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15845838 No.15845838 [Reply] [Original]

Who was the most low-iq leader in history?

>> No.15845843

Rafael Trujillo for having a family with a crazy female

>> No.15845852

pic unrelated.

>> No.15845863

Bolsonaro, off the top of my head.

>> No.15845890

you mean the most high iq.
he was right about literally everything

>> No.15845891

bush jr., no contest
>b-but muh Carlos II
stop believing protestant propaganda

>> No.15845896


>> No.15845897
File: 55 KB, 577x608, EDDC6DF0-BFF7-48E6-8AFF-C83D51AD29F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you mean the most high iq. he was right about literally everything

>> No.15845899

Nicolás Maduro.

>> No.15845932


>> No.15845936


>> No.15845940

How is this /lit/ related?

>> No.15845944

mao wrote books

>> No.15845968

Mao was unironically really smart, his theories were just wrong.
Actual least intelligent but still somehow managed to be in power would probably be like Francisco Nguema or that one super inbred Spanish king.

>> No.15845974

Yeah this belongs on /his/

>> No.15845977
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>> No.15845978

Drumpfy Wumpfy

>> No.15845985

his theories were proven right again and again.
if you try to be all peace and love like bolivia or indonesia you will end up in deep shit

>> No.15845987

Actually trump
pseud fringes keep trying to convince themselves he's playing 5d chess but let's be serious here

>> No.15845992
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I dont know who this is, but I am willing to bet he has a few genocides to his name

>> No.15845993

I posit that there are no IQ leaders. The ability to command hordes of low IQ peasants is inherently intelligent.

>> No.15845998

history is literature.

>> No.15846006

Obama, Mugabe, Nelson Mandela, Bill Clinton, Evo Morales, Dilma Roussef

>> No.15846012
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>the masters make the rules for the wisemen and the fools
Basically this. Really powerful leaders are probably no smarter than the average midwit. They just have a deep understanding of social dynamics and how to exploit them.

>> No.15846029

bullshit, our rulers just need to say some dumb shit about mexicans/communists/immigrants to get elected
and they don't have to do anything while elected, the structures are already there to run everything. in fact they are not allowed to do anything of consequence when in office.

>> No.15846035
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Then why don't you say some dumbshit about mexicans and get elected?
Protip: Your retarded idea that being a leader is easy is the reason you're not one.

>> No.15846076

He was super right about warfare, he was right about poor shit countries becoming commie, he was brainlet on economics.
Amin was unironically pretending to be retarded for attention and gibs, he wasn't smart but he wasn't that dumb.

>> No.15846083

look at all those fancy medals. he must be smart and successful to get all those commendations.

>> No.15846111

>muh economics
industrialization is hard

>> No.15846151

Unironically Hitler. I'm not even doing a meme about him being morally bad or whatever, he just consistently fucked up.
>tried over and over again to be allies with the UK, even though any history book would tell him that the UK would never accept a strong power in continental Europe
>antagonistic against the Soviet Union even though relations were already good
>denied Stalin entrance into the Axis even though Stalin wanted in
>sperged out with foreign policy which bit him in the ass
>couldn't make any decision at all near the end of the war

>> No.15846171

>>tried over and over again to be allies with the UK, even though any history book would tell him that the UK would never accept a strong power in continental Europe
actually brits initially supported the nazis and wanted them to invade the soviets to destroy the "communist mennace"
hitler just had to be a retard and invade the rest of europe too

>> No.15846205
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Donald Trump

>> No.15846227
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cringe and butterfly fag pilled

>> No.15846294

He was a genius commander but was really bad at other stuff

>> No.15846300

unironically this

>> No.15846310

Trump is a low IQ pidgeon but when I saw this thread I was thinking in my head "Wow I'm proud of you /lit/ for being creative and not immediately jumping for the easiest pick"
And then comes cringey namefuck, fluttering in with yet another completely unoriginal post. Suprised you didn't add your biography like you usually do. Shouldn't you be making another thread about yourself right now anyway?

>> No.15846325

Michael V the Caulker was much smarter.
Very unfortunate reign. Quite sad.

>> No.15846333


>> No.15846361


>> No.15846420

Everyone saying trump is the most boring person in their friend group.

>> No.15846422

Any leader who came to power democratically.

>> No.15846430

Pol Pot

>> No.15846475

Mao like Hitler was a petit-bourgeois midwit with philistine tastes who should have never been let near the halls of power. He read Romance of the Three Kingdoms over and over again, an action novel for young boys, other than that he just read magazines.

>> No.15846491

You don’t like Pericles

>> No.15846686

t. Jonald Trumponaro

>> No.15846697

>control f
>george bush

>> No.15847181


Anyone who won power is probably not going to be stupid, unless he's just a puppet. The best place to look has to be some hereditary monarch.

King George IV (England) is a decent starting point. He basically only cared about dressing up. Sort of a Justin Trudeau but without even the political cunning to get himself elected.

Surely there must be some inbred one who was literally an idiot, though?

>> No.15847255
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>Surely there must be some inbred one who was literally an idiot, though?

>> No.15847266
File: 195 KB, 800x1102, 800px-Kaiser_Ferdinand_I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As the revolutionaries of 1848 were marching on the palace, he is supposed to have asked Metternich for an explanation. When Metternich answered that they were making a revolution, Ferdinand is supposed to have said "But are they allowed to do that?"

>> No.15847284

this. what was he thinking?

>> No.15847288

>>denied Stalin entrance into the Axis even though Stalin wanted in
That's not that bad of a move. Russia wanted into NATO after the Soviet Union collapse, and they wanted to dip their fingers into a lot of bowls.

>> No.15847294

>He read Romance of the Three Kingdoms over and over again, an action novel for young boys, other than that he just read magazines.
Honestly, gives me a lot of hope for my ambitions knowing a mad lad like l'Mao can make it in this world.

>> No.15847308

>this. what was he thinking?

Pol Pot was educated by the French, so that was the thoughts he was thinking.

>> No.15847322

Yeah it was because Germany was already at war with the UK, and needed natural resources. Allying with the Soviet Union would've provided that, and potentially a ton of men to help wage that war.

>> No.15847323
File: 25 KB, 300x325, HuiOfJin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once, when he heard frogs croaking, he asked, in all seriousness, "Do they croak because they want to, or because the government ordered them to?"

>> No.15847353

Ah. I wasn't aware of when that went down. Still, I don't see that going over well, at least not for very long.

>> No.15847383

Emperor an of jin was basically braindead afaik

>> No.15847409

Well his theories about sparrows were certainly wrong

>> No.15847417

>His Habsburg jaw was so pronounced he spoke and ate only with difficulty, and did not learn to talk until the age of four. However, it was Mariana who insisted he be carried everywhere until he was eight, and left uneducated, to reduce the 'strain' on his body and mind.
Actually good canidate

>> No.15847421

Even your town mayor or local important businessman is pretty clever if he was able to gain his status. When someone rules a much vaster territory, he is absolutely in the top of the cleverest people ever. Now of course he may be malignant or less clever than his rivals, but that's a different topic.

>> No.15847449
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The sparrow thing gets memed a lot but really, even though Mao is mainly to blame for the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, the fault lies also with the entire upper echelons of the communist party for allowing a single man to wield so much power. Even incredibly competent statesmen like Deng Xiaoping and Zhou Enlai weren't willing to confront him, and Deng even played an important role in the 1957 anti-rightist campaign

>> No.15847466

>60 replies
>nobody said Neville Chamberlain yet

>> No.15847474

This thread was moved to >>>/his/9043071