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15850075 No.15850075 [Reply] [Original]

60 words minimum. try not to be verbose.

>> No.15850168

what's on your mind Anonymous 07/13/20(Mon)21:03:46 No.15850075
60 words minimum. try not to be verbose.

>> No.15850251

Fuck you, OP. You're a cunt and you ruined my good day.

>> No.15850286

As the negroes fall asleep
A lone midwit opens /lit/
he sez
Lacking sense
Oh the life,
Oh my life,
Wails so deeply he
When will the normies understand,
The deep sorrow inside my soul?
When will the /pol/tards know,
The struggle of a butterfly,
Such brightly colored dyke?
E - e - e - e - e - voila!
He forces out his throat
For only Nagel understands
The wagie
He abandoned his cage
Yes. Yes.
The tranny is out.
It must be the jews.

>> No.15850419

I like your bike

>> No.15850494

Even before the quarantine I would have the feeling that nothing happens in my life. Everything revolved around my work routine, since I had no social life. I had a list of solitary hobbies that I would do and then abandon, or would continue doing, but make so routine that I'd get no pleasure out of them.

>> No.15850521

Coffee to make my teeth quake
Liquid that makes my bones ache
Substance to stay awake, forevermore

No rest, not tired.
not expired.
My cup of that bitter bean juice

To work I dread,
Excited and thrilling death,
To work I head,
At 10 in the morning,
On Saturday

>> No.15850537

Is Ulysses actually good? I mean is it enjoyable to read?

>> No.15850562

I've always been pretty bad at writing these kinds of stream of consciousness writing things.
I don't exactly know why, my mind just doesn't seem to spring to any particular train of thought unprompted.
I could just relay what I've done today, that's always a thing you can just rattle off without much thought.
and as I'm just writing down what's on my mind, this probably won't be all to structured, nor all that literally sophisticated.
cos, a nice text doesn't write itself. you obviously need years of writing practice(which I haven't got), and then hours upon hours of careful editing work.
and on that note, I dislike the notion of using fairly obscure words meaning you're a good writer. sure, most people when asked will condemn using unnecessarily complex language, but, or at least I, will still get subconsciously "impressed" by it.
generally, I really dislike the stance of literature against "slang" or vernacular language. isn't literature all about conveying emotions? why shouldn't you *use* the language register which is most emotional to the reader.
it's just old elitism about "proper language", which will either take decades more to fade, or maybe will stay prevalent for all eternity.
for: language change and decentralisation is natural, but natural pedantry is too.
I'm reading some of the replies in the thread and can't quite believe that those are the actual literal thoughts the other anons had.
there's some care put into those words. sure, not that much, but still some care. and that isn't really the point of this thread, right?
alright, this little angry character counter at the bottom right of the reply window just appeared. I think I've reached the 60 words which were wanted.
and while Ive actually thought of this before: would you look at that! I managed to talk about something, and while it needed a prompt to get talking(or writing, rather), the prompt was rather small, so maybe I've imprOOved my blabbering skills.

>> No.15850719

Books make me an asexual.

60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum 60 words minimum

>> No.15851061
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bots need to be banned.

>> No.15851078

it gets worse here everyday

>> No.15851122

I'm thankful to be alive, and for the blessings of the day. My heart's heavy with anxiety about wanting to go to Ranger school.

I hope to bring pride and honor to myself, my friends, and my family.

I want to be a good person.

>> No.15851275
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I did mine in extended haiku form.

>I sometimes enjoy
>LARPing as a sexually
>repressed gay male.

>The truth is simple:
>I'm not gay and I don't in-
>tend to suck a dick.

>Anime traps and
>real life tranoids, sure, but that
>doesn't make me queer.

>That said, when I was
>kid I dreamt the qt neigh-
>bor girl had a cock.

>And the other day
>I dreamt I wore a leather
>belt like a choker

>To be honest I
>also like vampires even
>though they're likely Jews.

>> No.15852103 [DELETED] 

I can’t stop thinking if I saw that pinecone but how would I know if I was wrong about it? What elderly person notices a phone camera from a parked vehicle so quickly?

word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word

>> No.15852141

it's very enjoyable to read, floating foampool flower unfurling

>> No.15852167

My big toe was hurting me yesterday and today so after work I took a look at it. It was red and swollen so I ran a knife under the nail and green goop oozed out and I felt better even though it hurt more.

>> No.15853010

Covid is almost like the "revenge of the NEETS" in the sense that it subjects normies to similar abject conditions. This is a completely unexamined frame of analysis that could bear some fruit.

>> No.15853198

I reject wokeness not because I have anything against racial minorities or women having more success, but because asset to the progressive agenda asks nothing from be besides subjection. If anyone should feel threatened by generally improved conditions it can only mean that they are put in such a brutalized condition that any added competition is a violation or that they directly profit from the wholesale subordination of classes of people. My resistance to wokeism certainly does not place me in the camp of the white male oligarchs they militate against, all of whom could have have half their wealth confiscated and experience no decrement in their expectations or quality of life. And I'm even willing to accept that half of their wealth MUST be confiscated to avoid more bloodshed and chaos. What the modern left is unable to process or come to terms with is the fact that it is deeply racist, that it can only view the world in terms of race and equality, that it has never stopped to do the hard philosophical work that is required to refute the prevailing system.

The objective conditions as they are today are inexorably bent on violence because violence is ignorance. Everything is geared toward violence at this point, an encroaching midnight threatens to swallow up my nation and because of unfortunate happenstances, all its begrudging accomplices. The descent to tragic insanity has been made made perfect.

>> No.15853213

>n such a brutalized condition that any added competition is a violation o
And I should add that most lower class "bigots" (they aren't bigoted) are precisely in this position, they are already placed in impossible and insurmountable economic circumstances, and adding a huge amount of competition to that pool is bound to be rejected in the most primal and inelegant way possible

>> No.15853358


For the best experience reading it you should read in parallel a guide or a edition with notes.

>> No.15853406

It's really fucked how America is dealing with COVID.

>> No.15853520

I feel I gave up being openly political too late and I pushed away a lot of people with the way I treated them. Now I'm moving cities and starting a new job, I have to leave that part of me behind. I want to start dating once I get established at my new job. I can't be openly alt right to people, it's actually cringe.
Being apolitical was the best social decision I have made as an adult

>> No.15853559

I've made it three days now without masturbating. Even more, I haven't even felt the urge to do it. As I've been coming to terms with being alone for the rest of my life, I have hoped sometimes to become impotent, just to be rid of this habit.

>> No.15854286

i wish i could smoke weed frequently without being stupid as a result. i know some smart motherfuckers that are unaffected by it, but i get far less eloquent and funny if i smoke too much. can't ignore it after a long period of sobriety. it's insidious and slow enough you don't notice it happening untill 6mo later you're a dude weed lmao retard. at least in my case.

drat. it was a good cope while it lasted. vaguely related but i think my mom stole some of my lsd and threw out my vibrator, guess i shouldn't have expected her to have improved at all. double drat. shit sucks.

>> No.15854310

It is truly appalling. Really, the whole political situation right now is incredibly bleak. I'm getting ready to abandon ship.

>> No.15854374

Thinking how I'm gonna survive since I barely know how to take care of myself. Let alone how to work without a scowl on my face. Maybe service industry ain't for me.
I'm wrestling with my misanthropic attitude and my need for human contact and socialization. Curse my biology for it.

>> No.15854509

as I'm getting towards the end of my book, which I planned for years to be a series, I'm realizing that I'm not sure that I even want to write the sequels.

I don't know what those sequels would be about, and if I did write them I'm not sure how I'd manage to recapture the magic of the first book. I burned out on the story a year ago, and my passion hasn't come back for more than two days straight before I lost it again. I hate the idea of aborting a whole series, but I'm not sure what I could do.

>> No.15854831
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> Worked out
> Read all day
> Wrote 317 words

discipline and perseverance is key

>> No.15854906
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>Goodreads members who liked this book also liked:

>> No.15854968
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I kinda wish we had more concrete historical documents about the life in Chinghis Khanate and the Mongolian war-machine. The hellenistic approach of preserving and hibridizing culture haven't produced powerful documentation and the Mongol literature being mainly oral I can only wonder what have been lost, although a constant nomadic lifestyle makes writing kinda counterproductive

>> No.15854982

welcome to the goodreads equivalent of the Roadside Picnic's Zone

>> No.15855022

wish I could abandon my faith but being a cradle catholic has got shit ingrained. very scared of Hell.

>> No.15855062

this is what lingers in my unconscious

>> No.15855072

i ran into this broad i know on the street and chatted to her about the virus and she said the normies she knows are all going bonkers because "human beings aren't meant to spend this long without socializing and validation" and so on

meanwhile every smart person i know made the same joke, independently, within 2 days of informal quarantines becoming vogue, "lmao i already live like this anyway so no big change"

>> No.15855092

the only way is to embrace it then. Just take a more confortable approach to dogma as everyone has been doing since forever.

>> No.15855110

i want to make stories but upon reflection i'm afraid they just sound so stupid. for instance i want to make a story about rock people. they came out of volcanoes. makes sense when i imagine it. maybe i just need to practice more so i get more confident.

>> No.15855199

masturbated for the first time in 3 days and feel like shit cus i told myself i was going to try to go a while without nutting. anyway i suppose im going to try again. yesterday i went the whole day without internet/pc/phone and only read and it was great. i think doing that will solve some problems for me. i think im going to do the same thing tomorrow. inshallah i will succed

>> No.15855258

Hell is a place on Earth :)

I mean this. Hell is an abusive relationship, or a job you hate. It's being poor and destitute. Hell exists on a metaphysical level but is manifested in the material world.

>> No.15855415

I improved a lot over this past year. Through bettering myself I’ve got a gf. I’m 20. It’s hard. I’m confused and socially stunted. I’m having formative experiences others had 5 years ago. I feel like a hormonal pubescent again. It feels like this could be bad, but I think that’s normal.

>> No.15855433

Please excuse the I’m/I overuse

>> No.15855578

underapreciated effort-post

>> No.15855677

Being ugly didn't help, Sartre

>> No.15856192

America has the most individualistic, self-over-group, winner-take-all, libertarian culture of any country in the world - by far. There was never going to be any collective solidarity in the way they handled this, unlike Europe and other areas where the COVID response has generally united others with their countrymen. We never really stood a chance. It's an issue that goes far beyond Trump or Republicans/Democrats.

>> No.15856214

I would like to move my life in the direction of something more heroic.

Where do I begin to look for a hero to model after and/or gain strength from?

>> No.15856227

I'm really hungry and really tired. Not so much in a physical sense, but in an internal, quasi-emotional sense. I crave rest and feel more content the more I explore healing. I found two street treasures today. Two playing cards, a nine of clubs and ten of diamonds, as well as a plastic school bus. I made cheesy alfredo pasta and minestrone soup. I'm eating it still. I sound like more of a sensor than I am in these few sentences. It's likely the systemizing habit and some sleep deprivation. I'll pause here. Good luck to us all.

>> No.15856240

This has been my sentiment from the beginning. I've felt as though the world is getting a taste of their own medicine so to say. Hopefully this is sign we'd last the "end times" - whatever they are. Who is and who will be crowned?

>> No.15856248

Why are you afraid to use first person that much?

>> No.15856435

Quiet summer night
All of my motionless dreams
Go again to sleep

>> No.15856454
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>> No.15856715

What does a man become when he is truly free? When all ties are severed, when there is no social obligation, no physical dependence, and even no inner imperative of any kind, what do we have then? A god, a monster, or a deprecated delusional old man?

>> No.15856774

Lately I have been thinking about the reading rooms of libraries. In the modern library they often design these spaces to absorb sound, to be quite, even going as far as putting down carpet, but the old libraries had reading rooms with the acoustics of concert halls. The acoustics of these spaces made it so even quiet sounds would carry through out the entire space, this has the opposite effect than what one would expect, it forced people to be extra mindful of the sound they made, to make every move deliberate and silent. People do not take this extra care in reading rooms anymore and often forget themselves completely, the rise of the laptop has replaced that airy silence with fans, keypresses, and mouse clicks, phones on vibrate, barely audible headphones, you no longer can hear the sounds of the reading room, just that constant din that permeates old and new. Gone is the scrape of a finger finding the edge of the page, the friction of a page leaving one and meeting another, a slight rustle between and a snap as the page goes taunt for just a moment. Pencil against paper. Whispers that can never be made out. A chair so carefully pushed in, not just slid, lifted and gently set down, one leg hitting just before a second, the backrest barely tapping the tables top, the last two legs. Footfalls, that special way of walking everyone adopts in such places, rolling from heel to toe, never letting the sole impact. A pen rolling towards the edge of a table then silence. Tension. Is it falling? Did its owner stop it? Will there be that new sound? How long does it take for a pen to reach the ground from this height? Breath. Hundreds of pages meeting their neighbors as a book is gently closed and placed into a bag. Change in a pocket shifting, 37¢. A pen hitting the floor. A room filled with dozens of discrete and indentifiable sounds, but really just one sound, the sound people intent and absorbed, perfectly fitted with their environment.

>> No.15856783


>> No.15856788

Realizing that the difficulties of my life can be a source of happiness. I am starting to feel more self confident and happy with myself. While I don't feel like the person I was in January, I understand that this covid depression was supposed to come and work some magic on me. I am proud of myself for growing up this year.

>> No.15857572

Tonight's the night bros! I'm going to write something, even if it's just an outline I'm putting something down. I don't have much longer to waste.

>> No.15857719

My dad and I never really got along, this was likely due to how he raised me. "A man needs a man too understand what it's like to be a man" was one of the more popular phases he'd say, but i never really understood it, that was until I seem him for the last time.

It's been seven years since I last seem him, practically crippled because of his cancer, add the arthritis and it didn't make it better. I found him at his favourite spot to fish, he was just staring blankly at the river. I walking up and sat down beside him.

"Hello, Son" he said with a faded smile. "Hey, Dad" I said, avoiding contact out of shame as that was the first thing I've said to him in seven years
"How have you been doing"
"Doing fine."
"That's good."

>> No.15859322
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Claudia, I love you.

Now I know that you're a lesbian, but I still have feelings for you. I still remember the first time our eyes met, and you blushed as you smiled at me.
I still don't understand how this kind of things happen... but I will never be with you, now I know.

I love you.

>> No.15860239

Contemplating Will, how there is Will as lack which is truly the will which both Lacan and Schopenhauer saw, a Will that is a void, a hunger which makes you seek to fill it, to satisfy a lack, and I contrast this to a far more wholesome Will, the positive force of Will that Nietzsche has, the process or force that deleuze describes.

How can it be a an active force but also a lack and drain? There must be two wills, mirrors within myself and all others, one seeking to go forth and another seeking something to fill its void. But what is it, it is the hole left in the heart of men by God. How then can you cross these two wills, how can both wills be perfected.

It is Christ, who emptied himself in kenosis and filled us with his Holy Spirit, his boundless love. The void of ones heart is fulfilled by the love of the Holy Spirit, our emptiness for his emptiness. And our positive will when directed towards he finds an endless flight, a boundless sky of divinity and unknowability. More and more of god and his nature unveiled always, the twin wills satisfied in one through one cross.

I love you Lord, I love you lord, show me please right knowledge of you and let me will always be towards you, and let my will always be from you.

>> No.15860806

I am finally free of this terrible curse

>> No.15860924

Literature can use vernacular, there’s just idyllic nostalgia which pervades this board leaving distaste for the modern world, (aave, phone apps, the internet) the great lit of now will poeticize vernacular (as will be remembered later; however, attachment to “later” renders this thought useless).

>> No.15862533

Intently viewing the screen, on all toes, edge of the seat. This excitable boy makes all the bees and dragonflies buzz back to home. Fuck I give up I keep forgetting I can’t write