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15838300 No.15838300 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question

>> No.15838307
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>> No.15838315
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>> No.15838329

Read a bit more than 5 quotes form the NT eh ?

>> No.15838341

Jews were the only religion aside from Christianity traditionally allowed from Rome to the Holy Roman Empire. In that time, Jews were able to take on the entirety of profit from Christian conquests through Europe by selling indentured European slaves to the Islamic world. It is in the Christian world too that Jews were the only sect of people allowed to practice Usury.

Christians often claim they are opposed to the Jews, but in reality they have historically been their biggest enablers. Christian law is the primary reason why Jews have been allowed to monopolize the slave trades and banking.

>> No.15838483
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Answer what, faggot OP? You didn't pose any question.

>> No.15838494

>rejects the messiah
There are like hundreds of those.
I'm not a Jew so I don't believe in any of them.

>> No.15838507
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>It is in the Christian world too that Jews were the only sect of people allowed to practice Usury.

Somehow i keep seeing the assertion that it was the Christian society that forced jews to become usurious during the Middle Ages, which is just so laughable a notion. Your people is evil now because at one point the Christians, who reject your evil ways, once forced you to count coins for a living? Haha...

>> No.15838511

>I'm not a Jew so I don't believe in any of them.

O. K, i don't care. Why did you feel the need to mention that, in the context of what OP said?

>> No.15838513

>Christian society that forced jews
Nobody said this. It's not even implied it was forced. You are attempting to bastardize the context in order to negate the historical fact that Christians have historically been the Jews greatest allies and enablers.
>Your people is evil now because at one point the Christians, who reject your evil ways, once forced you to coun
I reject all things Jewish, and that means you too.

>> No.15838515

Why did you feel the need to throw a tantrum as if it added anything to the thread, pedo enabler?

>> No.15838533

>Christians have historically been the Jews greatest allies and enablers.


>> No.15838549

Made them filthy rich off the indentured backs of white Europeans.
>Records of long-distance Jewish slave merchants date at least as far back as 492, when Pope Gelasius permitted Jews to import non-Christian slaves into Italy
>By the reign of Pope Zachary (741–752), Venice had established a thriving slave trade, buying in Italy, amongst other places, and selling to the Moors in Northern Africa (Zacharias himself reportedly forbade such traffic out of Rome)
>For most of that time, however, sale of Christian slaves to non-Christians was banned.
>most Christian slave merchants focused on moving slaves from non-Christian areas to Muslim Spain, North Africa, and the Middle East, and most non-Christian merchants, although not bound by the Church's rules, focused on Muslim markets as well.

>> No.15838554

What if i don't believe slavery is immoral?

>> No.15838555

398 CE: During the Fourth Ecclesiastical Council of Carthage (North Africa, now Tunisia) the study of Greco-Roman works is forbidden to anyone, even the Christian bishops themselves. 399 CE: Arcadius, once again, orders the demolition of the remaining temples. At this point, most of them are in the deep rural areas of the empire.
400 CE: Bishop Nicetas destroys the Oracle of Dionysus and forcibly baptizes all non-Christians in the area. By this final year of the fourth century, a definite Christian hierarchy has already been established which includes priests, bishops, archbishops of larger cities and the ‘patriarchs’: the archbishops responsible for major cities, namely Rome, Jerusalem, Alexandria and Constantinople.
401 CE: A crowd of Christians lynched the Hellenists in Carthage, destroying temples and statues. In Gaza, the Hellenists are lynched at the request of Bishop Porphyry, who also orders the destruction of the nine temples still standing in the city. That same year, a council in Chalcedon commands the excommunication – even after their deaths! - of Christians who keep good relationships with their Hellenist relatives.
St. John Chrysostom, ‘Holy and Father of the Church’, raises funds with the help of rich, boring, idle and resentful Christian women against the patriarchal Roman worship of perfection and war (such women are fascinated by the sickly Christian sadomasochism). Thus financed, he carries out a work of demolition of Greek temples.

Thanks to the work of ‘Saint’ John Chrysostom, the ancient temple of Artemis in Ephesus is demolished.

435 CE: In this year occurs the most significant action on the part of Emperor Theodosius II: He openly proclaims that the only legal religion in Rome apart from Christianity is Judaism! Through a bizarre, subterranean and astonishing struggle, Judaism has not only persecuted the old culture, and Rome, its mortal archenemy, adopts a Jewish creed - but the Jewish religion itself, so despised and insulted by the old Romans, is now elevated as the only official religion of Rome along with Christianity!

We must recognise the conspiratorial astuteness and the implacable permanence of objectives of the original Judeo-Christian nucleus! What they did was literally turn the tables on their favor: turn Rome into anti-Rome; put at the service of Jewry everything that the Jews so hated; take advantage of the strength of Rome and its state apparatus, to put Rome against Rome itself in a sinister political-spiritual jiu-jitsu - from spitted slaves, trampled, insulted, despised and looked down, to absolute spiritual masters of the Roman Empire! In a nutshell, Christianity was a subversive movement of agitation against Rome, against Greece and, ultimately, against the European world.

>> No.15838557

what did you expect to be there instead of Jews? Germans? americans? French? Chinese? Ukrainians? Japanese? Aztecs?

>> No.15838558

Most Jews don't. Especially as far as it stands in relation to the destruction of European culture and its replacement with a vassal religion subservient to Judaism.

>> No.15838561

With mental gymnastics, usually by claiming they were the REAL jews all along and that REAL Judaism has never been tried or something

>> No.15838607

Did I ask about whether jews think slavery is immoral? No. Fucking retard. Read my post again.

>> No.15838610


>> No.15838631
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The roman world was not the european world. Most of the roman empire was barely even white, and the aristocrats were obsessed with importing every shape and shade of foreigner, as well as persuing every flavor of debauchery. Their entire ecnomy was built off of endless waves of foreign slave labor, caught by plebian armies who got pennies for all of their blood and toil. It deserved to fall and crumble.

My ancient ancestors were terrorized by the romans. Fuck the romans. The pagans built the tower of babel on sand, its failure was inevitable.

>> No.15838642

>Serious question
What's the question?

>> No.15838648

Don Juan rather would teach Indian rather than western civilized man, i.e. absolute idiot. There must have been crucial difference between jews and gentiles.

>> No.15838656

>Did I ask about whether jews think slavery is immoral?
Did I say you did, illiterate fagtard?
I said that Jews like you in general do not view slavery as immoral. Learn to read, knuckledragging troglodyte.

>> No.15838691

All of European paganism was simply some other evolved variety of the religion that Rome commonly practiced. Deus is Zeus is Tiwaz is Tiw is Div etc etc etc etc.
The Hebrew religion has some facets to Indo-European mythology, but it is defiantly more influenced by ancient Canaanite and Egyptian religion than it is European tradition.