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/lit/ - Literature

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15844150 No.15844150[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well /lit/?

>> No.15844170

I’m not even going to argue with you, i’m just straight up killing you now.

>> No.15844178

When people freak out about trans people I ask: why should I care? If someone is too weak to be a real man, perhaps they will be of more use to society as a transwoman.

>> No.15844179

We should make a nice ditch to dump the corpses of all the gender dysphoric freaks in.

>> No.15844180

Its unironically true
People interpret the word transition as full hormone therapy and surgery but it isnt and theyre well aware not to be too permanent with children

>> No.15844182

If you're a failed man or a failed anything then why the fuck is it society's responsibility to take care of you?

>> No.15844185

So we're dressing boys up like little girls so these ppl can fuck them now?

>> No.15844188

>using “you’re just against X“ to shut down discussion of X

unironically triggered by this

>> No.15844192

The whole idea of "spiritual gender" as distinct from physical sex is dualistic nonsense.

>> No.15844195

No one is "too young" to have sex. You're just against the existence of sexually active children.

>> No.15844196

Because your bitchass was helped already too you dingus. I wish they threw your dumbass out in the middle of the jungle so you could Tarzan and Pericles us a New New York.

>> No.15844200

Most trans people dont want to be taken care of they just dont want to be murdered and harassed

>> No.15844201

Unironically true. You don't want Fritz Haarmann taking your brat? Then be a better parent, shitface.

>> No.15844204

Fuck off.

>> No.15844211

But you were still everything, and still turned out some failed marxist fuck up.

>> No.15844212

Nobody get this man a fireman when his house gets on fire. Also take away his dick, he didn't evolve it on his own. What an absolute creep

>> No.15844213

But the philosopher king has ruled you unfit to live and has selected an ending.

>> No.15844220

I still am everything you useless cunt. In Plato's terms your head is so far up your ass you're still in the cave

>> No.15844221
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>> No.15844224

I had everything I had everything. I didn't have shit u useless cunt but a bunch of pussy punks scared to debate rape or talk to me

>> No.15844227
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>> No.15844229

Yes, Plato. The famous dysgenic, transgenderism supporter.

>> No.15844242
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Please leave, I'm asking politely, either go to a containment board, to twitter or reddit but leave this fucking place as soon as possible, you are not a real woman, you will never be, and even if you pass when you are old and saggy most people will see the truth, that you and the transexuals made your entire lives just your looks, you're not a human being, this is not about either being a man or a woman, it is about being a fucking human being with a soul that cares about more things than your gender identity

>> No.15844249

Ive been here longer than you election filth

>> No.15844251

I reject your reality and substitute my own.

>> No.15844252
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True i will reflect on my reasoning from now on

>> No.15844262
File: 209 KB, 636x345, leave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's take a quick trip into the mind of OP as he read this comic:

>wow this sure is shit, I really hate it!
>I know, I'll post this to /lit/ to shit it up there too

Gee, thanks for doing your part to degrade the already falling apart board

>> No.15844266
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You will learn the hard way then, poor scum

>> No.15844299

Whatever happened to "no one owes you romantic attention"? Only applies to cis-het white males?

>> No.15844304
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I can pretend to be jesus christ all I want but I can't force people to accept it and believe me
This whole trans psyop is getting old

>> No.15844323
File: 74 KB, 748x418, C-1qRWeWsAEKTVe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should trans people be allowed to compete in sports? It is like the only argument I care about relating to trans - otherwise just let them be. Books for this?

>> No.15844335

Transition helps people lead happier lives. Isn't that a pretty noble goal for our medical system?

>> No.15844345

The art style in this and other ones starts to look more and more like stonetoss, it's weird.

>> No.15844362

Where did "not wanting trans to exist" come from? I never heard it before the last year or two, now it is every argument from trans people and their "allies"

>> No.15844367

Not an argument

>> No.15844381


>> No.15844386

Yea, thats why nearly half kill themselves lmao.

>> No.15844391
File: 932 KB, 1480x1771, 6FF47DD5-8896-4AD0-B417-38E4F9FB292A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no way to tell who's trans!

>> No.15844406

You could prevent them from irreperably damaging their body and psyche with anti-schizophrenic medications like pimozide.

>> No.15844407

Next incels will be using this to argue for state sanctioned whores get over yourself.

>> No.15844431

>you're not a human being
Why do you hate trans people so much?

>> No.15844445

Why do you hate being a man so much, tranny?

>> No.15844472

Gender dysphoria is pretty terrible, and it doesn't help when much of society treats you like shit and think you're less than. Transition is meant to help with this and all the evidence points toward it being effective in this.
>You could prevent them from irreperably damaging their body and psyche with anti-schizophrenic medications like pimozide.
There's no evidence pimozide is effective in relieving gender dysphoria. Transitioning, however, is.
If you have an abolitionist perspective, you'd argue the suffering caused by prostitution far outweighs any potential benefits for Johns. I struggle to see how you're suffering if someone else chooses to transition.

>> No.15844481

I don't, because I'm not trans. Do you have an actual reason or do you simply let your gut feeling override any critical thinking?

>> No.15844484

If you were forced to have sex with one of these people who would it be

>> No.15844487
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The best way to deal with these "people" is to pay them no mind. They live on attention and group-derived fulfillment, like other Leftists. Look away.
Just... the cope... It's too much, laddies.