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File: 308 KB, 1120x691, SlateStarCodex_screenshot_-_June_22,_2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15835047 No.15835047 [Reply] [Original]

REAL NAME. Every thread someone says "I googled it and found it in 5 minutes". Does anyone know?

>> No.15835054

Scott Siskind

>> No.15835056

if you're that incompetent you don't deserve to know. Also why do you even want to know, what are you going to do with that information?

>> No.15835060
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 107-scottsiskind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My main specialty is biological psychiatry and psychopharmacology - but I'm a firm believer that this has to be done in the context of a good therapeutic relationship and holistic understanding of people's psychological and social situations. I try to stay up to date on the constantly-changing evidence for different medications and non-medication options.I'm especially interested in working with people with treatment-resistant depression. This can be a very challenging condition, but I think that with enough perseverance, willingness to try new things, and a tight feedback loop between psychiatrist and patient, there's a lot of potential to improve even the most difficult cases.I also work to guide people who are interested in integrative medicine like mindfulness and dietary supplements. These can run the gamut from 'completely useless' to 'basically proven', and it's important for doctors to be both open-minded enough to be able to talk about these with patients, and well-informed enough to give good advice about which ones are most likely to work. I look forward to working with anyone who thinks I can be of help to them.

>Before settling on medicine, I studied philosophy, taught elementary school, lived in Japan, and worked in a startup. I decided on psychiatry in part because of my own struggle with obsessive-compulsive disorder, and did my MD at University College Cork in Ireland and my residency at St. Mary Mercy Hospital in Michigan.

>> No.15835065

Ah. How did you find it? I'm more interested in the hunt than the actual name.

>> No.15835075

It's plastered all over twitter by people who don't like him.

>> No.15835410

Why do people not like him? His takes range from insightful to things I don't care about

>> No.15835417

He's long winded, and he doesn't always come down on the SJW side of thing, and he is convinced that his approach to the world is the right one.

For our new stalinistic left-wing overlords, anything that falls out of direct line with 100% accepted thought must be awful, and the more reasonable it sounds the worse it is! CANCEL CANCEL CANCEL BEFORE WE ARE CANCELED OURSELVES!!!! is the general unconscious mindset.

>> No.15835491

>our new stalinistic left-wing overlords

>> No.15835528

He says rather basic things (see his own self-description written above) in annoyingly pretentious and longwinded ways. Some people are mad at him because he flirts with neoreactionary thought and "human biodiversity" but you'll have to draw your own judgments on that.

>> No.15835550 [DELETED] 

Of all the dozens of people outraged about him getting doxed, I'm not seeing a lot of gentiles.

>> No.15835580

Stalin had artists sent to the Gulag for making works that didn't neatly fall into the style of soviet realism. That's all I mean when I say stalinist.

>> No.15835978

>left-wing overlords
Still a moron though

>> No.15835992

is pic related indicative of his content? utter trash

>> No.15835996
File: 67 KB, 475x330, larry-and-jeff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol getting this worked up over hyperbole!

>> No.15836497


>> No.15836540

this guy clearly wanted everyone to know his real name

>> No.15836715

Ofc. Jews crave persecution

>> No.15836869

>The new york times of all people doxed him
Wh.. why? He seemed like you ideal pretentious bougie liberal who bought into the general values of the system. Is it cause he tried to actually understand fringe right wing views and and make a counter argument rather than just insulting or ignoring them? Did they think someone in a polygamous relationship would secretly be a fascist...?

>> No.15836877

look up his post Kolmogorov Complexity on whatever archive has his stuff now.

>> No.15836883

> he couldn't find it
> even after 5 minutes

>> No.15836946

ALL of the sides of this clusterfuck believe that Internet is Serious Business, and some of these people probably have very curved hands.

>> No.15838357

https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/ is the premier place for people who don't like him, if you want to do a deep dive, but I don't recommend it.

>> No.15838410

>neoreactionary thought and "human biodiversity"
I think they're just uncomfortable with science. Knowing and studying these things is pretty normal.

>> No.15838538

mainstream cultural drivers see his blog as an alternative source of influence, exemplified by its prescience on the c*vid story. As such, it is treated as a rival and steps must be taken to suppress or eliminate it.

>> No.15838802

Take your meds.

>> No.15838887

when he says he lives with 10 people including some children, is he referring to his own family/ extended family, or is it some kind of weird commune/ roommate situation?

>> No.15838948

He's a cuck, sorry, polyamorous

>> No.15838958

I don't like SSC but god sneerclub is the most retarded place on earth

>> No.15838993
File: 272 KB, 520x2031, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Group house/roommates kind of thing

>> No.15839001

I can smell the rotting, festering dilation wounds from here

>> No.15839272 [DELETED] 

I went to one of those things in Berkeley and have never been to a more a place more packed with autists. Also some of the best conversation I’ve had.