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File: 585 KB, 1060x1600, St-Thomas-Aquinas-poplar-tempera-Demidoff-Altarpiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15842249 No.15842249 [Reply] [Original]

It's been over seven centuries and his arguments for the existence of God are still deductively sound. It feels good to know that almost all atheists get effortlessly retroactively refuted by one man.

>> No.15842257

>It feels good to know that almost all atheists get effortlessly retroactively refuted by one man.
I sorta miss the retroactive meme, but the place is a lot cleaner now. Like how it was before Guenon.

It's amazing to think how much he influenced this place. But then again the board did slightly improve when it started to get popular, but then it started to hurt it.

>> No.15842264
File: 67 KB, 777x582, fedorafag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*ahem* Aquinas never gave evidence for his claims

>> No.15842281

ok retard

>> No.15842297

I see bald ugly old man with schizo look. clown.

>> No.15842310

... the true ubermensch... i am at awe at this lads massive intelect.

>> No.15842334

This thread will undoubtedly make atheists seethe. I love it. Also, it's true.

>> No.15842390
File: 178 KB, 1856x793, 1584983466277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needing Aquinas to prove the existence of God
Romans 18-20
>The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

>> No.15842411

The existence of God can't be doubted, but the real question is whether the real God is the God of the Jews, Muslims and Christians or of any other religion or whether we don't actually know anything about God and all of the religious Gods are merely figments of our imagination.

>> No.15842418

feminists want men to seethe, in order to be raped. why do you want to be raped, theist?

>> No.15842429

yep. if God is real, should I pray and larp?

>> No.15842432

And that clown still makes atheists seethe and cope til this day.

>> No.15842442

If God is real and he is perfect he doesn't need any prayer or sacrifice since by definition he is flawless and almighty. A jealous God implies that he somewhat possesses human flaws and that would invalidate his flawlessness.

>> No.15842444

But how does that void Aquinas's proofs? He's demonstrating logically the existence of God, and thus manifesting the lack of excuse for the unbeliever, while giving a tool which has been used to convert.

>> No.15842449

holy shit is that quentin? how did this get painted so fast?

>> No.15842456

Composition fallacy, transcendency is not needed

>> No.15842485

>Composition fallacy
Informal fallacies do not substitute argumentation. Stop watching atheist youtubers like a pseud.

>> No.15842497

>arguments for the existence of God are still deductively sound
but they are not scientifically sound

>> No.15842517


>> No.15842536

Aquinasfags are among the worst posters on /lit/

>> No.15842543

He used that fallacy in all five of his proofs? You can't just name a fallacy and walk off like it's a mic drop. Gotta actually do the work of showing that it's there.

>> No.15842561

You're asking for too much. He probably watched an atheist youtuber who hasn't even read Aquinas "debunk" Aquinas after reading his points from a 1500 word blogpost. Clearly this expert knows his material.

>> No.15842562

God doesn't need prayer or sacrifice. It is us who need them.

>> No.15842581

that takes me back

>> No.15842638

>If God is real and he is perfect he doesn't need any prayer or sacrifice since by definition he is flawless and almighty.

>> No.15842689
File: 63 KB, 467x700, st-gregory-palamas-medium-tall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be honest and say that I haven't read Aquinas. Creation alone is sufficient proof for the existence of God.
I'm planning to read some Gregory Palamas soon. I'm Orthodox

>> No.15842690

if you seethe someone it is not proof of your argument.

>> No.15842706

The difference between composition and wholes is a rational necessity the moment you accept math as real, and they make a transcendent god unnecessary
In all but the last two, which are already the weakest
Keep projecting with your youtuber obsession. Im not even atheist btw

>> No.15842710

Neither is calling someone an ugly old man with a schizo look.

>> No.15842714

Kant refuted Aquinas

>> No.15842763

it is. he argues about existence of God, but he is weak pathetic man. "be like children". he never seen God. his argument simply argue that there's something out there we don't see but must be, but calling that God is stupid, and cannot possibility explain true nature of God, even close.

>> No.15842804

What do you answer when your friend use the "santa" argument?

>> No.15842823

Aquinas was a mediocre shitter whose work was corrected and completed by Spinoza. He kneecapped his own arguments to suck papal penis.

>> No.15842890

What is the Santa argument?

>> No.15842941


Like I was talking with my friend, and I told him I believed god might exist (because of something that happened recently). He answered to me; -"Do you believe in Santa?"

>> No.15842954

What is the argument though, that because you believe in God you must believe in Santa?

>> No.15843022


Sorry, I didn't explain myself well. Yeah basicaly he told me that believing in god was the same thing as believing in Santa.

>> No.15843042
File: 141 KB, 417x323, 1592650421191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I into St. Thomas Aquinas?

>> No.15843045

How is it the same?

>> No.15843063

Read Aristotle and the Bible. That would probably serve as a basic way into Aquinas.

>> No.15843115


That's what I told him, because you know santa does not exist when the faggot kid at school tells you or you discover your parents putting the gifts under the tree. But we do not have proof that god doesn't exist. However after that I didn't have much to add? I was just saying to him that god "might" be related to that even and it wasn't 100% luck.

(I don't have any religious background or knowledge about religion)

>> No.15843152

>(I don't have any religious background or knowledge about religion)
There's your problem, like Plato said if you don't have the knowledge or know how to back up your position then study it until you can.

>> No.15843184


Yeah I know I couldn't answer because of my lack of knowledge, but I was just making assumptions, I wasn't claiming he existed.

What would you read to answer to that claim?

>> No.15843187

I started reading the Bible a few weeks ago. I'll check out Aristotle too.
But when I do start reading Aquinas, what is a good entry book?

>> No.15843196


>> No.15843264

>ST Aquinas
>Aquinas (A Beginner's Guide) ISBN: 1851686908
>By Thomist/Christian Analytic Philosopher Edward Feser
>Aquinas's Shorter Summa: Saint Thomas's Own Concise Version of His Summa Theologica ISBN: 1928832431
>Title says all, a concise version of the Summa written by Aquinas himself. The book’s original name is The Compendium of Theology (editor renamed it). Older free translation here

This is from the lit philosophy guide. Hope it helps.

>> No.15843289

Philosophy. What have you read up 'til now?

>> No.15843291

Read City of God.

>> No.15843329

Very good. He does not need it, we need it.

>> No.15843647

Thanks, anon