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15838569 No.15838569 [Reply] [Original]

Dear Professors/staff and based 4channers

My name is Gabriel Vacariu (senior professor, Philosophy, Bucharest University, Romania, East Europe). My webpage: http://filosofie.unibuc.ro/gabriel_vacariu/

My main message of this email: there are many physicists, cognitive neuroscientists and philosophers who have published UNBELIEVABLE similar ideas to my ideas long time after I published and posted many of my works (FREE) on various sites! There is a manuscript at these addresses (and in attachment)! The content is below. You are not the only one who received this email: I have sent this email to thousands…

Many years later, many people (many countries, many domains, many of my ideas – some of them are “great” names from great USA and Germany universities!!) have published UNBELIEVABLE similar ideas to my ideas (see here: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gabriel_Vacariu/publications ) just because discovering the existence of EDWs, I have changed everything!!! https://sites.google.com/view/gabriel-vacariu-philosophy/home

Gabriel Vacariu, (April 2020 to 2014) The UNBELIEVABLE SIMILARITIES between the ideas of some people (2011-2016) and my ideas (2002-2008) in physics (quantum mechanics, cosmology), cognitive neuroscience, philosophy of mind, and philosophy (this manuscript would require a REVOLUTION in international academic environment!) here (the LIST is BELOW)

It is about TWO Nobels prizes (Physics and Medicine, Cognitive Neuroscience).

>> No.15838574

- Discovering the EDWs, I have changed EVERYTHING! Long time ago (2002, 2005, 2007, 2008, etc.), the NEW PHYSICS (a book published at SPRINGER, Germany in 2015!): my theory is the EDWs (Epistemologically Different Worlds) published in 2002-2003-2005: a new interpretation of quantum mechanics: in 2006, 2008, 2010 quantum theory is a pseudo-theory! (see the article 2006 in Attachment!!) The Universe does not exist, but EDWs are! (string theory is a pseudo-theory, see last chapter book 2010)
- In 2005, I have published one article with my theory (EDWs perspective) at Synthese (USA, one of the best journal of philosophy of science) and a book in 2016 at Springer (Germany). My book at SPRINGER (2016, Germany) Illusions of Human Thinking: On Concepts of Mind, Reality, and Universe in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Physics
In this book: quantum theory is a pseudo-theory, the mind-brain (life-organism) problem is a pseudo-problem, cognitive neuroscience is a pseudo-science, the ontology of special and general theory of relativity (without spacetime), definition of ‘life’, mental representation, “levels”, etc.
- The mind and the brain/body are or belong to EDWs; the macro-objects and the micro-objects belong to EDWs; all the approaches of quantum mechanics are wrong, the correct alternative being my EDWs perspective: the wave and the particle belong to the EDWs! Thus, I solved all “mysteries” of quantum mechanics, the relationship between Einstein’s general relativity and quantum mechanics (microparticles versus macroparticles), the mind-brain problem, and many other problems! (“I am now convinced that theoretical physics is actual philosophy.” Max Born)

In 2014, I have sent this email to thousands of people (physicists, philosophers, cognitive scientists) when I discovered the UNBELIEVABLE similarities between my ideas and Markus Gabriel’s ideas (2013). AMAZING, many other people have started to published UNBELIEVABLE similar ideas to my ideas!

>> No.15838576

Go on

>> No.15838577

Obviously, there are other “specialists” that published UNBELIEVABLE similar ideas to my ideas but I have not discovered them yet…

Can you believe in such coincidences??? Anyway, I am the FIRST who published this new FRAMEWORK of THINKING (the EDWs perspective) for physicists, cognitive neuroscientists, and philosophers of the next 200 years!

If you want to change this ACADEMIC ENVIRONMENT, share this manuscript! PARTICIPATE TO THE REVOLUTION!!! If you are content with your academic environment, continue to sleep…

Wake up from the DOGMATIC SLEEP of “Universe”/“world”

All great scientific problems are philosophical problems! Long time ago (2002, 2005, 2007, etc.), the NEW PHYSICS (a book published at SPRINGER, Germany in 2015!): my theory is the EDWs (Epistemologically Different Worlds) published in 2002-2003: a new interpretation of quantum mechanics: in 2006, 2008, 2010 quantum theory is a pseudo-theory! The Universe does not exist, but EDWs are! (string theory is a pseudo-theory, see last chapter book 2010)

the mind and the brain/body are or belong to EDWs

the macro-objects and the micro-objects belong to EDWs

all the approaches of quantum mechanics are wrong, the correct alternative being my EDWs perspective: the wave and the particle belong to the EDWs!

Thus, discovering the existence of EDWs, I solved all “mysteries” of quantum mechanics, the relationship between Einstein’s general relativity and quantum mechanics (microparticles versus macroparticles), the mind-brain problem, and many other problems!
I am really sorry I disturb you with this long email. (For a better international academic environment, SHARE this email…)

All the best,

Gabriel Vacariu

>> No.15838580


>> No.15838620

I see that HERE are MANY academicians interested in REAL KNOWLEDGE. See my YouTube channel for many original ideas that have been (UNBELIEVABLY) been plagiarized.


Proof God cannot even exist:

Proof Markus Gabriel stole my ideas

>> No.15838708

Not gonna lie Mr. Vacariu, I was about to respond saying your thing about the universe not existing sounds like Markus Gabriel, but then you point it out yourself. Have you considered reading more philosophy so you don't repeat what others are saying? Like do you know about Nelson Goodman's irrealism, and his many worlds? Might your 'worlds' be any like David Lewis' concrete possible worlds even? Maybe explain to us what an 'Epistemologically Different World' even is first. I should add that Markus Gabriel himself isn't the first to consider that 'the world does not exist' the way he does. It's an idea that's been around ever since Russell and Cantor, it's the idea that we can't have an universal set (because of certain paradoxes). Those who take that too seriously, argue that there is no 'universe' in the sense Markus Gabriel also does. So I highly doubt Markus Gabriel 'stole' that from you when people were writing about this stuff over 100 years ago. As a senior philosophy professor, you need to READ sir, it's shameful that you're this blind to the philosophical literature and managed to get a position in philosophy.

>> No.15838733


>> No.15838735

R u like the dean of /lit/?

>> No.15838737

I suppose I will ask the question everyone else is thinking to but is too shy to in the presence of Mr. Vacariu. How does all of this relate to “The Synthesis of the Objective and the Subjective”? I am sure you have heard of it and no introduction is required.

>> No.15838748

In accordance with the holy words of Belcea, we shall now construct an MBTI chart for Professor Vacariu.

>> No.15838751

I meant Mr. Vacariu here claims to be a senior philosophy professor. I'm looking into his dissertation now and he does acknowledge Goodman so I'll take it back that he needs to read Goodman, but I'm still not sure how his 'EDW' claims are 'original' enough to differ from Goodman's irrealism yet. If you look at the comments to his second video you'll find lots of dislikes and people trashing him for thinking he's more original than he really is and for accusing Markus Gabriel and others of plagiarizing him. My guess is this man has paranoia/narcissism which might mean he has schizophrenia.

>> No.15838758

Does that mean quantum immortality is true?

>> No.15838782

Gordon Wood, Works in Essex County Volume II. Yeah, I read that too.

>> No.15838890

No quantum is a false, or pseudo, theory. This means that in many worlds the mind-brain problem really references to the SELF. This means that there is no self that can be immortal and that quantum EMERGES from EDW's (Epistemologically Different Worlds).

It is Prof. Vacariu. And the problem is not reading, it is others STEALING my ideas. I have shown this clearly in my email

>> No.15838925

Ok Mr. Vacariu. I've glanced over your 2007 dissertation to see just how you and Nelson Goodman differ. Goodman, as you know, began his career by offering an alternative framework to Carnap's in the Aufbau, one which made qualia rather than erlebs the base of the system. You are familiar with this, as you indicate in your dissertation. Carnap already had indicated in his work that he could have started from a different base. Later in his career, Goodman advocated 'irrealism,' which to my understanding argues for a sort of framework relativism, and that any such framework as we pick is as good as any other. But these worlds differ from your so-called 'EDWs' in that your worlds are supposed to be subject-independent. You say this in pp. 190-191 of your dissertation PDF:
>Even with his concept of “worldmaker”, Goodman rests in the end on the “unicorn-world”. The same observation as was made about Carnap is applicable to Goodman: human beings are not worldmakers because these EDWs exist before we observe them. However, in the end, Goodman’s overall approach comes relatively close to the idea of EDWs.
To my knowledge, there are at least two analytic philosophers who believe something analogous to Goodman but make their 'worlds' subject-independent. Mark Balaguer does this with respect to mathematics, and calls his view 'plenitudinous platonism.' Phillip Bricker goes further and does this with respect to everything, and calls his view 'plenitudinous realism.' I highly doubt these people stole from you. The reasoning these people have behind their ideas is tied closely to the analytic tradition, which they are part of. Plus, they were working on these themes before you wrote your dissertation in 2007. Balaguer wrote a book on the subject in 1998, and Bricker wrote an article on the subject in 1992.

>> No.15838977

Posting in an epic thread. Gabriel Vacariu has to become a player in the /lit/ team this summer cup.

>> No.15839232


>> No.15839249

What's the deal with /lit/ memes and Romanians

>> No.15839313

Even glancing an acamedician like yourself has to see how revolutionary my proposed ideas are. That several breakthroughs in quantum physics and neuroscience happened AFTER I published my ideas are no coincidence. My theory is an revolution as it unifies consciousness, quantum physics and epistemology. Quantum and Einstein's relativity are only pseudo theories, coming from EDW. Wilczek won't admit his ideas are stolen. The dinosaurs you are referring too merely realized an ingredient of my theory. The problem is that modern scholars are dishonest PLAGIARIZERS who won't admit that they only implement my idea. I will show an extensive lists of authors who have plagiarized me here in the near time.

Please refer to my title correctly. It is Prof. NOT Mr.

>> No.15839328
File: 125 KB, 960x720, Adi-Sankaracharya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This means that there is no self that can be immortal
retroactively refuted by Shankaracharya

>> No.15839384

Mr. Vacariu, I am legitimately worried for your mental health. For a couple of reasons:
1. Your odd insistence that I call you professor, when 'Mr' is perfectly okay.
2. Your treatment of fellow philosophers as 'dinosaurs' who 'merely realized an ingredient of [your] theory' when in fact they are accomplished, smart philosophers who deserve respect in the minimum.
3. Your accusation that people, among them Markus Gabriel, other philosophers, and quantum scientists, all plagiarized your ideas, which is ironic since people could say you plagiarized Balaguer or Bricker by that line of reasoning.
4. Your insistence that your ideas are far more novel, original, or interesting than they actually are.
5. Your dissertation looks quite sloppy and your attitude on this board so far has been rather unprofessional.
I'll repeat what I said before. You show signs of unhealthy narcissism and paranoia. They in turn can be signs of schizophrenia.

>> No.15839452


>> No.15839476

In Chapter III, I present the UNBELIEVABLE similarity between my ideas from 2002-2008 and the ideas of David Ludwig (Philosophy, University Amsterdam, Netherlands) (in “A Pluralist Theory of the Mind”, 2015 Springer – AMAZING; his book was published at SPRINGER in 2015!!!!! I sent my manuscript to Springer in 2014!!! and I made strong pressures on the editor, Reinald Klockenbusch, to publish my manuscript since it was accepted at the beginning of 2015! At my pressure, he finally published my book in November 2015, but he told me he wrote 2016 on the book because of some commercial reasons!!!! What a coincidence: Ludwig’s book was published in 2015!!!) Anyway, my PhD thesis UNSW Sydney, Australia) was posted on 2007 by the university’s staff on university site (!!) and my first book (2008, English) I posted immediately on my webpage and other Internet pages! The main ideas of Springer’s book are in my PhD thesis!

(2016), Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu, Dark matter and dark energy, space and time, and other pseudo-notions in cosmology, Datagroup on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/MATTER.../dp/B01HS025O8/ref=sr_1_2

About EDWs perspective, my presentation (December 2013): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCTaq3LVxHo&t=599s (“All great truths begin as blasphemies.” George Bernard Shaw)

About EDWs, mind-brain problem and Cognitive Neuroscience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWxq8og-vss (16m) or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWxq8og-vss&fbclid=IwAR3Nb95fgcvnSXu1JfH2Ojk_6h3XF2AqoSNLiqA9f6zrv2QOEdy-sgR0X4w

(2020) “Rethinking ‘dark matter’ within the epistemologically different worlds (EDWs) perspective”, in "Cosmology 2020 – The Current State", (ed) Michael Smith (CEO, IntechOpen, United Kingdom) https://www.intechopen.com/search?term=cosmology%202020 - our chapter about "dark matter" FREE online (we are the only ones from “Humanities”, others authors of all other chapters are Physicists!)

>> No.15839483


Some preliminary comments

Introduction: The EDWs perspective in my article from 2005 and my book from 2008

(2016) Did Sean Carroll’s ideas (California Institute of Technology, USA) (within the wrong framework, the “universe”) plagiarize my ideas (2002-2010) (within the EDWs framework) on quantum mechanics, the relationship between Einstein relativity and quantum mechanics, life, the mind-brain problem, etc.?

(2016) The unbelievable similarities between Frank Wilczek’s ideas (Nobel Prize in Physics) and my ideas (2002-2008, etc.) (Philosophy of Mind and Quantum Mechanics)

(2017-2019 - NEW March 2019) Strong similarity between Carlo Rovelli’s ideas (Italy) in three books (2015, 2017) to my ideas (2002-2008) + commentary February 2018!

(2016) Kastner + (2017) R. E. Kastner, Stuart Kauffman, Michael Epperson “Taking Heisenberg’s Potentia Seriously”: Quite similar ideas to my ideas (2008) +

(2017) A trick: Unbelievable similarities between Lee Smolin’s ideas (2017) and my ideas (2002-2008)

(May 2018) ‘Thus spoke Zarathustra!’ - A fairy-tale with Eugen Ionesco and the Idiot about Nothingness.

>> No.15839491


(2011-2014) Did Georg Northoff (Psychoanalysis, Institute of Mental Health) plagiarize my ideas (2002-2008)?

(2011) The unbelievable similarities between Kalina Diego Cosmelli, Legrand Dorothée and Thompson Evan’s ideas (USA) and my ideas (Cognitive Neuroscience)

(2015) Did David Ludwig (Philosophy, University of Amsterdam) plagiarize many of my ideas? (Philosophy (of Mind)

Did David Bourget (2018) (Director, Centre for Digital Philosophy, Western University (or University of Western Ontario) plagiarize my ideas regarding the mind-brain problem? + Chalmers

(2016) Unbelievable similarities between Dan Siegel’s ideas (Mindsight Institute, USA)and my ideas (2002-2008)

Philosophy (of science)

(2010) The unbelievable similarities between Alexey Alyushin (Moscow, Russia) and my ideas (on Ontology)

(2013 + 2017) Did Markus Gabriel (Bonn University) plagiarize my ideas?

(2013) The unbelievable similarities between Andrew Newman’s ideas (University of Nebraska, at Omaha, USA) and my ideas (Ontology)

(2016) Did Tahko E. Tuomas (University of Helsinki, Finland) plagiarize my ideas? + Tahko E. Tuomas (‘The Epistemology of Essence’)

(2017) Did Jani Hakkarainen (University of Tampere, Finland) plagiarize my ideas (2002-2008)? + (2017) Markku Keinänen, Antti Keskinen & Jani Hakkarainen

(2017) The unbelievable similarities between Dean Rickles’s ideas (HPS, Univ. of Sydney) and my ideas (2002-2008)

(2017) Did Dirk K. F. Meijer and Hans J. H. Geesink (University of Groningen, Netherlands) plagiarize my ideas (2002-2008)? (2017)

(2018) Unbelievable similar ideas between Jason Winning’s ideas (2018) and my ideas (2002-2008)

(2018) David Mark Kovacs (Lecturer of philosophy at Tel Aviv University), ‘The Deflationary Theory of Ontological Dependence’, Philosophical Quarterly (forthcoming)

Conclusion [Obviously, there are other “specialists” that published UNBELIEVABLE similar ideas to my ideas but I have not discovered them yet…]

>> No.15839516

What if there is an EDW where they steal your ideas and another EDW where they don't?

>> No.15839522

July 2018

Oreste M. Fiocco

Baptiste Le Bihan (University of Geneva, forthcoming)

Antonella Mallozzi (The Graduate Center – CUNY, forthcoming in Synthese, penultimate draft)

Erik C. Banks (Wright State University, 2014)

Sami Pihlström (2009)

Katherin Koslicki’s ideas (2008) The Structure of Objects, Oxford University Press) and my ideas (2002-2005-2006)
November 2018

Maurizio Ferraris (2014/2012) Manifesto of New Realism

Graham Harman (2017) : Object-Oriented Ontology: A New Theory of Everything (Penguin Books)
January 2019

Philip Ball (2018): “Why everything you thought you knew about quantum physics is different”

Gerhard Grössing “Vacuum landscaping: cause of nonlocal influences without signaling”

Anne Sophie Meincke (November 2018) The Disappearance of Change (IJPS) 28. The Disappearance of Change Towards a Process Account of Persistence Forthcoming in: International Journal of Philosophical Studies DOI: 10.1080/09672559.2018.1548634

Baptiste Le Bihana (University of Geneva) and James Read (Oxford Univ.) “Duality and Ontology” (forthcoming, in Philosophy Compass)

Baptiste Le Bihan (University of Geneva): “Space Emergence in Contemporary Physics: Why We Do Not Need Fundamentality, Layers of Reality and Emergence” in Disputatio, Vol. X, No. 49, November 2018

Alexander Alexandrovich Antonov (2016) (Research Center of Information Technologies “TELAN Electronics”, Kiev, Ukraine): “Hypothesis of the Hidden Multiverse Explains Dark Matter and Dark Energy”, Journal of Modern Physics, 2016, 7, 1228-1246

>> No.15839532

February 2019

James Barham (2019): “The Reality of Purpose and the Reform of Naturalism”

Giorgio Lando (2017) Mereology - A Philosophical Introduction, Bloomsbury Academic

(2018) Albrecht von M¨uller • Elias Zafiris, Concept and Formalization of Constellatory Self-Unfolding - A Novel Perspective on the Relation between Quantum and Relativistic Physics

(2019) Flaminia Giacomini, Esteban Castro-Ruiz, & Časlav Brukner “Quantum mechanics and the covariance of physical laws in quantum reference frames”, Nature Communications

(2019) Valia Allori, “Scientific Realism without the Wave-Function: An Example of Naturalized Quantum Metaphysics” (to appear in J. Saatsi, S. French (eds.) “Scientific Realism and the Quantum” OUP (2019) - Department of Philosophy Northern Illinois University)

(2018) Paulo De Jesus “Thinking through enactive agency: sense-making,

bio-semiosis and the ontologies of organismic worlds”, Phenom Cogn Sci

(2016) TIMOTHY MORTON, For a Logic of Future Coexistence, (Columbia University Press)

(2017) Andrew Cooper, Two directions for teleology: naturalism and idealism, Synthese

>> No.15839537

Why do you write as if you were and automated ad designed in India and trying to sell me overpriced fake viagra produced in the Philippines, professor Vacariu?
Surely if your ideas are so advanced and fundamental you should be able to write better (not to mention be more explicit).

>> No.15839541


>> No.15839543

April 2019

These articles are in this book: Reality and its Structure - Essays in Fundamentality, Ricki Bliss and Graham Priest (2018), Oxford Univ Press
Gabriel Oak Rabin (2018) Grounding Orthodoxy and the Layered Conception

Daniel Nolan (2018) Cosmic Loops

Naomi Thompson (2018) Metaphysical Interdependence, Epistemic Coherentism, and

Tuomas E. Tahko (2018) Holistic Explanation Fundamentality and Ontological Minimality

Matteo Morganti (2018) The Structure of Physical Reality Beyond Foundationalism

Nathan Wildman (2018) On Shaky Ground? Exploring the Contingent Fundamentality Thesis
April 2019

(2015) M. Ringbauer1;2, B. Du_us1;2, C. Branciard1;3, E. G. Cavalcanti4, A. G. White1;2 & A. Fedrizzi: “Measurements on the reality of the wavefunction” at arXiv:1412.6213v2 [quant-ph] 20 Jan 2015
June 2019

Timothy Morton (2013), Realist Magic: Objects, Ontology, Causality (2013) Open Humanities Press,
Ian Bogost, Alien Phenomenology or, What It’s Like to Be a Thing (Minneapolis:

University of Minnesota Press, 2012), 1–34

“Ian Bogost thinks objects as units”: Unit Operations: An Approach to Videogame

Criticism (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2008) in Timothy Morton 2013, Realist Magic: Objects, Ontology, Causality (2013) OPEN HUMANITIES PRESS (I have not read Bogost yet, but in Morton’s book, I found UNBELIEVABLE similarity between Bogost’s main ideas and my EDWs ideas!!)

I trust having proven my claim with these proofs of PLAGIARISM. Any honest acamedician will see the truth. SHARE FOR A REVOLUTION

>> No.15839551

This doesn't explain the unnecessary caps lock and the grating overuse of exclamation marks.

>> No.15839555

>In Chapter III, I present the UNBELIEVABLE similarity between my ideas from 2002-2008 and the ideas of David Ludwig (Philosophy, University Amsterdam, Netherlands) (in “A Pluralist Theory of the Mind”, 2015 Springer – AMAZING; his book was published at SPRINGER in 2015!!!!! I sent my manuscript to Springer in 2014!!! and I made strong pressures on the editor, Reinald Klockenbusch, to publish my manuscript since it was accepted at the beginning of 2015! At my pressure, he finally published my book in November 2015, but he told me he wrote 2016 on the book because of some commercial reasons!!!! What a coincidence: Ludwig’s book was published in 2015!!!) Anyway, my PhD thesis UNSW Sydney, Australia) was posted on 2007 by the university’s staff on university site (!!) and my first book (2008, English) I posted immediately on my webpage and other Internet pages! The main ideas of Springer’s book are in my PhD thesis!
I went to Ludwig's website to check one of his articles from 2012. Here's something he says about his ontological pluralism that you accuse him of stealing from you:
>Recent debates about the nature of philosophical disagreement (e.g. Hirsch 2011; Chalmers 2011) raise the suspicion that metaphysical disagreements are often similar to the pyramid case.
If you're not familiar with things David Chalmers and Eli Hirsch are saying, they are neo-Carnapians, and for this reason they are closely connected to Carnap and Goodman and that sort of framework relativism that I pointed out predates your 2007 work. The fact Ludwig is working off of that is easily explained. He has no need of some obscure Romanian's 2007 dissertation to develop ideas that are actually being discussed presently in analytic metaphysics (since Chalmers and Hirsch are current). Neo-Carnapianism has been a thing for some time here in the United States. I'm sure if I went and looked at everyone else's work, who you accuse of plagiarizing you, I'd find that their ideas trace normally to the work of analytic metaphysicians in the 20th and 21st centuries.

>> No.15839563

Based take down of Gypsy Peterson wanna be.

>> No.15839577 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is going on? I just woke up. Literally sippin' the first Monster Energy of the morning right now. Someone give me a quick run down.

>> No.15839579

Of course the worry Ludwig responds to is: are we reduced to Goodmanian irrealism if we want to accept that metaphysical disagreements are valid? The answer is no, there's another option. As a result, he allows for the Bricker-esque option. Ludwig doesn't cite Bricker but if there's someone to plagiarize it would have been Bricker, not you.

>> No.15839581

You have discovered Epistemologically Different Worlds. Sure.
I've skimmed over your book on Springer link.. IMO you're full of shit

>> No.15839593

What other Romanian /lit/ memes are there? Only Cioran gets posted here; perhaps the occasional larper posting Legionary stuff too.

>> No.15839606

That meme guy from the Synthesis of the Objective and Subjective and the author of BAP are both ethnic Romanians

>> No.15839630


Regardless of whether or not one of these many academics read your work at some point and forgot to cite you, that all of them have systemically collaborated to exclude you and your work in order to deny you just recognition is palpably absurd. Your work is interesting, sure, as are the many articles by other thinkers you have posted. Have a bit more humility instead of proclaming the existence of a grand conspiracy to gloss over your REVOLUTIONARY ideas.

I know that BAP is a Romanian but who's the Synthesis of the Objective and Subjective guy? I hoped /lit/ discovering Romanian literature would mean Eminescu and Blaga, not mad meme conspirators.

>> No.15839648

>I know that BAP is a Romanian but who's the Synthesis of the Objective and Subjective guy?
Some idiot who self-published his diary and posted it on /lit/ a few days ago see >>15829833

>> No.15839676


>> No.15839693

That's pretty wild, thanks anon

>> No.15839706

What's BAP? Sorry if dumb question.

>> No.15839754

Bronze Age Pervert, pseudonymous author of a e-published book called Bronze Age Mindset (until he got doxxed, he's a Romanian former academic). If there's a broad, coherent point in the book it's the idea that a certain minority of humans have a predisposition to conquering or occupying 'own space', which provides them with fulfillment absent in the modern world. Hence why BAP celebrates historical conquerors, warriors, pirates and so on. There are intermittent reflections on various philosophers he reveres, mostly the Greeks, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. It's an appeal to a neoclassical cult of the body and individual self-cultivation and freedom, but the author most shitposts on social media and exhorts his readers to post workout selfies. Is it bad? I don't know, it could be a lot worse. It's quite funny at times. It definitely reads like the author has some philosophical education, but it's difficult to make out which points are meant sincerely among the jokes, irony and homoerotic anecdotes. Anyway, it was successful enough that a few right-wing magazines and journals reviewed it, often quite favourably.

>> No.15839802

>appeal to a neoclassical cult of the body and individual self-cultivation and freedom
fuck off
health is very important

>> No.15839847

ok schizo

>> No.15839954

Regardless of whether or not you're right, Christopher Langan's "Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe" has already provided a theory of everything. There is nothing left to solve.

>> No.15840078

Oh man, not another item in the long list of things that make me ashamed to be Romanian.

>> No.15840144

Does this theory of everything happen to provide trivial solutions to standing philosophical problems by refusing to acknowledge the validity of the conceptual framework which gave rise to those problems?

>> No.15840160

Is Ceausescu's cult of personality to blame for all of this? I mean this inability to tell reality apart from insanity?

>> No.15840165

Langan's theory is crap. Any time someone gives a 'theory of everything' but is completely unintegrated with the leading academia of the time, it's completely out of touch nonsense. It doesn't have to be that way, but it's always turned out that way.

>> No.15840239

Interesting, Vacariu.

Anyway, is there any Romanian literature you recommend?
I think of learning Romanian in the next few years, after I improve my Latin.

>> No.15840267


>> No.15840912

t. seething low iq academic

Follow the herd and you will never innovate

>> No.15840977

Yeah that's why we all follow Time Cube, not Einstein or Bohr. Academics are low IQ and everyone outside it must be an innovative genius.

>> No.15840984


Is this a schizoposting thread or can someone actually summarise this shit into a few short paragraphs that are comprehensible to a layman?

>> No.15841010

Jesus, what a bizarre thread. Are all Romanians as crazy as the OP?

>> No.15841108

Basically, OP believes a bunch of philosophers and quantum scientists are plagiarizing him, and that his work is monumentally innovative. The basic way to sum up his EDW theory is that the various 'theories' you can construct about the world are all sort of true, but correspond to different subject-independent 'worlds.' He thinks this has implications for quantum physics and for various problems in philosophy. As it turns out, he is not as original as he thinks. Those he accuses of plagiarism can be shown to have quite normally and naturally derived their ideas from other older sources, and his own EDW idea is not exactly original to him either, as something similar to it was developed by others in the 1990s.

>> No.15841201

Are you by any chance related to Horia Belcea?

>> No.15841275


>> No.15841679


the reason you are being ignored by academia is none of them want to read your "redneck uncle's chain email"-style writing.

>> No.15841816

Cope. Academics are thought leaders in the sense that they are the sheep at the front of the flock. In that realm they excell as midwits among nitwits. Socrates was not some ivory tower academic, and he BTFO'd everyone. The status quo may make advancements, but it will never be the catalyst for a paradigm shift. An outsider dismissed as a quack by out of touch gatekeeper academics, will succeed where Einstein failed, and produce a unified theory. Be prepared.

>> No.15841965

Ce pula mea schizopost e asta?

>> No.15842458

Sperg-tastic post

>> No.15843612

It's probably one of his split personalities

>> No.15844300

You're the one that needs to cope. There was no academia in Socrates' time. Every philosopher in the 20th century was an academic. You can even argue that it was true in the 19th century, 18th century, 17th century, even all the way back to the middle ages when universities began. People were either trained at the university, or by professional tutors, or even taught as professionals. Even the ancients belonged to proto-universities ever since Plato. They studied at the Academy, later the Lyceum, the Stoa, and the Epicurean Garden, or were (as I said) taught by tutors and the like (aristocrats). You're the one coping. Rather than presume, wrongly, that change must come from inside, go and get your university training and work from within. There's more people who do that than you think. Some of the craziest philosophers who criticize academia still got trained by it or even get to teach, that's what best prepares them to strike at its heart. Don't be a pseud.

>> No.15844307

>from inside
Meant to say 'from outside.'

>> No.15845525

Naive. The sophists were the academics of their time. Hyped up circlejerkers who went around charging people for the "privilege" of being "educated" by them, just like the elitist academics of today. All the eccentric Socrates had to do to be a thorn was walk around and ask questions, and it was so effective that even an aristocrat couldn't help but join him. Descartes too recognized the intellectual bankruptcy of his formal education. He also arranged for one of his ground breaking works to be released after his death, because the educational establishment does not want to be exposed and lose all credibility with the public. All these so called crazies only influenced the system at best; the system is still rotten to the core. You cannot change the devil by working with him. Only way is through direct action. Seize the means of education. Otherwise you are doomed to jump their credentialist hoops, only to earn no seat at the table.
Any seats that were available, are taken through nepotism, endlessly perpetuating the circlejerk. Academia is for fools.

>> No.15845815

>The sophists were the academics of their time.
You think that because they were hired as tutors, but their method wasn't philosophy. It was all about winning arguments (eristic) without even upholding philosophical virtues like epistemic humility or the principle of charity, much less following the proper rules of reason. Your kind of paint-it-all-the-same attack against academia is inherently sophistic.
>Seize the means of education.
Do it, I wish you luck. I'm not opposed to you fighting the nepotism and everything wrong with academia. The problem is that pseuds on the outside throw out the baby with the bathwater and then pretend they had the baby all along. Freaking Langan doesn't hold the baby dude. I value a genuine autodidact lover-of-wisdom. Langan goes around saying he's figured everything out and you kiss his feet, he's literally behaving like a sophist and you're falling for it. Many people outside academia have a very odd hostility to anything academics say, entirely on the basis of 'it's academia so it must be wrong.' That's sophistry. I'm all for fixing the ills but you should learn the strengths of academia from within in order to take it on to the best of your ability.

>> No.15845970

What if it's a student in his class who dislikes him and who is hoping to make him look crazy by impersonating him and acting foolish on 4chan?

>> No.15845996

what the fuck is going on in this thread?

>> No.15846119

>but their method wasn't philosophy.
i dont know how you dont understand the analogy. when a real shift happens. all the past academics (actual academics) will be seen as sophists.

>> No.15846134
File: 32 KB, 200x200, deke-weaver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Gabe, my name is Deke Weaver and I look like Count Orlok. Also, I am a piss poor teacher.

>> No.15846806

>Dear Professors/staff and based 4channers
Kek this man...

>> No.15846835
File: 31 KB, 267x400, 8462B307-B5A4-4314-BCD0-4CA59445546E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings Gabe, Tito Ortiz here. Have you ever tried fucking your couch cushions?

>> No.15846880
File: 2.59 MB, 750x1334, 4604BCCF-CD5A-4379-9FCF-93A69D65F366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herro professuh. This Shinji, janitor. I reed stuff you say i think you on 2 somefing. Good luck for you

>> No.15846923

I agree with several points you've made on the climate and weather of the current event. Nevertheless, the oceans and even the forests have to be accounted for. By this I mean using an intersectional analysis of the premise with tools such as emotion. Logic cannot catch truth in it's entirety but with the use of muscle spasms, one may reach a closer boundary or perhaps overcome the threshold. If by then we recognize the conditions of the outer sphere of cognition, I'd like to refer you to one of my colleagues who is often mischarged with heinous appellations which can harm the reputation thereby ending one's social presence where one announces one's views that are often mistakened with identities that have been traditionally held by the West which as we now today is racist.

>> No.15847037

Posting in an epic bread. Considering switching my PhD to Bucharest so I can get tutelage from this madlad.

>> No.15847044

What is your relationship to psychedelics?

>> No.15847054

>Considering switching my PhD to Bucharest so I can get tutelage from this madlad
Emphasis on the second-to-last syllable.

>> No.15847064
File: 374 KB, 1080x1706, 1594475061404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been enriched by Romanians lately.

>> No.15847113

>paranoia/narcissism which might mean he has schizophrenia
How are these 3 related?

>> No.15847693

>all the past academics (actual academics) will be seen as sophists.
They won't be. A shift already happened. The present academic system replaced a previous one. Scholasticism was the old academic system. Scientists and philosophers out of the mainstream developed the republic of letters since the 16th and 17th centuries but it took til the late 18th century/early 19th century for them to actually replace the scholastic old guard in the universities. The problem with scholasticism wasn't sophistry but ossification. And that is probably going to be the problem with academia when another such shift happens. The scholastics aren't seen as sophists because they weren't sophists. Stop thinking of people with views that you disagree with as sophists. Sophism is about intentionally abusing rhetoric to win arguments.

>> No.15847708

Excessive paranoia and narcissism are delusions, people with both persecution delusions and grandiose delusions might have something going on.

>> No.15849188

Not an argument. My history of philosophy college course literally described them as being part of the philosophical conversation of the time. Their position was skepticism, that nothing could be truly known, including morality. So they believed success should be achieved by any means necessary, and behaved accordingly. Now what, is my academic source wrong? Looks like I'm dammed if I do and dammed if I don't. Philosophers should just call themselves creative writers, because everything is open to interpretation, apparently. Scientists aren't wrong when they say philosophers have their heads in the clouds. And if a 4chan weeb could manage to solve a supermuration math problem that stumped worthless academics for 25 years, Christopher Langan is certainly capable of having produced a theory of everything.

>> No.15849216

Kek, a pseud

>> No.15850606

He knows how to make a first impression

>> No.15850999

>Dear Professors/staff and based 4channer
This must be a bait.. there is no way this is real.

>> No.15851016

Just a phenomenal thread

>> No.15851460
File: 95 KB, 482x413, 1594425476143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.15851546

fucking hell is it really you? stop spamming me with your emails, you weren't "plagiarized by Sean Carroll"

>> No.15851573

I'm just relaying to you what Plato's Socrates saw wrong in them. Yeah if you want to consider Protagoras and Gorgias radical skeptics you have every ground to do so. Plato/Socrates were being polemical. But the sophists as portrayed by them are distinguished from philosophers insofar as, for Plato/Socrates, the philosopher is a bit more modest about what they know and respects the rules of reason. Plato/Socrates felt that the relativism and focus on eristic, not to mention their very title ('sophists') demonstrated that the Sophists were the opposite of philosophers. Langan boasts of his 'high IQ' and then goes on saying he has proven the existence of God and an afterlife from mathematics and other such things. Seriously if you want to do some ok outsider philosophy, you're better off with Max Tegmark or even Pirsig or something. Langan is too narcissistic and his claims are stupid. Stop defending him in particular, go find some other outsider to defend if you want to make a better case.

>> No.15851579
File: 21 KB, 429x344, crazies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it might be real, a guy by this name spams his emails to grad students and faculty at my university. he's one of the more prolific crackpots in terms of how much he spams

>> No.15851589

>Langan's support of conspiracy theories, including the 9/11 Truther movement and the white genocide conspiracy theory, and his opposition to interracial relationships, have contributed to his gaining a following among members of the alt-right and others on the far right.[14][15] (Langan has claimed that the George W. Bush administration staged the 9/11 attacks in order to distract the public from learning about the CTMU.)[14] Journalists have described certain of Langan's Internet posts as racist and antisemitic.[14][15]
Wow everything makes sense now, of course fucking 4chan anons would like this man.

>> No.15851609

You don't go to his university right? So if he's emailing unrelated university students, that's pretty fucked. How is he still employed? How was he employed in the first place?

>> No.15851627

no, I'm in physics at a popular US university. From what I've gathered he sends them out to similar programs, maybe philosophy programs as well.

>> No.15851629
File: 284 KB, 671x491, 1501124898565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good heavens this thread

>> No.15851648

>the president staged the largest attack on american soil in order to stop the public fron hearing about my shitty theory
fucking LMAO

>> No.15851761

Holy based

>> No.15851801

oh yeah
It's brainlet time.

>> No.15851808

Another physicist here, he sounds like that Romanian guy who kept spamming physics departments with similar texts and narratives. Gabor Fekete. He also attached really shitty drawings of his mechanical explanation of relativity.
My bet is on schizophrenia/psychosis.

>> No.15851837

Holy schizophrenia this guy is unhinged, and not in a good way.

>> No.15851877

I don't have any from Gabor unfortunately. I have a chinese guy who tried to explain light speed in terms of E=mc^2 for the whole universe lmfao

>> No.15851898

He's really not okay in the head. I legitimately feel bad.

>> No.15852361
File: 384 KB, 1400x787, 1594635036577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fuk'n sides. God bless Romania and all its based schizos

>> No.15852370

That's Langan not Vacariu anon

>> No.15852380
File: 153 KB, 800x1280, 1594459331113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you miss the debut of the greatest romanian /lit/izen?

>> No.15852408

It's really funny that these things happened in succession. Someone should synthesize Vacariu's metaphysics with Belcea's ramblings and see what comes out.

>> No.15852427

yes, this man clearly needs treatment

>> No.15852432

He's deranged

>> No.15852442

Rather likely. It reminds me of Tooker, the resident schizo of /sci/.

>> No.15852443

he posted this on /sci/ too

>> No.15852448


>> No.15852489
File: 189 KB, 1600x800, 1600x800-paulie-sopranos-2-43-jpg-ef00d469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on a second Tony,

so you're telling me that there's a large proportion of Academia that spends its time republishing other people's works under their own name? That's crazy, they're my hard earned taxpayers dollars going to work to stroke the ego of some Nepotists wet dream. Stugats!

>> No.15852693
File: 50 KB, 618x412, meattendinganevent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Professor Vacariu

My name is Michael Rapaport. You may remember me from TV shows like Prison Break or Boston Public, or one of the over 60 movies I have starred in. Your plight is not uncommon - the copyright and patent system simply does not protect ideas to the degree it needs to in the modern world. I, along with some other heavy hitters in Hollywood, who are sick of having screenplays, jokes, and characters stolen without recourse, are developing a solution.

The product is called ideaID. We are leveraging neural nets and machine learning against a huge dataset of various concepts, philosophies, pitches, etc. Each is labeled, until we can find distinct signatures in each idea that are unique when weighed against any other. This signature is committed to a registry along with the holder of the ideas name, we call it the ideaIDkey. The neural network ensures ideas that are evolved or iterative are not detected, but once an idea is too similar, it is flagged.

We welcome the academic and philosophy communities with open arms. Please contact me, let's collaborate ASAP. Thanks for bringing this issue out into the open as well.

>> No.15852827

What the fuck is this shiiit

>> No.15852859

It's hilarious is what it is, lol.

>> No.15853100

I'm watching this Vacariu video and he claims nobody in 2500 years figured out what he figured out til he figured it out (despite Balaguer, Bricker, etc figuring it out before him or the people he says plagiarized him), and what's funniest is pausing at around 5:30 when the slide behind him asks 'Can you imagine Newton's discoveries elaborated by two persons??' Which is funny, because that's exactly what happened between Newton and Hooke, Newton and Leibniz, etc. How didn't Vacariu know that? HOW the University of Bucharest hired this guy as a philosophy professor is seriously beyond me.

>> No.15854394

Someone's about to get cancelled

>> No.15854468
File: 6 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Gabriel,

You may know me, Bill Gates, from my work as the CEO of Microsoft. During my career, I have repeatedly seen the importance of intellectual copyright. Were it not for this glorious legal institution, a company such as Microsoft could not have flourished. I fully support your fight against these thieving hoodlums, and hope for the immediate and ruthless prosecution of all involved.

Bill Gates

>> No.15854650
File: 12 KB, 242x208, s200_vlad.tepes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Professors/staff and based 4channers

My name is Count Alfred Chocula (senior monster, Breakfast, Bucharest University, Romania, East Europe). My webpage: https://www.generalmills.com/en/Brands/Cereals/Monsters.aspx

My main message of this email: there are many food engineers, dietricians and nutritionists who have published UNBELIEVABLE similar cereals to my ideas long time after I published and posted many of my (FREE) on various sites! There is a recipe at these addresses (and in attachment)! The content is below. You are not the only one who received this sugared delight: I have sent cereals to thousands…

Many years later, many people (many countries, many domains, many of my sweeties – some of them are “great” names from great Kellogs and Nestlé shelves!!) have published UNBELIEVABLE similar treats (see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cEOKS5-DcQ& ) just because discovering the existence of cocoa's, I have changed everything!!!

Count Chocula, (April 2020 to 2014) The UNBELIEVABLE SIMILARITIES between the cereals of some people (2011-2016) and my treats (2002-2008) in chocolate (crunchiness, milk harmonics), branding, diabetes and prizes.this manuscript would require a CHOCOLUTION in international supermarkets environment!) here (the sweet is BELOW)

It is about TWO Nestlé prizes (Insulin and Breakfast, Crunchiness science).

>> No.15854691


sides were sent a considerable distance in the air

>> No.15854907

Okay this is based.

>> No.15854915

He's basically copemaxxing as the less successful sibling given that his brother is also an academic (?).

t. had a course held by OP in university

>> No.15854922

Wowzers, I just made a mess in my trousers

>> No.15854941

Tell us more about him and the department of philosophy at the University of Bucharest. What are the other professors like? What do the other professors and students think of Vacariu? The fact Vacariu was hired and hasn't yet been fired reflects really badly on you guys, so I hope it's an isolated incident.

>> No.15854945

So fucking based


>> No.15854988

I can only vaguely recall his course given that it was a less relevant one for that particular semester, but he's pretty much a pseud lacking in self-awareness.

I was a sociology student though, so I can't really say anything about his work and status within the philosophy department. I just remember from student gossip that his brother is supposedly a more accomplished academic.

Anyhow, this thread is bizarre, but I wouldn't be surprised if OP is really who he claims to be.

>> No.15855015

Thanks for sharing. Hopefully some of his other students drop by to give us more insight.

>> No.15855044
File: 70 KB, 496x768, wrm8hekbb3i31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please screencap this shit.

>> No.15855060


Bamp for screencap.

>> No.15855077

Gabriel Vacariu talking about his academic work in English (or rather ingliș in proper istărn iuropiăn feșăn):


>> No.15855093

Truly a blessed thread

>> No.15856873
File: 16 KB, 243x249, shit was so cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey Professors,
My name is Gabriel, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass papers. You are everything bad in academia. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any ontology or epistemology? I mean, I guess it's fun not citing people because of your own ignorance, but you all take plagiarising Epistemologically Different Worlds (EDW) to a whole new level. This is even worse than not understanding the new philosophical revolution.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I am a full professor, and published a book on Springer. What articles do you write, other than "gay sex is good when fascists do it"? I also have a high H-index, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just wrote an article with me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my bitch"

>> No.15856926
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o lawdy

>> No.15856977

>It is Prof. Vacariu.
holy based

>> No.15857144

Damn nice

>> No.15857378

screencapped it btw

>> No.15857915
File: 262 KB, 1200x800, 1592476559999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this real?

>> No.15859657

Might be something from /tv/

>> No.15861416

Belcea and Vacariu should collaborate. It will be the unprecedented synthesis of academic and non-academic philosophy.

>> No.15861429

holy shit is that the guy from gladiator? no wonder he was squashing rumors of gladiator 2!

>> No.15861526

The synthesis of the synthesis if you will.

>> No.15861643

Gonna read this nigger's shit because I actually know my Markus Gabriel, let's see if he's right

>> No.15861680

Start with his dissertation, it's on his website. Skip like the first 70 pages on Descartes and Kant, it's pointless padding. Around p. 70 is when he starts discussing his 'epistemologically different worlds.'

>> No.15861686

Link to his dissertation:

>> No.15861689

why does this keep happening

>> No.15861921

also, the fact that hes posting this stuff here is a guaranteed red flag.

>> No.15863185

I like turtles

>> No.15863367
File: 2.79 MB, 3467x3751, aldabra tortoise 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too anon.

>> No.15863558

You clearly are unhinged, or a PLAGIARIZER yourself trying to cover up your own plagiarism. It is UNDOUBTABLE that the great and very attractive - and sexually available - Prof. Vacariu has created the most significant LEAP forward with EDW theory!! Anyone saying otherwise, like YOU, must be a PSEUDOTHEORETICIAN. Your continued disrespect for the one and only Prof. Gabriel Vacariu (by calling him Mr.) is the only thing I need to dismiss your PSEUDO-thoughts on this subject.

All the best,

>> No.15863595

Two Nobel Prize winners plagiarized you, Prof. Vacariu?? Big if true. Also, does your surname mean "laughing cow" in Romanian?

>> No.15863632

i'm trans btw don't know if that matters

>> No.15863665

Faggot stop trolling and show our Professor Vacariu some respect. You cannot deny his position as professor, and also cannot go around blindy accusing people of things like narcissism and paranoia without evidence. Sorry for this faggot giving our board a bad reputation Professor

>> No.15863784


Ohhh lawd this can’t be real

>> No.15863848

>proceeds to post pic of tortoise.

>> No.15864007


What's with all the pseuds from Romania?

>> No.15864062

They're turtles in the broader colloquial style, don't fret friend.

>> No.15864206


I hope that this is a student or colleague taking the piss. Vacariu, if you find this post, please do not post face with timestamp or any personal info because I do not want you to ruin your reputation. You at this point still have a high level of falsifiability in case any wokesters use your posts against you.

>> No.15864215



lol, I meant deniability

>> No.15864271

His videos, publications, and email spam already ruin his reputation, and also boost the credibility that OP is really him.

>> No.15865022

It does, flying to Romania right now for that boipussy

>> No.15865281

>t. Gabriel Vacariu

>> No.15865617
File: 174 KB, 1280x1280, 1594561002758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Deleuze? He seems to subscribe to some kind of ontological pluralism as well, he plagiarized your ideas even before you were born!

>> No.15865864

Damn, Vacariu was retroactively plagiarized by Deleuze???

>> No.15865895

Shhhhh, taci, nu-i da atentie

>> No.15865958

I did not realise there are so many of my compatriots on this shitposting website

>> No.15866143
File: 412 KB, 800x1120, 800px-Gough_Whitlam_-_ACF_-_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15866595

Writing the future of modern synthesis.

>> No.15866605

Romanians are kinda like russians. Most of them are retarded but the smart ones really shine.

>> No.15866610

Credeam că sunt singurul țigan de pe lit.

>> No.15867734

If you think about it, Gabriel Vacariu's system is already a synthesis of the objective and the subjective in itself. He considers his work intellectually descended from Kant's transcendental idealism, and his epistemologically different worlds (EDWs) are subject-independent (objective) but delineated by subjective access. By synthesizing his work with Horea Belcea's, we create The Synthesis of the Synthesis of the Objective and the Subjective and the Objective and the Subjective.

>> No.15867967

This has to be a fucking LARP. It's impossible for a second Romanian schizo to enter into the /lit/ spotlight back to back.

>> No.15868053

This post screams narcissism.

>> No.15868136

You should be appropriately self-confident if you have reasons to. Once you start alleging quantum scientists and contemporary philosophers must have plagiarized you if they come up with ideas similar to yours independent of you, you've crossed a line into delusional narcissism.

>> No.15869197

Remember to start with the Romanians.

>> No.15869210

i bet that before thales of miletus there was some romanian guy who already said that everything is water. he simply didn't have an imageboard to complain about the greeks copying him.

>> No.15869294

Since Thales was an Ionian there's a chance he had some mixture of Phrygian blood, and the Phrygians were said to have come from Dacia, ancestors of the Romanians, therefore...

>> No.15869380

oh fuck, guess we need to rework all our charts so that they are reflective of the huge romanian influence on philosophy. i wouldn't be surprised if every major philosopher was in truth a romanian. in fact, i wouldn't even be surprised if we are all romanians but just somehow forgot about it because Markus Gabriel brainwashed us!

>> No.15869443

I'm afraid we can no longer be lovers.

>> No.15869492

ALL PHILOSOPHY IS ROMANIAN! Ionians like THALES and HERACLITUS were Daco-Phrygian ROMANIANS that migrated to Anatolia. Daco-Phrygian ROMANIAN Ionians founded the colony of Elea in Italy, home of the Eleatic ROMANIAN philosophers like PARMENIDES. The Athenians claimed to be pure IONIANS therefore ROMANIANS. SOCRATES and PLATO were ROMANIANS from Athens. ARISTOTLE was from Macedon, of Thraco-Dacian ROMANIAN origin. The city of ROME was founded by ROMANIANS from the ANATOLIAN city of TROY. Therefore every ROMAN philosopher was ROMANIAN. When Saxons settled in Transylvania, they INTERMARRIED with ROMANIANS, and other GERMANS intermarried with THEM. GERMAN PHILOSOPHY ONLY BEGAN AFTERWARD. Every GERMAN philosopher is descended from ROMANIANS. GERMANS then intermarried with ALL EUROPEANS through DYNASTIC MARRIAGE, meaning the BRITISH (via Hanover), the FRENCH and SPANISH (via the Habsburgs), etc. ALL ENGLISH PHILOSOPHY IS THEREFORE ROMANIAN. All AMERICAN philosophy is ENGLISH therefore also ROMANIAN.

>> No.15869543

RUSSIAN philosophy only began after Russia conquered MOLDAVIA, which is ROMANIAN. ROMANIANS from Moldavia INTERMARRIED with Russians, and RUSSIAN philosophy came out of it. RUSSIAN philosophy is ROMANIAN. Greco-Roman ROMANIANS settled in Harran in Syria when the ARABS found them, they INTERMARRIED with the ARABS, then ARAB philosophy followed. ARAB philosophers are ROMANIAN. Medieval JEWISH philosophy emerged in contact with Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and Europeans of ROMANIAN descent, JEWISH philosophy is ROMANIAN.

>> No.15870015


>> No.15870035

EDW huh? This is incredible. Stealing this.

>> No.15870117


>> No.15870874

Rare philosophy. Do not steal.

>> No.15870950

Who's the first?

>> No.15871001

Horia Belcea.

>> No.15871049
File: 445 KB, 1500x1150, 1594674450507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to ultimate transcendental enlightenment.

>> No.15872145

I wish people read Vacariu as much as they (supposedly) read Belcea. Like, unless he's memeing himself with multiple accounts, people are legitimately diving in. Not so with Mr. Vacariu. They're missing out on the double Romanian deluxe philosophy experience.

>> No.15872914

Anons don't pay as much attention to vacariu because there's too much different shit to look through at first glance. Belcea's is all in one package, and it's easier to go through because he wrote it as a layman. Likewise, it's more easily memed.

>> No.15872938

Bronze Age Pervert didn't start here, but he's close enough innit? I guess I ought to publish something, being a Romanian and all

>> No.15873145 [DELETED] 

Bump interesting stuff.
looking for more on the 'proof god can't exist' point. very revolutionary

>> No.15873221

I can't comprehend the arguments he's making, but it would be naive to assume God cannot contradict or fudge those ideas you've created, no matter how impervious or logical they might be.

>> No.15873310

Vacari U from Uganda ZULOL

>> No.15873313

Do it. Join the pantheon.

>> No.15873727

Două rușini naționale sînt suficiente.

>> No.15874849

Epistemologically synthesized worlds

>> No.15875012

I just want to say thank you to Mr. Vacariu for motivating me the last few days, philosophically speaking. His work is still sloppy and not as original as he thinks, but I guess his existence improves my week at least a little bit.

>> No.15875367

kek this is still up

>> No.15875762


>> No.15875843

How the fuck is this thread still alive?

>> No.15875867

Amazing, right? I would have thought the intellectual establishment would have already exercised their insidious power (acquired through wiles and nepotism) to quash all mention of their greatest crime: the plagiarism of EDW. I guess 4chan is somehow safe from their influence. For how long though?

The thread is alive because people (yourself included) have been bumping it.

>> No.15875905

We have Londonfrog, we have Romaniaschizo, why is /lit/ the greatest blogging website on earth?

>> No.15875938

Still waiting for the Resume with the Romanians chart to be procured, featuring all the schizos from this week alongside others

>> No.15877104


Dear Gabriel, it was really a pleasure to read through some of your UNBELIEVABLE ideas and theories, I had never thought about the application of your EDW ideas to certain aspects of physics and neuroscience. I hope you don't mind if I adopt some of these ideas into some of my own work, although I won't be able to credit you directly, of course

>> No.15877144


>> No.15877794

thank you.

>> No.15879356

bump for basedness

>> No.15879384

Professor Vacariu's prolonged lack of response to this thread is concerning. I fear a plot to silence him has been executed by deep state academia.

>> No.15879409

>Proof God cannot even exist:
>https://youtube.com/watch?v=wEzCNu-JVqs [Open]
I'm glad somebody finally did it.
The wonderful thing about this is it completely cuts the floor out from under any theistic metaphysics and grounds itself in a rejuvenated and rigorous scientific model in a single stroke. Honestly revolutionary stuff. Epochal implications and perhaps a genuine turning point in the course of metaphysical narratives. Striking at the presuppositional level like this is terrific.
Now as your concept of EDWs becomes less obscure to myself and others i'm sure more concrete explanations and extrapolations will be possible. Amazing how the cutting edge of stuff like this is being posted on 4chan.

>> No.15880388

Are QPUs plagiarizing EDWs?

>> No.15880550
File: 79 KB, 806x975, Tio_Paquete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15881174
File: 815 KB, 1242x1432, get_litty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep up the based work, Count.

>> No.15882211

Horia Belcea is temporary, but Gabriel Vacariu is eternal.

>> No.15882236

what the sam hill am i reading

>> No.15882327

Da, dar eu am ambitii. Poate ca o-sa devin un poet, sa un scriitor, dar sa crapa dracu pe toti filosofii

>> No.15883788

The fact only one copy of this thread exists but like 50 have been made for Belcea's inferior work prove Horia is the one making all the other threads to force people into paying attention to his book. Mr. Vacariu is a real chad.

>> No.15884893

Mr. Vacariu, I cannot express how much I appreciate you posting this well written, coherent, respectful post. It would mean the world to me if you were to meet in person with fellow Romanian Horia Belcea with the intent to beat him unconscious. Please, if you could find it in your heart to do us this tremendous favour I would be very grateful. Have a great day.

>> No.15885011

Haha nice

>> No.15885141

Oh no.

>> No.15885232

>Honorable Dr. Vacariu PhD PBUH

>> No.15885277

Yes. EXCEPT there is NO GOD. He cannot exist. This was proven by Prof. Vacariu years ago. I know

>> No.15885461
File: 483 KB, 1080x1246, Dr. VACARIU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche (1882) BTFO, why would you kill God if, AMAZINGLY, he didn't exist to begin with?

He should have considered Dr. Vacariu's apriori entity which ephemerally implanted episteme-chips into the collective consciousness as to acknowledge the GOD DELUSION (as he is NOT EXISTENT).

As a proud founder of the Cucuteni-Trypillia culture, Honorable Professor Vacariu taught the importance of reevaluation of morals through the Burned House Technique, yet another example of a "fellow" PHILOSOPHER who steals (plagiarizes) ideas.

No dignity.

>> No.15885640


This was enough to convince us, OP

>> No.15885837

I'm going to plagiarise you, and I'll get away with it because nobody takes you seriously.

>> No.15885882

Thank you for your outstanding work, now i finally can write my thesis using your work as inspiration!

>> No.15887002

Good poster. The other guy is obviously a troll or stupid, but if he was genuine, he wouldn't be insulting you but purporting what langan writes about, though he is too stupid to understand debate.

>> No.15888719

It's only a mafter of time before he's found having committed suicide with 2 shots to the back of the head.

>> No.15889759

gypsy != romanian

>> No.15889770


>> No.15889792

not impossible

>> No.15889804

high IQ

>> No.15889835

He didn't. Did he?

>> No.15889865
File: 2 KB, 320x320, crayon_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Include me in the screencap

>> No.15890857

The academics are conspiring with Horia to distract from EDW.

>> No.15892015

He did: >>/sci/thread/S11892452

>> No.15892023

now this is the reason for trips. Not some narcissistic no name butterfly.

>> No.15892039

Some people here are smart enough to understand OP. Unfortunately as professional toilet cleaner I an not one of them.

>> No.15893057

why does this board have so many gypsys as of late?

>> No.15893413

Speak English, nigger. Succinctly.

>> No.15893441

holy shit