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File: 28 KB, 600x350, Nietzsche-Kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15843981 No.15843981 [Reply] [Original]

Who was now the superior psychologist? Which one had the deepest insight in the human psyche of diverse people?

>> No.15844059

Kierkegaard EASILY

>> No.15844281


>> No.15844524

Kierkegaard, hands down. Nietzsche was a loser irl and this reflects hugely in his writings (power fantasies).

>> No.15844539

Nietzsche by a fucking mile

How is this even a competition?

>> No.15844665

unfortunately no one on this board has an informed opinion of Nietzsche so you won't get a useful answer

Nietzsche was an excellent psychologist in any case. However he focuses on a different sort of path, spiritually speaking. I'm still fairly ignorant on Kierkegaard but I believe there's a significant concern about reconciling with faith, whereas Nietzsche is concerned about reconciling with faithlessness

Also I'm pretty sure Nietzsche was aware of Kierkegaard, as well as the contemporary scene of psychology across Europe.

>> No.15845922

Both have merits

>> No.15846050

Nietzsche feels like the loser friend that Kierkegaard has to listen to and console

>> No.15846144

Do you guys have any arguments that aren't ad hominems.

>> No.15846330

There's this weird narrative that comes out about Nietzsche, like he's some retarded loser incel. It's complete bullshit. The Lou Salome thing is bullshit (it's based on her autobiography where every man she ever met was desperate to get in her pants, as opposed to Nietzsche's firsthand writings which amounted to "not my type but she might be a good pupil"), the basedboy rage about Wagner is bullshit, the bitter incel thing is bullshit (see: him remarking on free sex being a sophisticated pleasure for higher men and marriage being a trap), the being driven mad by his own philosophy is bullshit (he had an inherited neurological condition, the onset of which not lining up with the evolution of his philosophy in any sort of frame).

In reality, Nietzsche was a young chad. Part of his letter of recommendation mentioned about how he was a leader figure and object of admiration for other students, a confident, compelling, and understated young man with spiritual ambitions that intensified over the course of his life. He was overcome with physical diseases and, like so many artists, writers, and philosophers, the public's understanding and appreciation of his works would be mostly delayed until after his death.
In any case, pretty much every condition of being he's accused of is a condition he addresses in some part of his philosophy, people have no idea who he actually is or what he's doing. It's just easy to manufacture a silly story against him, and what better way is there to elevate yourself than to lazily trash an accomplished person who isn't here to defend themselves? Makes you sound like a fucking genius

>> No.15846567

>he doesn't understand the truth of the will to power
There's nothing wrong about Kirkegaard's philosophy, but it's intensely humanist on account of the christianity. Man is human, but he is also life. Life is more primordial, more machinic than reflective.

>> No.15846595

Nitch was an incel is just teenager coomer projeection, don't bother trying to "refute it" - Once you grow up and become a man, you start to realize that there are higher thoughts and values than just getting pussy. I'll tell you what Nietzsche thought of women: the same thing that he thought of pretty much every man that existed at the same time as him: that they weren't good enough for him. The only woman he apparently ever liked was an exceptionally aristocratic one; she was a published intellectual and was friends with all kinds of celebrity intellectuals like Freud.

He just did not give a fuck about any one woman and probably just janked off or bought hookers

>> No.15846933

Nietzsche is an overrated psychologist desu.

>> No.15847098

To be fair N's passage on women being shit in BGE comes straight after a passage on why nationalists are braindead morons for clinging to preconceptions. I think he knew he was a little unreasonable.

>> No.15847103

Nietzsche and it's not even close. Kierkegaard was more well adjusted to his time but that's not the same as having a deeper insight.

>> No.15847416

Pretty much this.
Thats also similarly why his followers are delusional betas.

>> No.15847482

>Noone understands Neitzsche's depths

>> No.15847659

If she wasn't her type why did he propose to her 3 times like some pathethic Simp?

>Neech was a young Chad
He was a smart-ass, arrogant loser. Sexually frustrated and physically weak. Considered himself to be "above" women because he couldn't get one to come within 5 feet of him. No better than the modern mgtow.

He fantasasied about war but could barely stand seeing a drop of blood. He was ill all his life from falling of a horse like a kid with down syndrome.

Your little hero IS a retarded loser incel. Deal with it.

>B-but h-he adresses all of this in his writings
Don't care, didn't ask, doesn't change a thing.

>> No.15847670

>DUDE i drank too much coffee and now I'm trembling

>> No.15849376

So... Nietzsche is worthless?

>> No.15850128


>> No.15850164

Nietzsche isn't completely worthless, but he is by far one of the most overrated philosophers. Disregard his fanboys, they can only repeat "u jus dun gerit".

>> No.15850178

Nietzsche was schizo and is only liked by dregs

>> No.15850247

psychologism is trash everywhere except for nietzsche's books

>> No.15850255

this but reversed

>> No.15850298
File: 11 KB, 429x410, 1288342840815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considered himself to be "above" women because he couldn't get one to come within 5 feet of him.

You guys should read some of his books before hopping on here to talk shit.

He was friends with a bunch of different women, one even donated the money that paid for the house where he and his sister lived after he became an invalid.


>Nietzsche isn't completely worthless, but he is by far one of the most overrated philosophers.

He's not overrated. He was able to forecast what has happened in the 120 years since his death, and his Genealogy of Morals explains the ongoing rise of victimhood morality and its morphing from a tool used by those involved Judeo-Christian ideology to one that is now employed by secularists. He only seems overrated to you because people who haven't read his works love spamming the "God is Dead" meme without understanding what it means.

>> No.15850398

Ahahahaha this is great

>> No.15850429
File: 42 KB, 850x400, quote-nietzsche-was-stupid-and-abnormal-leo-tolstoy-29-55-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am hoping this will be able to settle the debate.

>> No.15850451


>> No.15850503

Kierkegaard because his psychological insights weren't the point, they were a dialectical tool to get you to abandon psychological reductionism. He understood the futility of it all and offered a way to make it worth something. Nietzsche was gifted, certainly, but arrogant and angry. Both of these things blinded him.

>> No.15850523

> Judeo-Christianity
Up next: Marxo-Buddism and Islamo-Hinduism.

>> No.15850554

lol, christcuck and psychologist are exclusive things.

>> No.15850951

>psychologism is great but only in nietzsche's books

>> No.15851067

>assumes that anyone who criticizes Nietzsche hasn't read him
this is exactly what I mean by his fanboys only knowing how to spout "u jus dun gerit"

>> No.15851075

Because there are retarded Christcucks in abundance on this board.

>> No.15851947

>in reality Nietzsche was a young chad

Is this post bait, or is the writer actually that delusional?

>> No.15852399

I do, AMA, also will trip for (You)s


Nietzsche fan here, I fornicate a lot, and I refuted your argument by merely existing. Cope with it, fuccboy

Listen to tis guy

what's your take on GOM

>> No.15852506

If you assume that many of the people who criticize Nietzsche (i.e. religious people who take issue with his claims about God) haven't read any—or most—of his books, you'd probably be correct. Most people don't read philosophy, much less the entire catalogue of a philosopher's writings.

Reading one of two of his books doesn't necessarily constitute being familiar with his philosophy or oeuvre either. The shallowness of many anti-Nietzschean remarks by opinion journalists and literary dilettantes online belies any actual familiarity with his work.

The three main problems that people seem to have with Nietzsche involve either the concept of the Death of God (typically taken out of context), his remarks on women (which aren't that frequent, and are not necessarily false), and then some loose notions of proto-faciscm/proto-nazism (which were manufactured not by him, but by his sister and by others years and decades after his death). The people who comment on these topics do so because they've heard them as titillating rumors and not because they've actually read the source material. Sad!

>> No.15852673

stupid response
My impression made sense to me, I don't know just how delusional you've determined me to be but if you can give me some benefit of the doubt maybe you can explain to me how I'm wrong about anything.

>this is exactly what I mean by his fanboys only knowing how to spout "u jus dun gerit"
First of all, mocking people like that makes you look like a child who doesn't know how to roast. Second of all, the reason we say that is not because we can't handle anyone criticizing Nietzsche. I'd love to see any interesting criticism of Nietzsche, and so would Nietzsche. The reason why we say that no one talking shit actually reads Nietzsche is that they don't, and they so frequently don't that it becomes safe to assume that the trend will continue. But feel free to prove me wrong. Have you read Nietzsche? What's your criticism?
I'll wait

>> No.15852822

"yikes" and "stupid response" is literally all neechfags can say after I thoroughly exposed their idol for the fraud he is


>> No.15852894
