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15838814 No.15838814 [Reply] [Original]

How do we cleanse wom*n off /lit/?

>> No.15838846
File: 52 KB, 525x867, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grow the fuck up

>> No.15838955

Have sex

>> No.15838965

Just wait for the artificial wombs, King.

>> No.15838974

It must be hard being this boring and unoriginal.

>> No.15838979

There aren't any women on /lit/

>> No.15838981

Leave the site. You're not contributing to anything anyway.

>> No.15838982

Why would you want to do that? This is the only place I get to interact with them.

>> No.15839007

artificial wombs will cleanse women of earth as soon as their inherent importance is gone who's gonna want a female baby they'll be aborted in mass, soon we shall have utipia brother

>> No.15839023

Keep making off-topic threads I guess. I’m so sick of this place.

>> No.15839035

i dont give a fuck of what youre sick off retarded faggot

>> No.15839069

Eat my clit incel

>> No.15839075
File: 1.04 MB, 254x340, weird mcdonalds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop bumping your hugbox; i'm saging each time

>> No.15839089

dilate tranny

>> No.15839090
File: 5 KB, 390x105, sage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want to talk about it, anon?
I have Discord
Love you and keep your head up

>> No.15839095
File: 1.19 MB, 500x200, E53BCA14-F81D-40E3-B308-BA33A1486C37.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More rape jokes in every thread

>> No.15839107

>he thinks they're jokes

>> No.15839111

Fighting the good fight huh

Oh I don't care. I find the idea of not wanting women on the internet or whatever to be kind of funny. As in, the premise is laughably ridiculous, and it's even funnier to think that there are people that take this seriously. I assume OP is being ironic, because if he isn't then that's really sad. Love you too I guess

>> No.15839135

This is a good idea. In the old days imageboards used to filter normalfags and moralfags using "shock" content.

>> No.15839136

i find the idea of people considering women more than mere objects kind of funny as in the premise laughably ridiculous, and it's even funnier to think than there are people taking women seriously. I assume OP is being unironic, because if he isn't then that's really sad. (insert roastie meaningless random quite here)

>> No.15839148
File: 101 KB, 1200x676, 86063DE8-50BE-4EC4-B78F-796B9CAD219E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re underestimating just how toxic women are for things that men enjoy.

>> No.15839158

See? We're just having fun. After all, surely this anon >>15839136 does not think that his very own mother is useless roastie fuckmeat, right ? Because if he does, then he is a literal hurensohn which makes this even funnier.

>> No.15839178

shut the fuck up whore flap that roast beef stinky axe wound and fly away

>> No.15839187


>> No.15839192

Just behave as you are. Women don’t like men if they aren’t focusing about them. Inadvertent “”””sexism”””” will trigger them off the board. The actuve anti roast efforts will just expadite these efforts. There is bo reason for having women on a board like this since the only substantial benefit they brind in life can not be realized on an imageboard. They only drag everyhing down without bringing a modicum of benefit.
ah yes i remember all the times when Lucas went on rants talking about women not being able to use the force.
Good thing these women took the necssary counteraction to dispel his ignorance.

>> No.15839484

fucking incels ruin this board

>> No.15839495
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>fucking incels ruin this board

>> No.15840226

Anglo-americans are the bigger issue

>> No.15840230

>capable of browsing anything other than Instagram

>> No.15840431

It'll never happen, but if the mods were to implement a "posts with improper capitalization or punctuation will be removed" rule, it'd get rid of them almost overnight.