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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 914 KB, 1920x2545, Countess_Bathory_jeongseok-lee-1-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15833886 No.15833886 [Reply] [Original]

What books would you recommend for someone looking to truly become well-rounded. A veritable 21st century renaissance man? I've been reading quite a bit of Biology, and some books on the Norman achievement of the medieval era. What can take my self-education to the next level?

>> No.15833925

Unironically Game of Life by Timothy Leary.

>> No.15833936

Look up the great books program cirriculum at st. Johns college. The /lit/ wiki has a chart as well for it. You can take it a step further by checking the curriculum for the eastern classics masters program at st. John's college. There are certainly more landmark works out there, but this is enough to get started.

>> No.15833958

fucking hell that list looks difficult,

>> No.15834157

Becoming a homo universalis/polymath in the 21st century will be a failed endavour anon, there is way too much information and complexity available now... the human mind wasn't meant to handle so much of it, its why mental disorders are so prevelant

But if you want to be a renessance man, its obvious you'll to read dozens upon dozens of books, your best bet is starting chronologically and building upon that, and learning to connect all different fields of study together, don't try to become a walking encyclopedia because if you do, you'll fail both tasks. Pinpoint a specific theory/idea you want to build with various fields of study

>> No.15834212

The reason I posted an art piece of Countess Bathory is that she was a very well educated 16th century noblewoman. She really was a renaissance woman, and also a very savvy business woman, keeping meticulous accounts of everything that transpired in respect to her estates. I have the urge to be like that.

>> No.15834215
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my diary desu

>> No.15834270

Just saying to be careful not to become jack of all trades, master of none, there's a fine line between it

>> No.15835038
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Well, I love medieval history and biology, so I will start with the Norman Achievement by Cassady, move into the black plague by Gottfried, and afterwards just go through biology and botany books.