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File: 108 KB, 400x570, Philipp_Mainlaender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15837139 No.15837139 [Reply] [Original]

Was he the only good philosopher to ever exist?

>> No.15837224

Pretty much the end point. A human is ready to die the moment it comes into existence. This fact ends all meaning forever.

>> No.15837260

I learn my philosophy from youtube: the thread

>> No.15837274


>> No.15837634

What is better about him than Schoppy? I like the weird religious phrasing he uses but other than that it seems like he just made things more muddled.

>> No.15837648

He took Scho's pessimism to it's logical conclusion and practiced what he preached

>> No.15837691

I don't think his is the logical conclusion though. Suffering is inevitable. If you agree with the framework that this is bad, and thus alleviating suffering is good, there are two end in this. Either you must have the power of a God, and destroy everything permanently thus ending the possibility of existence and the suffering that arises though it. IF ending existence isn't possible, though, the conclusion is that you must do everything you can to advance the cause of alleviating suffering.

Even if humanity were destroyed, or Earth were destroyed, sentient life will just arise anew somewhere else, and all you'll have done is pass the buck.

>> No.15838224

The Will is in everything It cannot be destroyed, there is no logical conclusion. The Will is the energy/force/essence of the world, it is the "thing-in-itself". We are stuck with it.

>> No.15838264

Why does he look like a mexican in that picture?

>> No.15838270

Heidegger refuted his assumptions, in the old fashion empirical Anglo sense of a refutation too.

>> No.15838293

Heidegger was pissed off people before him had solved philosophy. Most of Heidegger's thought is fake. He already knows there is no meaning.

>> No.15838552

It's really weird to see an untranslated rather obscure late 19th century philosopher memed on /lit/ as often as he is. Is it really just someone trying to meme him, or is >>15837260 gesturing at something I don't know about? Like is Mainlander a thing on pseud YouTube or something?

>> No.15838746

cuck philosophy made a video about him. but this >>15837260 fag is talking out of his ass
Mainländer have been a part of /lit/'s pessimist canon from a long time
also cuck was dishonest in that video because, mainlander supported the idea of communism merely because he thought people will finally see after achieving communism and even having same luxuries as the aristocrats you can't escape the boredom, suffering, desire and meaninglessness.

>> No.15838796

>Heidegger was pissed off people before him had solved philosophy.
Do you really mean to tell me that "being = bad" is ultimate philosophy? Come on it doesn't even begin to want to define anything in being, it's purely a cope for a self-indulgent mindset. Schopenhauer is a billion times better. Same with Nietzsche, and same with Wagner. As well as with Hegel and Heidegger. Or Aristotle and Plato, or Heraclitus or Parmenides, or Buddha or Christ, or Muhammad. Even these rivalling forces would all agree that Mainlander did not solve philosophy, nor answer anything other than perhaps clarify a postulate already known.

And this dumb post is exacerbated by your statement that Heidegger was not original, which merely shows that you know nothing about him and that you're a midwit and/or pseud.

>> No.15838824

Oh look, its another person who thinks that Heidegger was speaking like Sartre and not like Wittgenstein when it came to meaning. I can't wait to hear more hot takes from 1950.

>> No.15838830

Read his book first and then say again what you think of his writing.

>> No.15839024

I am unable to see beyond my own nose so I think that everything is bad, comforting myself with basic 'philosophy': the thread

>> No.15839033

Example and/or proof?

>> No.15839050
File: 970 KB, 2149x1523, the_one_or_what-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally Orphism. Yet he failed to observe that once everything dies God will naturally be reborn as all things, Phanes Protogonos. And then become Zeus then Dionysus and then die for the creation of real plurality again. And again. And again. And again.
The realization should be that just because the end and beginning is something opposite the current, they do not dictate the inbetween, it is now the inbetween that is the Good. Here is the Unified/Mixed, the One-Being, the Harmony that is Beauty.

>> No.15839887

The whole point of Heidegger is that his system tries to make thought once again possible. Thought got utterly decimated before him and he doesn't like that because he wants to be a philosopher.

>> No.15839924

Has anyone here actually read mainlander

>> No.15839943

Yes I have read the reddit translation

>> No.15839964

Schopenhauer said that killing yourself is just a radical way to end your suffering which is a desire from the Will. Dening the Will is not the attempt to flee from suffering but to accept it and see it as meaningless just like happiness.

>> No.15839995

Can you explain to me what exactly "utterly decimated" thought before Heidegger? I haven't read history of philosophy beyond Plato, but I have read modern philosophy books, and my impression is that analytic philosophy is extremely excellent.

>> No.15840339

Yeah, explain that. How "Thought got utterly decimated before him" and why he failed to "make thought once again possible".

>> No.15840349

I learn my philosophy from Ligotti: the post

>> No.15840359


>>15837260 is correct, I met my pseud acquaintances day after Cuck Pseudosophy published this video and he basically regurgitated the entire video with excerpts from the Wikipedia page on Mainlaender verbatim

>> No.15840424

Not in the least, he just appeals to the low social-status people on this website who glean some sort of "literally me" fuzzy glow from his worldview and mystique. It's pretty comical how the /lit/erati constantly makes fun of women for requiring books that they can relate to when everyone on this board pathetically falls in love with every Underground Man and mainlander they feel captures their aura

>> No.15840577

*crickets intensifying*

>> No.15840583


>> No.15840640

I would neck too if I had that weak chin

>> No.15841943

do people here just get their philosophy from YouTube lmao?

>> No.15842068

what does it matter where they "get their philosophy from"

>> No.15842093


>> No.15842106

i didn't watch it but i've seen him mentioned on lit for years. indeed, cuckboy likely encountered him here.

>> No.15842286

They pretend to know the meaning of the opus of that philosopher by watching School of Life videos.

>> No.15842294


wtf, can we all just start adapting wikipedia pages into poorly made youtube docs for patreon bucks? What if we do that with actual books?

>> No.15842322


I am the one true philosopher and am here right now in this moment to depart this noble truth to you all

Society consist of 2 and only 2 types: retards and tard wranglers. This relationship is an emergent rank ordering that manifests according to of intrinsic potential (inert power, potentiality) and degree of freedom granted by the environment

>> No.15842777

is this how anti youtube-watching philosophers defend their claims?

>> No.15843423

Checked, but am I wrong? Watch their video on Kant. It's a disgrace.

>> No.15843851

If Mainlander solved philosophy why don't you kys?

>> No.15843905

you're criticizing a specific youtuber, but you're using them to justify a conclusion about youtube in general.

>> No.15845302

YouTube philosophy is pretty terrible overall. CuckPhil is passable, but fucking School of Life is some of the worst crap, and nearly anything else I've seen is not very great either.

>> No.15845338

So if Mainlander is a thing on /lit/ now because he was a thing on /lit/ for years before, and now he's a thing on YouTube and Reddit and whatever else, does the explanation stop there? So like, some German-speakers/readers decided to meme him on the board long ago? Does the explanation really stop at some German-readers/speakers on /lit/ making him known here in the past because they could, even though his work isn't translated into English? There's other German philosophers who are actually translated into English that nobody here talks about like Herbart or something. I guess people just really love that pessimism huh.

>> No.15845359

mainlander is a big dummy u cant just skip existence it has to absolutely realize itself first

if you kill yourself, 'you' won't be, but existence will continue until God, and at the point it reaches the God/Nothing duality then it would start all over again

suffering is unavoidable no matter what form of object you are

>> No.15846636

It all started when Thomas Ligotti mentioned Mainlander along with other obscure pessimistic philosophers and writers in his philosophical magnum opus 'The Conspiracy Against the Human Race'. After that he along with those other names became a little known in English speaking world.

All the fags who are saying that /lit/ heard Mainlander's name from Cuck are retarded tourists.