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File: 164 KB, 1313x2043, how to win friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15847590 No.15847590 [Reply] [Original]

>just be polite, nice and non-confrontational lol
You really need a book for this?

>> No.15847594

>how to be a beta wagecuck

>> No.15847604
File: 2.90 MB, 220x400, 1582916992716.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recommended this book
>by guy who falls for Ponzi scheme.
enough said?

>> No.15847612

why they bully?

>> No.15847635

She clearly didn't read the book.

>> No.15847642
File: 162 KB, 670x800, 1587604497447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you are too weak and not protec.

>> No.15847678

What's the origin of this? Genuinely gets me mad.

>> No.15847737

Actually it's "people are tools and here's how you can use them for your own gain", the message is far more pernicious than "just be polite". Fuck Carneggie.

>> No.15847746

Will this book actually help me? I'm autistic and socially anxious.

>> No.15847749

no, experience will

>> No.15847756

If I killed her bullies would she go out with me?

>> No.15847760

Girls will literally bully other girls for being prettier than them. It's disgusting. That's why men own society.

>> No.15847834

Seems based. Plenty of people are already like this, why shouldn't I learn the same skills.

>> No.15847846

Girls grow up being told they're the most important being in existence for a solid 20 years, favoured by parents, education systems, and social hierarchies. This means that whenever something challenges that perception, they go ballistic. I have come to realise middle aged women are the worst for this, because when the halo effect wears off and people expect them to be responsible adults, boy do they throw the toys out of the pram.

>> No.15847849

if you are fine living in a clown world society as a psychological mess of a narcissistic being then go ahead

>> No.15847937

You need a book to believe that it's the limit, and nothing more complex can be imagined.

>> No.15848040


They think they can get away with everything.

>> No.15848183

and here I thought people generally outgrow bullying after primary school

>> No.15848394

It's the world we have, it doesn't matter if I'm fine with it or not.

>> No.15848418

No sound so can't tell, but just from appearance and behavior I'm assuming they're Brits. Lot of trashy broads there.

>> No.15848439

What's mens excuse for bullying then?

>> No.15848458

>What's mens excuse for bullying then?
Men, or boys? It is indisputable that boys are more prone to bullying; testosterone is one hell of a drug. Most men grow out of it when they regain their composure, no longer stilted by hormones.

>> No.15848714

In the 50's you apparently did.

>> No.15848725
File: 256 KB, 2047x788, chad rationalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luke Muehlhauser's sequence on The Science of Winning at Life is better.


>> No.15848743

What age does that happen, 30s?

>> No.15848746

For many, by their late teens.

>> No.15848834

You're one of those spergs, aren't you?

>> No.15848857

nah bullying happens till the day you die its not as obvious when you're older maybe but if you don't think it does it's probably because you're getting bullied. be a man, son.

>> No.15848941

If you want to get over your autism you need a broader ad more general understanding of social dynamics than what the book is offering because following a specific script of social pre and proscriptions falls apart the moment the underlying reasons for the script are no longer true

>> No.15848948

You're right, and I've told plenty of people to fuck off and stay out of my life as a result; interesting, it's been mostly women that have tried to bully me. Fat, ugly, dumpy women, that have passed their prime, and now take out their frustrations on others.

>> No.15849252

Boys bully to force their victims to improve themselves or conform in some way.

>> No.15849256

yeah it just becomes non-physical/more subtle as people get older. they just start talking behind your back and excluding you from things

>> No.15849316

>recognize islam is terrible
And that's how I know the pic was made by a faggot. No need to read more of it.

>> No.15849322

Might is right. Bullying is done for personal gain or to impose your will. As we age men just change the how but never the why.

>> No.15849340

Islam is objectively trash

>> No.15849385

Why are white people so violent?

>> No.15849392

Islam is everything tradfags and conservatives want to be.

>> No.15849474

they're only violent when you dont fight back, thats why they hate blacks.

>> No.15849499


>> No.15849501

Yes you fucking autist

>> No.15849508

what's so funny

>> No.15849517

your post was funny.

>> No.15849525

im not that guy.
but what was funny do you wanna chat on discord?

>> No.15849536

whites commit like 50% of violent crime as 66% of the population. pretty normal.

>> No.15849550

add me #ys3062 on discord.
takes 1 min to download if you dont have it.
unless you're a sissy little faggot bitch.

>> No.15849571

i have discord. why do you wanna talk there

>> No.15849585

he's gay

>> No.15849591

add me then its easy
if you're pussy just relax son

>> No.15849601

lel you fucking faggot

>> No.15849608

already gave discord, you're the faggot son

>> No.15849635

fuck i forgot i was on LIT
nobodys gonna add me for sure just gonna text me till they die calling me faggot while they cant even voice chat from behind a screen, lets not even talk about real life. this thread was about bullying right, makes sense.

>> No.15849652

why do you think anyone care about your discord account you incredible retard

>> No.15849656

post feet

>> No.15849663

i thought people were smart here.
i mean even retards get this.
me give you discord details.
you add me.
we chat on mic.
oh you dont have mic in 2020?

>> No.15849670

add me on discord we'll voice chat and i'll send it faggot

>> No.15849678

nobody wants to chat with you faggot

>> No.15849696

alright guess you're a sissy faggot pussy bitch

>> No.15849704

based 14 year old

>> No.15850093

Based schizo retard.