists. While post-modern aesthetics is about erasing the high/low art binary and embracing pop culture, it does not follow that artistic standards does not apply to pulp and that taste is an illusion.

>> No.15851447

Popularization of postmodern art was literally a CIA psyop.

>> No.15851450

Yes. Every time I say a work of art is better than another some post modern tells me that nothing is better than anything else.

>> No.15851459

Not true. The evidence shows that the CIA was involved but there is no reason to suggest they were the main reason or even a substantial reason for their popularity

>> No.15851477

Jackson Pollock was a fed.

>> No.15851529

No he wasn't

>> No.15851572

Yes he was. So was De Kooning. Their exhibits only toured on the CIA's dime.

>> No.15851590

>Their exhibits only toured on the CIA's dime.
This is not true. You have no source which could show this.

>> No.15851668

The CIA funded "The International Program" in full by appropriating New York's Museum of Modern art, which toured 3 dozen times in 5 years. They also payed off the Congress for Cultural Freedom. You are disingenuous.

>> No.15851687

Provide a source showing the amount of payment and they were the sole reason.

>> No.15851712

Do your own fucking research moron I'm not your fucking secretary.

>> No.15851726

What you are saying isn't true which is why you can't provide a source lmao

>> No.15851770

>implying you'd have even read any source provided
You people are like fucking rats begging for heroin here's your last (You)

>> No.15851792

Do you really expect to just make lies and not get called out for not posting a source lol?

>> No.15851798


>> No.15851820

Yeah did you know Obama is funded by cuba


>> No.15851821

You're talking to brainlets try to avoid them although they make up over 99% of the population IME. Post-modernism isn't a thing that people identify as its a term thats thrust upon them by lesser individuals.

>> No.15851853
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Shut the fuck up already you fucking stupid retard.

>> No.15851873

Your teacher would give an F for this if you submitted it as homework

>> No.15851896

Teachers should be forced to look up sources for themselves. Bibliographies are for the intellectually lazy. If you think it's some internet rando's job to provide you with a source like he's your fucking intern because you're too lazy to open up a new tab you're on the wrong fucking board >>>>/b/

>> No.15851906

If you don't provide a source can't I just make up anything I want and you would have to take me at face value. You can't honestly think you shouldn't have a provide a source for your claim.

>> No.15851913

name one significant difference between the works of tolstoy and rowling.

>> No.15851928

When has this ever happened? Not once in my entire life have I heard somebody genuinely and unironically express the opinion that "nothing is better than anything else," least of all on /lit/, where everyone takes great pride in hating shit books.
Something about the way mass media works in the 21st century has given everyone their own customized windmills to tilt at. Every time I hear some retard talking about their political opinions, they always seem to rail against imaginary enemies that hate everything they stand for.

>> No.15851946

Tolstoy eventually grew to sympathize with serfs and Rowling couldn't give less of a fuck that everyone in her fantasy world enslaved sentient creatures

>> No.15851971

I don't have to provide a source for a claim that is factually fucking correct and that you can look up on your own easily. This fucking pathetic polluted idea has infected the mind of every fucking poster on the internet.
>mommy mommy give me source
Shut the fuck up. You don't want a source. In your rotted disgusting fucking mind, you equate "source" with "mean man go away", you hear some shit you don't want to hear and it offends your sensibilities so your only option is to cry "mommy mommy I want source" and go off into a fit of denial. No source in existence would fucking satiate you because you see yourself as infallible and eternally correct. Fuck you, you don't get a source faggot. Look it up on your own fucking time.

>> No.15851993

Is Resurrection worth reading?
I found Hadji Murat quite interesting, don't know what I am in for with this one

>> No.15852032
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>> No.15852071

Make a thread about old architecture and the thread will be filled with guys talking about "it's just your opinion that's it better than this ugly square bunker" or bring up music and they will say you can't actually prove Beethoven is better than this guy on rapping over some beats he made on Ableton live

>> No.15852102

Not him just wanted the comment on the hilarious level of seething and stretching in retaliation to being found out as a pseud.

>> No.15852116

I could very easily provide a source. My entire point of contention is that he doesn't actually want a source to be provided. It's nothing but a buzzword and I'm not going to play into this shit anymore.

>> No.15852263

Where do you have these conversations? Anywhere on 4chan, you're more likely to hear people like you complaining about how somewhere out there in the world people have those opinions than to see anybody actually come into the thread to say Chief Keef is just as good as Beethoven and African mud huts are just as good as Notre Dame.

>> No.15852290

Self-deception to cope with self-hatred. If everything is subjective then they’re not really ugly failures.

>> No.15852318

I want a source, provide it for me.

>> No.15852319

kek. knowledge of art.

(You) people make me sick. dont be a dumb.

and yes the CIA funded exhibitions to attempt to demonstrate that this backwater shithole called america wasnt just filled with ignorant corn huskers. that doesnt say anything about the artists you midget cuks.

f f s you are all retards.

of course the cia was wrong - this place is filled with morons which is why coof coof trump is here.

>> No.15852328


>> No.15852336

But I want one, unlike the other guy You said you could provide it easily. How could it hurt, unless you can't do it?

>> No.15852343

How is knowledge of art an arbiter?

>> No.15852362

you fucking figure it out sherlock
the actual fuck?
how is knowledge an arbiter of a determination?

>> No.15852369

I can do it, as I said, I'm not going to anymore. Every single time I have every provided a source on this board, or anywhere else on the internet, it isn't addressed. There is no purpose to providing a source. It is simply ritualistic. The constant source begging has become an absolutely pathological behaviour in the past like 6 or 7 years and I'm sick of it. If you want to know more about something or want to investigate the validity of a claim, you're an adult, you can do it yourself.

>> No.15852373

>I can't argue or expand on my own points
Figures as much

>> No.15852374

Who are THESE postmodernists?

>> No.15852379

So I guess the CIA didn't finance Pollock after all.

>> No.15852385

Yeah keep telling yourself buddy. Whatever you have to say to prevent yourself from having to look things up on your own like a big boy.

>> No.15852388

I fucked your mom in the asshole last night. Don't ask for a source it actually happened trust me :D

>> No.15852397

This guy is baiting this board so hard lmao. He is literally inventing conspiracies and acting like they are real.

>> No.15852402

Researched it on my own and came to the conclusion that this didn't actually happen.

>> No.15852405

/lit/ is left wing and postmodernist. So is /mu/.

>> No.15852411

I just looked it up, lol, turns out it's a /pol/tard tier conspiracy theory. Can see why you're unable to provide a source.

>> No.15852418
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>> No.15852420

I researched it my own and I came to the conclusion that it was true.

>> No.15852426

I did some more digging and found out it was actually your own mom and not mine at all.

>> No.15852435

You know you could just post the quotations and we would all look like retards and prove your point but you can't because you are baiting. I think what's more likely is you think it's true because it's posted around /lit/ and pol and things like that but you haven't actually read the sources or the books like The cultural cold war to prove your claims which is why you are acting like this because you haven't actually read the sources you just know of the sources. Am I right?

>> No.15852439

>why don't you take me at face value
>why don't you assume all sources are the same
>just trust me bro

>> No.15852449

/lit/ does not think all books have equal merit and never has, tourist.

>> No.15852452

I've made at least 20 posts where 90% of the posts say that. Do you want me to post them?

>> No.15852461


>> No.15852466

Kek, keep crying as all your claims are proven untrue by your sheer inability to support them.

>> No.15852471

I actually have The Cultural Cold War in my library. I have a complete and total disdain for this emergent behavior of source begging. It's totally pointless. No one is seriously asking for a source. It's all just ego stimulation. I'm done with providing sources to people. When you tell me you want a source, you are lying to my face. You are a fucking liar and you expect me to do what you want. Any time I see someone ask for a source I immediately know they are totally fucking wasted apebrain retards.

>> No.15852473

oh, you figured something out for yourself did you?
oh wait, you didnt.

>> No.15852485

Keep on coping son. Maybe one day, with more reading, you'll understand your own position.

>> No.15852488

You don't even really want a source you fucking rat.

>> No.15852490

>I actually have The Cultural Cold War in my library.
No you don't.

>> No.15852493

I've literally told you what the source is you have which means I'm not a retard. I've the read the book which is why I'm telling you couldn't provide any sources for your claims. You are wrong. I've read the book. There is nothing in there you could point to.

>> No.15852501




Here are three from recent times.

>> No.15852507

I blame the dada movement

>> No.15852564

>There is nothing in there you could point to.
I could point to the interviews with literal CIA feds. But again, this isn't actually about actually sourcing things, this is all just a dopamine junkie fix to you. When you cry source it's a masturbatory act. You could have easily come to the conclusion I was making reference to the claims in The Cultural Cold War with a 5 second google search of "CIA and art", but you didn't, because you're not looking for a source to my claim at all. You don't really want a source, you want some (You)s and BTFOs.

Nobody who has ever asked for a source, has actually wanted a source, if they were really that interested in the claim, they'd have looked it up themselves. The ask for a source is the most pseudointellectual behavior imaginable. To posture as if you are some sort of academic proofreading an entry to a journal.

>> No.15852581

The vast majority of posters in those threads are agreeing with you, you goddamn retard. You literally proved my point that there is more of an uproar of people railing against those imaginary positions than people actually holding them.
You said you had twenty threads where 90% of the posts asserted that all books have equal merit, but not a single post in any of those three threads makes such a claim.

>> No.15852586

I'm telling you that I've read the book and the claims you make are a mix of not true and half truths. I'VE READ THE BOOK. You can make this easy for us and just provide the quotations that you think support your point or I'll be the adult here and go over the passages I think you were describing and show they don't actually support your claims in anyway.

>> No.15852609

The CIA used Rockefeller foundation cash through the Museum of Modern art to finance the International Program. If you've truly read the book, this claim is irrefutable.

>> No.15852628

Sure but there is no reason to suggest they are the main reason or even a partial reason for the success of abstract expressionism which is the claim you made.

>> No.15852655

I said popularization of abstract art was a CIA psyop, which it was, and said the Pollock and De Kooning were backed by the feds, which they were. I don't give a shit whether or not the were the "main reason" there is no main reason for anything, everything is a cause of multiple effects. This entire fucking argumentative shitshow is only derived from the fact that these fucking faggots ask for a source when their sensibilities get bruised. It is a stimulative reaction to them. You read the book, you know I was right, and you know that this fucking begging for sources shit is disingenuous.

>> No.15852665

This tendency to put everything on the same plane is explained by the postmodernist's delusional belief that any kind of standard is fascism. That some creations are "just better" than others leaves the door open that some people are just better, or some culture, races...This fear is of course founded entirely on nothing. They believe that these standards of quality are fronts for obfuscated arbitrary power relations. In reality there is such a thing as objective merit, but it's an expansive concept.

Ask any aficionado of any craft and they will identify with surety varying grades of quality. A clean and confident versus a wavering and broken brushstroke. Sonorous and full singing vocal versus a warbling and unsure croak. Originality versus derivativeness. In fact the whole economy and coherence of the arts rests upon these standards just as much as the structures of the built environment rely on objective engineering standards. Postmodernism is an intellectual carcinogen.

>> No.15852692

Your initial claim is disingenuous and looks like the only reason for the popularity of abstract art was the CIA when there a thousand others factors at play. Next time maybe preface it so people don't go around screaming out half truths

>> No.15852723

Yeah it wasn't supposed to be some grand fucking thesis dipshit. It's a single sentence post. Didn't even expect any replies.

>> No.15852739

Yeah but that's the 20th time I've seen someone reply like that and all it does it spread lies and ruins the discourse. Makes the conspiracy retards go crazy

>> No.15852770

There's no way anybody believes it was 100% CIA with no public involvement. It should be taken for granted that their funding it was just adding fuel to the fire.

>> No.15852777

You overestimate the people on this website

>> No.15852803



>> No.15852815

No matter how low I set my expectations they're always such bigger fuckups. Zoomers really fucked this place bad. If this had been like 2014 or something I'd have just referenced Saunders and moved on but I'm so fucking sick of these faggots and their incessant samespeak egregore shit. They all just say the same 2 dozen words and they don't mean shit anymore. Nobody even fucking reads on here.

>> No.15852839

I'm a zoomer lol

>> No.15852870

You gotta admit it's gotten really bad recently though. Some zoomers are ok, but nobody lurks anymore before they post.

>> No.15852880

Yeah there is really no reason to come on here. You can guess every single post on every thread just by reading the title or looking at the picture and it's the same threads posting over and over everyday.

>> No.15852918

Got banned for a couple weeks and coming back I was expecting that maybe stuff had gone back to normal but it's all the same shit. Nothing was missed.

>> No.15852946

Do you go on any other websites?

>> No.15852965

Nah, got banned on most of them so I just gave up after a while. Used to post on other boards thought but they all get filled up with morons sooner or later. This shits not good for you anyway.

>> No.15852988

What did you get banned for on here

>> No.15852997

Call for raid. People used to do it all the time though way back.

>> No.15853051

should have called for AIDS

>> No.15853058
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>> No.15853092

That still doesn't answer what basis you're making a judgement on.

>> No.15853105

>ITT: a singular autistic boomer having a spergout when asked for a source
Always sad to see.

>> No.15853142

no, it does.
it answers succinctly, both narrowly and generally, given this 'conversation' is some shitposts on a turkmeni poptart cartoon board.

>> No.15853150

however - im sitting for a coffee before taking a shower.
what would you like to talk about?

>> No.15853170

No it doesn't. Enjoy your shower, brainlet.

>> No.15853210

of course it does.

i dont need god to make a determination.

>> No.15853224


>> No.15853304

So how do you objectively determine whether a book is good or not.
>confusing physical qualities with aesthetic ones
Yeah I think you might be dumb.

>> No.15853314

>thinking aesthetics is somehow divorced from the material being and factually observable relations of things and their parts

>> No.15853320

by the time youre educated enough to regret this post you'll probably have forgotten it.

>> No.15853334

>deriving ought from is
Hi Sam

>> No.15853344

Delicious irony. Go on, try and educate me.

>> No.15853359

philobaby has a cute and irrelevant rule of thumb

>> No.15853393

It's perfectly relevant lad, what are you struggling with?

>> No.15853402
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ought me, bro

>> No.15853408

Do you think that painting is beautiful? Why?

>> No.15853412
File: 1.49 MB, 1925x2000, 333_1939_cccr2000_jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ought me

>> No.15853424
File: 275 KB, 736x644, af0aff1a7b16d8c0bfca0efa29f4df47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ought me broskerino

>> No.15853435
File: 87 KB, 720x721, 1085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh muh oughts

>> No.15853440

Are any of these good? What makes them good, if so? What makes them bad, if not? I'm not sure you understand the is/ought distinction.

>> No.15853443

your oughts are glued to a building on fire

>> No.15853453
File: 78 KB, 747x676, 15505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh irrelevant rubrics

>> No.15853464



>> No.15853478

kek, didn't realize how much I got under your skin. Feel free to think about it in the shower.

>> No.15853490

youre not under my skin.

i have no clue what youre under.

>> No.15853539
File: 26 KB, 500x357, kekatu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing lad. Hope your coffee was nice.

>> No.15853565

it was delicious
but what ought it be?

>> No.15853590

What determines objective deliciousness?

>> No.15853639

the senses
or is it the nonsensual concept of deliciousness fuck i dont know

>> No.15853652

sounds subjective to me.

>> No.15853682

yes, but if you have a knowledge of coffee, its methods of production, of the cultural norms and differences, the range of possible tastes and preferences, that sense of being purely subjective will be dispelled.

>> No.15854015

So if you think a coffee tastes delicious and someone who knows more about coffee than you thinks it tastes like mud, then you're wrong when you think it tastes delicious? If two coffee drinkers of equal knowledge differ on whether or not a coffee tastes good or not, how is it determined who is correct?

>> No.15854053

>youre wrong
liking it doesnt make it good.

>> No.15854276

This ignores the subjective preference of the critic (to use the term generally), naively assuming that their knowledge is absolute and their appreciation free of all personal bias. An expert may have knowledge of a work, its production and history but that does not mean he will like it and it is that ultimately subjective experience which will inform their appraisal.
In fact, its been demonstrated time and time again throughout art and literary history that vast knowledge of a particular form is in fact a hindrance to appreciation and creative development as the expert critic clings conservatively towards what is familiar.
None of this answers this second question of how to distinguish true aesthetic value from experts when experts themselves of equal knowledge do not agree. You're simply passing the buck from your own subjective experience to another's.

>> No.15854317

Objecively they're not in different categories. nothing to do with postmodernism.

>> No.15854622

who cares about the subjective preferences of the experiencer ('critic' - ok cuk)?

>In fact, its been demonstrated time and time again throughout art and literary history that vast knowledge of a particular form is in fact a hindrance to appreciation and creative development


>as the expert critic clings conservatively towards what is familiar.
'critic' again who cares?!?!?!

suck my buck bb

>> No.15854628

objectively they are

>> No.15854702

You're the one who brought up expertise. The subjective experience of the critic is the fundamental part of their appraisal just as much as it is a layman. There is no escaping it, expertise or not.
>suck my buck bb
The pseud cries out when it is exposed.

>> No.15854731

talk about flawed language
id rather hear walt whitman talk about poetry than a critic

>> No.15854990

>132 replies
>18 posters

>> No.15855034

all me by the way

>> No.15855233

just means 9 massive arguments

>> No.15855251

Seriously mediocre. It was the first Tolstoy I ever read and was greatly disappointed. majority of the book is muh aristocracy is hypocritical muh prisoners are the only good people muh wouldnt the world be great if everyone was nice to each other and stuff like that. Also owning land is bad apparently

Seriously tho, its really average.

>> No.15855269

Yes they were published on different dates

>> No.15855272

>how does language work :(

>> No.15855609

yes. it's a masterpiece. tolstoy was a genius, pretty much everything he wrote was pure art
filtered so so hard

>> No.15855658

calling shit chocolate doesnt make it so, even if scat heads like you dig it

>> No.15857854

>n-no you're t-talking about the wrong e-experts, I m-mean these kind of e-experts!
kek. And what makes Whitman more qualified than a critic (even though he was one), other than the fact that he writes poetry? Because he's a "good" poet? Then we're back to the question, which you keep dodging, of how do you determine his "goodness?" Your definition of value is grounded entirely in subjectivity.