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15839070 No.15839070 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books that document the CIA's influence/ involvement with the Frankfurt school? I've heard much speculation of this but havent come across anything substantial. Hebert Marcuse in particular...

>> No.15839082
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>> No.15839103


>> No.15839119

Marcuse advocated for the New Left which had the resulting effect of promoting identity politics at the expense of class struggle proper. The result of that defanged leftism. In the USA, you can sometimes find 'leftists' (left-liberals really) who will criticize Marxists for focusing on class instead of gender or race or something like that. And then they go and say things like 'We need more black/female CEOs!' The capitalists in power love that. Identity politics doesn't threaten them. They're okay with adding 'representation' at all levels of their hierarchy if that's what it takes to get some people under their thumb. Likewise with their superficial 'support' for LGBT rights and other such things. Identity politics doesn't threaten them, but Marxism proper does. So the CIA engineered a form of American 'leftism' that is increasingly non-Marxist and even anti-Marxist. It's funny when rightists fail to notice this, they see the opposite. They think Marxism and capitalism are both part of the same globalist aim or some conspiracy shit like that. You really think rightism is a threat to them? There's a reason stocks have sometimes soared under Trump, himself a wealthy capitalist. Rightism doesn't threaten the capitalists, but Marxism does.

>> No.15839221

not directly related to the frankfurt school, but this might be interesting to you. they cover radical left and right intellectual currents in france and what the implications of their ideas could be for wider society; what can be used etc.

>> No.15839489

Yeah this is very interesting, thanks a lot anon

>> No.15839535
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Yea it called: Who Paid the Piper? The CIA and the Cultural Cold War by Frances Stonor.

>> No.15839549
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Why would the CIA promote identity politics in the form of Herbert Marcuse whilst trying to suppress identity politics such as that of Malcolm X in the USA?

Doesn't make sense anon

>> No.15839814

To channel energy into pointless endeavors that don't threaten the system

>> No.15839821

Malcolm X was more of a socialist than Marcuse

>> No.15839862

I think it was DARPA.

>> No.15839869

>why attack Communism in Russia while installing communism at home?

>> No.15839899

Malcolm X posed the threat of revolution. So did the Black Panthers. Even Martin Luther King was involved with socialism. That's why they were all suppressed. Guess what took their place though. They're not suppressing Oprah are they? No, because that's cuddly capitalist conformism, just now with minority representation.

>> No.15839917


>> No.15839937


>> No.15840110

The panthers fused class struggle to black identity politics. The frankfurt school broke them apart. One of these is incredibly dangerous to the liberal bourgeois political establishment and the other is not

>> No.15840149

>Likewise with their superficial 'support' for LGBT rights and other such things.
LGBT rights in and of themselves are as superficial (that doesn’t mean unworthy) as it gets.

>> No.15840325 [DELETED] 

>The frankfurt school broke them apart
Or assassinated by glowniggers if you were someone like Frank Hampton

>> No.15840429

>Marxism is a threat to capitalists
>Marxism demands the global integration of all markets including labor markets

Marxism is a perfect cover for global labor arbitrage capitalism

>> No.15840575

If Marxism were really a threat to capital, it would have been systematically removed from the instutions used as vetting and training centers by nearly all business entities.

>> No.15840613


>Capitalist markets are the same as Socialist markets
Jesus Christ.

Did you miss the 1950s or something?

>> No.15840629

>Q: how do you you know that the CIA wasn't involved in the kennedy assassination?
>A: because he was assassinated
>*rim shot*

>> No.15840637

>Did you miss the 1950s or something?
Are you referring to a number of short lived trends that were reversed in less than a decade and are ow taught to school children as if it they were nothing more that witch trial hysteria?

>> No.15840987
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Marxism proper doesn't threaten them either. It was subsidized by Wall St as well sorry to tell you Santa aint real

>> No.15841148

>socialist markets

Socialism is going to be here any minute, you just have to give up your historic local and national entitlements to facilitate a global market. Trust the plan.

>> No.15841956

>CIA and Frankfurt School
>Are there any good books that document the CIA's influence/ involvement with the Frankfurt school? I've heard much speculation of this but havent come across anything substantial. Hebert
>Marcuse in particular...
It's false. I read a lot of declassified documents. This is the closest there is: https://stuartbramhall.wordpress.com/2015/10/13/did-the-cia-use-gloria-steinem-to-subvert-the-feminist-movement/amp/?__twitter_impression=true

>> No.15841970

basically this

>> No.15841985

you would be amazed at how close those emancipation movement in the 60-70's were tied with marxism

>> No.15842007


Not frankfurt school; but here is a declassified CIA paper called "France: defection of the leftist intellectuals"

>I read a lot of declassified documents
Same. Started when I was 13, almost two decades later I realize just how much it shaped my perspective. We live in an age of cybernetics and Kaczynski is right about everything. I grew up on CIA declassified paper, early 20th sociology (durkheim, lebon etc) and psychoanalysis. I don't know many people who are retarded enough to shift through CIA papers. Welcome to the club.

>> No.15842019

Since when was the CIA suppressing Malcolm X? Malcom X was killed because he was trying to pull NOI away from hardliners and towards orthodox Islam. Just like Elaine Brown got close to Huey Newton and tried to push the Panthers in a reformist rather than revolutionary direction.

>> No.15842039 [DELETED] 

The fact that Farrakhan has never been taken down to this day and is still causing trouble in the midwest makes you wonder if he isn't a Whitey Bolger type dude being protected as part of a higher level plan...

>> No.15842077 [DELETED] 

I hope the CIA stays based and never cucks out. China is going to be much more dangerous than Russia ever was.

>> No.15842112

Marcuse worked for the OSS during WWII, same with Adorno I think but that was because they'd take most foreign intellectuals on. There really wasn't any connection to the "Frankfurt school" beyond that. The McCarthyite went after the CIA early in the cold war and got any left-winger hold outs fired.

The CIA was never interested in funding that type of shit (they liked analytical shit more for their mind games) they mostly worked on getting money to avant garde art and more popular types of stuff to promote America as not being a cultural wasteland to Europeans (most Americans were actually rubes who didn't like such things). That's what a lot of controversy is about covert funding.

They weren't. All the CIA did was fuck around with LSD illegally domestically (but most of the real fucked up drug tests were done in and on Canadians), they are for gathering foreign intelligence and playing dirty tricks overseas.
Maybe he's thinking about the FBI stirred up a lot of infighting domestically amongst. It was called COINTELPRO.

A "declassified CIA paper" basically means some shit written by some no one at a desk. You can find all kinds of shit about ESP and other nonsense as if it was real

>> No.15842189

>The panthers fused class struggle to black identity politics. The frankfurt school broke them apart. One of these is incredibly dangerous to the liberal bourgeois political establishment and the other is not
False, the CIA and the FBI paid agents to disturb the black panthers and make them become that in order to make them less dangerous to US status quo. Search cointelpro.

>> No.15842229

Same. Started when I was 13, almost two decades later I realize just how much it shaped my perspective. We live in an age of cybernetics and Kaczynski is right about everything. I grew up on CIA declassified paper, early 20th sociology (durkheim, lebon etc) and psychoanalysis. I don't know many people who are retarded enough to shift through CIA papers. Welcome to the club.
Hello mate, yes we are super rare, I've trying to make some activist to learn about this but they are so fucking reluctant to do so, one thing I would like to ask someone who is into this, don't find super weird that very few academics into PolSci and similar topics almost never read trough this papers? Why do you think that happens? Because is to hard? Boring? Almost the only famous person to do so is Chomsky.

And about being retarded, unironically, meaning no offense if you are like this, I think you have to be a little into the autistic spectrum to do so, maybe even said Chomsky is. Typical Ashkenazi smartness you could call it. Only very obsessed people do so, but that not neccesaly bad.

>> No.15842266

>Malcom X was killed because he was trying to pull NOI away from hardliners and towards orthodox Islam.
Malcolm was killed for airing Elijah Mohammad's dirty laundry.

>> No.15842296

>Same. Started when I was 13, almost two decades later I realize just how much it shaped my perspective. We live in an age of cybernetics and Kaczynski is right about everything. I grew up on CIA declassified paper, early 20th sociology (durkheim, lebon etc) and psychoanalysis. I don't know many people who are retarded enough to shift through CIA papers. Welcome to the club.
>Hello mate, yes we are super rare, I've trying to make some activist to learn about this but they are so fucking reluctant to do so, one thing I would like to ask someone who is into this, don't find super weird that very few academics into PolSci and similar topics almost never read trough this papers? Why do you think that happens? Because is to hard? Boring? Almost the only famous person to do so is Chomsky.

>And about being retarded, unironically, meaning no offense if you are like this, I think you have to be a little into the autistic spectrum to do so, maybe even said Chomsky is. Typical Ashkenazi smartness you could call it. Only very obsessed people do so, but that not neccesaly bad.
I fucking deleted the ">"

>> No.15842601

This Marcuse-hating meme has to stop. No, he wasn't a CIA agent, and no, he wasn't a 'we need more people of color as millionaires' libshit. Plus he was a great philosopher and theoretician.

>> No.15842713

This is the correct answer.

>> No.15842767

Good analysis but even Marxism isn't the real threat to the US, the Russian Armed Forces was the threat that concerned US intelligence. CIA attacked Marxism because they wanted to demoralize its adherents inside the USSR.

All of this is echoes from the Cold War.

>> No.15843218

>as if it was real

>> No.15843363

why the CIA isn´t fucking up China nowadays? they act like little bitches towards them

>> No.15843402

The information war is deliberately opaque.

>> No.15843443

A few years back CH intelligence rolled up the CIA internal networks (fatally).

>> No.15843449

so they´re doing nothing meanwhile China is stealing patents from the government, spreading lies about COVID among other things, what a bunch of wimps, of course they´d rather produce psy-op because hillary didn´t won and try to bait /pol/ and 7+1 chan, lmao


>> No.15843462

china learned a lot from what happened to USSR and im willing to argue that they have more control over their citizens than what USSR had

>> No.15843523

Do you seriously believe that the US isn't taking deniable action against the CCP? Why? Just because it isn't published on the front page of the Washington Post? The entire point of dark operations is that they're supposed to be invisible.

>> No.15843551

why do they hate trump then? you would think the CIA among all the governmental agencies would be full on board with trump against China


>> No.15843606

The Foreign Policy Elite in Washington are split between the China Hawks (both D & R) and the CH Compromised (both D & R) so they don't really care about domestic politics. If the Dems win the next election they will increase action against CH. If the Reps win the next election they will increase action against China.

The reason they hate T. is because he isn't a Washington insider and they find his personality distasteful. It's purely to do with superficial matters.

>> No.15843629

>The Foreign Policy Elite in Washington are split between the China Hawks (both D & R) and the CH Compromised (both D & R)

where do you get this information? i´ve never heard of the "China Hawks" to begin with

>> No.15843753

"Identity politics" is organic to the USA and class struggle isn't, simple as. Even in the early days of the Communist movement the International had problems with Americans promoting idpol (and presumably other English speakers to a lesser extent, but I'm not sure about that one).

>> No.15843758

What do you think the Hong Kong riots or Uyghur terrorism is for? Also, a big faction of the US appears to desire a handover of power to the CPC as long as they can keep getting rich.

>> No.15843799

CH Hawks are all the FPE members that follow the 'Realist' school of IR (Mearsheimer, Walt, etc).

>> No.15843817

>everything is a psyop
Is there a more retarded meme?

>> No.15843829

Don't you have a movie in Netflix to see? go away

>> No.15843843

>I've heard much speculation
t. i follow kantbot and use /lit/ as a forum to discuss what i see on twitter, its been years since ive actually finished a book

>> No.15843847
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Don't have Netflix. Please feel free to substantiate your claims that the New Left was a psyop though.

>> No.15843853

This. Imagine taking anything that fat troll says seriously.

>> No.15843874

Also, you might want to think of this as something like a "Yankee-Soviet split".

Black Revolutionaries are too low-IQ to seriously threaten the US lel, they were treated with kid gloves because many in institutions of power were sympathetic to them and the US didn't want to look bad abroad. If they became a real threat it would be over pretty quickly.

>> No.15843896
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>if we weren't all talking about niggers and faggots all the time, we'd all totes be class conscious yo
massive cope

>> No.15843899

>they were treated with kid gloves
Unless you were Fred Hamptom

>> No.15843935

Meh, random hicks like the Waco or Ruby Ridge guys were treated as bigger threats than black "Revolutionaries". Were rich people in NYC holding fundraisers for David Koresh? No, kek

>> No.15843994

Yes, yes. That must be the reason why they dedicated specific programs to target and dismantle Black Panthers, ruthlessly and coldheartedly killed their leaders, and crushed any social programs the Black Panthers put forward.
>B-but MY terrorists were better than YOUR terrorists.

>> No.15844014

Good, it would have been Rhodesia all over again.

>> No.15844016

>Yes, yes. That must be the reason why they dedicated specific programs to target and dismantle Black Panthers, ruthlessly and coldheartedly killed their leaders, and crushed any social programs the Black Panthers put forward.
The Black Panthers at least had SOME institutional support - the US Government is constantly at war with itself. I understand the desire as an American leftist to hope that blacks will finally rise up and purify this shithole one day, but it's just not going to happen.

>> No.15844114

>You call out 4channel.org schitzoids for making a false comparison between an orginised black group and a bunch of random white rubes? You MUST want the Big Black Ethnostate.
Even Mao would be jealous by the lack of rent inside your brain

>> No.15844124


>> No.15844186

well that´s good to hear, no more neocons

>> No.15844199


>> No.15844274
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Somewhat related but absolutely brilliant

>> No.15844293

>identity politics
what the fuck am i reading