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15840941 No.15840941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So why don't we all agree there is a jewish conspiracy to infiltrate and destroy every civilization in the world?
Is it illiteracy, mental retardation, cowardice, or a melange of them all?

The "refutations" of the left consist of avoiding the evidence and arbitrarily taking up a default hypothesis with no reasoning, all while loudly announcing a list of arbitrary unjustified burdens placed on the "antisemites".

Are there any other modern studies of jewish influence that might be more persuasive to halfwits?
Maybe an online catalog with color pictures and links?

>> No.15840979

Pinker BTFO this book so hard:
>The suggestion that scholars "can't ignore bad ideas" is a nonstarter. In science there are a thousand bad ideas for every good one. "Doing battle" against all of them is not an option for mere mortals, and doing battle against some of them is a tacit acknowledgment that those have enough merit to exceed the onerous threshold of attention-worthiness. MacDonald's ideas, as presented in summaries that would serve as a basis for further examination, do not pass that threshold, for many reasons:

>1. By stating that Jews promulgate scientific hypotheses because they are Jewish, he is engaging in ad hominem argumentation that is outside the bounds of normal scientific discourse and an obvious waste of time to engage. MacDonald has already announced that I will reject his ideas because I am Jewish, so what's the point of replying to them?

>2. MacDonald's main axioms – group selection of behavioral adaptations, and behaviorally relevant genetic cohesiveness of ethnic groups – are opposed by powerful bodies of data and theory, which Tooby, Cosmides, and many other evolutionary psychologists have written about in detail. Of course any assumption can be questioned, but there are no signs that MacDonald has taken on the burden of proof of showing that the majority view is wrong.

>3. MacDonald's various theses, even if worthy of scientific debate individually, collectively add up to a consistently invidious portrayal of Jews, couched in value-laden, disparaging language. It is impossible to avoid the impression that this is not an ordinary scientific hypothesis.

>4. The argument, as presented in the summaries, fails two basic tests of scientific credibility: a control group (in this case, other minority ethnic groups), and a comparison with alternative hypotheses (such as Thomas Sowell's convincing analysis of "middlemen minorities" such as the Jews, presented in his magisterial study of migration, race, conquest, and culture).

>> No.15840994


So far the leftists here just appeal to authorities that made no argument, refuse to substantiate their view, and cry that "the burden of proof" is on the realists to assuage their retarded emotions.

Basically their formal error is to assume the burden of proof doesn't shift as evidence is presented. They undertake no responsibility to respond to evidence at all.

>Just ignore all evidence and I can't be wrong
the fundamental mindset of the left

>> No.15841016

what "arguments"? Nothing he says is supported by any evidence, he's just narrating his interpretation so badly to the point it doesn't even matter what evidence he produces, his statements are invalid
>a control group
It can't be Science(tm) unless it jumps through arbitrary hoops that are irrelevant?
What does a control group have to do with the absolute quality and quantity of jewish behavior?

it's fucking amazing how he accuses "antisemites" of being blindly biased against jewish responses but it in no way occurs to him to test the hypothesis that jews would be biased against criticism of their own race

>> No.15841028

>group selection of behavioral adaptations isn't real because of unreplicable Science!
how fucking retarded do you have to be to deny that uniform pressures on a population (such as culture) don't have a uniform effect on evolution

>> No.15841040

>group selection of behavioral adaptations isn't real because of unreplicable Science!
how fucking retarded do you have to be to deny that uniform pressures on a population (such as culture) don't have a uniform effect on evolution

>> No.15841044
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Poor right wing schizo. Take your meds.

>> No.15841057

>So why don't we all agree there is a jewish conspiracy to infiltrate and destroy every civilization in the world?
Because not all of us are autist manbabies desperately grasping for some narrative to justify our personal failure.

>> No.15841066

are there any non-Jews who feel the need to "critique" culture of critique in this way?

>> No.15841076

>It can't be Science(tm) unless it jumps through arbitrary hoops that are irrelevant
I will have you know that I have had this exact thing come from know nothing idiots multiple times. Like one time I posted a study on the heritability of IQ and a pseud literally told me it's invalid because it doesn't have a control group... Needless to say whatever he meant by that was no applicable.

>> No.15841093
File: 103 KB, 1061x464, 1593616376839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can a fictional measure be heritable? You're a fucking moron

>> No.15841096

>constucts an internal model of the world populated by cartoon caricatures based on brainwashing propaganda
>calls others "schizo"
posting "reaction faces" is 100% a sign of a totally dehumanized retard cattle beast

>> No.15841098

This response is a cope by an ego wounded Jew (pinker) and consists entirely of goalpost shifting and the denial of the fact that this reality is not agreed upon simply because Jews throw a tantrum and shit their pants whenever someone brings it up because 109 times and they own the media so they control what is controversial or not

>> No.15841121

>group selection of behavioral adaptations, and behaviorally relevant genetic cohesiveness of ethnic groups – are opposed by powerful bodies of data and theory
lol obvious fake. Pinker BTFO himself

>> No.15841126

>basedface reaction
>dismisses things he cannot understand or hurt his worldview
ask me how I know you're a pseud

>> No.15841142

Post your address shitty Taleb baiter, I'm tired of your gay Taleb threads everyday

>> No.15841144

it measures something that is heritable

can you have a single "thought" or emotion without associating it with a meme?
these retard subhumans need constant moral support from authority for every tiny step of their life

this thing would never have the courage to say anything even just online without being able to post a meme to bolster its morale

>> No.15841171

>things he cannot understand or hurt his worldview
oh like you and non linearity
IQ doesn't measure anything and heritability studies are flawed

>> No.15841343

you're just regurgitating propaganda like the retard you are

what is the fatal flaw?

>> No.15841358


>> No.15841360

you have to engineer a parallel jewish race on another planet and see how they do on their own
only after 20,000 years of observation can you judge if the earth jews were evil

i mean come on this is basic science

>> No.15841363

Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.15841374

>you're just regurgitating propaganda like the retard you are
sorry that gave you too much credit

>> No.15841391

Imagine coming to the literature board while being illiterate

>> No.15841434
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Pinker didn't even read the book.

>> No.15841433

You'd disregard anything as propaganda as long as your extremely simplistic world view stays intact.

Yep, the whole complex world can be reduced to a group of Jews who magically control everything. This is and always will be a Flat Earth tier conspiracy. Yet when Flat Earthers are confronted with evidence of the contrary, they seethe and make amazing mental gymnastics to escape their cognitive dissonance. Same here too. You have no arguments at all except accusing others of being Jews or falling for propaganda. It's pathetic beyond words and you should unironically kill yourself.

>> No.15841446

If you're Jewish then I understand defending the tribe, if you're not then it's actually comical that you go to bat for people who contemn you, you're like a house nigger

>> No.15841455

you're a retarded bunch of animals

>> No.15841460

Like clockwork, lmfao

Hope your psychiatrist will up your meds soon schizo

>> No.15841462

MacDonald's hypothesis reeks of pseudoscience. No different than a Marxist calling someone who disagrees with their philosophy a tool of the bourgies.

>> No.15841468

these aren't even people, and this is the key part of the jewish endgame: your instincts have to be tempered with training to see these for what they are - deadly imposters sent to choke the life out of humans with free will that must be destroyed or subdued at any cost

>> No.15841473

>You'd disregard anything as propaganda as long as your extremely simplistic world view stays intact.
This is 100.00% true about OP

>Yep, the whole complex world can be reduced to a group of Jews who magically control everything.
This is also true if you nuance it like K-Mac did

Shut the fuck up and stop making this thread every day. You don't even understand K-Mac's hypothesis and it's obvious you haven't engaged with any of his other works. I honestly doubt you've even read CoC to begin with.

>> No.15841484
File: 2.64 MB, 2250x2301, jews0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about his evidence?
do you have any examples?
what about the evidence posted in the last several threads? or the evidence that i'm starting to post now?

>> No.15841490

>jewish endgame
this is schizophrenic nonsense which you project on to Jews. Ask any Jew, rich or poor, about this Jewish endgame and they'll have no fucking idea what you're saying

>> No.15841493

It seems pretty basic to me. Jews are a group of people with a strong in-group preference and will act in ways they feel is in the groups best interest. This interest is often in conflict with the interests of other groups. This is really all he's arguing so I think if the book was about any other group it would be completely uncontroversial.

>> No.15841500

>ad hominem narration
>you can't argue data differently than the originator
>it's totally plausible that the jews have no consciousness of their behavior and exert absolutely no effort to direct it toward their goals, an outside observer can take stock but a jew couldn't, this never happened in 2000 years and elite jews never leveraged jewish behavior toward any conscious goal

you are an extremely dishonest idiot

>> No.15841502

You literally do not have any argument. At all. Your whole shtick is to hate on others through the internet to distract yourself from your miserable life.

>This is also true if you nuance it like K-Mac did
Cringe. There is no nuance in antisemitism and the retarded reduction of complex world affairs to muh jews.

Wow you discovered Jews are highly competitive and also nepotistic? OMG i bet they come together like secret councils in dark rooms wearing trench coats

If you seriously think the world is so simplistic that one group of people can secretly rule it, you should unironically kill yourself ASAP. It's a literal mental disease

>> No.15841513
File: 28 KB, 488x463, 1576529835162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A minority group being successful means they have malicious plans
Lmao, I believe this was already mentioned in the Pinker critique where he talked about middlemen minorities. Also, you're disregarding the fact that a lot of those companies are based in New York with a huge Jewish population, AND you only point out the Jewish employees, no percentages

>> No.15841517

You won't get in trouble for claiming that any other group of people control society, only Jews. Why do you think that is

>> No.15841522
File: 1.78 MB, 1656x3234, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see what happens when jews take over the media?
>In 1984, financier Saul Steinberg's Reliance Group Holdings launched a hostile takeover bid for Walt Disney Productions

they instantly start subverting identity

>> No.15841527

Anyone can make conjecture like that. He draws upon sketchy evidence and concepts which are rejected in their respective fields.

>> No.15841530

Because they got genocided 80 years ago by people who were manipulated into believing the same nonsense as you do? Maybe those historical events have consequences? Just a guess

Time for your meds now schizo

>> No.15841537

Imagine believing the Jews change the world through Disney movies, except Disney movies adapting to a changing world




>> No.15841539

just know that if you're not Jewish they are actually laughing at you, they see you as inferior

>> No.15841545

>This is really all he's arguing so I think if the book was about any other group it would be completely uncontroversial.
The other two books in the series were quite well-received in academic circles and he's written a paper on middlemen minorities, so you're absolutely right.

The majority of your posts are ad hominem attacks. I'd hang you right next the traitors on the day of the rope.

>Cringe. There is no nuance in antisemitism and the retarded reduction of complex world affairs to muh jews.
Cringe is when you criticize a book with a strawman because you haven't read it.

K-Mac's hypothesis is NOTHING like brainlet OP's. The only thing they have in common is that a rejection of the null hypothesis could have some very bad consequences on public policy for Jews.

>> No.15841546

You do?

>> No.15841551

Holy shit, i'm convinced now wtffff

A JPG image to change my whole world view despite the thousands of hours I spent reading history, philosophy and psychology? Sign me the fuck up senpai. Now THIS is information nobody's talking about.

>> No.15841552

Be specific. Psychologists have found unusually intense fear reactions among Israeli infants in response to strangers, while the opposite pattern is found for infants from North Germany and he uses this to help support his argument. Is this the sort of study considered sketchy and rejected by everyone else?

>> No.15841561

Literally the first post in the thread, dumbfuck