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/lit/ - Literature

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15843932 No.15843932 [Reply] [Original]

>want to be more well read
>books like pic related pigeonhole me for months maybe even a year

Christ, I mean I just finished the Austerlitz battle and I'm hooked but 1000 pages? Jesus christ Tolstoy. Don Quixote took me forever to read too, fuck man. At this point it's going to take me forever to have a good reading foundation; I only have one shelf of my bookcase filled...

>> No.15843978

don't forget that you need to read books like this a minimum of 3 times to truly understand them. anything less than that and you're a pseud.

>> No.15843988
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who in the fuck has the time for that?

>> No.15843995

maybe if you weren't spending all your time posting on 4chan you would have time to read more.

>> No.15844005

i suppose you have a job, or go to university, or have a gf and friends you spend time with, otherwise you could read it in like a week. i think it took me 8 days to finish war and peace, even less for Don Quixote because that one is actually good

>> No.15844010


I have a job and other hobbies, I read like 20 pages a day when I can

>> No.15844013

i go to bed at about 10 and fall asleep at 11:15. I read 70-100 pages. I also read in the bathtub, at the beach on weekends, and all winter on my beanbag. It takes about 6-7 days to read a 1000 page book, and you can still binge whatever trash you watch on youtube or netflix

>> No.15844024

who the hell has [60 days]

>> No.15844029


>> No.15844045

Have you been reading for a while, and consistently? I find that whenever I hold myself accountable and read every day, I blaze through hundreds of pages per sitting, but when I don't read for a week, I can't even read five before I get distracted and hop on the computer.
This is kind of true, but at very different points of life. Definitely give it at least a decade before a second go, OP.

>> No.15844048

then you will never truly be well read. god bless.

>> No.15844050

It would literally take you less than 2 weeks if you read 100 pages a day. How the fuck could this possibly take you AN ENTIRE YEAR to read?

>> No.15844064

>100 pages in a day
I have to dedicate my entire day to reading to do 100 pages a day, do you people speedread or what

>> No.15844073

Reading 100 pages should take you 2 hours MAX.

>> No.15844074

Just read consistently and don't get on your phone or computer in between pages. It sounds impossible now, but you'll naturally be able to pick up speed without skimming.

>> No.15844091
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>> No.15844094

I mean sure but
>my attention span is absolutely fucked from years of internet abuse. I've been trying to cut down but I'm still an addict
>I get on my phone a lot to look up terms, locations, names, etc. that I see during books, it really helps immerse me and understand what's going on

>> No.15844118

Are you a 22 year old woman sitting watching streaming garbage on your couch swiping endlessly on some shitty app?

>> No.15844141

>I get on my phone a lot to look up terms, locations, names, etc. t
Try taking notes and waiting until at least the end of a chapter to look things up.

>> No.15844187

Reading speed generally is between 250-400 words every minute. If you are slow and read only 250 and an average page is 450 words it would still only take 3 hours Anon, are you ok?

>> No.15844203

read novellas and short stories anon, you'll be well read in no time

>> No.15844206

Listen to this anon. Just turn off all electronics.

>> No.15844222

Being well read is meh. Reading well is much more commendable.

>> No.15844234

No, I rarely watch television; I prefer films and don't have a dating app

that sounds good but if there's a word I don't know I have to look it up immediately

I guess I get distracted. I read on the faster end though

>> No.15844291

literlly took me a week to read get a grip mate

>> No.15844322

Books were meant to last awhile back in the day.

>> No.15844422

Completely understandable. I'm actually in the same boat. Yesterday all I did was browse /lit/ and /x/. You just gotta build slowly. Start off by absolutely REFUSING to look at the internet before you finish the chapter you're on (War and Peace has pretty short chapters, so maybe two in that case). Then give yourself a time limit.

>> No.15844724

With a full time job and other hobbies, 3 hours is not easy to squeeze in unless he can read during working hours
>that sounds good but if there's a word I don't know I have to look it up immediately
Time to invest in an ereader then, you surely can afford one with a job. With one you can press on a word and get its definition, wikipedia's article too if you enabled wifi. And with an ereader there's nothing to distract you except other books unlike other electronic devices

>> No.15844750

I prefer paper though

>> No.15844763

Man, I don't know about this shit. My brother had one he lent me when I visited him and there were all sorts of problems. Pretty much every translated work was the worst possible public domain translation and poetry/theatre works all had their formats fucked to hell.

>> No.15844850

No book should take you more than a month to read.

>> No.15844864

Ever since I started with the Greeks I've already read:
>Lyric poets (Pindar, Sapho, etc.)
>Julius Caesar
>shitton of related non-fiction and essays
Next up probably Ovid or Virgil.
Feels good being an autist who never drops a thing out of sheer autism until it's finished.

>> No.15844872

keep persisting, little falcon

>> No.15844875

pirate good versions and import them then

>> No.15844878

war & peace is super fun to read idk what your problem is, what's the rush

>> No.15844884

b-ok.org is the way to go in my experience

>> No.15844892
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>>dude who cares if you're a slow reader just take it easy maaaaaan
>blatantly ignores the fact that we have only a limited time on earth and a much narrower window of brain malleability/peak ability

>> No.15844964

take solace in the fact that if you have a kid and parent them well they will be a very good reader. and wean yourself off social media.
try to instil a love of reading in your child, it's like languages. past a certain age you will never be as good at reading as someone who has been interested from a young age. my brother and i are a case study, i loved reading as a kid and now i read 8-12 books a month. my brother was far more interested in music as a kid and now even if he loves a book it takes him a week to finish it.