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/lit/ - Literature

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1583664 No.1583664 [Reply] [Original]

>Talking to friend
>Says shes a huge Douglass Adams fan
>Didn't know Hitchhiker's guide was part of a series
>Didn't know who Dirk Gently is
>"I plan to read the book of Hitchhiker's Guide someday"

Phonies general

>> No.1583670

hi, people

>> No.1583673

>I get a Guide-related tattoo (DONT PANIC)
>best friend's girlfriend gets one a few weeks after seeing mine
>pretends to be into Adams but has only read the first book
>obviously crushing on me in a weird way
>forever awkward with him and her in the same room

>> No.1583675

>chatting with a cute girl at the bar who has clearly benefited from a superior education
>resolve to talk about something she doesn't know about so I can have the intellectual upper hand
>she knows more than me on every subject I know something about
>resolve to talk about Russian lit. in depth though at the time I'd only read a little Tolstoy and Dosty.
>i am a phony

>> No.1583676

Hitch-hiker's Guide was originally a radio series. Enjoy mistakenly thinking your favourite work is anything other than a novelisation.

>> No.1583677


>> No.1583680

> posting on /lit/
> talking about how much shit I read
> not reading shit lately

>> No.1583684
File: 9 KB, 320x272, 1293023084492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play The Great Gatsby game
>Quote the ending paragraph to impress women

>> No.1583687

>talking to cute girl at a bar
>actually hitting it off for once
>she's an English major and says she looooves to read
>"What's the best thing you've read lately?"
>"I just finished the new Twilight, it was pretty good!"

This is why you NEVER talk to a woman that goes to bars. I haven't even been to one in two years.

>> No.1583692

That wasn't phony, in fact its admirable someone from a lit background would admit to enjoying such garbage if they really do.

>> No.1583694

> talking to girl
> take her home
> smoke a pipe
> drink brandy
> fuck her
> tell her to leave
> tell /lit/ about it

>> No.1583698

>women who go to bars
yeah I also like to avoid persons who go to places

>> No.1583699

>working nights at hotel
>reading Thomas Hardy's The Woodlanders
>guy checks in and asks what I'm reading
>he says it's a good book
>right before he goes to his room he says Hardy was a great American novelist

>> No.1583701

>This is why you NEVER talk to a woman that goes to bars

Women going to bars? Preposterous.

>> No.1583705


>look how much experience with women i have, i know they go to bars

>> No.1583707

>yes that is what I was trying to convey.
your derp is showing.

>> No.1583708

I'll do one more.

>ask girl I like what he favorite books are
>she says The Scarlet Letter and adds The Tempest as her favorite play
>I talk to her about them for about half an hour
>go to bookstore next day & pick up both of them
>read The Tempest in a coffee shop a block away
>still haven't read The Scarlet Letter

>> No.1583710
File: 15 KB, 319x243, YouMad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your umad and TOLD status is showing.

>> No.1583713

>my apartment is now in tatters
>my gorlfriend has a black eye
>sirens approaching
>blood on the floor in the hallway
>i have killed every member of that Bengali family next door
>this is your brain on 4cham

>> No.1583716

>my apartment is now in tatters
>my gorlfriend has a black eye
>blood on the floor in the hallway
>i have now killed every member of that Bengali family next door
>sirens approaching
>this is your brain on 4cham