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/lit/ - Literature

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15843418 No.15843418 [Reply] [Original]

So, hows your book or novel going? I just want to say as a complete autist that you can get published as I have and the internet facilitates it. I see a lot of
>post your book ideas..not like they're going anywhere
sure, not many people will read it. not many people read. period. just do it and put it out there. The guy who wrote 120 days of Sodom (as repugnant as that book is) wrote it under threat of its destruction (if i remember correctly) and it survived and lives in infamy.
We're all gonna make it, bros. You just have to put it out there and we should not discourage or crab bucket one another.
thats all, I hope you have a Blessed day.

>> No.15843432

I've been practising to improve my prose. I have a lot of ideas, but I don't feel good enough to write them.

>> No.15843554

Fuck you bitch. Little punk ass motherfucker. I swear to god if you ever post on this site again I will slit your throat, rip out your trachea, and shove it up your mother's maggot infested cunt while I slowly sodomize her questionably oversized anus with the splintered remains of a fine hickory baseball bat swung by Wade Boggs during a drunken, drug fueled imitation home-run derby in an elementary school kick-ball field surrounded by scores of dripping lolis and their horny post-menopausal mothers (the site of my grisly conception). FUCK OFF!

>> No.15843835
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Just DO IT. You won't regret it. Rise up bitch take destiny by the ball hairs.

>> No.15843856

I’m at ~16000 words, with more ideas yet to be put to paper. I posted in a crit thread and people generally like my opening passage, which was better response than I was getting last year.
I’m hoping to finish, submit to some small publishers, and if no one bites do the self-publishing-route and embrace obscurity.

>> No.15843908

Don't put too much thought into /lit/ posters, although there are good people on here.
What is it about and whats the word count you hope to achieve/how long did it take you to get to 16,000 ?

>> No.15843938
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My magnum opus "In the Advocacy of Violence" was knocked back by two editors for advocating violence, quite well too. I'm not sure what they expected it to be about. I was told it will never get published.

>> No.15843952
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Now this. This is a based poster. take a long look boys. You probably reply to a bunch of posts that you agree with saying "based!" but really?
Also buddeh you should just do it on amazon or something

>> No.15843969

I have no idea how to write fiction. I've tried to sit down and write short stories, or outline a novel, but I have no idea what I'm doing. Deep down, I don't believe I have the capability. It seems like magic.

>> No.15843998

It’s a lot of intertwining stories, and I’d say it has taken me about three weeks free time, which I have a lot of considering COVID...

>> No.15844078

i have a short story already finished and now trying to progress with a book, but man, everything is a mess there.

>> No.15844098

If I ultimately want to write a novel, is there any point in starting with short stories, or can I just dive in?

>> No.15844107
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What are you interested in? what experiences have you had?
My current stories are about a neanderthal (approaching 80,000 words) a tyrannosaurus rex (around 20,000 words) and I got published for my short horror stories.
I write about monsters and creatures because that comes naturally to me. What comes naturally to you? Not many people will enjoy reading about a fucking t rex with no human characters but I do it because I want to and that is simply it. What do you want to do? Do you like a particular setting? a type of person? historical archetype? not to make a blog post but I am just trying to illustrate that it doesnt have to be all philosophical and deep, just start banging out words when you feel the impulse. I take really, really long breaks between writing and my style is too purple prose. Don't care, cuz my cousin has similar interests to me and he likes to read my stuff. one person entertained. sometimes that's all you'll get but its better to just have done it and not regret not doing it

>> No.15844116

prime ass

>> No.15844176
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My subconscious is still organizing, and I know better than to force it out of her

>> No.15844279

>just start banging out words when you feel the impulse

I never feel the impulse. And liking certain settings, archetypes, or stories does nothing to help me put a plot together.

>> No.15844288

It's not magic, but a lot of writers make it seem that way because they're a)slightly ashamed of their success and feel compelled to downplay their own part in it and b)because they work with words and can't resist the urge to describe things in flowery nonsense. You read the pros talking about inspiration and muses and "being led along by the story" and it makes it seem like there's some magical quality which you lack, some other dimension pumping out inspiration which you are not primed to receive.
In reality, writing is just the process of describing things using words. And really, deep down, telling stories is just a method of coping with the fact that because you can't make anything exciting happen for yourself and the world isn't the way it should be.
Becoming a writer is an awful lot like becoming a shitposter. When you first discovered 4chan, you probably thought everyone here was brilliant and witty. You probably doubted you could ever make jokes as good as any of these people. You were probably intimidated the first time you posted, thinking your post would get trashed. You probably tried to take shortcuts to being funny by repeating tired memes. But after a while you realized that no one cared what you had to say, you were neither intelligent nor stupid enough to warrant their attention. After a while you realized these people were idiots too and stopped caring what they thought, and then one day you made a post without giving a shit if it fit in with board culture or was funny or whatever. Maybe people loved it, maybe they hated it, maybe they still didn't care what you had to say. But the point is that the magic wore off, you saw 4chan for what it was, and you kept going because you honestly have nothing better to do.
People who have sex lives and fulfilling careers don't write novels or shitpost on 4chan. I've completely lost my train of thought here, but I hope somewhere along the way we've learned something together.

>> No.15844544
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I've got about 90 pages of my novel written but in terms of voice and tone it's all over the fucking place because I have a bad habit of reading a book I love and immediately writing a chapter emulating the author's style. It opens with a slapstick Pynchon chapter then immediately goes into a hellish schizoid hallucinatory episode, and it gets even worse after that. Not to mention that this prevents me from actually tying the plot together in a satisfying way.

>> No.15844648

Books are overrated. Just write a blog and make your topics PDF downloadable.

>> No.15845155
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I am sorry man. What interests you in this board? books you like? perhaps start by emulating what you like as many people do

>> No.15845789

I've been pretty lethargic when it comes to writing my latest novel. I simply haven't the impetus to write since my first two books got rejected by every publisher and agent that I queried. I just don't know if I have any talent and question if I should stop wasting my time on this hobby and focus on something else for a creative output.

>> No.15845802

Short stories are actually good for practicing form and technique. They are good for teaching you to "get to the point" while also keeping what's necessary.

>> No.15845810

I'm primarily trying to make it as a Literary/Upmarket writer, but that Synthesis of the Objective and the yada yada really inspired me to just puke my political musings into a word processor. Why not? I'm smarter and better educated than that fucking guy.

>> No.15845895

Not the guy you're responding too, but I got a similar jig going. I write for myself and my brother, and about subjects really weird/niche/obscure. It's a satisfying life.

>> No.15845907

post it somewhere. i'd love to read it

>> No.15846004

I worry that I don't like much of anything anymore. I also worry that I'm too iq89 to understand any advice more complicated than a connect the dots formula.

>> No.15846048

>about subjects really weird/niche/obscure
like what?
>It's a satisfying life.
if only more /lit/ would accept this
The most popular books are just woman stuff, so whatever you write will likely be niche to begin with! just write I say
same here

>> No.15846071

Ditto, I was writing a quasi manifesto type story Advocating for Violence back in November. It would be fun to see someone actually take that idea and make something of it.

>> No.15846074

>like what?
I write incredibly elaborate depictions of a theoretical alternate universe. Fantasy, effectively - similar to the Silmarillion. I enjoy working at all scales, from the geological, the civilization, the cultural to the individual. I plan to work in this world until I die.

>> No.15846086

To elaborate, I have massive spreadsheets, flow charts, and narrative works to capture this.

>> No.15846093

Different anon here, I find that oddly compelling. I used to load up worlds in Dwarf Fortress just to read the "wikipedia" entries detailing all of the major events and players involved. Sounds like a perfect niche for the extremely autistic who are prone to fixations like this.

>> No.15846102

Yeah it's a surprise to no one that I have autism. I'm glad my fixation was this, rather than the bumper stickers of cars or something.
>dwarf fort
I was going to use that example but thought Silmarillion would make more sense to people.

>> No.15846249


I really, truly love this kind of stuff. My favorite ASOIAF book will forever be TWOIAF, and the Silmarillion is my favorite LOTR book. I have spent hours reading the ASOIAF, LOTR, 1d4chan and Star Wars wikis-- there's some about the encyclopedic nature of those articles I love. You mentioned Dwarf Fortress, right? There's a Legends Mode where you can see the history of your world unfurl. I exclusively play that mode. I'm really happy people like you exist, fren. I love reading that stuff, and I've dabbled in writing it too-- I would stick that format if I had the choice. And reading this thread made me realize I can do that.

Here's to the encyclopedia nerds!

>> No.15846306

I'm currently trending on Royalroad with the first thing I ever wrote. Have been for weeks. Originally just planned to 1k words a day for practice, but I quickly got over a hundred followers and someone offered to do me a cover for cheap. Day after I added the cover I was on trending, two days after that on the front page.

Turns out that picking common tropes for the site and writing intelligible English is enough right then and there if you post several times a week. I've got over 300 pages of a rambling mixture of web fiction trope inversions, detailed fight scenes, and philosophical pseudery put out there since mid April.

I'm super stoked about it desu. I see the view count on each new chapter slowly creep about 5000 over the course of two weeks and it gives me a bit of a stiffy.

And the attention has kept me wanting to write, and the amount of writing I'm doing has led to me rapidly improving.

>> No.15846328

Funnily enough, I've indoctrinated my brother into doing the same, so it's a team effort of bouncing concepts for our respective worlds off each-other.
>there's some about the encyclopedic nature of those articles I love
The ability to not need to have a 'suspension of disbelief' and truly believe this is a valid, theoretical 'model' for another world, with its own rules, its own history, its own- everything, really. Final form escapism, haha.
>I would stick that format if I had the choice. And reading this thread made me realize I can do that.
Given you are creating another world, there is a heavy burden of responsibility when it comes to ensuring its success. The more detail you add, the more 'weight' you stress upon the foundations of your world, and if your foundations are flawed, cheap, or haphazard, then the world will collapse.
I know because I had to cannibalize many, flawed worlds before this one.
So best of luck to you.

>> No.15846937

I think I write rather well. I have a small audience who enjoys it, and I'm particularly comfortable with characters and comedic dialogue. But I can't for the life of me write plot. I'm reading a good deal of cheap crime and thriller novels at the moment because the plot tends to be fairly obviously outlined in those sorts of books, and I'm hoping to learn from them.

Otherwise, does anyone have any general advice on writing plot?

>> No.15846966

This sounds pretty interesting

>> No.15847413

Did you have trouble finishing? I’m writing a novella, I’m at 50 k words and I’ve written nothing for 4 weeks. There is only one chapter to go and I know what I want to write but it just won’t come out.

>> No.15848635
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I'm posting one haiku a day to my blog and writing another; they're part of an extended poem that I'm planning to be around 9000 lines.
I'm also outlining/researching another epic while slowly writing a short form story.

>> No.15848694

I got 10,000 words into a novel before I realised I hadn't fully considered the world I was setting it in and had to go back for substantial changes. Then I got distracted with a series of short stories I was writing and never got back to writing the novel. I do have more ideas for it so I'm going to get back to it.

>> No.15848730

>People who have sex lives and fulfilling careers don't write novels or shitpost on 4chan. I've completely lost my train of thought here, but I hope somewhere along the way we've learned something together.
Good post, you sound like a man who's fun to share a beer with

>> No.15849158
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I have had probably more sex than anyone on this board (if what you guys complain about is true)
and I write the most autistic shit imaginable

>> No.15849174

Post if you're not lying. I believe you but I wanna read it.

>> No.15849189

That's a man

>> No.15849202

>people have aims to become "a poet/novelist/writer" or whatever they call it
>they even name "my book"
>call themselves writers

>—"Hey anon what are you into?"
>—"Uhhh ayma writer, you know, writing book, yeah uhm"

>> No.15849234
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what did he mean by this?
I write specifically because I am interested in things, not just for the sake of writing. Writer is not my identity. I am just a dude that is interested in stuff and articulates my interests in a particular way that helps me share that interest

what you're describing is how DFW wrote imo

>> No.15849241

>People who have sex lives and fulfilling careers don't write novels or shitpost on 4chan.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo

>> No.15849289

>People who have sex lives and fulfilling careers don't write novels or shitpost on 4chan.
I think I wrote more when I was having sex regularly.

>> No.15849817
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>come into a thread where people who actually write books are discussing them
>get angry that they're enjoying and taking pride in things you can't
>don't know how to contextualize such an abstract and petty rage
>make up an imaginary interaction with them irl and pretend something that's never happened is what's giving you these feelings

>> No.15849841

this. gamma rage

>> No.15850024


>> No.15850345

Do it through the amazon self publishing thing

>> No.15851247


>> No.15851330
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I'm doing ok but your point that not many people will read it is really slowing me and getting me down. I'm just so eog driven by need to be noticed and loved that the idea of only a 100 people reading my work (if I'm lucky) makes me not want to do it. I do love the craft but the motivating factors of fame and renown are too embedded deep in my psyche for me to discount them. I sent a good long while focusing on being a filmmaker, a craft I'm temperamentally much less suited for, because, in part, that seemed like the easiest medium to get noticed in.

>> No.15851352
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Been trying, put I always put off starting. I also can only come up with grand ideas, but I think I should start with something smaller like a short story, but when I try to think about a short story plot I just blank out.

>> No.15851614

Sounds like a LARP

>> No.15851656


>> No.15852041

Cry more

>> No.15852137

It's called Returning. It's progressively gone from awful to amateur imo

>> No.15852467

How many queries until they asked for full manuscript? I'm at 60+ rejections.

>> No.15853364

Or you can just make up a wacky backstory and meme it here like that Horia Bercea guy is doing right now.

>> No.15853638

Don't do this, it's gay