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15844885 No.15844885 [Reply] [Original]

so, keynesianism is pretty much the closest thing we'll ever get to a perfect economic model, isn't it?

>> No.15844890


>> No.15844906

well fuck

>> No.15844915
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Sure. But can we trash it now?
Yes, I think we can.

>> No.15844916

keynesianism compatible with finance capitalism + georgism + regulatory structure focused on risk rather than type of institution + ubi

>> No.15844927

Any system with wage labor and private ownership of capital is obviously far from perfect.

>> No.15844929

i don't know about that guy desu

>> No.15844943

Fuckin unbelievable how they got the cat to do that.

>> No.15844960

What's with this cat?

>> No.15844967

holy fuck is that legit?

>> No.15844970

can someone confirm whether or not this is real?

>> No.15844992

Keynesianism is fraud and if you honestly believe its perfect you're deluded. Without the artificial demand on the USD from the Petrodollar, Eurodollar and Reserve status the USD would fucking collapse even if they slowed the velocity and deflated the currency you would only make the situation worse, from mass starvation to more mass starvation.

War coming soon, needa more artifical demand.

>> No.15844996

is this real

>> No.15845004

But this guy said the fed is doing everything right

>> No.15845027

Seems like we’re already on a GDP backed financial system which more accurately measure worker productivity and relative niche value rather than anything else in particular. Basically: the US is so developed that maintaining our infrastructure is valuable in itself so others are dependent on us not going tits up and have restively been confident that we wouldn’t, until more recently, but it also exposes how if the US goes down then it’s a geopolitical nightmare.

>> No.15845048

Yes. Any other system right now is wishful thinking at best or outright product of a psychological pathology

>> No.15845089

Then it would be viable to make a new currency backed by silver with a digital version, seize the federal reserve and all the banks, clone all personal and business accounts into a new federal bank and deposit the equivalent that everyone had up to 100 million, then let the USD die, with it half the world and all those trillions of debt.

If anyone gets upset they get nuked there's your wealth distribution and reparations ^:)

>> No.15845103

this. keynesianism is capitalism, but trickle-up instead of trickle down. It's better than liberalism but still has problems.

>> No.15845113

*better than neoliberalism

>> No.15845141

yes. it was crafted by the finest autistic anglo mind into the ultimate weapon to defend liberalism, capitalism and wealth creation

>> No.15845214

reminder that they broke his legs and turned him into a living puppet in order to make this

>> No.15845221

>requires governments to actually spend at the right times and reserve spending at the right times
>they literally never do this

Perfect my ass

>> No.15845281

Don't be stupid, you know it is.

>> No.15845528

OP, you don't honestly believe this, right? I mean, the entire document of The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money is riddled with contradictions.

>> No.15845569

Can you point them out? I think Keynes is broadly accepted as the default ideal to strive for.