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15842401 No.15842401 [Reply] [Original]

what are the best books or essays for learning about the intricacies of christian theology

>> No.15842452
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>> No.15842457

god bless you, my friend.

>> No.15842484

i sent that list as somewhat of a joke(you can read all of it in due time ofc.).Theology is complicated,so there is no "sure" book to pick up to "learn" everything.Reading theology is great,but be sure to pick books which will help you conduct a good daily life.Read the desert fathers,the various saints homilies(many can be found on the list i sent you) catholic explained by leo j trese,introduction to the devout life...

>> No.15842491

Joke as in it's a huge list.great list though.May god bless the anon that bothered to create that list

>> No.15843752

The beauty of Christianity is what draws me to it, in certain moments I even consider converting. I appreciate Troubadour poetry. What holds me away is that I have too many questions, on Theodicy, free will and others. Will I have to look for answer to each one of them in theology books or just expect an eventual leap of faith? I also don't know what church is the true one, Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran? Flaws are found on each one apparently.

>> No.15843800

>I also don't know what church is the true one, Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran?
Start with this doctrine.

>> No.15843818

it’s a lot easier to see reasonable explanations after you’ve converted. It’s not simply that you’ve been brainwashed, but you actually gain a new perspective and begin to understand the nuances that you didn’t before. And don’t worry about denomination. The Bible is clear on what it takes to be saved. Even if only one denomination were “correct,” that doesn’t mean you can’t be saved. Just find a good church with good people that aligns with the teachings of the Bible.

>free will
some believe in it, others don’t. A good middle position is to believe in free will while also believing God knew what would happen. So God looked at all the possibilities beforehand, all of them including free choice, and chose this timeline for his purposes. So foreknowledge and free will are both valid.

easily explained away by one extra premise: God has sufficiently moral reasons to allow suffering to exist. At worst the only intellectual problem here is that we don’t know exactly why God does this or that, but of course, we shouldn’t expect to have God’s understanding anyway. But there is still suffering, and that’s an emotional problem, but Christianity recognizes that and through Christ we are able to overcome suffering.

John 16:33
> 33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

>> No.15844198


>> No.15844506

Read Kierkegaard

>> No.15845167

what works specifically

>> No.15845180

I would suggest:

Fear and Trembling
Practice in Christianity
For Self-Examination
Judge For Yourself
Philosophical Fragments
Concluding Unscientific Postscript

>> No.15845943

Thanks anon. How much familiarity with other philosophers of the era is necessary?

>> No.15846104

Mere Christianity by CS Lewis is the best starting point. It's not intricate, so perhaps it's not what you want, but I find personally that my relationship with God has taught me more theology than any book.

>> No.15846128

Just do 10 grams of shrooms and when you're coming up pray for Jesus Christ to help you. You'll understand then.

>> No.15846733
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>tfw you were named after one of these people

>> No.15846773

How do you reconcile the prophecies that Jesus didn't fulfill? While the idea of a messiah Second Coming to fulfill the rest isn't really based in scripture, the counterargument that I normally hear of "two messiahs" doesn't have any real basis either.
I'm lost and I can't seem to find my way. Eternity is a long time to bet on anything that isn't a sure thing.

>> No.15846781

Did the list maker really need to list every single book of the Holy Bible in order to make his chart bigger?

>> No.15846782

Forget about Jewsus or M*hammad. I am a much better prophet. Follow me instead.

>> No.15846789

Did that actually happen? Somebody posted that specific Bible quote and had >>17777777 as their digits?

>> No.15847802

>Starting 1500 years after Christ founded his Church and ignoring the majority of the Church Fathers, Martyrs and the Apostles themselves.

> I also don't know what church is the true one, Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran?
Start here anon:

>> No.15847821

god ain't real dumbass

>> No.15847887

read everything by Fr. Romano Guardini and Fr. Jean Daniélou, especially Daniélou's God and the Ways of Knowing (this has everything you need)

Another writer would be Frank Sheed.

>> No.15848047

>How do you reconcile the prophecies that Jesus didn't fulfill?
such as?

>> No.15848100

read spurgeon

>> No.15848121

Ignoring the part where the doctrine originated with Augustine.

>> No.15848146
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>> No.15848299

He also said that sex was a sin even in marriage. Just because someone is a saint/Church Father doesn't make them infallible. Plus,it comes more from Neoplatonism (which disparaged the material world and called it corrupt and distorted, which goes against the belief that all things God created were good) than actual Christianity.

>> No.15848310

>things created good can't be corrupted and distorted

>> No.15848390

Neoplatonism (at least the Manichee interpretation St. Augustine once held to) held that matter by it's very nature was always evil and disparaged it accordingly, not just corrupted and distorted from a previous glorified state.

>> No.15848397

muh earthly kingdom

>> No.15849085

Well, there's the whole Davidic line bit that people argue isn't adequately fulfilled due to the way lineages are traced. He didn't build the Third Temple, gather all the Jews in Israel, bring about world peace or reveal God to all. I'm sure there are others, but is anything I can look at that can reconcile or rebut these points or others like them?

>> No.15849294

I read this and found it helpful, goes from church fathers to medieval to enlightenment to 20th century New theology, very good book and will prepare you for more

>> No.15849310


>the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone

>> No.15849312


LOL forgot to postvit

>> No.15849315


>> No.15849364

The books I recommended do not require much, or any, background in the philosophers of his time really since they are all focused around Christianity and how Kierkegaard conceptualizes how the Christian is to act in response to their faith, etc.

>> No.15849456

>christian thread
haven't read the thread yet, are they fighting about denominations already

>> No.15849815

ok thanks anon

>> No.15851327
File: 357 KB, 1628x2123, 815AM9cxoqL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alister McGrath - Christian Theology

>> No.15852747

>Includes increased discussion of women in the early Church, feminist theology,

>> No.15852786
File: 41 KB, 474x602, chesterton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd go with Chestie.

>> No.15854131
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Louis Berkhof
Wayne Grudem
Millard Erickson
Norman Geisler

>> No.15854156

>God looked at all the possibilities beforehand, all of them including free choice, and chose this timeline for his purposes.

so we dont really have free will then

if God chooses the universe where you do what he wants

you dont have free will

>> No.15854212
File: 434 KB, 1062x1353, Kingdom-Through-Covenant-Gentry-Wellum-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kingdom through Covenant

>> No.15854221


I found an excellent youtube channel about a university professor talking about the history of christianity (christological controversies, council, heresies, emperor pope problems, latin west greek east problems, protestant reformation etc, everything).


I know you all think it's bad to learn from videos, but I am 36 and envy younger people because I had to read many books to learn what he is sharing for free.
Obviously if you are interested in a subject, you should read about it, and also go to the primary sources.

The only bad video Ive seen is the one about the crusades, because it was a war caused by political and military issues of the Byzantine empire, and the guys doesn't that touch that subject much, he only focuses on the religious aspect, so you can't really learn what the crusades were about from that.

>> No.15854247

I want to join a Lutheran church when I move after graduating college

>> No.15854262

small brain, this is a non sequitur. God existing outside of time does not mean he ordains everything that happens within time, and him choosing to give us free will is the opposite of him choosing everything we do

>> No.15854722

if God foreknows everything that will happen, including what you do with your own free will and as the guy i responded to said, God chooses which timeline will come to fruition, or even aside from that, that if God foreknows your free will choice you cant make any other decision than the one god foreknew,

isnt that incredibly fucked and self defeating

>> No.15854743

Cool, thanks

>> No.15854746

It’s not “foreknowing.” God can see every moment in time, so foreknowledge isn’t required. It’s just knowledge.

>> No.15854757

Revelation is really considered scripture by everyone? I woulda thought maybe some denominations thought it was BS

>> No.15854780
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How come in 1st Samuel, God makes Saul king, but then later God says, "I deeply regret letting Saul become king"? That confused the fuck out of me. If God can see the future, and He regrets something, then why did He allow it to happen? I just don't get it

>> No.15854783

False. You're parroting Muslim theology, and it's extremely heretical. God knows all possible timelines, but doesn't choose them for you. (Even though He could.)

>> No.15854803


>> No.15854804

At first I thought this was going to be random prot books. Now I see it isnt. Bless you friend, may Christ and all His Saints pray for us

>> No.15854809

do NOT seek the meaning of the revelations

>> No.15854858


>> No.15854890

just accept that they’re literal or that you can’t know what they mean until you die. I came across some convincing explanations of certain parts of the Bible and they distract from the main message in a way. It hasn’t been good for my faith. If these interpretations were true, then this man is giving away this information too hazardly. Make sure you read interpretations from men who would feel comfortable giving those interpretations in the average church setting

>> No.15854910

Oh, ok, that makes sense

>> No.15854925

I don't really understand that because it doesn't sound like regret to me, it sounds like God is unhappy with something that He ended up doing but had to do anyways, I don't think that's regret

>> No.15855197

Institutes by John Calvin - I mean it.

>> No.15856658

Damn Anon, Rick and Morty were right? I'm actually a nihilist now